
Pet Training Quotes

There are 237 quotes

"I don't believe there's such a thing as dominant dogs; I think there's such a thing as weak owners."
"You have to understand also is there going to be times where the dog is they're going to be over stimulated for him or too stimulated and you're gonna need to correct him for going past that boundary and ignoring him."
"It really is a great way to teach your dog to make good decisions."
"The puppy biting phase is just part of having a puppy; it will get better."
"Sasha will be trained. There's no doubt about it."
"It's just interesting little things that you're not even thinking about that can throw your dog off."
"Even if your dog only knows five things write them down."
"I'm trying to condition her to be quiet even when exciting things are going on around her."
"Walking's been going great Brahman is you know loving learning about his new surroundings I think the exercise is you know making him a lot less anxious it's been a real good experience."
"So the timing of when you let the dog win is very important if not even the most important thing."
"Teaching tricks is a fabulous way to build a bond with your dog and to build communication with them."
"It's so worth it to go out of your way to create this positive association with the crate and getting them comfortable with their area."
"I'm really trying to teach her how to leave Indy alone."
"Socialization is an ongoing process and it's happening whether you want it to or not."
"So when she barks like that, don't just show up, don't just like 'Hey, it's okay.' Hey, stop. What you want to do is effectively and sustainably correct her."
"These dogs have more energy than 10 cans of Red Bull, but when they get told to sit down, they do it. But they're just like, 'Come on, give me something to do.'"
"Training pets is actually a really good way to keep your Sims happy."
"A dog kid could do no wrong... unless it's not trained well."
"Never punish the puppy for going potty inside."
"Be adaptable to understand your puppy's signals."
"I just want her to have a basic set of commands that she understands so it will improve the quality of our life of hers and mine together."
"Primape is Ash's real first test with disobedience and how to control the temperament."
"Rabbits can be litter trained but again don't expect absolute complete litter training most or all of the urine should be in the litter box."
"Give a healthy balance of training and love."
"Puppies should start with a hyper-structured life and graduate to increasing autonomy."
"I trained my dog to fetch beer. It may not sound too impressive, but he grabs them from the neighbor's fridge."
"They need a job to do mental stimulation will get you so much farther than physical exercise."
"Dogs need boundaries just like men and children."
"Adapting to your dog's behavior is part of being a good trainer."
"I'm really proud of his progress, but his leash walking still is far from perfect and that's okay."
"Part of the challenge is not just how quickly it can complete it but about how many points you can gather by doing all sorts of special events and training the dogs up."
"Training sessions like this are how we teach them that listening to me is the way for her to get those things that she wants."
"Compassion is what's so needed right now in our world."
"Teaching your puppy to love their crate is crucial."
"It's important to make handling a rewarding experience."
"It's always best to build on success so that your dog doesn't get worried or stressed during this and they actually find it a pretty nice, relaxing, calm time with you."
"You are responsible for what this animal turns out to be... you are 100% responsible."
"Fun is the number one priority when teaching fetch."
"I say this to make it clear to you that if you have a dog and they're not listening, even for a treat, doesn't mean that they're not motivated by treats."
"Training your puppy becomes part of the routine and this can be really, really helpful for your puppy experience."
"Training your puppy to love being on his bed can be really valuable down the road."
"What I want you to really think about, especially if you're struggling with attention and listening, is what does your puppy find rewarding?"
"I want them to think and feel that you are the most rewarding thing in their world."
"Trainers are absolutely wonderful. They are rooting for you. They want you to have a really wonderful time bringing home your new pet into your life."
"The learning curve when raising every individual puppy is different and it's significant even for me."
"It's never the dog; it's the human behind the dog."
"By far the most challenging part of training my dog."
"They basically got the dog trainer to come over and say the dogs aren't the problem but you are."
"Just get your little treat pouch like this one."
"Raising Pokémon is not about raw strength. It's the loving bond between Pokémon and trainer that makes them stronger."
"Make sure that when you target your bird back in the cage, you're also asking it to come out."
"Mastering the walk is one of the best ways to connect to your dog."
"Training dogs now for some people may come easy."
"Start training, here he comes, he's so eager, so keen."
"This simple leash is what's going to make the biggest difference in your puppy training."
"Consistency is key in teaching your dog: 'Your dog can't help but learn and understand.'" - Zack George
"Our real goal is figuring out, is this a behavior that can be modified? Are we doing wrong? If it is, we gotta learn how to do it better."
"Eleanor is about 95% potty trained... she's trained, I mean she comes to you."
"All dogs are good dogs, they just need a lot of love and a little bit more training."
"Dogs are animals. You have to correct them sometimes."
"How we took a husky dragging me down the street to doing what? Let's see... we took a pause for about a minute, let's see if she's still got it. Check it out, come on, good girl!"
"This feels like a huge victory to me because anxiety is such a tough thing to work through with some dogs."
"Analyze your dog right, look for easy wins, figure out what your dog's motivations are."
"The most natural thing to do to a dog when they do stuff that you absolutely cannot tolerate is to correct them."
"Practice crate training five times a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, evening time, and bedtime."
"Skye needs these brain games, Huskaya, right now she's like this is a box right now this is just a box."
"We more forgiving that type of thing. And when you have a wild and crazy puppy, sometimes they're like, Huh, maybe I can kind of push your buttons a little bit more where I don't know if I should do it with them."
"Because we wanna make sure we wanna get all the good moments in because the more money in the bank that we get for holding onto her that was and her making a good choice, she's gonna go, Oh this is what you want me to do."
"Good girl, here, here, here, good girl."
"When I first arrived, Molly was taking over Tracy and Bob's life, but now the training is working so well I think they're well on their way to becoming a more harmonious household."
"We turned him into a pit bull with zero problems, and he's a sweet dog."
I saw a dude online who taught his dog to get him a beer, and he put a towel to the door of the refrigerator. You'd say, "Go get me a beer," and the dog would go there, she would grab ahold of towel, pull on it, it would open up the door to the fridge.
"Your puppy should also have a really good, positive association with their name."
"Another common time that puppies tend to do a lot of nipping and biting is when we've gone out, we've come home from work and we greet them at the door and they're really excited way."
"Make it fun and you'll have a perfect dog."
"How you speak to the dog can really help promote the calmness that my puppy has."
"Puddles! Puddles! And I taught him to say it!"
"Good girl. I love to watch my dogs learn because they are so smart."
"It just goes to show you can train your cats out of naughty behaviors that they've got."
"You took him to a dog obedience school to stop the barking or as Bob said, to teach him his name."
"The beauty of dogs is that they can be retrained at any time, because they are very much creatures of habit."
"If the dog is doing it in the house, that's where that whole discipline comes from where you've got to override your emotions and go, OK, all right, buddy, let's go."
"Your friend really is very well trained."
"Fetch training up, keeping it super fun."
"Many humans teach their pets lots of commands, like to bring a ball, to count, or even to dance."
"Now, if there was a dog coming, no. Chester's barking over there. She gets a low correction for leaving."
"You're going to want to heavily praise them. That's gonna be 'well done, good boy' maybe a treat, maybe a toy, completely up to you."
"Once they have got it, you will find it so much easier and it takes a lot of the stress away from you worrying where they've gone or when they're going."
"You could teach your pet how to do a trick...I think that's always really fun."
"Communicating with your dog starts when you hook them up to the bike."
"You now have a physical cue that means ‘go on your spot’, ‘get on your bed’, ‘hop it up’ or whatever verbal cue you want to add to that."
"That is when you know you are ready to stay on the other side of the door for longer and longer periods when your dog stops noticing that you went out in the first place."
"Love them enough to play it cool so if you've been at tip number three for a while and let's say your dog is comfortable for about 20 minutes with you outside the home or down the hallway or in a lobby watching nearby."
"...have a dog that will walk to heel because that transforms a walk where the dogs pull into something that is the highlight of the day."
"At Sniff Dog, we're here to teach you how to speak dog. If you can have a better understanding of your dog, you can have a relationship built off trust and fun."
"Blue is not only gonna be an amazing looking dog, but he's gonna have the obedience to match."
"Having Victoria come into our home and help us with our dogs has been a wonderful experience."
"The most important things to focus on when you're struggling with potty training or controlling the environment: giving them more than enough potty breaks and of course feeding them on a consistent schedule."
"Dogs need confidence and independence so they need to learn that it's okay and they can have fun by themselves when you're not home."
"The joy of having a dog that walks to heel is when I give owners something. It's often a behavior that we'll address quite quickly."
"There is nothing wrong in doing the same thing with dogs as long as we do it fairly and consistently."
"Proper tug play will not make a dog aggressive."
"When you take a dog out, they won't be interested in the treats if they're more interested in the environment."
"Having a dog like this can be discouraging, but I feel like we made a lot of progress."
"I would pay ten thousand dollars to have them train my nine-year-old dog to do this."
"It's great to get a dog for a kid, but it's also important to teach them how to train that dog."
"We want to start associating your home and your family with lovely things, and how we do that is with a lot of praise and a lot of treats."
"Teach your dog how to go to lie on their bed and relax."
"We've been bringing Cash over there to get used to being around kids and other people, and he just loves it."
"The joy of having a dog that walks to heel is one of the best things I can give to a dog owner."
"He's actually really good, he does go to the door when he needs a wee."
"An owner can test their dog, but a dog should never test their owner, no matter the situation."
"I'm not a certified dog trainer, but I did train my dog."
"The place is just a great command to use to basically teach some structure and boundaries."
"You can teach your dog this at any age because the concept is quite simple."
"Every time your dog checks in with you, give it a treat."
"If your Malinois is biting all the time and you don't really know what to do, well don't panic."
"We want to make sure our dog is successful with the training and we're having fun."
"Spend time each day with the harness on the puppy so they get used to the feeling being on their body."
"It's made our lives so much easier having her well-behaved."
"I can't wait to like just take him places and like train him."
"You've got to get a bond with you and the dog because if you don't, the dog will work for you, but he won't work for you half as well as if he really likes you."
"Parrots are extremely social animals; they bond very closely with their owners if you tame them right."
"Oh Buster, it's okay if it takes a few tries. Don't give up."
"Going out of your way to set your dog up to be successful is a great move."
"Consistency is really important. Dogs really appreciate when information and rules and everything is black and white."
"It's not necessarily a quick fix, but it's important to keep at it regardless."
"Choose something to be consistent, calm, consistent leadership, so whatever plan it is you choose to follow, be consistent with it and be a good calm leader for your dog."
"Stay good boy. I am so happy and proud."
"The act of jumping up on the counter or on the person is the reward itself."
"And that builds sort of a bond and a relationship at the same time."
"Build that trust, let that dog see you as its calm, consistent leader that it can look to for guidance and direction."
"I just need you to understand how to keep the dog getting better and better."
"We are helping you to bring out the best in your dog while we bring out the best in you."
"It's not necessarily about changing your dog; it's like working with their personalities."
"If you want your feisty dog to be off leash with other dogs, you need to get them with dogs safely, learn dog body language, and correct them in a non-nonsense way when they do something you don't like."
"By working with them from day one, giving them food from my hand, not grabbing them, doing things on their terms, you can have a very socialized and wonderful pet lizard."
"With no hesitation, she just goes in. Good job, good girl, you did it!"
"Enthusiasm that our dogs can provide when they really understand and love the game."
"Important to have positive vibes going out to your dog."
"I think dogs are great when they're properly trained."
"Crate training is an essential part of housebreaking puppies."
"Basic obedience from day one really matters."
"It's really important that you continue to work with your puppy."
"We bought a puppy course, a training course that helped us do this at home."
"Go slowly, like go at your dog's pace."
"One of the easiest things that you can do to help your dog love their crate is to associate it with things that they already love."
"But I’m here to tell you that you WILL get through it and your pup WILL eventually go outside for ALL of his business needs."
"Every single little piece that we're talking about right now is going to make your relationship better with your dog."
"I'd like to shift my role into she's paying attention to me, we have like you know she's checking in with me."
"My dogs are really responsive to the training techniques and the equipment."
"All dogs are different, so please go at your dog's pace."
"That they can get their guidance and direction from you, and as long as you're being fair and consistent, that is how you get a happy dog."
"Be a coach for the dog and give the dog what it really needs, a lot more balance as opposed to love."
"He learned to shake this weekend, but more exciting for me is when we're like walking down, we're like going on a walk, and I can like pull him to the side and like sit him down and keep him engaged while like another dog passes without him like losing his [__]."
"Good job, Ditto. You're such a good boy."
"When the dog is having a good time, they learn much easier."
"As long as he grows up to be a very kind dog who listens to you and respects you, that's kind of all I really ask for."
"She's just improving that dog's confidence, the dog's happier now."
"Speak, good boy, good boy. Sit, sit. Give me your paw, good boy."
"Develops your dog's hidden intelligence to eliminate bad behavior and create the obedient, well-behaved pet of your dreams."
"Training your dog doesn't need to be complicated, in fact, it should be fun."
"Thank you for helping so many owners and their dogs, we really appreciate you giving us the opportunity to learn and become better."
"Healthy socialization is a dog who is able to be neutral towards strangers and dogs."
"Exercises are always best when they're fun and motivational to your dog."
"The relationship is actually more important than obedience."
"They're quite happy coming out and being socialized, so her owner has obviously put a lot of work into her."
"Tegus can be housebroken, meaning that you can let them run free in your house, and they will go to the bathroom in the same spot, just like a cat."
"Your dream is just to be able to take your dog out on a walk without being pulled over."
"Good boy, now give me Paw. Oh, what a big boy you guys are both big boys now."
"He's very athletic, and he uses his speed and agility himself to get his dogs going."
"He's a rock star, he's such a smart little dog and what a fun puppy to work with."
"Better is fueled by two-sided joy: the joy you have in working through this problem with your dog, the joy the dog has while you're working on this frustration."
"Once you start having genuine fun with your dog, the training often comes really naturally."
"It's the Dog Daddy, and today I'm going to be showing you guys how to teach your dog the perfect recall."
"You want your dog to train them to be good with everybody."
"The crate itself is giving him that reward, so it's creating more of a positive association of the actual crate."
"Properly training your dog to respond to your Have a Heart wireless fence and its containment boundary is critical to the effective operation of your fence and to your dog's long-term happiness."
"Playtime, positive reinforcement, and removing the Have a Heart wireless collar are key elements of each training phase."
"Getting a training box sent to you based on your dog's specific age is a way to keep you motivated to keep you on track so that your dog is awesome in no time."
"We decided to do mandatory naps from day one, that was a lifesaver."
"Crate for the first night went amazing, didn't it baby?"
"Remember to make this fun for them; they are a working breed so they do want to please you as an owner."
"This dog is gonna be a good dog, and I mean a good one."
"Keeping your departures and your return homes quiet and calm can help your dog with their separation anxiety."
"Bama is super good in the car because we've always taken places to desensitize and socialize him."
"Jerry, shake! Cool. He seems trained."
"She seriously was the easiest dog to train and just the best dog, and I love her."