
Website Design Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"The only thing that matters is how good your art looks in your website."
"Just make sure everything is instant, like if you have a website, get rid of the introduction page."
"Your website's title is usually your business name, and the tagline describes what your business does or what you can offer the customer."
"Squarespace makes it so easy to make a beautiful website inside me moments."
"The purpose of a website for a business is to increase your revenue, add more dollars, and add more value to your company."
"Congratulations, this is now your new website."
"We swapped the images and completely changed the look and feel of the website."
"Stick to a color scheme. Just pick maybe three or four colors and use those throughout your website."
"Think about most any website that's at all interesting today that you use it's typically very interactive and dynamic."
"Every landing page should have a clear goal."
"Awesome, it's very subtle but I think it sort of polishes your website off and makes it look really professional. You don't want to add too many or go crazy with it because it can get annoying."
"A rising bounce rate is a pure sign that the page a user lands on is boring or off-putting."
"People hate stupid pop-ups that have no relevancy to what they're doing."
"CSS Grid is more powerful for sophisticated website layouts."
"Redirecting to the home page... because you don't want to fill out a form and then just get redirected back."
"Intuitive navigation like this is extremely important in keeping people on your website longer."
"A lot of people they put way too emphasis on how your website has to look"
"In order to start customizing your website, you can just go up here to edit with Elementor."
"Squarespace: Set your website apart. Grandeur."
"It gives this site a unique feel that makes it stand out from the rest."
"The footer section is probably one of the most important ones."
"Looks perfect, and the final thing which I want to do on the home page..."
"Here's what our website is going to look like potentially and here's the vision and the site map."
"Editing our store is actually a lot easier than it looks."
"Active recall: the single most efficient study technique."
"Squarespace is the easiest way to create a beautiful, unique-looking website."
"You look so cool. Do you want to be on our homepage?"
"Thank you to everyone who helped me find someone to design the Scorpion show website."
"The landing has quite a lot going on but doesn't look messy, I really like it."
"Have you ever looked up a recipe on a recipe site and because of the long introduction there's a link saying something like 'go to recipe'? That's exactly what a skip navigation link does."
"When you go to lemonade.com, it is the most pleasant insurance application process."
"I love my website and it's partly because of the theme but also partly because of the work I chose Supply."
"Make your own space on the web and see how cool it looks."
"I recommend have one main color for your site for now."
"People don't read websites; they scan them."
"Buttons are extremely effective for getting people to do what you want them to do on the website."
"Build sites that look just like this. Do not reinvent the wheel."
"I have built all of my main websites over the past few years with Squarespace because I love how intuitive and easy it makes website design and layout."
"I've absolutely loved using Squarespace over the last couple of years."
"Squarespace makes it very easy and they help you make it exactly how you envision it to be and make it look good on mobile on desktop whatever you guys are concerned about Squarespace is there to help you make beautiful."
"Squarespace made it easy for me to have an online business... it absolutely would not exist without Squarespace's support."
"You can add products to any part of your website. It can be on your about us page, your contact page, so just get creative."
"It's got a beautiful modern website design."
"It's very professional and so with just a couple clicks you can really make it look like a very professional website."
"You have tons of options when you're editing your site."
"Page speed is one of the most important UX factors."
"Some websites need serious facelifts and it's a good investment to continually upgrade your site's design to keep it modern."
"Now we just want to place a traditional form on our WordPress website."
"I love the very personalized feel from this website right here it's going to introduce him as Rowan now Rowan is going to spend the rest of his site not only sharing his work but making you feel more comfortable with him as a person and as a partner."
"With Squarespace, you can make your idea, brand, or business stand out online."
"...Squarespace makes it incredibly easy to create a professional looking website and it's not a whole lot of work it's really that simple."
"The website is laid out comfortably and easy to search and navigate."
"Squarespace's system is flawless, the designs are beautiful, the functionality is perfect."
"Squarespace gives you 24/7 beautiful websites."
"It's actual HTML that's generated which we'll show here in a second, and then your web developer copies and pastes that online to then be modified to the format and the look and feel of the rest of your website."
"Squarespace promises all of these things and I will say from first-hand experience they deliver every single time. No ugly surprises and no strings attached."
"If it takes more than 3 seconds, people bounce."
"I first built my portfolio using Squarespace's platform because of their templates that are stylish functional and easy to customize."
"Squarespace has been so user friendly, it's been so easy for me to navigate and figure out how to customize my website."
"Squarespace makes this so easy to design a very professional-looking website."
"I want my website to be a place that you go to, you clearly understand what I do, you know the projects that I have going on, you know where to find me."
"The job of the section below the fold on a product page is usually to give the customer more information if they need it."
"It's a gorgeous website. The links hotspot right to where I need them."
"At the very bottom we have a footer, it has four separate sections. You have complete control of the content that goes in your footer."
"I actually like this a little bit better, I feel like this is more typical, right, for an e-commerce website?"
"It's truly mind-blowing because it's like a drag and drop website design system."
"Squarespace's most impressive feature is its fluid engine."
"...covers basically all the different styles that you'd want to be able to get on your website."
"Set yourself apart with a gorgeous website."
"Your website is the perfect invitation to invite them into a new space where you can talk about your services shamelessly."
"Squarespace is a service that takes the hassle out of creating a website. Choose from a vast library of professionally designed templates that are not only visually stunning but also fully customizable to reflect your Unique Style and brand."
"Making sure your website is mobile responsive is very important."
"Using ChatGPT and AI art, we can create unique and captivating website designs."
"It only takes .05 seconds for a customer to form a first impression of your website. That's 50 milliseconds."
"Squarespace today is super easy to use like Steven mentioned so if you've never designed a website before I'm pretty sure that you will get the hang of it in probably an hour or less."
"...you've got to weigh up the kind of navigation versus the search..."
"...you've got to weigh up the kind of the navigation versus content..."
"Adding sections will let you add divisions of content."
"Squarespace is a fantastic resource for not super tech savvy folks like me."
"I've been a Squarespace website designer for years and it is definitely the best platform for creatives and potentially non-technical people wanting to have a website or an online store that is super easy to manage."
"Creating gorgeous websites and portfolios is kind of Squarespace's thing."
"There is nothing more insightful than watching real people using your website."
"Squarespace offers beautiful, award-winning designer templates you can create a website or online store in just minutes."
"Hugo has an extensive list of themes to choose from, each with extensive documentation."
"Squarespace is insanely good; they have thousands of award-winning fully customizable templates."
"Everybody that visits our site, particularly professional people, think it's a really, really nicely done site."
"You can get a website to sell online and it will look good."
"Your customers can access your website on a desktop, an iPad, a phone - it doesn't matter what size the screen is."
"The new WordPress block editor makes it super easy to create great looking pages on your site."
"A strong website layout can lead your visitors' focus in the right direction."
"The drag and drop website builder is probably the biggest attraction and advantage to people using Wix website builder to make their websites."
"You're going to get a very professional looking website, affordable because you don't have to hire a website developer and it's going to be very easy for you to use."
"The blox theme is one of the best versatile and overall free wordpress themes I've ever come across."
"Squarespace allows me to unify my shop and portfolio into one elegant website and it's super easy to use even for beginners."
"What are you waiting for? Try Squarespace today and elevate your artist's game."
"So straight away, we have a pretty cool-looking website that we could just import."
"So I decided to really think about what I wanted for my website, how to change it to look a little bit more like what I want it to be like."
"I like change a lot. I'm not very happy with my website at the moment. I used to be."
"One of the things I love about this website is that it's just a continuous scroll. Some other websites I use, you have to click to the next page, click to the next page, click to the next page, and then it gets a bit tedious."
"...all websites are Auto magically optimized for desktop and mobile to give the best user experience possible."
"If you haven't done your research, if you haven't worked systems for security, moderation, and collaboration into the core infrastructure of the site, if those features aren't foundational to your design, then it's already too late."
"It's all taken care of for you, so whatever your next move is online Squarespace is going to make it so much easier and also look much more professional."
"Creating a portfolio through Squarespace is so simple that I have two: one for my illustrative work and one for my garment and costume design."
"It's really critical that every time you make changes to your website to basically preview it to make sure it looks correct."
"What I love about Squarespace is how they make it so easy for you to actually personalize your own website."
"Squarespace is going to provide you with the most beautiful and powerful tools."
"All of the website templates are very cool from the get-go, they all look very polished and professional, but most of all they're very flexible."
"You can do whatever you want with them, customize them as much as you want, but it's not difficult."
"...Squarespace is beautiful I love being able to have so many different types of pages and everything that I need in an online space all be on one platform"
"I've made plenty of websites in the past and I have to see that Squarespace is the easiest and most intuitive website builder I've ever used it's uh so easy to get great effect I mean look at this this took me like five minutes"
"I think the website looks fantastic especially with that hero section and then of course the about section the blue looks fantastic with the tan and the dark gray."
"Honestly, just going through this entire video and seeing how long it was, I might make another website video where I actually build a website in front of you guys so you can see how it's done."
"Having to accept cookies on every website? It's made purposefully difficult."
"It's super important to connect my social media platforms as well to the website in a way that's more integrated than just simple buttons."
"Every page of your site should be as few clicks from your home page as possible."
"The buttons in the navigation menu at the top will jump to different sections on your website, which, in my opinion, is the coolest part about a one-page website."
"The key to success for your website is to focus on the user experience."
"This is looking pretty good already."
"UX design is like a user experience; every section on that website is meant to speak to you, it's meant for you to take action."
"Squarespace is built on a modular platform that allows you to add and remove change and customize just about every part of the website with the click of a button."
"This is a course that will teach you how to design professional-looking websites with Divi."
"You want to have images on your website because it's going to bring it to life."
"Content is more than just making your site really pretty; it's about the organization of your content."
"This is what the typical website looks like online, which is what about 90 percent of the people watching this video will have."
"Walk in the shoes of your customers, understand how they use the internet, understand what their tasks are, and build a website for the customer."
"What sets Squarespace apart for me is the fact that it's an all-in-one website platform."
"I absolutely love how easy it is to use their website and app."
"Pull up a chair, grab your favorite drink, and let me show you guys the e-commerce website that we're going to make today."
"This is a beautiful website, it's very simple to navigate."
"Now we have a beautiful website that we can work with."
"You don't want to give people too many items to click on because then people don't click on anything."
"Your website needs to look cool, yeah, but it also needs to be in good shape under the hood."
"It is laid out very, very nicely, very clearly."
"It shouldn't feel difficult or take that much effort to explore a website, not if it's well organized."
"No Church website should be cluttered and disorganized."
"I think that the site is terrific, I think it's amazing."
"What a fun, soft little site on here, a very ocean, very algae kind of feel to it."
"We're looking for something a little bit more fun because it's a photography website."
"After it's done, you'll have a really good looking website that is fast, that is good, that is reliable, and that customers will come back to."
"Just by seeing 'Contact Us' on the actual home page, that's going to make them trust you a bit more."
"Make sure when you are creating your site that everything is user friendly."
"Good website design is about making it really easy for people to do what they want to do."
"Deciding what the goal is can help you identify who that end user is of your site."
"As horrible as the site looks right now, it works."
"Remember our designated call to action color? You're going to use that as the color for your main desired action button and nowhere else on the entire site."
"You can use whole different pages or blocks to pre-build your website."
"We're not just focusing on functionality; we want our site to look great too."
"Breadcrumbs prevent your users from getting lost on a site, which results in a better user experience."
"I love love how my website is turning out."
"It's your website, you can do whatever you want with it, you can design it according to your brand design and colors."
"There is nothing worse than going to a website that is hard to navigate, difficult to understand, or uses fonts that nobody can read."
"Awesome website banners with glass morphic backgrounds."
"Before you actually start your website, you always want to kind of lay out an outline of what you want to have."
"That to me tells me the kind of care and thought that went into the website."
"The home page is very clean, it's product-centered."
"We successfully formed our homepage by adding header, main section, and footer section."
"Make sure that all the links are clickable."
"It's as easy as that to create or add a logo to your website."
"You can change the height to whatever you think is best."
"One of the most important parts of a website is allowing people to have a place to get in touch with you."
"We've completed our amazing SEO agency website design."
"I'm going to walk you through step one to step down on how to create this beautiful, impressive looking website using Wix."
"Now the only thing that's kind of missing so far is a nice logo, so let's go ahead and add a logo to our website."
"As we click on the logo, we're going to go to the homepage."
"We've completely redesigned solusplc.com for a much better user experience."
"Our website is going to have many different landing pages that could pertain to different products, different services."
"Now probably the most important page on the entire website is the home page, and it needs to capture the message you want to convey to your intended audience."
"Our website is beautiful, and I'm proud of it."
"Here we'll have a 'Read More' button you can link this to your about page."
"You want to make sure on your website that anything that can be linked should be linked."
"You're able to drag and drop anything you want and you're going to have a beautiful website at the end of this video."
"Hershey's website is very user friendly."
"Think of building a website like building a house; before you start, you need a plan."
"So that's going to be my heading now for my site."
"You have to deeply take care of all the small details of your website."
"Good design is extremely important for any website and the reason is simple: Trust."
"Less is more for simple websites, you can create great layouts for your headers and footer that are just clean and simple."
"Sites should be predictable and they should offer predictable user experiences that users can expect and understand."
"After that one second of staring at a blank screen, users are more likely to just step away and basically never come back to your site."
"Now I think the website is looking fantastic."
"Great information architecture communicates what your site is about."
"A good site structure or link structure can improve the chances of being featured on Google News."
"It just looks really clean and ideal, and I think this is a great booster for your multi-vendor website."
"Your website should be easy to read and easy to navigate."
"One more change I'd like here is to add a section above this post list, so that I can feature my most recent blog post at full width."
"The very first impression when somebody comes to your site, you have to answer exactly what it is you do."
"That's a really user-friendly way to let people order from your menu on your website."
"I love how simple the website is, and I still use old.reddit.com."
"It allows the person who's viewing this website of yours to say okay, I can identify with these real humans, you know, I can see that this guy has two eyes and a nose and a mouth just like I do, and a brain, so he can decide if he likes this work."