
Corporation Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"If the emerging collusion between government and giant Corporation continues, there won't be anything that you do that can't be used against you, and will be used against you, in very short order."
"Samsung has on Korean society... it is actually an incredibly diverse Mega Corporation."
"Sarver got to avoid being publicly condemned by a massive corporation."
"EA is known as the money hungry company by the way that stands for Electronic Arts as they have made so many electronic pieces of art."
"Singer became one of the largest corporations in the world and the first American multinational company."
"The Dutch East India Company was the first publicly traded corporation in the world."
"That's the idea of a corporation."
"Monsanto is essentially your stereotypical evil conglomerate company."
"Do I want that only because it is also chosen for me by a corporation?"
"It was not only the largest Railroad and transportation Enterprise in the world, but it was also the largest corporation on Earth."
"They are a big corporation, they came in and acted like bullies, and we've beat them-- you know, this little team of folks-- has beat them so far. The question is, will we be able to beat them in the end?"
"Limited liability and corporate personhood enabled large-scale finance and production."
"The rise of the corporation was seen as the future of capitalism."
"When a private corporation exercises public power, its decisions are subject to judicial review."
"If you care at all about giant corporations harvesting your personal data for nefarious purposes, you might have heard of one company that does things differently."
"It's shocking that the people that were against this, I mean, I understand why because they're mad about who he appointed to the board, but this Corporation had, like, unlimited power. They were allowed to do whatever the hell they wanted currently, like garbage."
"If you see yourself as a contractor for this Corporation, you are absolutely working for them."
"HSBC stands for Hong Kong and Shanghai banking corporation."
"...instead of working as an employee... you form usually an LLC Corporation yourself..."
"During its heyday, the company would surpass the strength and wealth of even the mightiest nation-states."
"I love this take on Adrian and his crew I love that this is a very modern thread whether you're following the MCU or not just this idea of like multi-billionaire massive corporation is coming in and just taken everything."
"A corporation is not a person. A corporation is a series of transactions masquerading as a personality through mascots and given a false tangibility through brick and mortar stores."
"If you guys were not on team Prime before, I'm gonna need you guys to backtrack and go subscribe right now and join team Prime because this is a family channel and we're all one big team."
"An S Corporation is a type of corporation in which the owners are considered to be employees of the business."
"The East India Company: a corporation that changed the world."
"The church acts like a corporation, breathes like a corporation, it is a corporation."
"DX keep the corporation from getting in the ring."
"Brand recognition as a pretty important advantage that a big corporation has and, like it or not, it actually does make a difference."
"This is a corporation running your life. You buy into this community, you buy into it, but even if you own the house, they own that. That's weird."
"Apple has more cash on hand than entire countries. Like, what? They set records every year for, like, their actual cash on hand that they have."
"Queen Elizabeth I sanctioned the formation of one such corporation, the Governor and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies, which history would eventually come to know as the East India Company."
"The corporations of social abstraction, right to take this thing that just exists in our heads and treat it in some senses as a person that can own property and where you limit liability, that was a social convention that people had to arrive at."
"It built and destroyed empires, enslaved millions, and created the most powerful corporation the world has ever seen."
"Bond follows a lead to the Osato Corporation."
"Don't trust them, no, don't trust that Corporation."
"Ayala Corporation has played a big role in the development of the country."
"Ayala Corporation is massive. I don't think you can last a day without getting in touch with a product or service that Ayala Corp hasn't been a part of."
"American is a concept, America is a corporation."
"Apple is arguably the greatest corporation that the world has ever seen."
"The United Fruit Company... was really nothing less than a state within a state."
"A very thought-provoking, fascinating book about how, effectively, a for-profit corporation took over an entire country."
"Nintendo may be responsible for filling millions of childhoods with wonder, but it's still a massive corporation."
"It's usually a good idea to think about operating as either a corporation or a limited liability company."
"Microsoft... eventually grew into a major multinational technology corporation."
"Stasher company is also a B corp."
"The advantages of having a corporation is that you pay yourself only what you need."
"We are part of a community not part of a big Corporation."
"It should be treated like the profit-seeking corporation it is, just like any other company."
"We warm your home, we power your city, we Monsters Incorporated."
"The East India companies were the world's first multinational corporations; they accumulated vast fortunes but were prone to corruption and mismanagement."
"On May 2nd, 1670, the Hudson's Bay Company was incorporated with a royal Charter granted from King Charles II of England."
"This apocalyptic disaster was not a gift from heaven but a man-made catastrophe caused by Umbrella Corporation."
"We strive to be a corporation that promotes American culture and people both domestically and globally."
"Our family is like a big corporation and the most important director of the whole structure is our father and grandfather."
"It took a while for anyone to notice that a human mega corporation was building a Dyson sphere."
"US Steel... became the first billion-dollar company and also the largest enterprise in the world."
"The primary advantage of a corporation over some of these different forms of ownership is the fact that you get limited liability for the owners."