
Public Investment Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"We need to invest in child care in the same way that we invest in highways so that people can get to work."
"The American public is financing pharmaceutical research and development and then being rewarded for that investment with the world's highest prices for medicine."
"We, the public, invested early in these medicines. We reduce the R&D costs for pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, in the back end, the public should have received some sort of return in the form of affordable prices."
"We need an investment agenda; we need to go forward on the idea that public intervention actually can grow our economy, not stagnate it."
"Investments in infrastructure and early childhood education actually do pay for themselves."
"The bill funnels billions to upgrade public transit, improve water supply, and expand broadband internet to rural communities. It aims to put hundreds of thousands of Americans to work rebuilding roads and bridges."
"New York is investing twenty billion dollars to combat homelessness and preserve and expand new affordable housing across the state."
"Let's invest in our people without leaving them a mountain of debt."
"Investing in a public asset that's outdoor facing was either a stroke of Genius or sore good luck."
"This will be the largest investment in clean drinking water and wastewater infrastructure in American history."
"We paid to get this, we paid for the R&D for this thing, we paid to distribute it."
"Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil pledges to invest up one percent treasury in bitcoin and crypto."
"The global majority needs public investment and infrastructure to modernize the economy."
"I think if we look at the past 30 years of Hubble and what we foresee as a bright future with JWST, if you put that in the context of money spent per year, it turns out to be less than a cup of coffee, a cheap cup of coffee, per citizen, per year."
"Infrastructure spending can be one of the best investments a government can make."
"Education and healthcare should be socialist... It's just sheer investment in your people."
"We're putting more money into mental health issues at record levels."
"Public investment is as important, if not more."
"A massive investment in public infrastructure will create tens of thousands of good paying jobs."
"I support improving America's aging roads, bridges, ports, and other infrastructure."
"Removing the profit motive entirely from global health will allow us to make the kind of public investments we need."
"Change could come rapidly, but progressives must remain vigilant and active. We need real investment in public services and a green economy."
"Prescription drugs developed with taxpayer dollars must be sold at reasonable prices."
"Infrastructure: a great thing. Fix our roads, highways, tunnels, airports."
"Investing in public education and affordable housing, not in never-ending wars."
"Longevity can't be manufactured. It's got to be something real that people invest themselves in."
"It's very important to think that the public investment in cultural facilities is enormous."
"The big question is not just to have more of that risk-taking and investment from the public sector and organizing it in ways that we just were talking about, but also how do you then govern the system to make sure that we're socializing not just risks but also rewards."
"We take a balanced approach to our economy that deals with our debts, keeps taxes low on working families, and puts more money into our public services."
"A lot of this public assistance is a good public investment."
"When you hear a political leader talk about an infrastructure investment, I want you to start thinking about the infrastructures that we use in our day-to-day life."
"We have come together around a plan that combines hundreds of billions in tax cuts for the middle class with direct investment in areas like healthcare, energy, education, and infrastructure."
"The Keynesian multiplier... is higher in those cases where this public sector investment has been targeted."
"Transit projects like the Healthline show massive return on investment in economic development and beyond."
"We need safe, reliable, renewable energy and more investments in public transit."
"The public is the early venture investor in these products and we deserve a share of the returns when these products prove valuable."
"Safety and security do not just happen; they are the result of collective thought and public investment."
"Infrastructure makes a contribution to the economy operating in a smooth fashion."
"We need to ensure that through a growing economy, we ensure that we are reinvesting in our public services and ultimately creating well-paid secure jobs that take children out of poverty."
"Nobody's arguing against public ownership, nobody's arguing against putting more money into public services now."
"The structure of public investment and its ability to catalyze private sector investment is what matters."
"Healthcare and education are not socialist programs; these are investments in their economy, in your country."
"Labor governments always invest in public services."
"I like that they take our money and put it to things like public stuff."