
Contract Quotes

There are 508 quotes

"Lamar Jackson signed the largest NFL contract for 255 million dollars, and he did it all without an agent."
"A society is a contract... between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born."
"Punk's contract was going to expire, this gave him the opportunity to part ways with the organization with the belt in hand."
"NBC exec regret paying Jimmy Fallon 80 million dollar contract extension."
"That was the contract: if you can get past these tests, you're going to be rewarded with great power."
"Finally, our two favorite filmmakers of the moment, Josh and Benny Safdie, have officially signed a deal to develop content for HBO."
"Contract torn up, he's going to remain a Manchester United player."
"Kick reportedly signed a deal worth over 75 million with Twitch streamer your rage."
"Joe Ingles four years 80 million to stay with the Raptors."
"Kyrie Irving has agreed to a three-year 126 with a Mav deal to return to the Mavericks."
"Nick Mercs signed the biggest stream deal ever, 30 to 40 mil, bigger than Ninja's 150 mil from five years."
"Taylor Swift signed a new huge independent deal."
"May commanded him to hand it over... he signed over the lease worth eighteen thousand dollars."
"Shani got a 10-year deal for $700 million and it's because he's a freaking unicorn."
"I'm not convinced about Pogba's future at United. I'm not. He's got one year left on his contract and I think people are sleeping on what's gonna happen this summer."
"I think he'd be a brilliant signing from a permanent deal."
"About to secure the greatest contract in the history of the profession."
"He's back in the side now, James, chasing a recipient of a new recent contract."
"Gabrielle Martinelli is the surest sign of that yet, having signed a new deal at the club just last month."
"One was definitely that $15 million contract just for security services."
"We're not here by accident, we are here because we said yes and made a contract to be here."
"Marriage is a contract; if a couple goes into marriage knowing that divorce is an option, then they should be allowed to."
"Shams Charania reports: Kyrie Irving is opting into his $37 million player option for the 2022-2023 season, bypassing multiple opt-in and trade scenarios."
"Kyrie Irving plans to exercise his $36 million player option for next season and return to the Brooklyn Nets, sources confirm."
"I would have signed the [__] out of that 10 million deal."
"It does not guarantee that they'll make five more films with them at all, not in the least. They can just move on."
"A contract is an agreement between two parties."
"A valid contract is a contract that has all the elements to be enforceable in the law courts."
"An implied contract is entered into by the behavior of the parties involved in the contract."
"They've already had talks at an extension aimed at signing Trevor Lawrence to a long-term deal."
"Crew 6 is technically the end of the very first contract for crew rotation that SpaceX had with NASA."
"I'm not everyone; we'll stick to my contract."
"The best is yet to come, you don't know what the rest of the contract is."
"You only enter into a contract if there's a voluntary agreement between two parties."
"Bravo, contract successfully saved."
"I'm not putting my signature on no paper."
"Just because a contract has been signed, it's not the end; rather, it's the beginning."
"It's a contact between two parties, usually a fairly long-term contract, to exchange cash flows."
"I buy the phone outright, so I'm not locked into 64 months or whatever."
"Joseph Anderson signs a two-year deal with Cass theast."
"The only marriage contract is love."
"Congratu lations we have another contract."
"Take a lot of showers in the day." "Well, it was written into our contract."
"Being a union, have them check your contract and make sure that your contract is not outdated."
"Unconscionable conduct occurs when one person is under a special disadvantage and the other person knows or ought to know about that disadvantage and they take advantage of their superior position."
"Undue influence occurs when a person might have entered into a contract without actually agreeing to the terms of the contract but rather they've been talked into the contract by the improper influence of some other person."
"For starters, any contract to commit a crime commits a tort which is something like negligence or civil assault."
"The fact that they rewrote the contract to include Zehmer's wife. I think that really shows thought and the fact that this was a real contract and not a joke."
"So how do you prevent it? You put a cap on your expenses. You say in the contract, 'You can't spend more than, you know, say 5% of the revenue that you're generating unless you get sign-off from me.'"
"They thought they had a really good shot at a big military contract."
"I love about the contract here is like I don't have to say anything good about any of these discs and so as I review them if I don't like them I cannot like them and that's completely okay."
"The label tried to cut out the middleman, like basic, even like I say, like people like me, like artist."
"You could get what you negotiate, so the same way you can sign to an artist and have a decent contract, you know what I'm saying, you get what you negotiate at the end of the day."
"AJ wrestling without a contract. He has to win the title here tonight to make Dixie pay."
"After Tupac's death, Snoop Dogg said that he signed a contract with Death Row to make music and not to participate in gangster activity."
"I'll pay you six figures on top of the initial contract. Seven, I want seven figures, I say. If I have to put up with your ass and pretend to like you, I won't do it for a penny less."
"Sacred can mean 'special contract termination is usually by mutual consent whether part of the contract or not.' You make a good point about no-fault divorce being part of the contract."
"I can get you out the contract if you take the muzzle off and let me get as ratchet as I can."
"By contract, verbally, the way you want to say it. If they break those rules, simple, I leave them here."
"I was still on contract for almost 7 months and uh it was a work pay best of year of my life cuz I didn't work too much."
"...signing a four-year deal with Discmania. At the end of this contract, he will be with Discmania for 10 years. He's been with them for six, he's going to be with them for 10 years after this contract."
"As far as he knows, [Nicholas's] contract is the biggest European contract. When asked if Nicholas can achieve a million euros during the next four years, he replies, 'It is possible, even probable.'"
"Society chose to embrace Sybil. To her, society is a contract."
"Changhai tensed up and thought that according to what zumu had taught him a true contract master would not allow an adventurer disguised as a novice to enter the dungeon so as not to lose a buyer."
"The contract said I can't hit this [__], not you."
"Reggie White, the most coveted player in the NFL's first year of true free agency, agrees to a four-year, 17 million dollar contract with the Green Bay Packers."
"...if you breach a contract you could end up paying more than the actual value of the contract the person who is the victim gets all of the damages resulting from your breach."
"Lamar Jackson and the Baltimore Ravens have agreed to terms on a brand new contract extension. This Saga which has been ongoing for weeks months years is expected to be over."
"Maybe it's not always the raider; it's that some employees had trusted in an implicit contract that they were offered by their employer."
"Bill O'Brien got a massive four-year extension."
"How many more months do you have left on that lease?"
"The contract is valid until Gaspard fully returns to his body."
"He opens the contract and sees a marriage acknowledged only by a piece of paper. Really funny."
"A financial contingency provides a way for buyers to back out of a sale if their loan falls through."
"Maybe on the next video should we cover how to then analyze to know what price to offer and maybe even how to present that offer with a contract?"
"I am giving you two choices, okay? I am interpreting this contract to mean as follows: You can never post something without giving her credit."
"It's crazy to me. And when you hear him talking about the justification via the contract, I hope it's so obvious to everybody how they know how unjustified this is. That is just straight up theft in my opinion."
"There was a contract put out to have me shot, but the guy it was given to actually went to the police and said, 'Look, I want to sort of basically hand myself in.'"
"The billion-year contract... They own you, man."
"The contract would be null and void; your Final Hunt— and those of your descendants after you— will otherwise be entirely at your discretion."
"You have a sacred contract with the universe."
"Always have a contract. Always. Have. A. Contract."
"Your Prime contract all fighting up after the older cryptozy stuff you feeling okay yeah it is."
"Assignment: The buyer may assign this contract or any of its rights hereunder to any person, partnership, corporation, or entity without notice to the seller. That's gangster."
"People should actually read the contract before making a fuss."
"They know that they have to uphold their level of this contract... They really want this, but they're struggling."
"You think I'm a joke? I'm telling you right now, don't sign this contract. If you sign this, everything you've done to me will look like kid games compared to what I do to you."
"It's always a new Distributors contract in fact you should be actually wary if it's not their contract because that probably indicates they don't know better and they haven't been doing it very long."
"I have been offered a million-dollar contract by two different brands."
"A contract is legally enforceable when there's consideration - a promise for a promise, a promise for an act, or a promise for money."
"Words in a contract are interpreted based on the reasonable understanding of a person in that situation."
"A contract modification under UCC doesn't always require fresh consideration."
"Funk isn't in the contract it is now we just bought sold out records."
"...conflicting reports from his own mouth as to how long his contract is and or whether he asked for his release."
"Shout out to Mike Perry. Next contract, make sure you get a little piece of the company."
"Set the scene. Introduce yourself. It's a weird one if you already know them then fair enough but actually like hey how you been like get that contract get that engagement started."
"Someone you have a spiritual contract with."
"It's a performance this dominant, you think enough to secure yourself a PFL contract at the end of the night?"
"If by my outward actions the reasonable person would think I meant X, then that is the term of the contract."
"You feel me? That [expletive] is wack, but like you said, it's contractual."
"Any breach, no matter how big or small, is a breach of contract."
"A contract is a legally binding agreement that obligates a vendor to."
"new contract five and a half year then"
"He was on the biggest team-friendly deal."
"Jack Kirby's contract with DC called for fifteen pages edited, written, and penciled a week."
"I signed a new contract when I come back from Manchester United as well right um a four-year contract which was a blank contract by the way he made the sign a bank contract."
"What did you make of Kayla signing with the PFL? How easy is it to say I'll beat Juliano with one arm tied behind my back and then sign a seven year contract to the PFL right after the next day?"
"If you land one direct shipper contract, you can make up to a hundred thousand dollars more every single year."
"Scarlett Johansson sued Marvel for Black Widow because they released it on stream and in theaters, she was like, 'Oh man, this ain't part of my backhand deal.'"
"That's just a lease to own, you don't have a lease to own. Well, that's what our agreement is, a lease to own."
"Have a contract. Always verify that the person is actually going to need the order."
"This is like a contract that was written long ago for me to actually be pushed beyond my limits of being human."
"The first contract that I landed was literally for 28 days over that 28 day period, it was two hours a day which totals 56 hours and it was for seventy thousand dollars."
"Are you are you serious about the contract thing? No, I'm dead serious dude."
"I'm not going to design and build an entirely new system until you pay me for the current one built to the specs that we agreed on."
"In August of 1918, another contract was let out to the Kerrin Brothers of Montreal, Canada. This was for three hundred thousand pistols at a cost plus 10 percent for the first ten thousand, negotiating the rest later."
"I hope he gets a lot better at it than that. True, the problem is that your mother breaking her vow broke the contract and released me from my vow."
"That's 11 goals in our last four games and we're giving Dyer a new contract, this is unbelievable."
"The agreed Paretian contract is itself a disequilibrium outcome."
"It's right in here, well, they told me just to look at the contract, yeah, I know, I just did, but you didn't, so I did."
"When you hire somebody to perform a service, you should at least map out the scope of the job."
"Despite Liverpool's poor 22-23 season, Salah signed a three-year contract extension with the club, becoming the club's highest-paid player ever."
"They put out this massive contract which we ended up winning. It was worth $300 million, biggest contract Small Arms contract in history as far as I'm aware."
"But for the second straight offseason, head coach Tom Coughlin received a one-year contract extension."
"...you suffer for somebody else's good... what a terrible contract... what a terrible spell to have in your own mind."
"I don't think he should because the contract technically said, like, people say billionaires stay billionaires because they're stingy with their money. He could have not paid me. He chose to pay me. Good guy."
"I don't want to see people singing 'Sabitzer's at the wheel' and let's give him a contract before the end of May. Let's give him the next seven weeks."
"To say that he would outplay that contract would be an understatement."
"I think that's a way that you could get out of your contract."
"Brad Pitt agreed to make a brief cameo in Deadpool 2 for the daily minimum rate of less than one thousand dollars a day."
"By entering into a contract where you're combining your labor with somebody else's capital, you're sacrificing some level of autonomy for a greater end."
"Getting things under contract will only create more problems for you, and we will collectively solve them together as my sub two students lead you."
"As soon as anybody affiliated with the firm knows, we're under contract."
"Are you gonna be given a written contract, an offer letter, or a verbal agreement?"
"I feel like I'm kicking down the barrier kinda because I did get a contract, and it's off an established label."
"Some of you guys could be an artist here, a singer, a beat maker, a rapper, someone here is an artist and you're about to get a contract here."
"We were ready to sign a 10-year contract."
"If it's not in the contract, you can't go for it."
"You pay them that under the terms of the contract."
"I've got a long-term contract with a Cup team."
"Marriage is a contract, it's a business deal."
"The relative expertise of the parties is considered in determining if a statement is a term or representation."
"Understand your contract, talk to your advisor."
"Well, sounded like a wild yarn. Then I read that contract you left me."
"A contract? What's that? Contract, treaty, agreement. They're fancy ways of saying you'll keep your promise. No matter how old the promise is, it's important to keep it."
"The original contract with the Divine is that I will live this life wholeheartedly to the best that I can and I will participate and dedicate my life, my energy, and my awareness to that life as best as I can."
"He has signed one of the biggest available wrestling names currently living to a contract to work for him."
"He signed a contract basically saying, 'You, Walter, will get a monthly fee for being Walter, but I will own you. Everything about you.' And Walter signed it."
"Please Tony, do something for the wrestling fans and let Malachi Black out of his contract."
"It seems that Red Bull quite likes Perez and it seems that Perez quite likes Red Bull—mostly having just put in the best performance of any of Max's teammates since Ricciardo. It's no surprise the man now has a contract with the team until the end of 2024."
"It's not the holiday season, it's contract season."
"I think it was probably sometime in the middle of the first season when I had my significant other roll over in bed and she put her hand across me and I'm like, 'Oh god, Trier fell on me. Oh god, I'm trapped in this contract. Oh god, I'm married to Paul Schreier.'"
"What economic position would this plaintiff have been in had the contract been performed as promised?"
"So by submitting that highest or lowest bid, you are performing the act, and what forms at that point is a unilateral contract."
"The goal of reliance damages is to put the plaintiff in the position they would have been if the contract had never been formed."
"The only downside was being contracted by a fascist government which meant they once again had to make airplane engines for a second war effort."
"I could actually imagine that they'll have like a clause in his contract saying don't do any dumb illegal stuff."
"You're contracted, it's a simple argument."
"You're a business entity. And so you've got your fan base who made you what you are. They made you the success that you are and they made you extremely wealthy and very successful. You have entered into a contract with them, and you now owe them something."
"A society could only be civil if the majority bought into the social contract."
"But the beauty with Tesla is when I did put that order in I was locked into that contract so I'll still get the car for that cheaper price which is amazing."
"Monique stood her ground, citing her contract. She had only received a poultry $5,000 for her role in the entire movie, which wasn't enough."
"Klay Thompson's looking for that four-year deal. Once I'm done, I'm 37 or 38."
"You can literally get a deal under contract, sell your contract without having to meet the seller or the buyer. Do it all from your home."
"The Colonel sent Lieber and Stoller a piece of white paper with a line on it and said, 'Hey, great news. Elvis wants to work with you. I'm working out the contract. Sign that, send it back.' Never."
"He signed a four-year, 2.37 million dollar contract with the Patriots."
"An implied in law contract, sometimes known as a quasi-contract, is a legally enforceable agreement that neither party intended to make, used by courts to reward someone for services rendered."
"You absolutely have to include this and disclose that you're going to assign the contract and that you're not actually the end buyer."
"Suddenly the area is filled with a strong force that comes from the light pillar that emanates from the contract voila the contract has successfully completed then the spirit pet creation simulator congratulates him for it."
"To him this was so great for e-chan successfully made a contract but also could communicate with his Spirit pet he cannot contain so much happiness so he emotionally hugs his Spirit pet."
"The only way to change it is to add an endorsement, staple it to the back, and now you amend the original contract."
"Even though I didn't realize that's what I was signing up for when I signed the contract, I didn't realize that was what I was saying. But it comes with it."
"From This Moment forward there is nothing between us but a contract."
"In establishing this new contract, a bond is formed, an oath in our hearts, and hope in our souls."
"Desperate and now out of time, Himano offers her contract devil a new contract."
"There was no contract, unlike cable services."
"If you do super well, you can renew the contract. If you're sucking, they probably are gonna let you be a free floater."
"You're signing the contract and you want to compete. Give me a venue and give me an opponent."
"If you and your dumbass lawyers had read this contract, you would see the fine print."
"NBC president Brandon Tartikoff extended her contract to a series regular during the filming of the pilot."
"Your lease contract reflects 95% of your landlord's wishes and about five percent of your wishes."
"Contracts mean nothing. We've learned that."
"And then Boeing you know back in March they already have that four billion dollar B billion dollar contract with the US government or the Navy specifically to produce 70"
"...did he breach the contract or did you? I find that you breached the contract."
"If he's an opt-out, he's a free agent. Why can't he?"
"If a player doesn't come up to scratch, there's a chance he doesn't get offered a contract or the chance of cementing a spot here."
"Market pricing is meant to govern relations in the market. In market pricing, the principal lubricant of exchange is not trust, it's not authority, it's not reciprocity, it's contract."
"Boston's getting a cheap contract because they don't have any cap space."
"But that's not what you're doing. You're coming to court and saying, 'You breached the contract because I don't like what you've done so far.' That's not how it works."
"Acceleration Clause. A due on sale clause in a real estate contract is also known as an acceleration clause, which allows the lender to demand full payment if the property is sold or transferred."
"I'm obligated by contract to vote for the ramen."
"I do apologize, but you see that contract was done between the clan head of the Hyuga and the Yondaime Hokage."
"Big news this afternoon, Mitchell Moses reportedly committing for five more years with the Eels."
"If you want to force your employer to abide by a contract, make sure you understand the contract."
"Read the contract, see if you can do it. But again, if you see some very specific verbiage that makes no sense, you know, don't waste your time with it."
"I want to make sure that everybody has this contract so that if you are going to lend or you are going to borrow, you are both protected."
"I just signed a two-grand contract with no money and then put on my business plan."
"The same is not true of the seller. It is very, very bad for a seller to breach this agreement."
"The ultimate goal of the contract is security but freedom."
"Incorporation through previous dealings... if the parties have dealt with each other before then the term may be incorporated through these dealings even where the term was not brought to the attention of the other party."