
Bonsai Quotes

There are 645 quotes

"Bonsai is the ultimate symbol of discipline, and it reflects business in so many ways."
"Bonsai is the art of dwarfing a regular tree to create a perfect miniature representation of nature in a small pot. It has a long history originating in China."
"The pine is used a lot in bonsai but it is a rather sophisticated taste."
"Watering is absolutely key...ninety five to I would say ninety nine percent of all the cases of failure of the bonsai is...forgetting to water."
"They don't need Bonsai. I don't have the time to train with some of the ones in there you probably would think were Bonsai."
"Why is bonsai so fascinating? It's fascinating because you use your imagination."
"Bonsai is really a wonderful thing to have. It's a wonderful hobby."
"Oh my God, that bonsai tree is kind of lit. Holy [__]."
"Trees really do recover very fast, be drastic if you want to be impressionable in Bonsai."
"Patience and continuous improvement, that's the whole idea about Bonsai."
"It's easy to make Bonsai complex; I'm trying to make it easy for you."
"They make great Bonsai, they're in the olive family."
"Bonsai means more than just owning trees, it's all of the memories, the flashbacks that come with growing them that is so important to Bonsai growers."
"I just think this tree has tremendous potential. The whole tree twists, has some really wonderful sub-trunking, has some beautiful primary branching which has evolved in the ground over the course of its time in the landscape here. It's been there for 11 years."
"Anytime we collect anything yamadori field grown stock, urban yamadori, try to keep a root ball intact."
"One of the things that we really have to embrace in this process of urban yamadori is the smallest possible box. What oftentimes happens is when we utilize a smaller box, we see the tree recover much faster."
"Bonsai is actually very easy and I really think it can be a household plant, no different from any house plant because they're easy to maintain and they're decorative."
"Many of my bonsais are several decades old and they're only increasing beauty and value in some sense, and they become my heirloom if I go. It would be something for my family to remember me with."
"Bonsai originally in China and popularized in Japan, but bonsai is an art. I think the best way to look at bonsai is as an art. Learn from the traditionalists, the bonsai masters on the ABCs of how to grow and maintain a tree and how to clip them and how to shape them."
"Growing bonsai is really like making a fine wine."
"The secret of bonsai is always to see the potential. Every tree has potential, so as long as you can see the potential, you will be well away."
"Bonsai is accessible and easy to ordinary people."
"If you're not prepared to cut, then your progress in bonsai will be very slow."
"The goal with the shohein size tree is really to create very very clean lines because it's a very small plant to begin with so if we can delineate those lines we can really show off the beauty of the tree and create a very clean and nicely sort of designed bone side."
"We will now put some of these up and I hope you've learned something from this video about making Bonsai Maple there you go."
"Also, I like to have references of bonsai trees and their styles. I find that's really helpful for getting a good shape of a tree."
"I finished my fifty dollar bonsai challenge and I'm very happy with the result."
"Get better, Justin Bieber, and that's all for today, I'm Nigel Saunders, thanks for joining me in the Bonsai Zone."
"Have a happy Chinese New Year and thanks for joining me today in the Bonsai Zone."
"Chinese Elms are probably one of the better trees for Bonsai; they're tough, they're forgiving."
"Creating Bonsai involves a lengthy process; partly artistic, but basically it's creative."
"I started with bonsai, these are some of my originals, and as my interest changed, I grew into cactus and succulents."
"Hello, welcome to Greenwood Bonsai Studio."
"That bonsai is incredible, it survived Hurricane Mitch, Hurricane Eta, Iota, and that Japanese bonsai is still going strong."
"I love this Bonsai aeonium that I created."
"This method will give you the maximum amount of growth that you can get in a summer of growing a bonsai."
"I'm really happy with the structure of the tree."
"I'm really happy with the composition of the tree."
"This is the tree that got me into bonsai; it was a total accident."
"It's all about the impermanence of bonsai, all these wabi-sabi principles are embodied here."
"What makes our bonsai is its resemblance to a victory on a small scale."
"The trunk is the most important thing of a bonsai."
"Bonsai is interesting; it's like a problem-solving exercise."
"Remember, showing the trunk is the single most important thing in creating a bonsai."
"Many of you will know that I love maples in particular, and not only that, I love large bonsai."
"A bonsai is a living piece of art, it never stands still, and you have to keep working on it all the time."
"So the beauty of this tree lies in the very dramatic trunk."
"Not many trees do make it from young beginnings to becoming a very mature bonsai."
"That's where we start to see modern bonsai breaking through the cultural barrier."
"That's a tree that has a true mixture of history in Japan, came to the United States, multiple hands, several interpretations, undeniable provenance."
"It's a living illustration of the journey that bonsai has taken in its transition."
"I hope the tree makes it to a ripe old age; anything can happen in bonsai."
"This is a super popular one for bonsai, so you know, utilize this kind of gift of the leaves and the narrowness of them."
"Dan Robinson an artist. He's not doing it this way because he's following the rules; he's doing it this way because that represents what he sees a tree to be."
"It's all about the water. That's what if you're trying to grow bonsai you got to learn how to water."
"I hope you've enjoyed the video and I look forward to you joining me on my bonsai journey. Have a great day."
"Active bonsai is to achieve something aesthetic; we are trying to make something look different, look beautiful, look miniature, represent greater forms of the macro environment in a miniature representation."
"With most Bonsai design, you need to see the front, if you can see the front clearly then that sort of determines the front because you can appreciate the line and form of the trunk."
"The trunk is like the human body, a very very important part of a bonsai."
"It's become tamed, you know, it's become very elegant."
"The basic shape of most bonsai is triangular or conical."
"That's what makes working on trees like this great practice because if you're able to style a tree like this then when you start moving up to bigger material, you can apply the same concepts and you'll be able to create something like this."
"Hello, welcome to Grimwood Bonsai studio."
"You don't have to follow slavishly what the rest of the bonsai world does; you can do what you like, create new trends."
"Bonsai has to be beautiful; it doesn't have to be that particular style."
"Bonsai soil doesn't have to be difficult if you understand some simple horticultural principles and the basic needs of your trees."
"Good drainage, aeration, moisture retention, and nutrient retention are essential properties to promote healthy growth of bonsai trees."
"The art and science of bonsai cultivation involves understanding the specific requirements of the tree species and creating a growing medium that mimics its natural environment."
"The truth is, there's no one single perfect bonsai soil mix; the key is to provide good drainage, water retention, aeration, and nutrient provision."
"One of the great advantages of bonsai is that the longer you keep a tree, as long as it doesn't die, it becomes more valuable."
"With bonsai, the older they get, as long as they're alive, they always have some value."
"When your baseline is the maximum quality of the previous generation, that's how Bonsai and the art form progresses."
"What better lesson than just as Bonsai as a practice when you say listen enough is enough."
"I'm super psyched to see this kind of evolution of your bonsai sense."
"The ceiling on the potential of bonsai in North America is literally infinite."
"It's always necessary; you don't have to chart the path, you don't have to memorize what could be done because each time you sit with this tree, you're going to make it the best it can possibly be."
"You're editing, you're editing, this is just the initial, this is a great tree and it's going to look really good right from the start."
"I've grown these over the summer in this tray of sand and it worked really well; I haven't lost a tree yet."
"I never imagined that I would like these little tiny bonsai as much as I do."
"I'm really excited about developing them into the future, seeing if I can shape them really nicely, keep them miniature."
"We're always trying to get a flatter root system, particularly important if the future of this tree is going to be bonsai related."
"This tree has got potential in future to be a triple trunk bonsai."
"Remember the true branch principle, that is fundamental to bonsai."
"In this video, I'm going to explain the two fundamental Bonsai concepts that you absolutely have to understand if you're going to save time and create great bonsai."
"Your father's work is amazing. He is the reason I am now hooked on Bonsai and opening up the first bonsai shop in my area."
"I'm not starting this tree necessarily for today; I'm doing what's best for this tree for its future development as a bonsai."
"Advance your bonsai skills and dig into the art of bonsai."
"An air layer is almost like an instant bonsai."
"So now that I've styled this tree up and fanned all the branches out and the trunks out, it actually looks really really good from both sides."
"With bonsai, there's always a time element, and with the passage of time, the trees improve and get better."
"In bonsai, we learn to be patient."
"It's a progression you know of you have Deadwood... enjoy the whole journey as it's going."
"Please don't be bothered about what other people say and think about it; it is your tree, and it's for your enjoyment."
"My vision for the tree will determine the techniques I use to achieve that style."
"This isn't some abnormal Bonsai Master technique or anything like that; getting it to line up cleanly, getting everything to work together in the manner that it should, that is complex."
"The Japanese always regard the Japanese broom style with Zelkova as one of the very essence, I would say, of fine bonsai."
"When you talk about space and bonsai design, you're talking about giving somebody the opportunity to fill it with their imagination, and that is valuable to provide."
"I'm lucky enough to work on old specimen bonsai, but I wanted to show you something a little bit more fundamental."
"Fairly inexpensive material, but they're nice little chunky trunks."
"We've got to decide where the front of the tree is, the best view of the tree."
"The beautiful thing about Bonsai is that you have this perpetuation of people's passion and energy that exists in these time capsules that are these tiny trees."
"There is no right or wrong way to do bonsai."
"This is really in my mind what gives rise to the most valuable component of bonsai which is the ability to tap into these unique ecosystems."
"We think they're ideal for the enthusiast who is probably off work or got a bit more time on their hands and they want to get stuck in and have a go at producing a bonsai themselves."
"I'm really happy with the result; it's probably my best ever transformation from bonsai stock to a pretty much beautiful style tree."
"One of the techniques to keep a tree small lies in the growth patterns of the tree itself."
"Pruning your bonsai is just one of the techniques that keeps your tree small."
"Root pruning is part of miniaturizing your bonsai tree."
"It's easy to grow a tree bigger, but all the techniques that come into growing a bonsai are all about keeping a tree small."
"Welcome to Greenwood Bonsai Studio today."
"It's been growing 20 years from the seed."
"It's always the most enjoyable time for bonsai."
"You're starting to create something."
"If you're wanting a bigger and better bonsai, you're wanting to grow it into the trees that you might see on the internet, some of the bigger trees that are out there, then you need to learn development."
"Once we're happy with the thickness of the tree, once we're happy with our base, once we're happy with the movement and the first branching, then we can move the tree into refinement and really start the work."
"Refining commercial mass-produced bonsai that are exported by the million from China and Japan."
"It's very important to show the trunk once you can show the trunk the tree will begin to look like a tree."
"Chinese junipers by the way are very fashionable at the moment so they're highly sought after trees."
"A lot of people wouldn't consider Ficus Elastica as a bonsai, they think the leaves are too large, but I know they can be reduced over time."
"Its characteristically fine foliage, striated dead wood, and twisting trunkline make it the perfect candidate for bonsai culture."
"In order to really understand the history and the roots of bündchen style bonsai, we need to go all the way back in history to the 1400s."
"If you can train and shape it, then I call it a bonsai."
"I hope from this video, you would get confidence to make your own bonsai."
"Blows is a very good Juniper to use for bonsai."
"It's nice to have different styles of bonsai, no good having everything looking the same."
"This is a very respectable bonsai."
"Never rush to have the tree finished; there is an element of patience in making bonsai."
"Bonsai is certainly unconventional horticulture; it is artistic."
"I'm not necessarily trimming this back to make this look good today; I'm trimming this back to make this look like a bonsai tree in five years' time and in ten years' time."
"Larch are a very versatile species for Bonsai, we use them quite a lot here in the UK."
"This has been a bonsai for over 45 years."
"Recreating the native environments that are specific and iconic to North America has always been something that's really struck my interest and motivated me as a bonsai practitioner."
"Many people think that every bonsai is the same; although they may look the same, they are very, very different."
"And which are very popular with people who like to make their own bonsai."
"I am now set up to have a beautiful branch styled in an effective way for a Juniper."
"The art of bonsai is a significant paintbrush for the canvas of nature."
"Wiring is not just a technique, it's a philosophy of design and aesthetics."
"The execution of the wiring process is what gives viewers the biggest interpretation of our intent as creators."
"Pruning is not just a preparatory step; it's an art that dictates the future shape and beauty of the bonsai."
"In the world of bonsai, we're always asking ourselves: What are we trying to accomplish?"
"Alternating branch structure is key to achieving the desired shape and density in bonsai."
"That's a beautiful pruning job to create a wonderful deciduous branch."
"This is effective and functional styling of a bonsai branch."
"Bonsai is a natural tree but an idealized tree; it's a tree that's been perfected."
"Color is such a big component of showing Bonsai."
"Orientation or asymmetrical flow to whatever slight or significant degree of the tree facing into the display."
"The show winning tree at the kokufu is only selected after it is on display."
"Harnessing the tree's ability at the right time of the year with the right strategy and expressing your Aesthetics, this is bonsai."
"You do bonsai because you love it."
"These two trees right here, just something that belongs in a museum."
"That's the beauty of bonsai, you know, the more people you meet within the hobby, the more you realize everybody's really cool."
"This is just the beginning. I'm hoping to continue developing this branch structure, getting this huge spreading wide umbrella canopy on it."
"They produce lovely fruit and they make lovely bonsai."
"The reason why bonsai stay small is for two reasons: they are constantly pruned, and we keep repotting them so that they do not get pot bound."
"It was probably an event that we'll never see anything like it in the world of bonsai again."
"The beautiful thing about what we're doing here now is you guys are already 50 plus years into bonsai being practiced in the United States, reaping the benefits of over a hundred years of modern bonsai being practiced in Japan."
"There's always another level of depth in the rabbit hole with bonsai."
"Bonsai is bonsai is bonsai... all of the techniques that you learn there are applicable to every other tree if you learn how to think about bonsai."
"It's on its way to becoming a beautiful bonsai."
"Hopefully that gives you a better idea of how to do a slant style bonsai."
"Look at the nebari, look at the trunk, look at the branching, this is a beautiful piece of material here, this has tremendous potential."
"The three factors that I always consider when putting together my bonsai soil mix are water retention, aeration, and drainage."
"This is the tree that I grew from seed 25 years ago, and I think it's getting close to being presentable for a show."
"When styling a tree, it's important for me to have lots of reference pictures of the full-size trees in nature."
"Pruning and cutting is at the basis of all bonsai."
"If you are not prepared to prune and cut, you will not make a great deal of progress in bonsai."
"You can make bonsai without having to use these complicated and expensive bonsai tools."
"The most useful tool to have is the Satsuki shears."
"The action of the bonsai wire cutter is quite unique."
"The less that we wire the finer branches and the more that we're able to focus on the structure, the healthier the tree will be, the more natural it will look."
"That's part of the magic of bonsai, to have the tree reduced to a miniature form where a person can imagine themselves standing under the tree."
"I had fun today taking my one dollar grocery store boxwoods and getting them underway to grow as bonsai."
"Boxwoods are great trees for learning bonsai on; they have tons of branches to choose from."
"For me, much of the enjoyment of bonsai is doing experiments."
"If every time you go in and touch your dawn redwood, if you can keep those five commandments in mind and follow them, then you will very quickly develop a very good looking don redwood bonsai."
"We're back to this ramrod straight Cryptomeria, and the design of a formal upright bonsai is very, very exciting for us."
"Bonsai is not rocket science, definitely not rocket science."
"This is the single most difficult styling decision-making process that we experience in bonsai."
"This whole nursery series has really reinvigorated my bonsai approach."
"This is the famous tree that I dug up from my front hedge in 1986 when I came to herons and it has been created into a bonsai."
"This is the juniper procumbens, ideal for making bonsai because it has this creeping and twisted habit."
"Bonsai is no different; you're pruning it to create a shape, a desired shape."
"I've been doing Bonsai for 50 years I'd love to share with you what I know."
"Fall is about nuances. If we understand the nuances, we can accomplish a more and more refined bonsai tree."
"This is the most important season of bonsai practice and it's never ever discussed."
"This is bonsai designed with intention to show people what you as the Creator want them to see."
"This is really where we start to touch on that next level of execution of nature in miniature."
"The real advantage of doing your own propagation for bonsai purposes is that you get to have complete control over not only the genetic material that you're propagating but also the shape that you're propagating."
"This is the collaborative model of bonsai creator and tree."
"It's a beautiful container and this is an absolutely stellar quality of tree."
"Bonsai is so much more intentional than just if we put this in a container that looks like this it'll be better."
"Here's to seeing a lot of great bonsai pottery moving forward in the United States and elsewhere."
"Transforming this tree from a very rough pre-bonsai into something hopefully nice looking."
"It's one of the most beautiful, true to form, natural reflections and miniature that we can utilize the art of bonsai to create."
"What's up guys, and welcome back to the Bonsaiyan YouTube channel. I'm Josh, and today we're going to be giving you the complete guide to Juniper Bonsai, so stick around."
"It is extremely important to start off the discussion of bonsai understanding what is this terminology."
"The nabari is the root spread or the root base where we see strong structural roots provide a basal flare that gives us the impression of stability."
"The tachiyagari is our first impression of trunk, our first impression of the quality of line in movement, the first insinuation of direction as that tree exits the root mass and enters into that primary piece of design, the trunk line."
"The transition from thick to thin and the gradation from the trunk to the branching to the finest tips allows us to see that natural transition of form and shape in a miniaturized scale."
"The combination of living vein and dead wood creates the trunk and the contrast of the living tissue against the dead tissue creates the aesthetic value."