
Risk Avoidance Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"There is no benefit whatsoever from doing alcohol. Therefore, if there's no benefit and there's a little bit of risk, just don't do it at all."
"Trading on the daily chart will keep you from making some of the detrimental mistakes that could be making in a day trading account that would cause you to bleed your account dry."
"So if you're planning your future for example you can see pitfalls and then you can avoid them which is a big deal."
"Rule number one to investing is don't lose money. Rule number two is see rule number one."
"The safest thing is the easiest way not to have to find out whether your specific chain is going to kill you in your particular use case: not to use one at all."
"Dying is a pretty big deal, so if you can avoid it, you probably want to."
"Just stay away from that stuff even if you think you can make money in the short term with it a it's probably illegal and B you are open to massive risk if there's an exit scam so just stay away from anything that looks like a Ponzi."
"Hiding under a rock and never investing has never resulted in financial success."
"I would be the same way, why would you take any more chances with what like all of that just would not want anything to do with it ever again exactly."
"If you don't try, then you can't fail, right?"
"Taking no action feels safe, but it's crucial to create urgency in sales."
"We're on the edge of a cliff and I have no intention of going over that cliff."
"I managed to avoid not dying in a deep sea submersible by doing uh one simple trick: staying the [__] on land."
"Do not build where the tsunami is going to hit."
"It was after Hattin that Saladin met with the commanders of the Franks."
"We don't want to be that boat that crashes into the bridge."
"I was just like 'do not do anything stupid.'"
"This is not a time to be a hero, this is a time to preserve and protect."
"He wasn't trying to beat out every 50/50 ground ball."
"What's dangerous? Stay the hell away from it."
"You do not engage in any behavior that risks the safety, security, or survival of our people."
"Buy off support in uptrends and sell off resistance in downtrends. Don't gamble picking tops."
"Ultimately, you don't want to give money back. It's one of those days on ideas that just, you know."
"Do not play with leverage, do not try to day trade."
"Do not buy the dip in Alibaba... if you listen to this advice, you have avoided the disaster."
"If it never hits none of my strike prices, I'm staying out of the play, there will always be another play."
"The #MeToo movement has contributed to male sexlessness, yes, they don't want the risk."
"We just family here, that's priority number one."
"How about not even risk that and get saved today and avoid the whole thing very well put Pastor Billy Crone."
"I would advise my friend to please don't do anything stupid right now that's going to make you intoxicated or lack of sleep."
"Don't take substances from people you don't know in random pill form."
"When you get into situations where the consequences could be so severe that I'm no longer able to take care of my family, that's where a guy doesn't cut corners."
"Just be super careful so you don't end up a statistic."
"Let's make questionable choices, not stupid ones."
"Rule number 17: don't be a hero. Putting yourself in danger isn't worth it."
"No thinking, no analysis, no guessing, no wondering, no rolling dice."
"Treat him, last thing we need is something getting an infection like this early in the game, it would be really bad."
"Follow a good disciplined way of life, treat people with respect, be loyal, be courteous, do not make any sudden hasty risky decisions or investments."
"If you don't want to put your body at risk, you do not have to."
"Surely the priority should be to avoid that eventuality at almost all costs."
"We don't stand a chance, let's sneak past him."
"No wrapping up, no going in if someone would rather put you at risk for something or have you worrying while you're having sex then you definitely don't want to risk your body on that kind of sex."
"Why take a risk and put yourself in a situation and have your opponent opinion outside the box?"
"You're better off not messing with venomous snakes."
"Better safe than sorry, you know what I mean?"
"Know when to stop, in this way you avoid danger."
"It's always better to be safe than to be sorry."
"Stay protected because the last thing you want is to make a lot of money and then have to start over."
"Are you gonna risk getting ripped off in all these different instances? No, I'm not."
"Bitcoins now become the digital gold that's being ran to when you don't want risk."
"Have a good plan, don't do it in a way that puts your home at risk."
"I am not willing to permanently injure myself in completely preventable ways."
"Smart play. No need to bring extra risk in."
"Self-invalidation: she devalues her emotional dysregulation and criticizes herself constantly, internalizing invalidating voices from her environment."
"Risk avoidance: Sometimes the best choice is to walk away from a project or venture if the potential risks outweigh the benefits."
"Avoid the wormholes. You're gonna be so upset when you go through a wormhole finally and it's just like that."
"A system doesn't just help you capture wins; equally important is when your system keeps you out of trouble."
"I figured it was a better option than playing chicken with some gunmen."
"Safety first. I'm not going to take any chances by riding this bicycle without that being closed."
"We don't have to put people at risk."
"The smart thing to do in the beginning is just do the best you can and try to avoid losing money."
"Olivia played a very similar game to Ali, just without the massive downsides."
"If you know it isn't safe, don't do it."
"We don't guess, and we play the closest thing to sure things."
"One criteria must be that it avoids all of the catastrophic risks."
"Motorcycles are dangerous. The safest way to not be hurt on a motorcycle is to not ride a motorcycle at all."
"Professional cleaners are key because if during cleaning the reset button or the EPO button is being pressed in accidentally, this could create downtime for your data centers."
"Rule number one is to never lose money, and rule number two is never forget rule number one."
"Not trading is a position and it always, always is profitable."
"Please use precautions if you live in these areas, don't even take risks in these tornado warnings."
"Ostrich effect: The decision to ignore dangerous or negative information by burying one's head in the sand like an ostrich."
"It's better to not put yourself in that position in the first place than to put yourself in harm's way."
"Remove yourself from risky situations, keep a cool head, stay in control."