
Love Dynamics Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Romantic love is a kind of love; its distinctive social role is what makes it romantic, not what makes it love."
"This person shows a willingness to love them to be loved, even if they have to keep that part hidden."
"Love: it is tough, yes it is scary, but it's about opening yourself up to it."
"Men fall in love more quickly, more definitively than women—but in each of us, our brains decide for us long before we do."
"A lot of women just want love, and oftentimes that love can come in the form of someone who isn't all the way capable of being a long-term spouse."
"There's times in marriage where you just fall out of love. You still love the person but you're just like, 'We're not connecting.'"
"Love can seemingly turn and devolve into strong hate."
"The way we love as adults is deeply connected to the way we learned about love as children."
"If a woman doesn't trust your masculine core, she will never love you."
"Attachment is a fear-based energy that kind of repels love."
"Falling In and Out of Love doesn't happen like 'oh this week I'm in love, next week I'm out of love.' That's not how it works."
"Love is spelled risk, so love isn't about love it's about r-i-s-k."
"Don't fight for love, that's not the way it works."
"You cannot control love until you have some to control."
"Love should be easy, love shouldn't be a struggle."
"Well sometimes we just fall in love with the wrong person love is weird sometimes it's blind."
"Passionate love tends to wane after 3 to 5 years, consistent with developmental trajectories."
"I just wanted everyone to be a little bit stronger than they were."
"Love rules, love reigns. Who I am in love with is who I speak to."
"When you're in love, you don't need to keep score, things just build themselves almost out of thin air."
"The best relationships are with two people who can receive love."
"The person in a relationship with the power is the one who loves the least."
"Enjoying life, having fun, chasing thrills, excitement, and a good time plays a big role in how this love blossoms."
"Love is internal too, but it's also in the case of someone who gives you so much and then disappears."
"All things flow to you when you're in that state of being in love and around love."
"Love is never gonna stay the same... try to love your partner as best as you can."
"Love can beckon quietly or flaunt itself with want and abandon."
"Emotional investment is the currency of love."
"Sex is something you control, but love is never on purpose."
"Connection and true love is a two-way experience, love bombing is a one-way thing."
"Love constantly adjusts and adapts and you have to let it grow with you."
"Love had to hurt, so when it was peaceful, it made me doubt."
"Love is a function of your values and your priorities."
"I definitely think it is absolutely possible [to be in love with more than one person at once]."
"Justice is causing effect. If you want love, just put energy into love and you'll have it."
"If you get involved in a relationship, for example, on the basis of strong emotions that you may feel for someone, perhaps when the emotion dies, the feeling will as well."
"Can you have a life partner and still have a love story? Of course."
"If someone truly loves you, they should be happy for you, they should let you go. If you really love someone, let them go, they're meant to be, they'll come back."
"Love is an excessive thing. If you just give and you don't stop giving even if you don't receive, you all of a sudden receive a lot."
"You can be loved, considered special, considered interesting even if there's another person or another couple of people who have the same special thing."
"Love is kind of crazy like that, you can't help who you fall in love with."
"When you love from your overflow, that's the most responsible thing that you could do."
"He messed up big time; it's almost like maybe he even had a... you know... It's like he knew her, but he didn't really know how valuable, how special she is."
"When you're in love with somebody you're going to be in love with parts of them for a very long time."
"Breakups suck everybody has a story to tell themselves... and sometimes love looks like letting go."
"Balance love is not always about agreeing, but supporting and challenging."
"When you fall in love with someone, you don't necessarily always figure out like logically why you love them. You just do."
"If two people want it bad enough, they'll make it happen."
"People learn to love what they fear, but they will learn to resent what they love."
"Love is a weapon to be wielded... until it makes you bleed."
"Love at first sight is beautiful for some people, but we had to build it."
"Love can't be forced; altering consciousness allows for ease in doing what's right."
"If you really love something, just let her go. If it comes back, it's yours forever. If it doesn't, it was never meant to be."
"Fighting for love does not mean fighting to be loved by a particular person, it means fighting to safeguard what we mutually have."
"It's not your head that fell in love with this person, it's your heart."
"You don't give a [expletive] about what a [expletive] saying when you're in love with someone."
"Love is an equal exchange, it's not just one-sided giving giving giving."
"They don't know how to love you, they want you to teach them how."
"It's like they withdrew their cup of love because they really wanted a higher level of commitment with you."
"Men fall in love with whoever you invest in."
"Love makes you do crazy things, but never settle."
"Love is a funny thing... it just pours into different glasses." - Marlon Wayans
"Love doesn't just give birth to ease and harmony but also a range of expressions, including fear, as an expression of self-love."
"Love should be a process of mutual education."
"You've effectively slipped into what is called a trauma bond, a deep attachment that forms when love is switched on then off then on then off again."
"Love shouldn't hurt but it can have pain."
"Love can be painful, but it isn't painful if it's with the right person."
"Love should be a dance with a rhythm, not a grab like you've been vacuumed."
"Love was a pendulum of happiness and sorrow, but we still did it anyway."
"Love is passion, and love is pain."
"When it comes to love and relationships, the biggest problem that we have is that people need to learn that a relationship eventually has to be about more giving."
"Love starts as a decision, and love has many sides to it."
"You don't just stop loving someone; that love changes."
"People fall in love, people fall out of love; it's actually not that deep."
"The latest music video from the BTS member delves into the intricate dynamics of love and the sorrow that accompanies loss."
"Women fall in love with you by pursuing you, by chasing you, by cooperating with you."
"What are you so afraid of? You give but you cannot take love."
"The secret to your ideal relationship starts by fully understanding what it entails."
"Love will change. Just that some people's love changes more deeply. While other's love change to faintness."
"Love is about enjoying each other's insecurities, it's about living in each other's imperfections."