
Urban Environment Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"When you imagine a city, what do you see? I see the predominance of cracked grey concrete and black pitch, litter strewn amongst alleys and drains, monuments to man’s hubris scraping the skies."
"The urban environment is powerful and evocative, reflective of the people, places, and times."
"Hong Kong is not just cars and buildings, there are many parks here."
"You're not gonna get mugged on the street, you know what I mean?"
"Put on your Roman sandals, there's a lot of rats and pigeons out there."
"The music is a symptom of a thing that is going on in cities all over the world."
"Ain't no such things as halfway crooks. They have all around with a beef cooks in my part of town."
"We'll also replace the yellow dots and pink dots with pedestrians and vehicles."
"Chicago may be dirty but some of the best food you will ever eat, man."
"The intrusion very likely took place from a high-rise apartment near to the towers or even a rooftop."
"You know what, how many rats are in New York, do you think?"
"London, a city filled with smoke and narrow alleyways riddled with crime."
"Improvements needed to make Night City feel alive."
"It was a good case to test the waters... probably because it opened the door on the streets of Washington DC."
"You've come from a city where there's danger around every corner."
"Everybody knows I'm the best driver in the city."
"It is out of hand, it's like nobody wants to walk down the sidewalk and see a bunch of rats."
"Richmond is the worst city in the United States for seasonal allergies."
"Welcome to the hood. Trenton is a tough town."
"Parks are a part of the fabric of life in SF."
"Gotham City is a character in its own right."
"It's hard to see all of the buildings as a whole when you're really close to them."
"Check out Latvian freerunner and Red Bull Art of Motion champion Pasha Petkins as he takes on an actual life-size pinball machine."
"Gun violence is prominent in Chicago... all they know, that's all they've seen all their life."
"I want factions. I want a really cool torn down Boston."
"With a camera like that, you can do street photography in urban environments at ISO 100 handheld."
"It's a mind game, unlike anything out here in the streets."
"It's a form of expression, it's a form of releasing your stress, so it beautifies whatever empty wall you see out on the street."
"It just makes night City feel a lot more like it's described in the game."
"The apartment that my ex and I had had a light that would gleam through our window."
"A dark alley gets even creepier when a mysterious figure peeks in from nowhere."
"Kuala Lumpur is crowded, clean, and beautiful... it is also very friendly to expats."
"It's a holiday so there are very few people out... very few cars and very few bikes."
"And he’ll probably cross your mind again, next time you walk down a dark alley and see a man in the distance, wearing a long, black coat…"
"That was so close, one block with no closed businesses."
"I'm in them streets that's full of gangstas."
"Skateboarders are arguably the sharpest and most dedicated urban observers."
"I think if I lived in a city like this I would just seek out Greenery and plants as much as possible because it just lowers cortisol and uh from just my you know 15 hours here I can already tell it's a high cortisol City."
"Soldiers will need new equipment and training to operate in conditions such as complete darkness, bad air, and lack of cover from enemy fire." - Military.com
"Finally able to be outside, run around without worry about getting hit by a car."
"Skate City changes this up, bringing you classic environments that are perfect for nailing lots of different tricks."
"Ray stepping outside and walking down the colorful stairs on the side of the building, we can see a kingdom plaque crossed out showing the distrust and hatred a lot of the common public has for the kingdom."
"Never once felt afraid to walk in any part of the city at any time."
"He's a benevolent king of the concrete jungle."
"You could raise the temperature in the downtown."
"I feel like Chicago is such a good City."
"I felt safer by all the traffic lights and businesses."
"Seems like they’re a rash the city hasn’t quite eradicated yet."
"We're in the heart of it right now, we are in the heart of Goodyear."
"Eventually, it could reach a point where surviving in an urban environment is no longer feasible."
"We're inside, going in. I'm on the streets."
"You picked a hell of a place for us to start, Soldier. Washington Park in the windy city was a war zone before this ever started."
"There's no denying that Brisbane's a really pretty city, visually it's quite attractive."
"The vast majority of side quests don't push you out to explore but keep you trapped in the city."
"It's a very, very clean city, guys."
"It's like Piccadilly Circus out here, like it's so busy."
"The traffic was quieter now just groups of noise instead of a constant rule I turned right then right again I was on Bald Street."
"Walking these streets and smelling the honeysuckle are just amazing."
"Nature conquers the subtropical city of Houston in a different way."
"The brain actually shrinks in response to urban air pollution."
"Ashgabat is like a huge set of a happy life. Nobody's parking their cars, nobody's going shopping."
"Last time I was here, I counted eight to ten homeless garbage-eating people in the street."
"I think graffiti in a city environment is a perfect outlet."
"Once you cross Broadway in New York City, your life changes."
"This bike is hilarious and great for the city."
"The craziest thing about this Temple is that it's right in the middle of the crazy downtown and even though you can kind of hear the traffic all around it, it's just so peaceful."
"I don't like driving through 42nd Street, that's really just sucking the energy out of me."
"Two guys land downtown. If you just looked up, you're in a busy metropolis. You just can't leave them there."
"It's crazy how empty the streets are."
"That's very very interesting impressed a little bit of the traffic situation uh on the streets should show you."
"I love shooting at night in the wet; all the wet surfaces, particularly on busy roads, will catch the colors of the surrounding lights, creating a really dramatic effect."
"Seriously, the look of the city's incredible. This is amazing."
"Downtown LA, that and like, this is my home, and I honestly was like, 'Oh, I don't like seeing this imagery, this is kind of really bleak.'"
"I think New York is a concrete jungle; well, this is the motherland of concrete jungles."
"Miami has that similar Vibe where you know two blocks from where you were where you felt fine there's crap you know a hundred percent."
"Basically just runs through Queens and Brooklyn, so it's never been as, you know, cared for, you want to put it that way, put it mildly."
"Every alley down here just has a crazy uniqueness to it. They all feel like they're straight out of a movie scene. They all have so much character."
"I'm really missing the neighborhood. There's just so much outdoor space and stimulation."
"Remember, these are the streets of Long Beach so it's not made to be a racetrack."
"I would have been fine to walk by myself because it was busy, but there's a lot of... it feels the vibe is meth."
"Ethiopia is very clean, the streets are very clean."
"You are surrounded by parks, the lake, greenery, and it is so pretty considering you are straight up could not be more downtown."
"Amazing audio on any street, no matter how loud the traffic is, you'll get that shot."
"It's so alive at night and it is so clean."
"I don't think there's any doubt that alligators could survive in a sewer in a big city like New York."
"Electric cars contribute to quieter urban environments, reducing stress levels associated with noise pollution."
"It doesn't feel like you're surrounded by these giant looming skyscrapers; it feels very, I mean it's still, I guess they say, human scale."
"It's like the changing of the seasons; my city doesn't change, it just looks different when it snows versus when it's hot."
"The fact that it doesn't look like much means it can hide in plain sight."
"I really enjoyed the way that the wires seemed like they were dissolving into the gritty coarse texture of the brick."
"From here you can see the city, and if you feel like doing city play, you'll go towards it."
"It is set in a world of magic, myth, and where gods reign over the streets of Brooklyn."
"Thanks to the street sweeper Rubby, the young buses found themselves a new playground."
"It's nice and shaded here in the city with the breeze."
"The place where electric cars make the most sense is here in the city."
"Urban climate is the set of climatic conditions that prevail in a large metropolitan area."
"The children are forced to play on the streets and are killed by the traffic."
"The streets of Salzburg are as clean as a surgery."
"It's not one of my favourite cities out there; I like architecture and big buildings."
"The silence of the streets spoke louder than words."
"Beautiful wildflowers in the middle of concrete."
"No matter which road you're walking on in the downtown area, it's just how clean the roads are."
"What I'm showing you today is not even close to all the little hidden secrets in the subway stations."
"99% of everything I need I can walk to within 15 or 20 minutes at the absolute most."
"EVs that do a lot of running in the city is obviously combustion that is not happening in the city."
"Every street, every alley, every square, it feels like a place for people to come and enjoy and sit and just relax and chill out."