
Blame Shifting Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Instead of saying you did a bad job, you can just claim it was everyone else and it's not your fault."
"Gaslighting is where you tell somebody something not true and then when they respond to the untruth you blame them for responding to the untruth."
"It's all lies. They hate Trump so much that we can have 81 nights of rioting, 30 people dead, buildings being burned down, and Democratic politicians getting charged with felonies and it is still Trump's fault."
"In a brazen attempt to deflect all blame claimed that he felt the industry just wasn't ready for it."
"Blame them on your eating problem... maybe it's not them, it's you."
"Shaw's defense will lean into these other dudes did it, it wasn't me."
"Blame everything so it's not my fault and I can have that moment of psychological safety."
"Winter camping is great fun if you prepare correctly."
"This is not a Punk problem, this is a Jack Perry problem, a snot-nosed kid problem."
"They point the finger in every direction other than the direction where the culprit is actually standing."
"Why did they do that? Because they want you to blame school board members for them defunding the educational system."
"So coronavirus did it? Yeah, not you cutting a billion dollars out of the police budget, not you supporting the cops when people try to kill them, all right, and humiliate them and throw molotov cocktails."
"These are the arsonists who want to blame the firefighters." - Unknown speaker
"The regime can quickly blame International Travelers if the waves get out of control."
"A lot of the things that happened to her... really weren't her fault."
"From a business perspective, it makes much more sense to maintain the ambiguity and then shift the blame to the Adblock users whenever the topic comes up."
"They generate crises, they caused the problem, and then they pose as the saviors."
"Stop blaming everybody else for your own downfall in life."
"It's definitely a vice when people assume it's not me who's wrong, it's everyone else."
"He blames everyone and everything else for his problems."
"Ultimately, they're not going to blame their strategy. They will find other people to blame."
"Apparently it's all your internet's fault. If your internet was just a bit better, that wouldn't have happened."
"I discovered anti-MLM content last year, and it was only then... that I realized none of the failures were ever my fault."
"Blaming other people for your problems isn't gonna help solve your problems."
"There are no grounds at all for the attempts by our partners to shift the blame for the energy crisis in europe onto russia."
"Blame Kevin, but actually, this one is not Kevin's fault."
"It's never your fault, it is never your fault."
"It's the gas station's fault. Biden has blamed everyone else already. He's blamed Putin, he's blamed oil company CEOs, he's blamed everybody but himself and his own stupid policies."
"If we lose this game, it's not my fault, the game's fault."
"He's literally trying to blame this entire accident on Jeff."
"Dire victory. Skeleton King never died but lost the game. Obviously not his fault."
"When you're not at a point in your life to take ownership of the mistakes you made, the first thing to do is to shift the blame."
"He instinctively knew... one immediately blamed someone else."
"It's easier to point fingers sometimes than to do the work."
"But they can still self-reflect while flaming someone or blaming someone else. You can do both at the same time."
"The Liberals invest massively in AI technology and then play the blame game to divert attention away from their malicious actions."
"I was forced against my will to take the blame for it on several occasions."
"Pluto is the one disconnecting them from their own history, and then he blames it on them, despite, as we already covered, these civilizations in real life being very aware of how they were connected."
"The real problem with my marriage is my [ __ ] wife. I'm not the problem, my husband is the problem."
"Issues aren't with the men, your issues that was bred into you from the women."
"All this is the politicians and the central Bankers trying to shift the blame of inflation onto the public."
"He believes his defense, that it's Lori's fault."
"It's easier to put the blame on her, because Jeffrey is dead."
"Rapid fire for the win! I guess we don't have to blame Sheila anymore."
"I think it's just like a scapegoat for any problems you have."
"Sometimes people just react reflexively when they're in pain and blame the easiest and nearest person."
"Every single [__] time they try to blame you I will be here for a response."
"Some people will blame anyone to cover up for their own bad behavior."
"Twitch chat is gonna be blamed for my mistakes."
"The core of blame shifting is denial and self-deception."
"The American system has thrown them into debt, depressed their wages, kept them from buying homes, and then blamed them for everything."
"It's like when some idiot jumps into a lion cage at the zoo and this naturally upsets the lion, then they blame the lion for eating off the idiot's face."
"There's nothing they can't do because if you blame other people, then that means you can't do it."
"It's fantastic having an intern because you can just literally blame everything on the intern."
"It is not the job of the revolutionary to overthrow the regime, it's to make sure that everyone is prepared to blame their preferred enemy when the regime does collapse."
"Never have I ever farted and blamed it on somebody else."
"When you point the finger, you miss out on the opportunity to grow."