
Dual Roles Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"I agree that a romantic partner can be a best friend and a lover simultaneously."
"Jessica DiCicco provides the voices for both Lucy Loud and Lynn Loud."
"I will be playing the part of myself as well as that of Mr. Rags."
"You can be both a power gamer and a role player at the same time."
"You're a fantastic streamer and a fantastic student."
"I'm a serious fighter, I'm a serious businessman as well."
"The two are separate things but not mutually exclusive."
"Christian Bale was truly able to separate the worlds of Batman and Bruce Wayne from each other in an instant."
"Her journey reflects the complexities and challenges actors face when navigating both the entertainment and political spheres."
"Your duty is to physically protect them but you're also there to shield them from many things."
"The serpent may not be our destroyer but our deliverer or possibly both."
"She protect, she attack, but mostly she just does both."
"Blue is the only character so far that has been both a rival champion and gym leader."
"Tom Brady, he's the only guy who could qualify as the given and the worry all at the same time."
"Don't try to separate it, just try to make it that you can manage both together because there's no way you can separate it."
"Trump is masterful at being the hero and the victim."
"Money brings you happiness and frustration at the same time."
"You find yourself in a weird position where you're having to really balance being a filmmaker and being a fan."
"Pauline Cushman was an American actress who led a double life as a spy during the Civil War."
"Priesthood and victimhood become one in Jesus... Padre Pio lived this to the fullest."
"Ideas are more powerful than just guns and fighting and stuff. We do the warrior thing, guys. We hold that skill set in our hands. We're warriors, but we're also poets."
"Kane is living the gimmick while living a completely different gimmick."
"There are poets who sing you to sleep and poets who ready you for war, and I want both."
"I think it was just an amalgamation of everything that I want to do. And it's a rare thing to be able to do that duality thing in the same movie."
"Carter's versatility stands out able to handle both point guard duties and excel as an off-ball player."
"A person may be part of the IT InfoSec group as well as the vulnerable group because their vulnerabilities may be too high."
"He acts like my dad, and the other part, he's a wonderful man."
"I'd say I'm an artist first, but I'm also very much a graphic designer."
"She's both a musical fanatic that could burst into song at any point and a professional hotel worker."
"You can't lose with two Batmans in your movie."
"I thought it would be really interesting to kind of bring both of my passions into one as a police officer and a nurse."
"I'm still a fan as well as a player, so I just enjoy watching the game."
"I like the fact that I do both for India."
"Ben Affleck has technically played both Batman and Superman."
"What's cool about Robert is he has his feet in both the music production and artist development side of things."
"I have an arrangement with them where I have a separate life as a public intellectual."
"What could be more interesting than combining motherhood with the danger of police work?"
"It's like the battle of being a father and the number one hero at the same time."
"It's really the mark of a fantastic ballerina that can do so well in both and portray such nuance and differences in both roles."
"We have a unique place and sometimes we're the nurturer, and sometimes we're the warrior. And sometimes we're both."
"It's not an easy job in the sports world to switch back and forth from creator and entertainer to competitor."
"We're in an elite unit. It's a specialized unit. We have two tasks: crowd control and emergency response."
"I have to guard the interests of both because I'm responsible for both."
"John Worsfold, just the third man in history to captain and coach a side to premierships."
"The Lord has given me the best of both worlds."
"Think about the top three players right now in the game, Joker, Embiid, and Giannis, all anchors of both offense and defense of their teams."
"Philip Banks held two jobs in the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."
"I have to play both sides, I have to be masculine and I have to be feminine for my child because his father is not in the home."