
Religious Importance Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"There are no days in which good deeds are more beloved to Allah than these 10 days."
"The Bible is full of what we all need, and that's why the devil discourages us from reading it."
"The mystical city of Jerusalem: perhaps the most famous city in the history of the world."
"The only thing that matters is your relationship with God."
"The Sabbath commandment is the only commandment God starts with the word 'remember,' as God foresaw that this was the commandment that would be under greatest attack."
"Jesus is the most important thing in my life."
"It's important to get your relationship with Christ right."
"The Book of Revelation is as vital to us today as it was to the early church."
"The Church made the assumption a holy day of obligation and a dogma, showing its importance."
"Precision... it's the most precious thing that you have... that is the great need in the church today."
"Jerusalem: a spiritual Hub profoundly important to Christianity, Islam, and Judaism"
"Acknowledging God's sovereignty is essential."
"Christ is present in his church as she offers in his name the sacrifice of the mass and as she administers the sacrament."
"Biblical cosmology, especially in light of end times, is critically important."
"This speaks to the seriousness with which God takes His church and His people."
"There is nothing more important than the gospel of Jesus Christ, and Salvation."
"I can't understate how important the Hadith are for Islamic life."
"The Gathering of Israel is the most important work taking place on the Earth today."
"The home of the Trojan heroes became a holy place, a place imbued with enormous mythological and religious significance."
"We must never forget the importance of the gospel."
"It's like that's what I needed was Jesus. He was all that I needed."
"So church is essential and I think people say of course church is essential but I think what they really would get out is they say no just christian faith is essential."
"The fight for the salvation of Western civilization is the fight that is going on right now in the Catholic Church." - Michael Voris
"We should take religion seriously. It's an important institution."
"To defend the honor of a believing man or woman is very important."
"What does God consider so important in our lives? Prayers."
"Christianity if false is of no importance and if true is of infinite importance." - CS Lewis
"More important than everything else is the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ came to this earth."
"Always try to do your research on why the hijab is so important in Islam."
"So even regular vases placed in tombs had great religious importance."
"The importance of the Book of Mormon and if that he would read it every day his problems wouldn't go away but they would be alleviated."
"It's urgent that today's Christians understand the crucial role Israel and the Jewish people play in God's plan."
"If Christianity is true, it's of vital importance to every one of us."
"The prophetic is more important now than any time in history."
"Religion is a necessary ultimate essential purpose and meaning."
"If in the end, we do not choose Christ, it will not matter what we have chosen."
"We're facing a crisis right now in this nation and Mark said it beautifully, the nation is burning not because of the political structure. The nation is only as healthy as its church, just remember that."
"If somebody shows you a hadith, it's part of our Deen, it's part of our life."
"Peter was important, he was an apostle, and there's a lot we can learn from Peter."
"Your relationship with God is the most important thing on this earth."
"Bible prophecy matters, and Jesus said, 'I hold you accountable to know that day.'"
"The Bible is important; that word of God is powerful."
"The resurrection matters not because of King, but because the resurrection matters."
"Without the Bible, there will be no revival."
"For us, Fatima Zahra is not just an Arab personality or a female in Medina. For us, she is the axis of the teachings."
"Your relationship with God is the most vital part of being a child of God."
"The Bible is like air for a Christian. You don't see it, but you can't live without it."
"It would be easier for the world to survive without the Sun than to do without Holy Mass."
"The stability that faith provides is crucial."
"We will be judged in the end primarily on our attitude toward him."
"Jerusalem is God's clock, it's like the countdown clock."
"You should be scared if you don't have a real relationship with God."
"Mary actively participated in God's will and acted with him as co-redemptrix."
"Islam is preserving marriage, family, community, belief in God. These are things that are biologically rooted."
"This is the fruit of false doctrine and this is why doctrine matters. Christianity in its purest form is pure pleasure, pure spirituality that benefits everyone around you continuously by positive energy."
"The resurrection - the most important thing you ever imagined."
"Deliverance was important in Jesus' ministry, it should be important to all of us."
"It's the greatest decision by far you have to make in your entire life."
"It's the most important book that we ever read."
"The difference between a believer and he who doesn't is actually Salah."
"The word of God is front and center in true Revival."
"It's the Atonement of Christ that matters most."
"For everybody out there, if you get nothing else from what I've ever said over the last nine years or right here in this video, please get this: Nothing is right until it is right with God."
"Now, is when we need God's Word more than any other time."
"The most important thing before you can even have that conversation is to get yourself back in the church, back to where you belong."
"The most important thing you will ever do for spiritual growth is to get into the Word of God."
"Nothing will be more important than the Word of God."
"Religious fervor over their veneration built according to the degree of importance of the relics."
"What is today called mental health has thus been for the monotheisms a matter of absolutely central religious concern."
"Knowledge is so central to our religion."
"I've always wanted to have a partner that was a Christian. She was a very strong Christian."
"Understanding the sutras is important."
"The local church is a sacred, vital part of being a follower of Jesus."
"If it wasn't for the Bible, we'd be lost."
"Scripture puts a lot of emphasis on it; in Deuteronomy 16, it's listed as one of the three major pilgrimage feasts."
"The Apostles Creed can help Christians everywhere to differentiate between essential beliefs and beliefs that are of secondary importance."