
Heart Function Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"On average, the heart beats 115,000 times and pumps around 2,000 gallons of blood a day."
"Your heart in order for those that muscle to work properly it has to have a constant fresh nice oxygenated blood going to it."
"Pericardial tamponade squeezes the heart, decreasing filling and contraction."
"The first heart sound is the first sound heard at the onset of ventricular systole."
"Vibrations initiated by valve closure are transmitted through tissues to be heard as the first heart sound."
"The heart is the number one module of communication through emotions."
"The heart is the only muscle that never gets tired."
"The human heart: this thing beats about a hundred thousand times per day which translates to approximately 35 million beats per year and about 2.5 billion beats in the average lifetime."
"Electrolyte levels impact heart function profoundly."
"...this has been shown to increase quality of life and make patients feel better which is important in addition to treating the central sleep apnea and you know might also have some positive impacts on on the heart function as well."
"Beta 1 stimulation produces positive chronotropy, it means when I say that beta 1 stimulant produces positive dromotropy, it means the increased conduction through AV node."
"The lower the ejection fraction the more severely the heart has been affected, the more severe the heart failure."
"Afterload is a resistive force that the heart needs to overcome to eject the blood out, okay?"
"The right side of the heart compensates in retrograde flow in patients with esophageal varices, this results in increased heart rate or tachycardia."
"It's called lymphedema. It's when your heart doesn't pump strong enough to get the blood back up."
"Your heart's squeezing better than it was last time."
"The heart: a muscular pump that provides necessary pressure to keep blood flowing."
"The systole is the contraction of the heart muscles, and diastole is the relaxation of the heart muscles."
"Once we look at our curve, we can see that there's only an 11 percent ejection fraction, which is well below that normal limit of 35 percent."
"Your heart has a normal pacemaker."
"The heart loves cyclic AMP because Beta 1 will increase cardiac contractility."
"The sinus node is the pacemaker of the heart, and that's exactly what we want."
"The left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to all parts of the body."
"The heart is a pump and its goal is to only pump blood forward."
"Dobutamine is often termed an inodilator because of the increased inotropy and dilator because it decreases the vasculature resistance."
"Cardiac output is the volume of blood being ejected by the heart per minute."
"Each day the average human heart beats about a hundred thousand times, pumping two thousand gallons of blood through your body."
"The heart's pumping action is regulated by an electrical conduction system that coordinates the contraction of the various chambers of the heart."
"Your heart contracts and relaxes without any control from the nervous system; it's what we call myogenic."
"The heart is a double pump that pumps blood to the lungs and then to the rest of the body."
"The heart, a hollow muscle with four chambers, pumps oxygenated blood into the body cells."
"The QRS complex is where our ventricles are depolarizing, our ventricle is contracting."
"Understanding the cardiac cycle, we can comprehend how the heart works."
"The right pump's job is to pump blood through the pulmonary circuit, and the left pump's job is to pump blood through the systemic circuit."
"When your heart is working normally, it's incredibly powerful."
"The heart only pumps blood in one direction, and that's thanks to the valves."
"If you understand preload and afterload, then you can answer many questions about heart output dynamics."
"Stroke volume is the amount of blood your heart pumps out in one beat."
"Every beat of our heart requires a billion ATP."
"The double pumping of the heart allows blood rich in oxygen to be taken to the body during the second pump."
"Blood pressure is generated by the heart. Blood pressure ranges between 120/80 mmHg."
"Your heart will beat over approximately two billion times in your lifetime."
"The sinoatrial node is commonly known as the pacemaker of the heart."
"The heart is a very important organ in ensuring that we're able to transport blood successfully around the body."
"The heart is gonna give it a big contraction in that left ventricle and send that freshly oxygenated blood around the body."
"Vitamin D facilitates arterial and cardiac remodeling, maintaining the contractility of heart muscle."
"Your heart is about 65 to 70% efficient in normal circumstances, that's known as ejection fraction."
"Cardiac muscle tissue is the one that's near and dear to my heart because, well, it's in my heart."
"The Frank-Starling law of the heart states that the more that filling occurs, the greater the contractile force."
"The atrial kick is about 20 to 30% of filling of the ventricle that occurs with the atrial contraction itself."