
Aquariums Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"I love that fish tank. I stocked it fully with fish."
"This is by no means what you'd call a low-budget tank."
"Best bottom feeder for bare bottom tanks? We find corydoras to do a superb job."
"Feeding small portions daily can help curb predatory behavior in fish."
"That is my absolute favorite tank there's just stuff going on all the time."
"As soon as you put fish into a tank it comes to life to me it's nothing but a sort of picture until it's got life in it."
"Don't teach them how to keep aquariums like you keep them."
"Some of my favorite moments in my fishkeeping career has been laying on the floor and watching fish."
"They are a beautiful coral and a tank dedicated to them can be a breathtaking explosion of color that rewards all the diligence on the part of the hobbyist."
"If you were only ever gonna buy one aquarium plant I would buy vallisneria."
"I mean I don't think hydras that risky for shrimp but I also don't feel like hydroxide is that risky either."
"Aquariums would be a big part of our lives, not just because it's our business, but because there's so many teaching elements."
"Look at this. As you walk, all the fish stay right here, following you."
"Terry might be the most well-received DLC character in Smash history, incredibly fun, powerful, flashy, complex, and even funny."
"Any fish in the right setup is the coolest setup I've ever seen."
"Ecosystem aquariums: self-sufficient tanks requiring little maintenance."
"Algae is the result of an imbalance between lighting and nutrients."
"No one should ever buy a tank less than a 29 gallon tank."
"There's just so many different aquariums, like look at this, legitimately crazy."
"Every tank needs some ferns, right? But this is such a small tank I'm not going to put just like giant ferns you know like you can see in that one."
"Who doesn't want another tank in their house? But we all have the problem of... they cost a lot of money, they take a lot of space."
"Bolivian Rams brighten the community tank with their vibrant antics."
"The Shivering beauty of Splendid killifish made it to our top centerpiece species."
"The freshwater Angelfish, which has earned that title because of their striking colors and distinctive and dramatic body shapes."
"The Pearl Gourami is one of the most underappreciated centerpiece fish for medium-sized fish tanks."
"Fish tanks are just terrariums with water, aren't they? Yes."
"Buying saltwater corals on eBay might be challenging, some of the most beautiful and unusual corals can be found online."
"There are over 160 aquariums here with beautiful shrimp, and we are going through all of them today."
"The lower the pH level, the lesser chance of ammonia spikes."
"In our experience, the Ripashi works really well for maintaining them while also keeping a pest-free environment."
"I am so fired up for this Coral tank, I want this Coral tank to be filled and I want to make sure it's done perfectly."
"The problem I always had was when I was doing refugiums, when you replace the media, you know, it affects the water and corals don't like it."
"The bigger the aquarium, the less cleaning would be needed and the easier it is to balance."
"Innovation in our hobby is not amazing, is it? So having something like this that could actually change the way people set up tanks and maybe give people an entry... it's a win, win, win, win."
"Vallisneria is excellent for aquarium hobbyists who wish to give their tanks a traditional aesthetic."
"The plant species that grow fast in aquariums assist in preventing algae growth because of their quick development."
"The wilds are actually the only discus I like. Sorry discus people, I know, I love the wilds."
"I hope this has kind of sparked your interest in your 55 gallon aquarium and you go okay I get it it's more about what can I do what parameter can I give myself to make this fun and know that very rarely is an aquarium forever."
"A 20 gallon tank seems to be a really good size."
"Flagfish are really good for hair algae."
"Water change, just high quality clean water, yeah that's pretty much it."
"My highest ever IAPLC actually was a crypt-only tank."
"It's no brainer that you need to do your water changes on time."
"It's a low volume of water really isn't it but you can probably see there look the filter floss doing its job it's already gone Brown and the water is looking great."
"I started with somewhere around 60 fry and over the next couple of days dropped to about 30."
"While aesthetics might not be critical to everyone to many reefers it’s important that the equipment side of the tank looks just as cool as the display itself."
"That is 10 aquarium Alternatives that you can use to save you a little bit more money and to make things a little bit more customizable um"
"One interesting design choice that I was talking about with the customer the other day he wanted to make a coral tree themed tank where the rock work had these thick central trunks that would then extend out into Tonga branch and create a canopy."
"Automatic water changes have been a game-changer for me, and I will never go back."
"In this current climate, with supply chain issues, finding the right automatic water change system can be tricky."
"The pump moves water considerably faster than other systems."
"...they get a little bit bruised and they get a little bit damaged, and with CO2 running, they perk up a lot quicker."
"...a tank with some mother colonies and you just take frags off it, this is the leafy version of that."
"Beautiful perfect stocking for this small tank."
"What is your favorite algae eater and let me know why it's your favorite."
"Glowfish literally have the ability to Glow in your tank."
"A lot of people forget that plants come from aquariums that already have beneficial bacteria."
"If you're looking for a fish with a nice nuchal hump for a 55 gallon aquarium, the Lionhead fish also known as the buffalo head cichlids is definitely a great option."
"You can keep orange chromide cichlids, these fish are very rare so it will be nice if you can find some but you could probably keep a pair in a 55 gallon aquarium."
"The female green terror cichlids, the males get about 12 inches while the females get much smaller around 6 to 7 inches all three of those can do well in a 55 gallon aquarium."
"The secret history living inside your aquarium."
"That's right, you can grow a sweet potato out of your aquarium and get some pretty sick foliage."
"I cannot wait to get more and more shrimp, if I can get tons of these really cool shrimp breeding, I can put them in just normal aquascapes as well."
"Bettas can become bored in their environments especially in a very small tank where there isn't much to do."
"Bigger is nearly always better when it comes to fish keeping."
"Choosing your aquarium's dimensions requires careful preparation, but that doesn't mean it can't be enjoyable."
"Welcome all my fishy friends to another stay fishy Advent Ure."
"Aquariums are awesome. My favorite type of museum, I would say."
"I recently started watching your videos back in December when I started my Planet tank and I love all your videos and I learned a lot."
"A smaller aquarium is cheaper, it's easier to maintain, and can be set up and broken down quickly."
"If you want to add only one thing to your shrimp tank, I cannot recommend live aquarium plants enough."
"...when you compare them to shell dwellers, you get a little bit more color, more patterning, same awesome personality."
"You want those to not be up at the top. You want those to be at eye level with still room to grow and fish swimming over the reef just like in the wild."
"Plan for the end game. The types of corals you want there."
"...take your time plan it because that should be part of the best memories you'll have from this experience."
"I just keep looking at it when I was looking at that 750 all I could ever think of is this it looks so much better if there was sand."
"It's just awesome to know that fish keepers kept them alive."
"Hopefully this tank gave you some ideas that can translate to success in your own reef aquariums."
"Kind of the natural progression of you get into the hobby, you get severely stricken with multiple tank syndrome."
"These are actually now two of my absolute favorite tanks, sat right next to each other."
"I fit in this category and my goal isn't just a successful tank, it's knowledge expansion."
"Brackish water is basically the realm between freshwater tanks and saltwater tanks."
"I absolutely love the custom aquarium."
"You're one of those guys that I can appreciate the hobby."
"One of my favorite things about aquariums is the evolution of them."
"This is what every betta tank aspires to be."
"It really makes me enjoy my tanks a lot more."
"There's truly no other zoa like rastas."
"I love waterbox tanks; even though this tank isn't escaped how you want it to be, it looks beautiful."
"These little Red Sea MAX Nanos are fantastic little tanks; I can't sing its praises enough."
"The best way, in my mind, to frag any kind of coral is to go through and do the research."
"I would describe the skimmer as a preventative filter, one that addresses issues before it becomes a problem rather than reacting to it after."
"We're going to send out saltwater aquarium kits to any schools that want to set them up in the classroom for the kids."
"Fish are very useful and important form of pest control on tanks."
"That's a great way of dealing with pests."
"The Caribbean coral reef aquarium, one of the largest aquatic displays in the world."
"Inert substrate means something that does not affect our water chemistry."
"This is my kind of tank; this is a wild, very natural looking river system."
"Guppies are easy to keep, but there's some things that you definitely should know before getting guppies."
"Get healthy guppies from the start."
"Bigger is always better when it comes to aquariums, the more water volume, the less of issues you're going to have."
"I'm a huge fan of large colonies; to me, I feel like the size, the form trumps color."
"I believe a tank takes four years to be fully mature."
"I think this is one of the best tanks on the market with the curved edges and relatively thick glass."
"That beneficial bacteria is in that filter media and that bacteria will actually break down the ammonia and the nitrate."
"You want to get your tank started and enjoy it right away."
"68 to 72 degrees... that's where we have our very simple aquarium reservoir heater."
"It has a very positive effect on your psyche, having such a calm, relaxing environment, majestic creatures to look at."
"They are some of the most fascinating little turtles to watch in an aquarium setting because of where they're from, they're from tidal salt marshes and estuaries."
"Every aquarium needs air. That is a hill I'm willing to die on."
"I think a tank with some of the old classics, you know, they're classics for a reason: they're great corals, people love them."
"I just want to say that I love that one of the owners of Planet Aquariums built my next aquarium."
"If you were here, you would notice the attention to detail that they go to with each tank to make sure that they're perfect for each of their customers."
"Believing is seeing and that's why I try to show you guys everything unedited live as far as how I keep my aquariums."
"They have been bred successfully in aquariums for quite some time and quite successfully by a lot of people."
"Snails can actually be very beneficial for your aquarium in the right circumstances."
"I honestly can say with 100% confidence and I'm putting Jacob's Aquarium my name on this seal of approval that this is the best canister filter that I've ever owned in my entire time in the aquarium hobby."
"I want to get through to anybody that keeps aquariums. I believe that I have information that can be beneficial for fish keepers."
"I'm doing it for my enjoyment because I like to look at the tanks and see Crystal Clear tanks."
"Think about color and diversity because it will be a much richer tank."
"Biological filtration helps move the nitrogen cycle along, from atmospheric nitrogen to ammonium to nitrite to nitrate, and back again."
"If you're looking to start out on a budget, then a hang on the back filter or a power filter is the perfect place to start."
"I'm going to sit down right here and I'm just gonna stare at this tank for hours because that's what I've been doing lately."
"Hello everybody, I am Alexander Williamson and you are watching the secret history living in your aquarium."
"It's cool, something different, and for these little shrimp tanks, it's really, really fun to be able to experiment, try out different things, and see what they look like."
"With the golden white spots contrasting with the dark bodies looking like stars in the night sky, you can see why these guys are called Celestial Pearl Danios."
"T5 is easily the lowest initial cost lighting option where you can be sure you are going to be able to produce a pretty epic tank."
"Tunze’s biggest advantage over others is a refined quality, adjustability and small form factor."
"Reef keeping has very little to do with maintaining corals and fish but everything to do with maintaining water."
"They are so cool, if you've ever wanted an intro to African Cichlids that you can keep in a 20-gallon long tank, this is it."
"Fish just seem really beautiful and elegant, and it's like you're creating a small slice of nature, like this underwater forest, in your house."
"Betta fish are just the most memorable. They're very colorful, they're usually the centerpiece of my community tank."
"The purpose of aquariums across the country, around the world really, is to inspire people to connect with nature."
"Grab your snorkel and join me for today's video as we take a look at the top 15 most incredible fish tanks in the world."
"To date, the fish tank with the Guinness World Record for being the highest cylindrical aquarium in the world is the Avia Park Aquarium."
"I got married in an aquarium, so aquariums and fish have a lot of meaning to me."
"They notice that when they put aquariums in hospitals it helps the patients calm down and find inner peace with themselves."
"Fish like having things to do. They like things to be different and to challenge them."
"I honestly think pre-filters in a coarse sponge should be stock on every filter."
"If I focus on things that can be sold to a 10 gallon, I will win because everything that can go in a 10 gallon can go in a larger tank."
"If you have most discus have all this color and if you have blues and reds and spotted stripes and then throw in a white discus, it just pops from across the room."
"The fish keeping hobby is a roller coaster of trends."
"What's popular now? Now it's all about nano tanks."
"I guarantee you're going to walk away from this with a different perspective on how these two elements affect the success of your tank."
"Enjoy your aquariums whether you have 20 or two, it doesn't really matter but just make sure that you enjoy them."
"None more impressive than this giant shark tank that's going to take up this almost entire area here."
"Every single tank, whether it's 10 gallons or 20,000 gallons, has got to be unique."
"It is absolutely amazing, I love aquariums."
"They're just a really cool addition to any freshwater aquariums."
"Mixed tanks are by enlarge some of the most popular tank types out there."
"Please be aware that if you are a true beginner, it is absolutely best practice to wait six months to one year before introducing anemones to a new system."
"I've seen a plethora of beautifully planted aquariums in the Fluval Flex kits."
"Java fern is like bulletproof, it's one of those plants that's super easy."
"The design of the aquariums here is really stunning."
"Java fern is a great choice for soft water tanks, for low to medium light tanks, and I think it'd be a great choice for a black water tank."
"This is something I get to go to a lot of aquariums and I don't think I've ever seen piranhas displayed like this, and I really liked it."
"Jellyfish are my absolute favorite sea creatures; I always love looking at these whenever I go to the aquarium."
"I feel like the whole thing's more of an art piece as well as a fish tank."
"The beauty of a softy system is minimal chemistry challenges and why it's an ideal skill set and fit for newer reefers."
"That's the emotions that I want to evoke in the aquariums."
"This was absolutely amazing, my first saltwater tank, thank you, Paul."
"The gold standard that has produced the most amount of successful tanks over the years got to be the ATI Blue Plus bulb."
"As soon as you walk through that door, you get met by a wall of just a massive aquarium."
"This offbeat aquarium proves that bigger is not always better."
"If you're tired of the fluctuations in your small tank and you are able to upgrade, it has been a huge time saver and frustration reliever to have a larger tank."
"If I can keep them, anybody can, they make you feel like you're a real planted tank keeper."
"On the grand scheme of existing aquariums, this is like top two percent probably in the world."
"Both [high maintenance and low maintenance tanks] can be beautiful, and just a matter of which one speaks to you at the moment."
"That wraps up everything we could put together on nitrate testing, helped us identify the best solution we can for nitrate testing."
"These guys aren't selling snake oil; these guys care about the outcome of my tank."