
Body Transformation Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"If you exercise every day in the morning, your body will begin to show the changes."
"The mind is so invisible that if you've never gone through a body transformation, it's difficult for people to believe in the depth of change that's possible."
"Don't worry, trust the process. If you can get over that initial hump, eventually, you're not just losing weight; you're visually gaining weight. You look bigger because every pound you lose from that point onwards makes you look more defined."
"You let's say just for four weeks, you could look 12 pounds less fat and more muscular at the same time."
"There's just no possible way you could support that kind of transformation naturally with that kind of training volume and that kind of short time preparation like three months."
"It's actually physiologically impossible to turn body fat into muscle."
"You can literally lose more body fat in 30 days than at any point in human history."
"I can't believe how much you can change your mindset, your body in just one week."
"Burpees will help you shred, and then yes, you will see your abs as you get leaner."
"Once I change my body and turn them into a machine that knows how to handle food and burn fat, your body becomes a lot more forgiving."
"I lost about 13 pounds in 8 weeks, going from 9% to about 6% body fat."
"Focus on hitting protein and calorie targets for significant body changes."
"If you're listening today and you get rid of your visceral fat, you will have an entire new body and with it an entire new life."
"Can a test be a testament to this? Yes, you can fast, lose 200 pounds, and not have loose skin."
"30 days later... Did he lose his gains? Well, on day one my brother weighed in at 81.9 kilograms. 90 days later you weighed in at 71.9 kilograms."
"Give it a shot. How can someone get wide? Phil Fit will expose you."
"They're eating more carbs, have more energy, and completely transformed their bodies."
"Yes, it is possible to build muscle and lose fat at the same time."
"If my weight stays the same but my waist gets smaller I know I'm burning fat and gaining muscle."
"Yeah, yeah, I know that seems to be a common misconception in the industry is time and ways to change your body. People think they can happen overnight and it can't."
"They made him into a tree," I muttered again, surveying the gut-wrenching arrangement of his ribs and limbs, made to resemble stunted branches that helped to prop up the tent.
"Guess who's going to get abs, guess who's going to get veins."
"Nine months is a really long time you can make serious changes in body composition in nine months which is really awesome."
"Your physique changes more rapidly when you're shredded."
"If you are in a calorie deficit and still able to progress in your workout routine, then you will experience fat loss and muscle growth."
"In order to lose fat and build muscle at the same time, you must put your body in a calorie deficit."
"Your body will change more than a number, okay? Just telling you that facts."
"You will want to lose weight and then also gain muscle at some point in the movie."
"When I got myself onto a meal plan for both cutting and bulking, a structured meal plan that incorporated enough protein, enough fat, enough carb according to my goals, then I started to see my body change as well."
"Do this for six to eight weeks and you will see, you will definitely see positive changes in your body, and you will definitely get away from this problem of being skinny fat."
"You can spot build, yes. Okay, think about it this way. Do you want to shape and sculpt your body so that it looks a particular way?"
"Not only have I been able to get to single-digit body fat from being at a high body fat percentage, but I've been able to replicate the success with my clients."
"I'm definitely trying to lose my mama tummy and it's gone down significantly."
"If I could make everybody in America lose 10 pounds of body fat or gain 10 pounds of muscle, we'd be far better off gaining 10 pounds of muscle."
"The body horror here is both visceral and innovative the parasite which looks like splintered spikes or quills infects its hosts by piercing their skin and once inside it begins to take over converting the host body in ways that defy the natural limits of human anatomy."
"If you bulk properly, you really can perform some magic on your body: you'll build muscle, speed up your metabolism, have tons of energy."
"Focus on getting stronger. That's it, and you'll see Visible Changes in your body."
"Honestly, I feel really great. I've lost inches, I've lost weight. I've plateaued a little bit like weight scale wise, but I know that some of that is just body fat still going down, muscle mass going up."
"If you do a structured nine-week training plan, you can change your body dramatically in two to three months."
"You can build muscle and lose fat simultaneously with proper training and diet."
"Imagine your body getting confused and turning those soft tissues into rock solid."
"I went from a 40 to a solid 42 chest...I started to bulk up."
"It's crazy how fast your body can adapt."
"Members of the Hozuki clan are able to liquefy parts of their body to avoid physical contact."
"More changes to your body will occur in that initial six to eight month period if it's taken seriously and if it's done correctly than any other time in your life."
"Resistance training is the driving force to body recomposition."
"Get lean and then slowly it's going to take years but you could definitely develop and transform your physique."
"...the physique that you see... was built in three years."
"Somebody's seeing you going through a body transformation, getting fit."
"I'm going to be a lot more shredded than I am now."
"Remember, you want to change the shape of your body."
"You are here to put in the work because you want a change with your body."
"Keep an eye on your caloric density, make sure you're eating lots of greens, and you're gonna notice remarkable changes in your body."
"Body recomposition is an approach to weight loss where an individual not only strives to lose fat but also gain muscle at the same time."
"Don't skip the weight training; it's going to change your body more than you even know."
"Adding volume year after year is the way that you get your body to continue to change."
"Your body fat will go down as your muscle mass goes up."
"What gets me excited is seeing my body evolve, seeing myself get bigger."
"When you are working out moderately and consistently over time, you will see changes in your body."
"This is how you change your body without even noticing, right? Because it'll get to a point where the run isn't so aggressive, the pace, that you kind of just get lost in it."
"I guarantee you, I will get you lean, ripped, and fast."
"This program is for people who want to be bigger, faster, and stronger, more conditioned, lose body fat, gain some mass."
"You're going to get stronger faster, recover faster, get leaner faster if you do this the right way."
"The appearance of your body can positively change simply by getting stronger at the bench press, the squat, and the deadlift."
"If you lose five pounds of body fat and gain five pounds of muscle, you're going to be smaller."
"Taking ownership of your nutrition is going to massively help you in any pursuit to transform your body in any way."
"In 10 sessions you will feel a difference in your body, in 20 sessions you'll see a difference, and in 30 sessions you will have a whole new body."
"You're going to get really shredded really fast and really strong."
"For novice lifters, it's almost invariable that if you put any novice lifter on a decent program, they're probably going to lose some fat while gaining muscle."
"I have recently lost a lot of weight and I kind of transformed my body in a really short space of time after having my third baby."
"It's such a good feeling to feel yourself getting stronger and see your body start to change."
"If you want to change your body composition, learn how to push yourself."
"Honestly, I think we're looking a lot better and a lot leaner."
"I'm pushing my body to a level where it's never been before."
"Get results, get shredded, make gains."
"If there's one body part that can absolutely change your physique with a small amount of muscle mass added, it's the rear delts."
"I didn't lose a lot of pounds, but my body is still changing, and I was able to wear a pair of jeans that I purchased the month before but didn't get to put on."
"You're still trading fat for muscle, and in a sense, you will look leaner because the muscle is going to make you look leaner."
"Your muscles gonna help burn your fat, your body will become better and tighter."
"I'm kind of excited to see my body change over the next couple of weeks and months."