
Economic Fairness Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Rich people whining about being richer isn't the issue; it's about everyone getting their fair share."
"We should have a system that's fair, that gives people their opportunity to shine and work themselves up the economic ladder."
"The President strongly believes that the ultra-wealthy and corporations need to finally start paying their fair share, and that our economy and tax system need to reward work, not wealth."
"No one should work 40 hours a week and live below the poverty wage." - President Biden
"I wouldn't give away billions to billionaires."
"Make all the money you want, just begin to pay your fair share at taxes."
"No one in America should work 40 hours a week making below the poverty line."
"You want to help them give them a living wage give them a college education that doesn't bury them under mountains of debt."
"It's very important that corporations and wealthy individuals pay their fair share."
"Flatter rates will mean more reward for that extra effort and vanishing loopholes and a minimum tax will mean that everybody and every corporation paid their fair share."
"I love keeping you guys in the loop because, like I said, the channel's never done better, but better isn't what satisfies me as a creator. Creating is what satisfies me as a creator."
"Bitcoin fixes this and why bitcoin fixes the world."
"Thanking is great but these are people. Is it fair that our economy pays the essential workers so little in such work conditions?" - Unnamed Senator
"If you work 40 hours per week in America, you should be able to afford a home in the city in which you work, the essentials of everyday life, and be able to put a little bit away in savings."
"Women make 82 cents on the dollar for every man for every dollar that a man earns."
"The gender pay Gap should be zero. It is not zero."
"We'll no longer have a situation where 55 of the largest Fortune 500 companies made 40 billion dollars each year... last two years... and paid zero. Zero."
"No one earning less than $400,000 year was a lot of money where I come from will pay an additional penny in federal tax not one single penny not one penny."
"A strong middle class can only exist in an economy where everyone plays by the same rules."
"I think it's what they deserve, a 5-6 percent pay increase."
"Paramedics should probably get paid a bit more."
"We will make the largest corporations in this country and the wealthiest people stop paying their fair share of taxes."
"It's time to reward work, not just wealth in America."
"Shout out to my fellow radicals who believe crazy things like a full-time job should be enough for you to live."
"We must fight for economic fairness and economic justice for everyone because that's what makes a stronger America."
"This is about economic fairness and economic justice for everyone."
"Every worker should get as high a wage as they can."
"No one who works full-time should have to live in poverty."
"Let's tie the minimum wage to the cost of living, so that it finally becomes a wage you can live on."
"Workers deserve to share in the wealth that their work creates."
"We should always reward and never punish work."
"You should actually be paying them higher wages."
"Someone has to pay for this and if nobody pays for this in the U.S then people are going to continue to pay for it in other countries and that's not fair just so that you can have the newest iPhone."
"Democrats don't just support a living wage Democrats support a wage with dignity."
"We demand the most from essential workers while paying them the least."
"The days of accepting unfair trade practices are over."
"We need a trade policy that benefits ordinary people, not just CEOs."
"If you work 40 hours a week in this country, you should not be living in poverty."
"The president believes billionaires should pay their fair share."
"I'm not anti-corporation I'm a capitalist man make all the money you want just begin to pay your fair share of taxes."
"Any deal that cheats Americans out of billions of dollars... is a bad one."
"The point about whether the economy is working for most people, I think that is a valid point."
"This is not asking for a handout it's asking for our taxpayer money to actually go back to the American people and help us."
"Americans know as a matter of common sense that it makes no sense for some corporation that makes billions of dollars in profits to be paying exactly zero in taxes."
"There should be a place where they're allowed to make their lion's share of their own labor."
"Workers deserve to participate in the prosperity that they are creating for others." - Senator Warnock
"We want everybody to benefit, especially the workers."
"Every single job someone works, no one deserves to be poor when they work a job, period."
"The reason that this is a consumer-driven movement, the reason that there are a lot of consumers supporting this, is because consumers are tired of getting ripped off."
"If you haven't played warframe yet, give it a go. It really is one of the best examples of free-to-play fair economy."
"Imagine people being able to earn, they don't have to work two jobs to be able to put food on their table. They should be able to have health care and a roof over their head and food for their family in the richest country in the world."
"We're not opposed to fair to free trade, we're all for free trade but it's got to be fair trade."
"They're making it more expensive for those who play by the rules and work hard."
"Paying people not paying them a living wage... if people are not getting paid a living wage, it's unacceptable."
"We believe in making sure the wealthiest among us pay their fair share."
"Wages bad, bad morals. Make them pay more. People need to be paid more money. All workers should be paid more money."
"Did you know that? And so if we're gonna use this fake money, maybe we should at least make sure everybody gets paid a living wage because everybody deserves a living wage."
"No one in this country should work full time and live in poverty." - White House Press Secretary Jensaki
"We cannot have an economy that only works for the top 10-15% of people."
"We're paying more into the system than we get out of it."
"If humans are the ones doing this job, they should probably, I don't know, be paid better."
"I mean, it's pretty clear: 'Thou shalt not steal and honest weights and measures.'"
"I'm not here to rescue the rich people, I'm just here to rescue the people that survive."
"Look at the fruits of his labor. They stopped oppressing the poor and inflating people."
"We're in this time where we talk about essential workers in this world in the middle of COVID, you know, the essential workers putting our food on our table, those same essential workers deli deserve to have a living wage and be paid fairly."
"The dumbest thing in the world: to take money from people who have been responsible to give to people who over-leveraged their debt."
"It's about dignity, dignified wages, a dignified life."
"Unionization and its many gains should be applauded for its contributions to our quality of life, the fair nature of our economy, and the expectations of workers and consumers alike."
"Our great country is booming like never before, and we're thriving on every single level."
"Continuing the eviction ban unfairly shifts economic hardships to the backs of housing providers."
"The whole point of a minimum wage law that a lot of people don't understand is it's just to say like, 'Hey, what's the lowest level we can have an employer pay an employee without it being exploitative, right?'"
"Nobody wants a mansion or anything like that, but an honest day's pay for an honest day's labor ought to give you an honest living."
"We believe the price fairly represents the value of what's being offered."
"You guys really want to give it all back to them for free?"
"Making sure our daughters get the same pay for the same jobs as our sons is every father's bottom line."
"Paying folks a livable wage is how you get people to want to stay. Not being greedy."
"People in my view my strong view is that people are entitled to maintain and and and have the fruits of their labor and that you know diluting the money supply printing money is theft and you're stealing people."
"I wish teachers got paid more. I really do. I wish most of our working class got paid more. It's how hard people have to work for so little return, especially up against inflation like we're seeing and so on."
"The farmers should be making an equitable amount of money, and you can do that with regenerative farming."
"One of the things is to make sure the capitalism works for the majority of people."
"Our current emphasis on corporate profits isn't working for the vast majority of Americans."
"Everybody's supposed to pay taxes, including the richest people in the country."
"I'm introducing the Pink Tax Repeal Act. We have got to get the federal government to protect women from this gross discrimination."
"It's important that black queer people asked to speak perform or offer their time are paid always and without a doubt."
"When you feel in a vague way at the end of the day that you're being ripped off, you're absolutely right."
"Increasing the price $30 overnight for next-gen games in Australia at least is a really [ __ ] move. That's my hot take on that."
"I want an economy that rewards hardworking people to be able to have good lives."
"You cannot have the whole of the working class subsidizing your mortgages so that you can make capital gains out of a house when there is a housing crisis."
"I will never let anyone rip off our great American worker."
"Let's raise the top capital gains tax rates on the wealthiest households and let's make sure most importantly that the tax revenue is properly allocated."
"That's what's really outrageous here, and you know, I'm obviously I'm not super concerned about like deficits and that doesn't drive my politics, etc. This is a basic matter of fairness."
"We don't need guns and flags, we need masks and healthcare and living wages."
"There are things that we should never pay for: core game mechanics. True."
"I want the average Joe and Jane out there to get the exact same interest rate on their checking account as Jamie Diamond."
"Maybe Google should start paying taxes first. That would be a great start, right?"
"These bills, in fact, are all designed to give ordinary people a fighting chance to begin to sort of level the plane for just a little bit."
"A good society allows workers to enjoy a significant share of the value that they create."
"We need a left wing internationally coordinated strategy in order to make sure that working people do not pay the price for the coronavirus crisis the same way they did the financial crisis 2007 2008."
"Everybody whoever is making money will have to pay tax, simple as that."
"They're worth more, and if we get paid more, you will get paid more as well."
"The billionaire minimum income tax will make America's tax code fairer."
"If microchip companies make a profit, it's a direct result of these federal grants that taxpayers of this country have a right to get a reasonable return on that investment."
"Giving consumers high quality content in more ways and at lower prices is what antitrust laws are supposed to promote, not prevent."
"Everybody deserves to make what they're worth."
"We want to cut taxes for American families, create millions of jobs, tackle the climate crisis, and pay for it by making corporations and the wealthy finally pay their fair share." - Chuck Schumer
"Nobody needs to be making eighty thousand dollars for a desk job, but a living wage, that's what it should be."
"Hardworking Americans deserve to benefit from the record corporate earnings they helped produce."
"If we have a healthy middle class that's getting their fair share of the pie that they're helping to bake, that's good for them, that's good for their community, that's good for the overall economy."
"America doesn't work best when a few men run everything. America works best when people get to keep the product of their labor."
"Our focus is on making life more affordable and ensuring corporations pay their fair share."
"Raising the minimum wage is something that American workers, American families deserve."