
Young Love Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Normal people's love story between Marianne and Connell feels like an especially convincing portrayal of how young people often make romantic mistakes and hurt each other despite truly loving and wanting to be together."
"This sequence is perhaps one of the best depictions I've seen of what it's like to be young with a crush."
"Young love can be thrilling, sweet, and innocent, but sometimes it turns all-encompassing, heartbreaking, and even obsessive."
"It brilliantly recaptures a young man's first hopeless and heroic love."
"The blend of mystery and solving, first love and horrible loss was just phenomenal."
"I think if you find someone that you really love, even if you're young, you get to experience so many new things with them."
"I want to tell you about what happens when a boy really, really likes a girl."
"Why do you say look, young girls have to fall in love first?"
"This girl was in love, desperately in love as only the young can be in love."
"I'm glad to see that young love still happens in this strange modern world."
"After all, we got married at 19 and 22. We were still pretty young in our own eyes."
"That is beautiful and it says something about falling in love with your high school sweetheart and making that decision so young and doing it without any regrets."
"Young love blew up in the car, blown up by his bodyguard tells the whole story."
"Young love is a rose with thorns, and the stem is as long as a lifetime," I reflected.
"A young couple from a sleepy coastal town."
"I'm actually supporting them. I'm actually behind them. I think they should. They're telling me that at 19 these two have the capacity to make a decision about what they're going to do for the next 80 years with each other."
"I think at 20 I might have had my first heartbreak."
"Their dreams are new, but they'll come true, because they're young and in love."
"Young and in love, it's them against the world."
"It's a real young love, they fell in adolescent love at 19 years old."
"Heartstopper explores the fundamentals of chasing the person you wish to be, allowing us glimpses into the lives of Nick and Charlie from tender moments to heartbreak and the thrill of a future that encompasses more."
"Young love works in mysterious ways."
"I love young love. I love our love too, but young love, the butterflies, the struggles."
"Full of the unbreakable bonds of friendship, the electricity of young love, and the terrifying promise of a future just around the corner."
"The story of this drama really is just 2 young people fall in love."
"I know we are young, Rudo. I just wanted to let you know that you are the only one for me."
"I know we're young, but I feel it's the right thing to do."
"Love, we got that young love, love, we got that young love."
"Falling in love so young and having to wait until you're so old to get married."
"I never thought I'd get married at 19, but it was just so right; I knew he was the person for me."
"Give them something to root for: young love."
"They're each other's first loves; what works about this is that it's an exaggerated look at how actual young relationships often come to an end."
"I'm going to ask Rika to marry me. I know I'm only 20, but I'm sure of it. I love her dearly and don't want to be with anyone else."
"I met Aaron when I was 14, and we are genuinely in love with one another and like being married."
"We are out here trying to promote young love, we're out here trying to inspire."
"Instead of movies and cafes, young couples come here and enjoy each other’s company."
"I think that's as close to love as eleven-year-olds can get."
"Who knows, maybe you'll fall in love when you're 16 and it's genuinely the love of your life."
"Affection at 20 years old is the first true affection."
"It captures the spirit of young love and doesn't take it too seriously at the same time."
"When people are youngsters, when they're young kids and they fall in love, we call it puppy love."
"Being in love or crushing on people when you're that young, it's kind of incredible."
"I fell in love once... it was like that puppy love. I was very young... feeling pain, excruciating pain from how much I wanted this person."