
Profound Impact Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Sometimes, the most profound connections are the ones we don't see coming."
"The science is very clear on this stuff; it can have a really profound effect."
"Your crowns have been blown open as a result of these interactions."
"The parallels drawn between biblical prophecies and contemporary events are undeniably profound."
"That was seriously one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced."
"The truth about aliens visiting planet Earth is much more profound."
"A terror so profound that it could be likened to madness."
"The water is going to have a really spiritual, mind-blowing impact and effect on you."
"Human intercourse is the most powerful act on the earth."
"I was absolutely floored from the first like note that he sung and then all the way through the album as an entire experience. It was what I was always hoping to find and becoming convinced that it would never exist."
"I think we have to recognize this is going to be a new normal but it's going to have a profound impact in ways that we certainly would not anticipate or certainly can't understand fully yet."
"I want you to walk away thinking this person spends a lot of time thinking about things that I don't think about but when they were brought up to me this person is educating me in the entire process of an experience I'd like to have."
"Williams' death shocked the world and left behind a profound legacy as one of the greatest entertainers of all time."
"Without a doubt one of the most deep and profound interviews that we've had."
"This phenomenon of enormous complexity, meaning, and value for understanding of ourselves."
"You have not because you ask not. That one verse should send shivers up and down every single one of our spiritual spines when it comes to prayer."
"If you take DMT, it doesn't require your belief. You will have a profound experience that shatters your view of how reality works."
"The fact that it speaks at all levels is profound beyond description."
"What held Him to that cross is His love for you and me. Staggering, staggering thing."
"The main thing that really triggered me was how deep the Quran was in its own way."
"Once you learn about it, it will change your view of the world so profoundly."
"Imagine digging a well so deep that it breaks into Hell."
"Strange loops are so incredibly profound, you don't even understand how profound a strange loop is."
"Connected with beauty at such a profound level... my whole life is being re-centered and reoriented around beauty."
"The truth shall set you free in ways that you couldn't possibly imagine."
"Just love. Love is the highest truth, the deepest truth, the most powerful infinite presence on Earth."
"I was gone 15 minutes, a thousand years of experience in 15 minutes."
"The acknowledgment of the ET presence will be the most profound event in human history."
"Everything about this just mind-bending, literally mind-bending."
"Literally touches your soul, there's just no better way to put it."
"I've been thinking about AI for a long time... it is fundamentally profound."
"That question is a devastating question. It is, sir."
"The moment my eyes connected with hers, it was as if I knew her my entire life."
"It's like me meeting Black Jesus or something, like that's him right there."
"It's the greatest thing that I have ever experienced in my life."
"He was someone who just had so much in him and was so willing to expend all of that profound and miraculous life force on people who had no power."
"The way the themes... are being used in this show... are deep and profound."
"Words are not meant to stir the air only: they are capable of moving greater things."
"That's what music is for, and that's what he's using it for. It's literally the most proper use of Music I've ever seen."
"Access to high-quality information can have a profound impact."
"There's just no privacy in the world, definitely with Google and Facebook."
"Choose obedience to God, and experience his presence in a profound and transformational way."
"Life continued after death, profoundly changing those who experienced it."
"It's hard to believe that one of the most amazing and unexplained things on earth is a small coin that you might just pass by if you saw it laying on the street."
"Water beckons. Nothing else offers more profound promise or greater wonders."
"Once you realize it, it has the potential to change your whole life."
"The sense of connection is just. It's unbelievable."
"The plot combined with the characters can be really profound."
"There's something really profound about building community and sharing."
"One of everything you've ever learned about your life, your existence, your world, and your reality. We're alive. After this video, you will know the truth."
"His deep commitment to the world, not just to the Ahmadiyya community, but to seeing more peace and more love throughout the world is truly astonishing."
"Jesus is really here like this isn't just a philosophy this is real and this is extraordinary."
"If aliens are here, that changes absolutely everything more radically than anything else ever before."
"I walked out just in love with it, it's one of my favorite comic book movies of all time."
"I feel like I've been able to say I've made it for a while now, but 1 million subscribers, that's a lot of people."
"I remember people jumping out of the windows and I remember people not making it."
"As a testament to truly how moved Alexander was by this tragic loss, he founded a new city, Bucephalia, on the Hydaspes in honor of his dearest friend."
"This is one of the most mind-blowing conversations I've had."
"Veganism has just had such a profound effect."
"This measurement will go on to have deeply profound consequences but it's wonderfully simple in astronomy."
"Honestly, this encounter left me forever changed."
"The Bible is the most incredible book because it's the only book that when you open it, it doesn't just allow you to read it, it reads you."
"I felt as if I had been awakened by her words"
"The invention of the sewing machine was truly profound. It changed economies, industries, and women's roles."
"Pray little prayers of trust, they're profound and powerful."
"I cannot even convey how I think awestruck is the only word I could find."
"There is profound meaning, profound implication, profound significance in this event. But you can only fathom that significance if you locate this event in a context."
"That's always very nice to hear how inspiring that the energy of how every musician was talking to each other was just profound."
"I want my mind to be blown; I want my soul to be rearranged when I read a book."
"It's profound and it's how you help heal this planet."
"We honestly felt that there was something so profoundly important about music."
"Lightning really struck me right in the heart."
"It was so quiet and so held, but emotionally the power behind every nuanced little moment was so resonant and profound to me."
"The knowledge that this kind of life that we know of on this planet is not the only one will have very profound influence."
"Some of the simplest and most profound advice."
"Never before, and perhaps never again, will a single effort so profoundly affect the future of mankind."
"You have touched my heart so profoundly; I know I will never be the same."
"Every sentence makes you stop and think, 'Oh my God, that's an amazing sentence that is saying so much, that is doing so much.'"
"That is pure concentrated goosebumps and tears."
"The definition of the word genius extends to someone who makes a profound effect on the lives of others."
"If identities are shaped by the way that you look and the gods that you do or don't believe in, and the place that you were born and grew up in, autism affects you even more profoundly than that."
"I felt drawn into it as I stared at it, and I simultaneously had the sensation that it read every thought and even my life."
"The most inspirational thing I've ever heard in my life."
"What is happening now is a more fundamental, profound change than mankind has ever experienced."
"This is going to be really quite profound."
"You can have a profound impact on people's lives."
"That kind of just shakes you to your core."
"The absolute strongest and most life-changing experience I've ever encountered and could ever imagine encountering had just occurred."
"Our physical world is going to become incredibly interconnected in very powerful and profound ways."
"Of all the revolutions that took place at that time, I believe quantum mechanics is the most profound and the most enduring revolution from that period."
"They feel as though there's a deeper meaning behind the two of you meeting each other in the first place."
"I would highly suggest this book, it's extremely extremely short, very simple, but this book has had a profound impact on me."