
Business Strategies Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"There is such a thing as negative marketing or comparative advertising. It is a very real thing; it's not illegal, it's very common."
"I really like personal negotiation and talking to people, networking with people."
"That's business 101. When presented with a deal, if you don't like the offer, counteroffer."
"Business 101: When presenting a deal, if you don't like the offer, counteroffer."
"Focus on bundling the problem when you just block M A is that you deny early investors one of the biggest ways that they can make a positive outcome."
"You're always negotiating, so the sooner you become a better negotiator, and learn the mistakes you're making, the better results you'll start getting when it comes down to negotiating."
"It's so hard for something to truly be saturated because you can always market it in a new way."
"If you want to keep people employed and you have one model and you're facing a financial challenge then you go back to the model."
"We're also considering doing some direct specials."
"He's like, the only way for us to settle this debt as adult business and brand owners is for us to create at least one dozen fun memories together, making TikToks."
"She revolutionized marketing and how you sell a product."
"Patience and reviews: Keys to success in the Amazon marketplace."
"This business is about selling tickets and drawing viewers."
"Every piece of marketing that you do every single thing you do matters every single thing you do say think or write to your market matters everything does."
"You can start from Ground Zero or you can ride on somebody else's coattails."
"There's only three ways to deal with a customer."
"Fred deluca even once attempted to convince a journalist that more subway locations raises everyone's revenues"
"And like I said before, this doesn't just work for me, it actually has worked for my clients that I work with."
"Once you find the way of being successful, you can do it again and again."
"It wouldn't shock me if this was something they were going to implement."
"Nobody is waiting for 11,001, nobody. So, what we did is we tried to publish the book with an innovative business model and we actually did turn it into a bestseller."
"I figured out a way that you can start a business with absolutely no money."
"Tactics like this didn't exactly win over any die-hard Netflix users and only served to further alienate their already frustrated and rapidly dwindling customer base."
"You have to give your potential client a million chances to opt-in."
"Taking calculated risks in business and in life is necessary to achieve things."
"We talked about adoption at the business level... they're a partner that we can grow with, learn from, and encourage."
"There's a big difference between making money and raising money."
"We have brokerages, they have prime brokers... this could be one particular scenario of like hey they're trying to get that business, they're trying to impress the hedge fund."
"Kevin Feige managed to say in his place because he does really good at that... this is all about the balancing of telling creatively fulfilling stories against some of the biggest business backdrops in the entire world."
"There is no shortage of ways to start making deals. Do the paperwork."
"During the time prices of tickets were regulated, so they couldn't compete on price so they had to compete in other ways."
"Quit relying on cold calling, get off your tush, and start making content and making connections."
"In business the sack of money usually finds a way."
"Every sales script that has been absolutely gangbusters has been a question-based framework."
"Elon Musk is in that phase where he's going all in."
"Marketing over everything. I got to put it on TV."
"The best type of marketing is marketing that doesn't feel like marketing."
"The game is free, so you don't have to buy in-app purchases, but what Fortnite is doing is bigger than just Fortnite."
"Dismissing innovation strategies as stay-at-home glosses over a crucial point: innovation solves problems in a way that consumers and businesses adopt with relief, enthusiasm, and delight."
"The impact of collaborations and financial investments."
"Live service attempts to mitigate the risks and sunk costs of game development."
"The legit hustle is the holy grail of hustling."
"They're absolutely ruthless, but you should be ruthless too."
"Innovation tends to have to run the edges. The people who successfully innovate, they're often quite happy to go against the drain."
"I had looked at all the top performers in the business and all the top companies, like all the Fortune 500 companies. And they all had really, really strong through lines to how they figured out what they were working against."
"Exploration is the last bastion of gunslingers in business."
"That was a good call, especially with the monetization algorithm Gods being what they are."
"There's no one thing that determined it. I think a lot of it just came down to where they could cut costs the most."
"So many things can work, but you have to try more."
"Getting you addicted is essential for the business model to work."
"Monetizing existing assets, in fact, Elon Musk is a master at monetizing assets."
"Virtually every single person has been or will be prospected to join an MLM company."
"All stakeholders have to benefit, representing the optimal strategy."
"Epic Games is utilizing the Uber, WeWork, MoviePass method of growth by simply just throwing large amounts of money in something until it works."
"Many businesses are saying that right now they're they're trying to entice people by giving them money by giving them free meals and even paying for trips."
"They're scheming more and more ways to make money out of their existing player base."
"One thing that I've been really stressing this summer: we can't forget the importance behind selling players."
"Lordstown by contrast has resorted at times to paying for non-binding pre-orders then using the fictitious demand to fuel financing rounds and to confer an aura of credibility on the company."
"There are many different ways in getting a client to trust you."
"Unless you guilt your audience into doing business with you because you provided so much upfront value, you will get suffocated over the next decade."
"A mistake people make when starting out, is just selecting products they like or that they think will do well."
"Elon Musk intentionally is pushing for the collapse of the Twitter buyout... highly beneficial business maneuver on his part."
"In business, you get what you negotiate, not what you deserve."
"Start implementing these strategies in your business and in your life."
"We want to over-deliver, answer your questions, support you, and build your business."
"Chip remarking, 'They think they can squeeze a dollar out of essentially nothing.'"
"I've been practicing what I preach to my clients using the exact same strategies."
"It is outrageously stupid to suggest that hurting your biggest and most popular advocates is a good way to do business."
"The real path to millionaire status before you’re spending it on adult undergarments and denture cream is in creating a business."
"There's dozens more that I could throw out at you right now they just keep coming."
"You can get visible if you can get eyes on your brand."
"Raise your level of commitment. Fill your calendar with as many enrollment conversations as possible."
"Start small and throw a lot of things out while you're small... Try a bunch of different ideas and see what people are liking and resonating with."
"It's a win for everybody and that's how you do affiliate marketing."
"Almost every niche has got some affiliate programs."
"It's marketing, simply put. It's just marketing."
"This whole situation honestly smacks of an executive coming along and realigning a feature set to artificially create value in one product by killing it in another."
"Something that's been very powerful for us in our growth is communication and language hacks."
"You need to keep squeezing that same rock for more profits."
"Did you make a useful change? How quickly and how cheaply are you able to make useful changes?"
"It's a very common marketing tactic these days to make sure that you're always front and center."
"Funnels are genuinely where millionaires are made."
"The truth is, no, there's a huge way to do this and maintain your integrity."
"How do we solve problems? Going back to that value creation model."
"Five Guys in France uses these chips to prevent you from getting refills like in America."
"Perpetual improvement loop: the key to distinguishing the best methods of tomorrow."
"It's easier to start a brand with a following, but it's not the only way."
"But if it says free shipping on the listing, the seller is still having to buy the label, the seller is subsidizing part of it."
"Offering free shipping ultimately impacts the bottom line for all retailers, not just because of the cost to ship something, but because consumers are more likely to complete a purchase if offered that free shipping."
"Banks are looking at how can I recoup my investment."
"This method can almost guaranteed to deliver more than 98% of cost saving."
"Maybe this is how you make up that lost revenue."
"This was gonna be our best strategy to making money."
"How will the pharmaceutical industry make money unless they buy their way in?"
"Why would a massive business mess with their core fan base?"
"No one right way to build a successful affiliate marketing website."
"A lenient return policy can attract more customers."
"There wasn’t one recipe to the best strategy."
"Everything that's happening is insane but it's working."
"I'm not using this as a threat or anything, but I would like you to be aware that is whatever we negotiate here, I will certainly shop."
"Let the customers decide. If they don't want it, they won't buy it."
"We created a fake issue to stress test customer service."
"We're learning how to make a buck from the invaders."
"We're constantly looking for what we can do to reduce cost."
"The real problem isn't the business you're after or the diet you're trying. The real problem is that you're not following a strategy to succeed."
"Get outside of your box, basically is what I'm seeing in the thinking in your habits and possibly even when you're doing business. It's all out of the box this year."
"In business, it's certainly effective. Personal stories are used all the time by business CEOs and leaders to promote their product, promote their company, to develop a brand identity."
"Why are artists starting to unload their music catalogs? It's smart business."
"Getting into NFTs is about creating new business strategies."
"Monetization methods: Affiliate marketing, digital products, and print on demand."
"Advertisers want to reach people and I think politicizing your product in your company is really dangerous for a company to participate in."
"It's a numbers game...ready willing and able just like in sales."
"They're coming towards you full force to make that offer."
"Some companies are going to adjust for the market and say okay the market's slowing and there's inflation and therefore we're going to cut costs, and that's where they're going to make their money."
"I want to give you guys tactics and techniques that you can use regardless of the tool that you're using."
"Recruiting vs. selling: where the real money is."
"Marketing is about creating value for others to receive value in exchange."
"Whenever you're altering a process, you should have measurable criteria to understand if what you're implementing is successful."
"The best form of advertising is recommendation."
"Mars indicates success in business dealings, legal contracts, and reaching your audience."
"As an entrepreneurial scientist, the two worlds of science and business are really not that different."
"Create a solid, long-lasting partnership for a better foundation."
"You might think of clever business strategies and Implement good business tactics and ideas."
"So there's just so many different ways to get business in this industry and that's like the really cool thing about it."
"Those rules are what blasted my sales from $100 to $300 in one month."
"A big part of that is finding ways to differentiate your product."
"Business, everyone was on the table."
"I'm going to show you some of my best strategies on how to write cold emails and get responses even if nobody has any idea who you are."
"There are five common scenarios for using a holding company: asset protection, claiming the lifetime capital gains exemption, tax savings, tax deferral, and estate planning."
"Recent trends in organizations include downsizing, delayering, outsourcing, offshoring, and shared services to streamline operations."
"There's many many different ways to win in this business."
"With a marketing degree, you're going to be studying all kinds of different business strategies and marketing theories with the end goal of putting your company's product in the hands of a consumer."
"We are teaching and we're using established long-term business strategies."
"Outsourcing is where you pay a company to do the work for you, whereas offshoring is if you just move operations abroad but you do it yourself."
"The strategies that I have covered today are what I would recommend as the most effective."