
Remedy Quotes

There are 456 quotes

"To serve the needs of the unfortunate as we would serve our own children is the remedy for many ills."
"It's exactly what the Voting Rights Act was intended to remedy so that people could be equal and everyone can be treated equal."
"Every descendant of Adam is born with a rebel inside... God has only got one remedy for the rebel—you know what that is? Execution."
"If in order to remedy a historical injustice you have to create a present-day injustice, that's not how you remedy anything."
"The remedy for misinformation is not censorship, it's more information."
"It kills hiccups, that does. If you swallow on the time of the hiccup." - Mark
"Um, and the salve was very helpful for my, if you can believe it, my eczema, but I've given it to people for, you know, back pain."
"You must analyze these systems so that you can find remedy to these systems."
"Onion juice literally in two days had my edges growing back."
"One of the most ambitious games Remedy has made to date."
"The antidote, the remedy, the cure is getting in the presence of the Holy Spirit."
"Gripe Water is literally my best friend... if you have fussy babies... this is it."
"It's a great kind of remedy for escapism, calming."
"The ultimate remedy must be to recognize who we really are at the deepest level."
"There's something about peppermint tea, not just for the nausea, but if you get headaches or anything like that, it just helps you really like ground yourself and feel better."
"Regardless of what condition you have, there's something very simple and very powerful that I'm going to show you."
"A very good remedy is Tudca, a type of bile salt that can open up the flow of this bile and get rid of a lot of pain."
"The only thing that's ever given me a remedy for the mental health issues that I've struggled with is Jesus."
"I find when I've got a sore throat, a slightly spicy hot broth like that is just the ticket."
"By putting this four parts of the oil to one part of beeswax, it'll make a very good salve that I'll be able to use anytime that I need it for a skin irritation or a bite of some sort."
"Sugary tea was my mom's cure for everything."
"A correct diagnosis is three-fourths the remedy."
"You can't cure a wound with an ordinary potion."
"If you're dealing with muscle aches, joint pain, or just the aftermath of a challenging yoga class, this is your go-to remedy."
"Rub a pea-sized amount on the scratch."
"Karma means action, and only by actions in this lifetime can we actually gain a real and lasting remedy."
"You should smoke it and it'll clear it out. It's an herb, it doesn't get you messed up or anything, but it's fine."
"Clapping is the best remedy because there are so many points on the fingers and each of those special points corresponds to different parts of your body."
"I'm pretty sure I fixed my seborrheic dermatitis, aka dandruff, just by starting this double cleanse and using a massager."
"Applied on the body to cure pretty much everything."
"Castor oil is a wonderful magical potion."
"Does milk help with hot stuff? Oh yeah 100 let's go."
"It's a simple remedy but it can change many things."
"Two tablespoons of organic coconut oil per day will dissolve the plaque in the brain that causes Alzheimer's and Dementia."
"This is like the ultimate hangover cure."
"The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy, is to go outside."
"You can get rid of a brain freeze by putting your tongue to the roof of your mouth. It's not helping at all. Don't build my brain with my heart, ah, it doesn't work, it doesn't. No, it does not."
"This can help relieve some of that tight calf muscles and the good thing about it is you just stretch it while you're sleeping."
"Even if diet wasn't the cause, it certainly was the remedy."
"Dungeons and Dragons is the perfect remedy to this anxious generation."
"Ginger chews are way more effective than something like Tums in calming down the stomach on those long flights."
"Have you ever heard of this thing by the way? It's a snoring ring."
"Allah Almighty teaches us that the remedy for sadness is a long term commitment."
"The remedy for sadness is a long term commitment. Whether you like it or not, there is only one way to remedy your sadness. There are no two ways."
"Laughing out loud is a solution to a lot of things. It's definitely a tonic."
"Sleep deprivation, he'll get another ice bath."
"The comic carries a remedy for all that ails this world."
"Work is not a curse it's actually in some ways the remedy just like love is not a curse in some ways it's the remedy because it's entering into this."
"Whenever the dryness has resolved that you don't need to use it anymore because you're getting it in your whole system, and that's going to keep it maintained."
"It's natural and is used for immune support and sore throat, sorry but sign me up."
"Plantain is very astringent, which means it tightens up puffy inflamed tissue."
"I use castor oil for everything. It is a miracle. It's youth in a bottle."
"The best remedy for all this besides the medicine is to actually take care of yourself, right?"
"Now another thing I want to mention about the ginger, if when you have a cold or the flu and you feel like you have the chills, ginger can be wonderful for helping you feel better and feel relieved from that feeling of chills."
"Feet are hurting. Okay? Feet are hurting. You write 58 number on your feet."
"Laughter therapy is a remedy for life's storms."
"If you've been having some problems in the bedroom, beets are thought to also be an aphrodisiac"
"...cover it with petroleum jelly that is what you want to do with a blister."
"...these little cough drops...work well to help keep saliva going and keeping things draining down toward the stomach."
"Luckily the perfect remedy for a slightly overcooked steak is a delicious pan sauce."
"There is a remedy for every wound."
"We're not saying you can't provide a remedy for someone who suffered a harm but you can't just draw it as an entire class it has to be individual by individual almost."
"The majority says actually if you suffered harm you have an individual right to receive a remedy and it may involve your race if the harm was originally because of your race."
"A story that cures any reading slump."
"Garlic is considered not just a tasty seasoning but also a valuable natural remedy for various health conditions."
"This remedy has worked miraculously."
"The chief of all remedies for a troubled mind is the feeling that among the blessings which nature gives to man, there is none greater than an opportune death."
"If you have a headache, you don't have to be reminded or advertised to that you need a painkiller. You go searching for the painkiller."
"I just made coffee because I'm having cramps and caffeine helps with your cramps."
"Truth is the cure to every temptation."
"For those who like to be in control here's the remedy: Joshua 1."
"I swear the only thing that ever cures my chapped lips is the Laneige lip sleeping mask."
"Everything can be remedied. You haven't got to worry about it."
"It's amazing how just doing one day of that helps the bloating go down."
"Soaked my cellar pad, I'm going to hold it on my eye just for a little bit to loosen everything up."
"Mel Brooks movies are great medicine for when you're not having the best day."
"Peppermint tea always does that for me."
"Another crucial part of the hangover cure."
"Wild lettuce is another one you might have heard a lot about."
"It's a very well-known ritual or remedy and it works miraculously."
"You being you remedies everything."
"The key to not getting a brain freeze, which works sometimes and doesn't other times, is to take your tongue and shove it to the roof of your mouth."
"Honey is a cure for every kind of illness."
"Regarding the evil eye specifically, the cure is to ask the person to make wudu and to pour it over the afflicted person."
"When we understand our true hunger, when we realize the psychological, emotional, behavioral, physical, and even spiritual causes behind our overeating, only then can we start to take realistic steps to remedy it."
"this has basically totally cured me of mine"
"A berry's tea really did work. I can go to the party and Hawk won't be alone after all."
"Sprinkle a little bit of milk before going off to sleep, and it burns away all your miseries and hindrances."
"If you apply this to any sort of skin ailment you should feel instant relief."
"We think that a cup of tea will cure or help at least in any bad situation."
"Biden's pelosa is a wonderful herb, especially for staff infections like bumblefoot."
"...plantain is such a wonderful that was another one I was going to bring up later but while we're talking about it um plantain is great to use for bumblefoot because it's such a great drawing agent..."
"...it just is going to save you so much headach and yeah plantain is such a wonderful that was another one I was going to bring up later but while we're talking about it um plantain is great to use for bumblefoot because it's such a great drawing agent..."
"That's my dad's name, so yes, the file's the remedy here."
"The remedy, Beloved, for fearing is faith."
"A cure-all should act like poison. That's my theory at least. The hard part will be keeping her still long enough to administer the potion."
"Cheers, you know what the best thing to do when you're sick is drink a mango white claw."
"Incantation is the remedy for the poison."
"So what helped me the most with my nausea was having some form of exercise."
"What about trying some antibiotics? It's old school, but it's just bacteria after all."
"This mold can be used to cure just about everything. I just hope it cures the hopping cough."
"There's nothing that coffee can't fix, isn't there?"
"If you get two pebbles and you clench them between the cheeks of your buttocks, they'll grind down any concrete dust."
"I do have sort of a a you know a home remedy that they can try."
"Drinking milk does not help with spicy food. Don't drink milk, drink citric acid."
"The power of capsaicin and peppers, especially when you are having a cold with sinus issues or congestion, is amazing."
"Ancient Greeks cured hangovers by wrapping their heads in cabbage."
"...take all your your remedies and do what you need to do but the biggest thing is make sure you are being creative."
"It's counterintuitive, but you would smoke some mullein for quick relief."
"...the best remedy for that has been to just try something new."
"Censorship has never been the default remedy for a perceived First Amendment violation."
"I'm always wearing this anytime I feel a headache coming on."
"Tinctures are an excellent addition to have in your medicine cabinet."
"If you don't want it to trigger your mass cell then you can make a paste out of it but a few drops make a paste and apply it over the muscle it works very well."
"Good preaching and good teaching must be diagnosis with remedy a hundred percent of the time."
"Mugwort alleviates symptoms of high blood pressure."
"The solution lies in please do the mantras that have been taught. Take out a slot of 40 days during the month when the Sun would transit the planet which is causing the curse in your natal chart."
"The remedy for a nation is the same remedy for every single soul."
"Humility is the cure for this age-long disease."
"We were all just laughing, we're having a good time. Laughter is the best remedy for anything."
"We may not see another good one like that for a long time, but saved another. God, yeah. But it was just neat. Wouldn't have been here long. Oh, and if you're feeling bad, this is what you should drink. It's really good for you. Knock out the flu real quick."
"I seem to be a tad under the weather, so I have my honey lemon and ginger drink with a little bit of cinnamon in. Lovely, don't worry it's not covered. I've tested for it all."
"Use KT Tape to cover areas of your body that are chafing. It doesn't always work, it might come off, but it's definitely worth a try."
"Humor is the antidote to all ills."
"It is the complete cure from all of the different ailments and sicknesses."
"Secret: If you're ever hung over, come to Starbucks and get one of these shits. It'll take the nasty taste out your mouth."
"Potassium counters sodium toxicity."
"Day two was quite rocky, and I did feel a little seasick, but this really nice lady came over to me and told me that eating green apples and looking into the horizon helps to cure seasickness."
"That's cool, cremorgen for coughs and colds due to colds."
"Ancient folklore and mysticism said that a bezolar could cure any poison, all you had to do was hold your nose and swallow it."
"There are two great remedies: prayer and the flight of dangerous occasions. Prayer is the safeguard of Chastity."
"I feel like a Coke cures a hangover or if you have a belly ache."
"The remedy for a bad marriage isn't divorce; it's repentance and change."
"There is nothing that a beach day or a pool day can't fix."
"Cloves are really great, really great for as an anodyne for topical pain, especially like dental pain. That's mostly what I use it for."
"The appropriate remedy for sleep deprivation is sleep, not schedule two amphetamines."
"Throat numbing spray can be helpful when you have the common ailments of cold, flu, sore throat, canker sores."
"All problems are solved by tannin containing plants and bloat is another one of those problems solved by incorporating tannin containing plants into the stand."
"If it's something you don't want to burn, make roqia water."
"Tea tree oil is the best. Put it on warts, put it on zits, put it on open wounds, deep wounds, wounds where you can see like bone."
"I'm actually trying to remedy that now."
Daria: "I don't pretend I'm going to cure you, Daria, but if a lack of mother-daughter bonding is part of your problem, we're going to remedy that right now."
"I actually reached out to one of my friends who also struggles with this kind of thing. She sent me a link to this yoga exercise that's supposed to help with bloating."
"Apparently, if you suffer from floaters, you can eat pineapple, pineapple has a bromeline chemical component which helps with the dissolving gels, so do your research."
"...if I can actually really get on top of that and get rid of this crazy chronic heartburn it'd be great."
"Aloe vera juice works better because it will not pull down the red tones as much."
"What displeases God is when you refuse to trust His remedy."
"For every solution, chances are there's a remedy."
"I started drinking the amount of water I'm supposed to be drinking and boom, headache gone."
"It's a really good medicine for everything."
"A date with the nurse is the only cure."
"I think the best thing is the Vicks Vapor Rubs."
"The real remedy here is impeachment and conviction."
"The only remedy to this Hobbes thought was civil society and enforced cooperation between people. Community is better than solitude."
"If there are going to be any effective remedies in a situation like this... I would hope that remedies would be found within Congress."
"Every good message must not only have diagnosis it must always have biblical remedy."
"Using castor oil before bed taps into an age-old remedy with roots in traditional medicine."
"As our journey through the night with this ancient elixir comes to a close, it's clear that castor oil is more than just a remedy, it's a legacy of wellness."
"And it just requires a bit of a different kind of understanding here to understand how to remedy this and how to deal with this and respond to this in a much more appropriate way."
"Plantain is an excellent remedy for colds and coughs."
"That stuff eases them so easily and also takes away their hiccups super quickly."
"I find that the apple cider vinegar tonic...is a great aid."
"Guys if you have anxiety jump in cold water it's true what they say"
"Vinegar is actually quite good as an antiseptic."
"Helps get oxygen all the way out there to relieve some of that ringing in your ears."
"Supposedly, if you drink milk after you eat something spicy, it makes the spice go away... It worked. It's not spicy anymore."
"Supposedly Al Capone went Hot Springs because... they thought that hot mineral baths would cure syphilis."
"...you don't warn someone in advance about imminent threat and also give the remedy as to how to avoid it unless you love somebody."
"There's no remedy for fear except trust."
"Junior caught the sniffles, Bill sneezed, and Jill wheezed. They called up the doctor and asked for his prescription. Here's what he said to do: buy Listerine."
"Don't you hate feeling miserable the day after drinks? Luckily, a game-changing product called zbiotics is here to help."
"I would feel nauseous in the morning and I found that eating, not just crackers or something carby, but really something with protein and fat in it, helped and that basically, like, cured my nausea."
"Quantitative easing is a tool for fixing a blockage in an economy that isn't running smoothly."
"It's a remedy, remedy, remedy, and the way you go, baby, don't you know there's a remedy."
"I always take this as soon as I feel like I'm catching something and I swear it just like works every time."
"That's exactly how to get rid of a cold."
"Just try these Tums and it is undeniably the most instantly effective thing I have ever done in my life where it is just like I feel horrible, I have a Tum two minutes later it's like nothing happened."
"God has a remedy for what has not moved, for what has been stuck."
"Prayer is always the first remedy, the first thing to do."
"It is better to have the remedy than keep the prejudice."
"You have to figure out which it is, what causes them to be there in the first place, and then you apply the appropriate remedy."
"Union is the only remedy for separation. It's rhetorical, but it's also the truth."
"Culture can save us, can be a remedy in some way."
"This could be the cure for a person's problems."
"...the word 'al-falaq' becomes a remedy for the Prophet, and through him, a remedy for all of us."
"Everybody knows the only way to break a fever is to cool it down."
"He was convinced he would be his own remedy. In that case, he failed."
"Winning cures just about everything."
"That is exactly what the doctor ordered for the Jets."
"We know this story is an old and proven one, it is winning that cures all."
"Prayer is the surest remedy against the devil and besetting sins."
"Winning is a cure for all diseases."
"In other words, the cure is far greater than the disease."
"You want to cure a cough, eat some pancakes."
"Industry is the best cure for melancholy."
"It's called drunken noodles for various stories, but I like to think of them as a really good hangover cure."
"Elderberry is good if you make up the syrup or something for when you have a cold, flu, or something throat."
"If the poisoned person took the medicine cut skin of tianu fruit in time, the effects of poisoning could be easily gotten rid of."
"If you're ever out drunk and you're trying to cure your hangover, just have a Hydra before bed."
"If you're experiencing excessive shedding, I would go ahead and recommend fenugreek."