
Professional Impact Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"It's changed not just my workflow, but also the way I physically work on shoots, the way I frame situations, the way I work with my brides and grooms."
"He's extraordinarily knowledgeable... an intense wealth of knowledge and experience."
"These early days, these early moments really do make a difference."
"This was a significant blow to his reputation."
"If you're looking for the one skill that has a massively disproportional outcome to effort ratio, it's timing."
"The controversy surrounding the alleged hoax had lasting repercussions on his professional standing and sparked widespread debate on issues of accountability and justice."
"Your work is greatly appreciated. Take a moment and think about the lives you affect daily through your profession." - Miss Terry Toursinsky
"Through your hard work and dedication, they are able to look up to you. You're going to be respected in some type of field, niche, or community."
"The Macho Man is one of the biggest and most iconic names in the business."
"It was amazing, he won four million dollars for the win, and it propelled him up the standings. It was pretty incredible to see."
"I feel like we'll be more acquainted with culture than someone a similar age in a different career field."
"Losing to Ninja in rock, paper, scissors. Absolutely 2020."
"Great actors make everybody else's job easier."
"He was having a positive impact on the field."
"I don't want to see people who do important work have to end that work because of one guy's bad decisions."
"Phenomenal answers, phenomenal insight, thank you so much for your work in the scene."
"She set the standard, she was the bar, she defined so much about this industry."
"One other thing I remember I didn't know you really well near other days of Dropbox but I remember being impressed by just how much you got done."
"This is going to save me hours, maybe even days of work. This is a huge deal for workflow."
"Life would probably be better for them if people with a high skill set went over there and started actively working."
"My ability to work with literally any other content producers was affected."
"I've had a lot of individual success, but I just want to be known for my impact on the game."
"It could replace up to 20% of professional jobs in the entire world."
"I think it's safe to say he has now lost some credibility and he might not be here for a long long time."
"The mental health field is populated by altruistic geniuses improving the state of being for those they work with."
"He's one of the smartest people I've met in my life he's one of the most passionate people that I've met in my life he has taken part in many projects where he has improved these products."
"Your story is amazing. Your rise in China, your exit from China, and now the position that you're in in the United States."
"I wouldn't look back on a body of work that I'm proud of and that had an impact and that made people's lives better."
"Use your faith in your workplace. Part of the reasons why you're there is to make the company successful."
"Whatever world you're in, in terms of career, the world is gonna know your name."
"Sometimes there's a such thing as being too transparent right you're being too transparent to the point where again you know you bought negative press to your company they fired you probably because of that."
"Her voice, a blend of journalistic integrity and poetic grace."
"Did I break this sport? Could professional throwers just come into the game and throw this on like a massive knife overhead and it like flies like the exact same literally every time regardless of power and wind?"
"There's somebody coming in and bringing some humanity into whatever it is that they're doing."
"It should be about the work you can produce, the results you've achieved, and the value you can create."
"It's directly connected to your work, your career."
"Most times we go through our career not realizing we truly helped anybody out." - Officer Colvin
"Thank you for everything you did for the sport. Thank you for elevating things."
"Your hygiene matters, especially when it comes to business, social events, and relationships."
"We have already seen a drop in people applying for residency in states where abortion is banned."
"It's called The Legends demo for a reason... they influenced all of skateboarding."
"These irresponsible tweets are not harmless because they are not. They do not just go away; they have real-world consequences. They can take away your job, your life, your memories."
"This career field will provide a life that none of us on here can explain."
"You're meant to be known publicly for the work that you do."
"When you walk into that room you do not have to say a word, because your expertise has already been established."
"If you're a human resources professional and you are interested in having more impact at work using data to have more impact with analytics, this is the video for you."
"Your professional practice has great potential impact in reducing body carbon."
"Should the choices you make in your private life affect your professional life?"
"Your work really does make a difference."