
Land Use Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"Industrial agriculture uses 75 percent of available farmland yet produces just 30 percent of the food."
"A mostly plant-based diet would free up 50% of the land that we currently use for agriculture."
"We could power the whole of New South Wales with wind and solar using less than one percent of available land."
"The number one most important driver of biodiversity and species loss is land-use change."
"Disneyland sits on 160 acres of land, but only 85 acres are open to the public."
"If you own territory, vast swath of landed, you're doing nothing to it and someone comes and squats on it and spends a lot of time improving it, at some point they actually develop a valid legal claim to the property itself."
"Geothermal energy could provide a more stable supply of clean power while taking up barely any land."
"We have more land where there's no one than we have land where there is anyone."
"About 100 square kilometers are still absolutely barred by law from public admission and agricultural usage."
"But that's quite interesting as well so if you know if I'm driving on the road and I see a solar farm on a side of a hill somewhere it doesn't necessarily mean that the people who installed that solar own the land."
"It's good land for sheep but also for corn. But also, it has lots of very attractive bits of scenery where, you know, the Cotswolds well known for that. And a lot of these villas are cited for aesthetic reasons, as well as practical reasons."
"Disney admits that the agreements require other landowners to obtain Disney's prior written approval for development."
"It's somebody's right to ask questions if the majority of the land is being... used."
"Our world in data points out that beef is like no other food for land use."
"Their agriculture is much more intensive and therefore sustainable than we thought and they were cultivating every inch of the land."
"Soil is repairable and improvable, we don't need to buy land based on the quality of soil."
"If your business is struggling but you have a lot of land you might want to consider Hipcamp, it's called the Airbnb of camping."
"Of all agricultural land in the world, two-thirds is what we call marginal, meaning you cannot grow crops there."
"I demand excellence out of myself first, and then out of my teammates. And I want nothing less."
"Maximizing land use: Challenges of retrofitting urban spaces."
"My dream is that all of this 50 percent of America's farmland... we will see an exponential entrepreneurial explosion."
"You own the land, it's your land, you're the farmer, can't you put solar panels? Can't you farm for the sun as much as you can farm for corn?"
"If everybody was to adopt a plant-based diet, we would only need... a quarter of the amount of land we're currently using for farming." - Nina
"Increasing density in targeted areas - Smart growth for a vibrant community!"
"Low land value near the hospital would seem to be a good place for a small park."
"Remember if Houston...can get organized around people-friendly land use and transportation priorities any City can do it."
"You only need a little bit of space, but honestly, if you're even looking to get started on a bigger scale, you don't even need an acre."
"Let's get rid of the wooden keep and the small forestry buildings here and let's turn this into a residential area."
"We hope this video inspires you to look at more sustainable ways of working with your land."
"You really don't need to have much land if you want to go into specialty crops, I've seen a lot of farmers do that and that's a great route to go down."
"You do not need 40 acres, you don't need a hundred acres if you are a small family, a couple acres you would be amazed at how much."
"That land might still want to live there but it has no spiritual purpose in the plan of God."
"What you can do with a piece of land is almost infinite."
"The total land area intensively farmed today is 12 and a half percent of all land."
"It is another caveat of Kentucky zoning law that land can always be used for a purpose lesser on the scale of hierarchy than its current zoning."
"I way prefer that where the landowner has the decision now do I want to continue to keep people off and not make that money or do I want to accept the money and make it publicly accessible that makes a lot of sense."
"Brownfield land... essentially land that has been developed in the past and is up for essentially redevelopment."
"You can camp on BLM land anytime, anywhere for up to 14 days in one spot."
"To densify carefully, to extend the existing situation, do not to wasting land, to involve a separate imposition strategy of proximity case by case to agglomerate, to expand, and to add."
"You could have a pretty large hole cut in the canopy that allows sunlight in that now becomes potential pasture land."
"Surface mining has actually brought utilization and development of the land."
"Efficiency and production and profitability are not adequate standards for land use. The standard has to come from nature."
"Only one percent of the planet's surface is urban, but 40 percent is agriculture, and of that, 28 percent is for grazing, producing just one percent of our protein from animals fed on grass alone."
"When the highest and best use of a piece of real estate is going to change, the existing use is the property's interim use."
"In adverse possession, the person using the land may have a legal claim to it after a certain period of time."
"We make over 8,000 acres of property available to surrounding communities for use as parkland and green space."
"Ultimately how land is used depends on how it's owned and who owns it, and it's their motivation that's critical to understand."
"This is the new book from Rizzoli Press, American Geography, photographs of land use from 1840 to the present."
"This is what we've been able to do so don't think you need acres and acres of land to get it done."
"You're trying to find the dimensions that will maximize the area of a plot of land or that will minimize the amount of fencing required."
"If we plowed the land, we could grow a nice orchard here."
"The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl by Timothy Egan... it talks about the way in which we use the land as well."
"Land reclamation is not a trivial thing; it requires a true demand for new land and a lack of viable alternatives."
"There's only a certain amount of arable land in the world, land which is not used for housing, land upon which crops can be grown in a sustainable fashion."
"Sports venues are such a unique and challenging and I think important urban land use."
"This can help feed a lot of people and a lot of people are looking at this as a way to produce more food that is a cheaper cost and can feed more without having to then worry about putting more of a burden on the land."
"If everyone in the world was to eat the average diet of an American, we just physically wouldn't have enough land."
"We need more allotments... we need to... turn lawns into gardens."
"How can we use land more efficiently?"
"The third will be the identification of the material observed themselves in order to turn them into land cover or land use maps."
"Transforming the way commuters get around Sydney, it's about changing the way we use land."
"No activity affects more of the Earth's surface than farming."
"If we choose principles of land use and technologies appropriate for these ethical precepts, we have the best chance of surviving over generations in a world we'd like to live in."
"On acreage, you have more practical use for this."
"It's really interesting to see the land here and how it's been carved out because basically, the people that lived here previously had no space to do any farming, so they had to carve the mountain to get little strips of flat land."
"Local governments also have considerable discretion when enacting zoning regulations or land use classifications."
"Our increasing demands for land use can lead to problems like deforestation."
"Permaculture doesn't all have to be done like this; it needs to actually match your goals for how you want to use your land."
"How does nature and life use your land?"
"Land use is a huge component of transportation, and these two things go together like a pair."
"We have to teach them different ways of living, using the land but properly."
"A vegan diet uses 1/8 as much land as our current diet."
"It's amazing that we can use just what's given to us from the land to provide shelter."
"The principle of highest and best use is the use of the land which will bring the owner the highest net return."
"You don't need to own the land, what you need though is to know what you're doing."
"Sequent occupants: how have people been occupying the land and how they change the land over time."
"This grassland here, I can't farm this with arable; beef is actually the best use for this land."
"Von Thünen's agricultural model portrayed agricultural land use through rings in different cities and places around the world."
"A high density of channels allows the water to travel over the land for less of the time."
"It's incredible to see this, all this land here, in 2001 was still active."
"It's too much real estate to go wasted by having nothing to eat on it; it needs goats."
"We're taking parts of the farm that is basically then unmanaged timber and with some selective thinning and then controlled grazing."
"We could use less agricultural land than we use today if we move to a completely plant-based food system."
"In the urban and regional planning, we deal with parameters like land use, infrastructure facilities and amenities."
"Animal agriculture requires far more land than plant agriculture."