
Email Marketing Quotes

There are 272 quotes

"Email marketing...has made about seven hundred ninety thousand dollars or twenty percent of our revenue from email over the span of one year."
"Email marketing is crucial to being able to engage with an audience that's coming to your site."
"MailChimp for WooCommerce... it allows you to send follow-up emails, allows people to click a little checkbox and subscribe to your website."
"If you overlook email marketing, then that's a huge mistake."
"Setting up our email marketing is part of developing our backend."
"SMS marketing is even more effective than our email sequence."
"Every big list starts with a single subscriber."
"How to turn $100 in ad spend into a thousand plus email leads within three days."
"Of the two methods, we recommend going with a sniper approach because shotgunning emails to anyone and everyone is a surefire way to burn bridges."
"Not all emails are selling emails. Providing genuine value that will help your readers is the key to getting them to open future emails as well as build the know, like, and trust factor with you."
"This is really effective because the emails are very personalized to the product that the customer wants to purchase."
"Mailchimp is great because it allows you to start off essentially for free and you can pay as you grow."
"Building an email list can give you a ridiculous return on investment."
"Easily collect subscribers, build connections, Drive sale with personalized emails."
"Don't underestimate the power of having an email list; it's a very important asset for your affiliate marketing business."
"The benefit of building an email list is I can communicate and build a long-term relationship with them."
"The best email marketing is when you're almost like acting as if the person you're sending the email to is a friend."
"Build a subscriber fan club, an email list is one of the most valuable assets you have as a blogger."
"It's all about building the list. You're trying to build up a group of people who are interested in what you have to do."
"You absolutely need your own website and you need your own email list."
"Building an email list gives me some control back and gives you the viewer some control back in terms of how you want to reach me."
"If you don't use email marketing, your business is losing money."
"Email follow-up sequence will start selling for you."
"Passive income where not only are you sending broadcasts but like I already showed you you have that email follow-up sequence that is selling for you man it just sells for you."
"You can make money by simply writing an email and pushing a button."
"You just made a thousand dollars in one day by sending one single email."
"If they open it, send them another email because clearly they're interested in that."
"Once you create a good template, it's a great way to save time in the long run."
"What happened once we trap a ghost, its hold on people is broken and usually things go back to the way they were."
"Building your email list is still the single most profitable thing you can be doing as a business."
"Turn on the tap with social media and opt-in email marketing."
"Stand out in any inbox with Squarespace email campaigns."
"Build your email list and work backward to your course goals. Simplify the process and focus on acquisition."
"You unsubscribe, yet you'll still get emails for at least 10 days or longer if they put you on a different list."
"Implement email marketing to retain customers and encourage repeat business."
"Using custom emails is one way to really boost your career."
"Cold emails: personalized, easy to respond to, and don't be afraid to follow up."
"Email marketing is just it blows social media out of the water... in terms of conversion rates and actually making sales."
"The best thing you can have is a website and an email list."
"Building an email list allows you to connect with your audience directly."
"The money is in the list, my friend. If you are not building a list, you don't have a business."
"An email will convert four times more than any social media post."
"My number one asset in my business is my email list."
"CM Commerce Marketing is my favorite email app for Shopify."
"The Witcher 3... one of the all-time greatest RPGs ever made."
"The amount of you that delete every fucking email that you get that is a bulk email."
"Email marketing in the middle and then you have all of these other types of marketing branching out from it."
"For our newsletters and a lot of our other email communications we actually use autopilot we were using MailChimp before but I actually opted to switch to autopilot."
"Behind every single email is a living breathing human being, they're real people."
"Collecting emails is one of the most profitable strategies for online marketers."
"You could be possibly making 70% of your sales from your email list."
"This email automation does 95 to 99% of the sales."
"Number four is your email marketing copy okay this is so so simple so many people didn't even take advantage of Black Friday Cyber Monday because they didn't even have the capacity to even be able to create proper email sequences right..."
"Collecting emails is very important because it's your list, it's your traffic, it's instant traffic where you can email people and within one click they'll receive it right away."
"Email marketing doesn't matter what business you have you need to be growing an email list."
"After watching this video you're gonna be an email marketing expert. You will have all the knowledge you need to know. You're ready to get started. Let's go!"
"This is why growing your email list is one of the most important things that you could do and why I'm gonna link in the description below to some of my favorite and my top email marketing tutorials for you."
"This is building your store, this is building you know your customer list you can collect emails you can do all the good stuff that you can and want to do with with Shopify."
"Collecting these leads and creating an email list is a super powerful strategy to making money with affiliate marketing."
"Setting up our email marketing is going to be a really great way to improve our conversions in the future at a much lower cost."
"Email marketing is something that is often overlooked because email's been around for so long, we kind of forget how impactful it is, but it's fantastic."
"You can do appointments through MailChimp and then send out emails to remind about the appointments."
"Creating lead magnets to grow your email list... email converts even better than social media."
"Sending the same email campaigns to all users can lead to poor engagement and high unsubscribe rates. It's important to segment your email list and send targeted campaigns based on user interests and behaviors."
"Email marketing is around 43 times more powerful than any other type of marketing."
"...every good email marketing campaign uses Automation."
"...MailChimp is a bit cheaper are only a hundred dollars a month for their Essentials plan going up to 135 for standard which gets you a bit more stuff."
"If you don't have an email list, you're basically just expecting people to randomly show up."
"If you do not have an email pop-up on your website, you are losing a really, really valuable revenue stream."
"I'm doing one email every saturday morning that's less than three minutes to read one tactical tip on growing your audience and income online and um I assume that people will continue to buy through that funnel even though I'm not actively promoting my products"
"Growing an email list will be one of the best ways that you can sell all types of digital products over and over again."
"Building an email list is a foundational strategy to help you create sustainable, scalable revenue online."
"I think MailerLite is a great choice for anybody who is budget conscious."
"MailerLite, what I use for my one-to-many email system. So for my mailing list, I use this for landing pages, it's a really great tool."
"Jenna Kutcher was able to grow her email list by 40,000 subscribers and has driven over $900,000 in sales using many chat."
"Mailchimp has so many email templates for you to send out mass emails to all the subscribers of your website."
"If you're in e-commerce, you want your email marketing to equate to about 10 to 30% of your revenue."
"People actually love being emailed, especially by brands that they trust and care about."
"Collecting emails is one main thing to get out of this."
"Now, email marketing can be extremely effective when your site starts to generate a good amount of traffic and it can build loyalty, trust, and rapport with your site visitors."
"With the coupon created, we can go back to email two and add it."
"GetResponse is the only email tool that also offers webinar features."
"You want your own list of warm leads to sell to. An email subscribers, people who have given you their email address, are the most likely to buy from you."
"Creating a delicious email can be a tedious task and the last thing you would want is to send out an email that is filled with spelling errors and typos."
"Email marketing can be a simple step-by-step process which will allow you to send out stunning emails to your prospects on a consistent basis."
"The secrets are out. You now have the tools you need to start creating delicious emails that will help you grow your business and increase your online conversions."
"Monitor your sending IPs and domains. It's crucial for maintaining email deliverability and open rates."
"If you truly want to build a long-term sustainable business, you need to be building your email list and collecting emails."
"Your emails will be your asset, generating you money on a monthly basis."
"Your email list is like owning real estate that is generating you money on a monthly basis."
"Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing tools available to you today, period."
"The overall success of your email marketing campaign typically comes down to three different things."
"When it comes to email marketing for your online course program or membership, you've got a ton of different options available."
"All it takes is one email and you can make like $1,000 if you have a big enough email list."
"You definitely will want to start building your mailing list as early as possible."
"Last but not least is going to be include an opt-in field at checkout for people to check the little box in order to sign up for your email list at checkout."
"Make sure that you have an email provider, a method to collect emails."
"Start building an email list yesterday."
"I feel like email lists in general are a really, really, really good thing to invest in because that is the one thing if you do not own your website, the email list is the one thing that you do own and you can take anywhere that you need to move it to."
"It's actual customers that are buying from your shop and then we can get those people over onto our email list that we can communicate with."
"I helped invent email marketing if you've ever used MailChimp or anything like that it's because of the company that I started."
"ConvertKit has less clutter and fewer features compared to other platforms, which works in favor for people who don't want too much complexity."
"Your email list is the place that you need to take advantage of to nurture your people."
"Send an email once a week, make it really helpful, and then sell to them."
"Email marketing should not be emails full of photos that are just promoting your stuff."
"Email marketing is a way to nurture people to get to know you better."
"Having good subject lines is the way to get people to open it."
"For every dollar you put into email marketing, you're likely to make forty-four dollars back."
"The subject lines are the most probably the most important element in email marketing."
"Email has become one of the most powerful ways of reaching new customers, retaining old customers and building a lifetime customer."
"MailChimp is one of the leading email Services, what started off as a simple email Marketing System, they had to enrich their services."
"The bigger your list, the more value that you will get from it."
"For every dollar that was spent in email marketing, companies received forty dollars in Revenue."
"Open rates are very important and they differ by industry. Generally, open rates between 15% and higher are usually good."
"Email marketing is a great way of building relationships between businesses and its customers."
"In order to make email work to its best every time, you need to get good at writing hooks."
"So to craft hot subject lines, you wanna either create urgency, evoke curiosity, be controversial, get personal, or simply tell them what's inside."
"Email is really a microcosm of direct response marketing as a whole."
"Email is a traffic driver. It's not a place to explain things. It's not a place to convince them to buy. It's not a place to make any sort of sales argument."
"When you sit down, if you just remember that I'm just trying to move someone from this place to that place, it changes the whole dynamic and approach when you sit down to write emails."
"...80 percent of the mistakes that people make out of the get-go... I'm not here to convince you to buy something. I'm not in this email trying to craft the sales argument... it's more of a little game that you play with the reader."
"You want to think of it as a game you're playing with the reader. You want to think of it as like brother sister like, 'I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you.'"
"Email marketing offers endless opportunities."
"Disrupt, intrigue, and provide a clear call to action in your emails."
"The email offers value upfront, with additional value at the bottom."
"If starting or growing your email list or increasing the number of newsletter subscribers that you have is important to you and it should be, then you're definitely going to want to stick around because I'm going to give you five different strategies to help you do just that."
"...it all starts by first taking a look at one of the most interesting new ways to build your email list: Instagram's link sticker."
"...these are the exact same strategies that I'm using today in my own business as well as with my clients and my students to help them build often massive and wildly profitable email lists and newsletters."
"Email marketing is so effective because it costs nothing and it helps you develop a connection with the users on your mailing list."
"The main way that I would focus on selling these products is through email marketing."
"...collect emails early and often."
"Quality over quantity when emailing potential clients."
"Email marketing is absolutely worth us doubling down on as creative small business owners and going all in."
"Trust is the biggest currency that you have with your email list."
"There is no magic bullet I wish there's not but with a disciplined approach just like me, you can build an email list of hundreds of thousands of people."
"Audiences are the bedrock of your email marketing activity."
"Without an audience, you don't have anyone to send emails to."
"The best way to increase the size of your newly created audience is to capture new contacts via a sign-up form."
"Email marketing has the highest ROI."
"Every dollar you spend into email marketing, you should be getting $40 back."
"Create a system around it. Don't just spit fire and send a bunch of emails every single day without a system behind you."
"Imagine if they went to 120,000 emails per month, they can make eight customers a day, getting $200,000 every single day."
"Email marketing is still really powerful guys when you do it right."
"Engagement plus deliverability equals healthy email sending."
"HubSpot takes care of everything for you; all their email templates are mobile friendly."
"You have an amazing CRM and email marketing tool at your disposal without having to pay anything for that."
"It looks at the email engagement so how many emails have been opened, how many attachments are viewed, how many links have been clicked."
"The key to successful emails is personalization."
"With email marketing, we have the opportunity to promote the product by sending an email directly to our audience."
"Email marketing has been utilized over the past decade to convert leads, engage customers, and foster brand loyalty."
"An email list is one of the most valuable things that you can build if you want to do online business."
"Landing in your subscribers' inbox is still a tried and true method for making sure they see exactly what you want them to see."
"Effective email marketing is strategic and purposeful."
"These emails should ultimately make them feel like they're part of something bigger."
"The goal with sales emails is to convert your prospects into customers or your customers into repeat customers."
"Emails are the best form of marketing because no algorithm can take that away."
"For every dollar that the average business puts into email, you get 42 dollars back."
"Email marketing... provides somewhere around a three thousand eight hundred percent ROI or a four thousand four hundred percent ROI."
"Focus on speaking to your target customer, getting them on your email list, and showing how you can add value and transform their lives."
"Your e-commerce business will thrive with a good email marketing strategy."
"If you don't have the right subject line, it doesn't matter what you're writing in the actual email because no one's gonna open it."
"Email marketing... a lot of the customers and clients that we work with are able to attribute 20 even 30 sometimes even 40 percent of their entire revenue just solely from emails."
"Email is not dead and it's actually far from it. It's still one of the best ways to accelerate all of your income streams."
"The biggest mistake that people are making when setting up and starting their email list is asking people to subscribe to your exclusive newsletter but offering no real incentive or value in exchange for their email address."
"The best follow-up sequences are going to flow together and remain relevant to the first cold email."
"Positive replies are like the lowest hanging fruit in your cold email system."
"Grow my email list, then break down that objective into key results that have measurable targets."
"Email marketing is going to be a huge part of your success."
"Learning email automation is the number one most reliable way to turn words into wealth."
"Get warmed up leads aware of your high ticket using email marketing."
"Email marketing leads to email campaigns that lead to website visits that can lead to product purchasing."
"Email marketing is a very good way to generate a high return on investment."
"AB testing is key to email marketing."
"By the end of this video, I can assure you that all your email marketing career related queries would have been answered."
"Drive revenue by sending special offers through promotional email."
"Abandoned cart emails are an effective way of sales recovery."
"Most important is include an unsubscribe link."
"Always, always, always create a clear and compelling subject line."
"Create a compelling subject line so people are going to notice, take note of, or take an interest in and say, 'Hey, what's this all about?'"
"If an email's personalized, the chances of somebody clicking on it are going to be greater."
"Always create interesting subject lines."
"Now make sure to choose a dot-com domain because it increases high inbox rate."
"Email marketing is essentially the skill of selling services or products through email campaigns or through a series of emails."
"It's going to be really important in terms of your deliverability going forward to actually get an email address that's branded for your domain."
"A good email marketing specialist is responsible for the design and the implementation of an email marketing campaign."
"Make sure your emails are optimized for mobile."
"Avoid spam filters by applying best practices."
"Use landing pages to collect emails and grow your list."
"Open rate is how many people actually open that email based on the total number of people that the email was sent to."
"Mailchimp just gives you a nice overview of how many subscribers were in this particular audience list and then the open rate and click rate."
"Target your audience using emails to further communicate with that particular segmented audience."
"Email marketing provides an effective way to convert leads into sales."
"The single greatest driver of business right now to this day is still email marketing."
"Your subject line is the first, and sometimes the only thing that your subscribers will read in your whole email."
"Using server-generated images to change the content in an email... that's exciting."
"It aims to solve this problem: email marketing."
"Email campaigns have the highest value per session."
"Fluent CRM has made email very, very easy."
"Email building, whether you have a cart to sell or not, really important, it's one of your key assets."
"Your email list is an asset; it's something that can't be taken away from you."