
Traffic Quotes

There are 729 quotes

"Most people will spend four months of their life waiting at traffic lights."
"Being stuck in traffic is typical for Californians, still, he loves this New Year's Eve memory."
"Thank you guys so much for watching this video... we've probably solved a lot of the traffic issues."
"Tesla autopilot is fantastic, especially on the freeways, especially in bumper-to-bumper traffic."
"Less cars on the road means less air pollution."
"It's like one of the busiest airports in the United States was like Atlanta."
"They literally called me a liar, and it wasn't true. It just drives traffic from people who want to see my content."
"Drive traffic... SEO is the number one way in my opinion to drive traffic because it's free and you everyone should do it."
"We're getting so many views and visits and purchases, our servers can't handle it."
"Interesting, and they're always like out in the middle of nowhere where there's not high volumes of traffic."
"Best time ever. I can leave my house at 5 in the afternoon, there's no traffic."
"They were seeing a tremendous amount of foot traffic, 10 times the traffic on their website compared to last gen's launch of the RTX 2080."
"Low traffic neighborhoods make driving in residential areas slower and more difficult on purpose."
"The traffic is real. If you think you've experienced traffic before, no, you haven't."
"I hate traffic every day, every time I want traffic, I hate it, and if we could free the world from traffic, we have technology we can free the world from traffic."
"You can't live in fear, I'd rather take that risk than sitting in traffic."
"My life is too short to sit in traffic on hours day after day after yeah we were in the car two to three hours a day and it just it just wasn't healthy."
"It's cold, it's fine, oh no, oh no, traffic lights."
"In a world of rush hour traffic and speeding tickets, a relaxing drive can often turn into a complete nightmare."
"One of the most popular posts on my investing blog still gets thousands of visitors every single month from Google."
"Linoleum is very durable and can stand up to a lot of heavy foot traffic."
"There's only one way of protesting, and that's to block the traffic." - Climate activist
"If everybody stopped driving and only I could drive, oh man the roads would be incredible"
"No wrecks or serious injuries, fingers crossed."
"Cars are all about freedom... the only problem is so many people's main interaction with their car is just wasting your life stuck in gridlock."
"I knew it was going to be a good day, no traffic, beautiful sky."
"He crossed 10 lanes of traffic in the middle of a highway to tell you this, I had to cross 10 lanes, but I've been thinking about your offer, let's talk."
"If people are stuck in traffic and they're taking them so long to get places what if I could offer value and solve a problem for them to get unstuck."
"The more website traffic you have, the better because this means more sales."
"How long will it take us to drive to Scarborough with heavy traffic?"
"Finally, you get both pieces of the puzzle: you get traffic and you get commissions that convert."
"The traffic situation on London Bridge had become so bad that during a two-day survey conducted in August 1882, it was found that London Bridge's traffic was 22,242 vehicles and 110,525 pedestrians in a 24-hour period."
"Serverless computing... helps any organization if, for example, if you have a web application that receives non-linear traffic and you cannot keep an eye on your server always."
"Strong pull, feeling like you can get out ahead of traffic."
"Application Load Balancer... deals with HTTP and HTTPS traffic."
"Network Load Balancer... is optimized for sudden and volatile traffic patterns."
"Zipper merging is basically when you merge like how a zipper behaves."
"I use mine when I'm stuck in traffic and I get bored."
"Routing defines the paths that network traffic takes from a VM instance to other destinations."
"In Germany the Traffic-lights don't just go from red directly to green like in the U.S, but they go from red to red and yellow at the same Time, and then to green."
"You want to make sure you send traffic to the most relevant URLs on your website."
"Connecting cars to real-life traffic data will also benefit the development of driverless cars."
"Once you have some level of traffic to your website, you can go several weeks without working on it and you'll still receive a passive income."
"Traffic signs are retroreflective."
"Instagram offers a massive opportunity to drive traffic to your online store."
"Traffic is a positive if you can use it well."
"Watch the traffic start flooding in faster than the Sydney CBD at rush hour."
"I hate to drive in traffic like this."
"This is the first place in the entire world I've ever driven where you could put your blinker on and people get out of the way and let you merge. It's wild."
"It's all about making progress through traffic safely."
"We're literally still 2 and 1/2 hours away and the traffic is getting honestly, it's picking up. So if we don't leave now, we're so screwed."
"We can specify where we want to send that traffic by defining a target group"
"We cannot have you guys walking in the middle of the roadway. It's interfering with the flow of traffic."
"Get out of the passing lane, get into the fast lane, people."
"You're going to have to stop at one, two, three, four, five lights before you get home."
"...and as soon as I drag my cursor away from the starting point, you can see that it's automatically finding me the best driving route depending on the traffic conditions."
"Most of these studies focus on single lane roundabouts, the preferred style for most designers and the one considered the safest."
"Growth happens when the traffic to your articles doesn't fade over time."
"I'm favoring SEO traffic over viral traffic."
"You don't have to publish a lot of content, but still can get tons of traffic every single month."
"Pinterest is actually a really great platform for search-based traffic and engagement."
"Consistency is going to be really important so you can continue to grow your traffic."
"You'll get more traffic within that timeframe but the first year, you won't get the results you're looking for. And that's what makes SEO beautiful."
"If organic search is the primary driver of traffic, then you have a pretty healthy website."
"I think it's really important to adapt and to diversify your your traffic sources."
"I'm going to show you exactly how it works, including how we fuel it with traffic."
"Increasing your SERP CTR is one of the easiest ways to get more organic search traffic."
"...traffic is what brings in attention... which can then allow your readers to do things... and make you money."
"Now it's about who can knife through traffic better."
"These places take so much traffic from the High Street."
"It's like the future of the world. 70% of the US's internet traffic was going through that County."
"So this is a great feature, but that's the only way that you're going to get the bad guy's traffic from being prevented because they're going to go across 443."
"This feels like two people that are like, 'Alright, I'm leaving,' and then you both go to the traffic light."
"Debug crypto ISCHIKAN, no like heavy debugs, no. Again that depends on how much traffic is flowing what's your CPU utilization what's your throughput it all depends on that."
"...European semi trucks are lighter and have shorter wheelbases which makes them significantly easier to maneuver essentially they are more compact and easier to work with in traffic and urban environments."
"Traffic is part of the lexicon of all these drivers."
"Because I've been driving a long time and a lot of times when people are beeping their horns it's because they're late, they're angry at something that happened."
"When you're in heavy traffic, horsepower is everything. It helps, yet you guys have been able to use that lighter, less powerful package and work through traffic nicely."
"This for me is the most potentially stressful dynamic of overtaking in traffic."
"A rising tide lifts All Ships so there's the direct I think correlated end screen traffic."
"Scary stuff. People just don't know how to drive five minutes earlier."
"the beautiful thing about an electric vehicle like the lightning in traffic it gets really efficient because it's stop and go stop and go you're regening every time you're slowing down and the vehicle is actually uh becoming really really efficient"
"Nothing Stops the flow of traffic in India they need to get from point A to point B and so they go they go."
"If this Lane is going faster and this Lane is going slow, there's the arrow, this Lane's going slow, they're going to be like yeah I'm going to go for that open spot because I'm want to go faster."
"With these projects completed, the last remaining traffic lights were removed from the route."
"Roundabouts make more sense. The traffic doesn't need to stop completely, and even in moderate traffic, it can flow through easily and continuously."
"The autobahn is very special because there are destricted sections but there are very few destricted sections and there's a lot of traffic in Germany."
"The hotel zone is wild, there's traffic everywhere, there's almost zero parking."
"Rotators are able to stay confined in one lane and keep traffic going."
"Traffic is routing through without an issue."
"So yes you can now report traffic and speed cameras and that sort of thing in Apple Maps natively."
"There's a new challenge for the traffic cops."
"I feel calm in rush hour traffic. It's pretty crazy."
"working all night traffic on the way."
"Jam traffic jam is a serious problem...especially in Nairobi."
"A complete shutdown of the 91 freeway."
"Snort's ability to analyze and respond to network traffic makes it a powerful tool for network security."
"...there's so many bloggers out there there's so many youtubers out there it's hard to get the traffic if your stuff isn't really good..."
"The traffic here again, I'm not sure if that's a pro or a con."
"Our blog post is now ranking on the first page of Google. This single post generates 5000 visits a month."
"Best way to slow down traffic is just let old people drive. That's just it. It's as if they're permanent looking for a parking space."
"If you think you've got it bad during your commutes to work, spare a thought for the native Angelino who spends at least three days of every year stationary in traffic jams."
"How to boost your traffic using what we call the SEO flywheel where it's taking what we know works what Etsy wants so this way here we can give them what they want so they give us what we want and that is traffic and sales."
"Are you getting some traffic? If not, you need to look at that."
"If you can manage to bump up a keyword from the second page results to the first page results, then you should expect around a two to three hundred percent increase in traffic for those keywords."
"When clocks break down, then what happens is you can imagine there are traffic jam and a big pile-up."
"...every since Texas did away with them traffic cam tickets back in 2019 everybody out here been treating them red lights like they suggestion to stop."
"On the bright side, staying late means there's less traffic to deal with, right? Hope so."
"Organic search traffic is by far the cheapest form of traffic that you can generate on the internet."
"I love when buses do this, they just pull out like 'I'm gonna turn now, good luck everybody else.'"
"Why pay double to sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic when you can move to a small town?"
"Leverage YouTube's traffic for my purposes."
"So get your blogs right and they can be a great source of traffic and also conversions for you."
"But around town this is where the hybrid portion of this car also is really nice because the hybrid portion allows you to basically coast along in rush hour traffic."
"What is the biggest sin that you see e-commerce businesses commit? It's exactly this: they're used to getting traffic from some influencer where it's already endorsed traffic."
"SEO is the practice of getting relevant traffic to the website from organic search results."
"When everyone tries to evacuate at once the roads turn into a huge traffic jam."
"I'm about to get ran over by a car trying to go to this place. Look at all this traffic flying past me. I have a very chill Friday and I'm so excited about that."
"Switch 4 has a root port going up to switch 2, that's where traffic is currently flowing."
"Traditionally you can rank cities according to who has the worst traffic. It really hinges on how good or bad their public transit system is." - Lisa Abramowicz
"Miami driving is like unacceptable. You're at a stoplight, it's red, someone is pulling around you, banging on your window being like, 'Go! I don't care if it's red, you need to go!'"
"If your website visiting is dropping dramatically, you probably now know the reason why."
"As I roll out services to multiple regions, I need a way to have the traffic distributed and split across them."
"If you pick the right Niche with a lot of traffic you can make this work like crazy."
"That feels very slow here that car behind's not happy not happy at all"
"When a yellow light is steady at an intersection, it's a signal to slow down and prepare to stop before the intersection, unless you're so close that stopping would be unsafe."
"Make sure that you're not becoming over reliant on any one particular traffic source."
"Both have absolutely terrible traffic."
"Should you always drive slower than other traffic? No, you can block traffic when you drive too slow."
"This sign means that at the speed shown, the traffic lights at each junction ahead are synchronized to display the same signal."
"This sign is telling you to drive in the right lane if you're going slower than the other cars. It helps keep traffic moving smoothly and safely."
"It was a sign of normalcy and you know nobody wants to sit in traffic but it was just a sign of something normal and going home with no traffic."
"Surely there couldn't be this much traffic all the way out here."
"If you want to move to Texas and don't want to spend too much time sitting in traffic, San Antonio is the best of the big four to consider."
"If I could just make it up out of this traffic, I could just forget it. I'm getting up out of this traffic. I'm gonna run."
"The traffic began to back up at 40th Street."
"In many small towns it's rare to see a traffic light."
"At night, the M25 becomes a very different beast with less traffic but higher speeds, the chance of more serious incidents goes up."
"Find ways that you can drive traffic to a property that you own right, and that's what your website is."
"Driving in Egypt: aggressive. Make your way, push everybody around, honk the horn like crazy."
"The primary goal for your site is to get your traffic up."
"Riding in traffic about as good as it gets on any motorcycle."
"Nothing screams excitement about becoming a father quite like leaping directly into the flow of oncoming traffic."
"Curb extensions, also called all sorts of other things, extend the curb at intersections further into the road to narrow the roadway."
"A chicane is where the roadway intentionally curves by modifying the curb to force drivers to slow down."
"Speed bumps are cheap to install and can be effective in slowing down drivers to very low speeds."
"Speed tables are even longer than speed humps, with a flat section on top, and they're designed for streets with even higher speeds."
"Hundreds of cars were streaming down the PCH."
"The challenge, just like Drop Shipping though, is getting traffic to your site, and just like Drop Shipping, paid advertising is necessary to build your sales."
"This caused a surge in Club Penguin Online's traffic."
"I'm now heading back. I'm just outside King's Cross station, actually, and look at the traffic. It is as bad as it has always been, and now I'm worried I'm going to be late for work."
"Welcome to London where a 1 mile of traffic will take you 35 to 40 minutes."
"No one ever looks at you, but you're not offensive, so people just let you merge."
"You'll hate driving, commuting, and everything to do with traffic as it becomes your literal job."
"Yellow box cameras are not a fair solution to the problem."
"You have to have slow cars that run in the right lane, fast cars run in the left lane. If everybody runs the same speed, it just becomes a train."
"Awareness and traffic are the first steps to getting cash but they're way too far away from the actual goal post."
"New York City is actually the worst city to have traffic."
"People here in Germany understand and respect Lane designations."
"The more computers that you've got, the more traffic that's going to go through the firewall, meaning the more resources you're going to need."
"Even if you have a traffic jam here it will resolve itself very quickly because once one movement has flow again they'll just keep going."
"I've been in my car for almost a freaking hour."
"Yeah, but you know, Sunday traffic, you know, getting from Orange to Burbank, the City of Burbank." "Michael, can we have... There's a direct flight that gets us into an airport that's 18 miles from the one we want to go to."
"But all that being said, they are so nice to people at crosswalks. Like if you are anywhere near a crosswalk or about to go, they will stop for you."
"The goal of SEO is to make a website more visible and bring in income from natural traffic."
"'Well,' increasing the speed limit to 33 would decrease the risk of accidents, comma, it would increase traffic, right? I'm contrasting two things."
"It's much more difficult to drive traffic to your own website because it's literally all down to you."
"You can use your Pinterest traffic to grow other socials, like launching a YouTube channel."
"You want a traffic ad more than an engagement ad."
"Avoid driving to the West Loop. This is not a neighborhood that is built for cars."
"Whenever you bring traffic outside of Amazon into the Amazon ecosystem that is actually a really good sign."
"It's a great way to drive additional traffic to your website."
"The more content we have overall, the more traffic we're going to get, right? And the more traffic we have, the monetization actually grows, not linearly but almost exponentially."
"One of the very best ways to get the most organic traffic from search engines."
"Target long-tail keywords to drive traffic and conversions."
"...if you guys are going to be daily driving one of these you guys are just going to be cruising in traffic like I am here today and uh, I mean it cruises in traffic totally fine."
"Monetization is a byproduct of traffic, and traffic is a byproduct of your content and link building efforts."
"Miami, they don't play. Ain't nobody stopping for you. I don't know what I'm talking about anyway."
"I've been building my YouTube channel now for the last three years or so, and it is just the best source of traffic that I have ever found."
"The most frustrating thing for a content creator is to spend hours and days writing your content... You publish your article thinking that it is the best out there... Then days become months and you realize that there is no traffic coming to your article."
"How's the car done 3.8 miles per kilowatt hour the traffic has been uh pretty horrendous there's been a lot of driving at 50 40 miles an hour even um due to the the traffic jams it's never completely ground to Halt so that's something to be grateful for."
"I'm just glad it didn't hit me, and I'm probably gonna get done for being in the bus lane."
"If somebody Googles air conditioner and if I pop up number one, I'm gonna get a lot of traffic and those people are ready to buy an air conditioner."
"Two hours after the accident the queues are now backing up by eight miles."
"During this morning's Rush Hour, the M25 traffic teams have dealt with four major accidents and cleared more than 30 miles of tailbacks."
"No matter what your car looks like, it gets its own lane."
"They'd seen enough. Sometimes you just gotta beat the traffic."
"Leaving late is kind of nice in a sense that there's no traffic."
"When you drive around here all the time, you have to figure out ways to not be sitting at a corner for three light cycles every time."
"It's said that 50 of all internet traffic is driven by cat content."
"Imagine a 10 minute drive turning into an hour-long standstill traffic ride."
"I left much earlier than usual and traffic was light."
"Autonomous vehicle Lanes... enhance traffic flow, increase safety, and maximize the efficiency of autonomous transports."
"What we're talking about here is at a high level we want our traffic to be switched as normal as traffic goes in and out of the switch."
"Step number four is you need to establish some symbols. Those stoplights, they're go lights, put there for the express purpose of making traffic go."
"It's just that you're panicking about the traffic."
"hopefully with some more traffic directed towards the channel we can get a part two sooner rather than later"
"The reason they have this is so that they can identify and filter out researcher traffic compared to any other logical traffic."
"Google doesn't own all the websites... they just control the flow of traffic."