
Peaceful Resolution Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The combat of ideas is far preferable to actual combat."
"Look, we don't want no violence, we don't want no drama, you know we don't want nobody to harm nobody."
"Trump did himself tweet yesterday twice, one was a video telling people to go home peacefully. It's over. He asked his supporters to leave and told them to do so peacefully."
"We're more likely to break up than see civil war."
"Eventually, he decided that the pen is mightier than the Karma and took to writing a series of books."
"Peanut went the way of befriending Pickle instead of battling for attention, which is very admirable."
"Desmond Tutu was very much a man who sort of stood beyond all of that and sort of preached for nonviolent solution which was eventually what brought peace to South Africa."
"We need a way to find peace in this chaos, we need a way to fight this without violence but with extreme perseverance."
"This is a place where diplomacy and dialogue needs to happen."
"My Snorlax is fighting this Tauros, or at least it was. I see they love each other now and no longer want to fight."
"This is the forum that the law provides for our concerns to be heard, dealt with, debated, and finally resolved in this lawful means, peacefully, without violence."
"The great thing about our republic is that we settle our differences in this country at the ballot box, not with guns or bayonets or violence."
"It's a messy situation but I hope it ends peacefully it certainly isn't right now because there's violence being done against his cohorts and he might need to seek asylum somewhere."
"We need to navigate this path in a way that doesn't result in destruction."
"Bill Murray and Harold Ramus finally and peacefully reconciled."
"I wanted to respond to it not with war, you know, of weapons and bullets, but with the war of ideas."
"We won the Cold War without it becoming a world war which is a miracle in history."
"Having the hard conversation doesn't mean you have to fight. And I feel like when the warrior card comes out, a lot of people will take that as, 'You have to go to war, like you gotta fight,' but you actually don't."
"Bring this to an end peacefully sooner than later for many reasons."
"Our Harbor finally sleeps beneath the fog. Impressive work."
"Hopefully this stuff is done peacefully and patriotically."
"I stayed to watch, and everyone made it out safe without any issue."
"Everything we're seeing resolves amicably and peacefully?"
"All the other universes were brought back and the tournament of power concludes with a peaceful ending."
"Bitcoin forces any would-be attacker or assailant to negotiate with you towards a peaceful resolution."
"Obi-Wan's wisdom allowed Luke to bring peace and order to the galaxy."
"Resolving it peacefully is more rewarding and much, much faster."
"It's for this reason that games of Go end only when both players pass back to back. I don't play anymore. I'll give you points."
"I'm willing to face you like a man, look you in your cold blue eyes, and say peace to you, my brother."
"Boruto simply talked no jutsu's Jugo back to normal."
"Fulgrim did what he needed to do but definitely wasn't xenocidal... when he discovered some Elder Maiden worlds he declared them so beautiful that the Imperium would not claim them."
"We must come together peacefully, figure out how to fix this."
"The ideal situation is to just have this guy give up voluntarily on his own and in a peaceful manner."
"It's just actually pretty cute that you can actually end the fight with the boss on your side and happy."
"There is no problem in the world... which cannot be solved through dialogue."
"I did the right thing, I did the adult thing, and I walked away with my children and I kept my peace."
"Crazy situation up here but thankfully it ended peacefully."
"The negotiator was able to defuse the situation without death or injury."
"My object is not to obtain submission by force but to dispel illusions; I will arrive at a union of hearts."
"Whomsoever leaves argument and he knows they are right, he or she will have a house in Jannah."
"If the defenders opened the gates before a siege became necessary, however, it was common to allow a peaceful surrender."
"It's much better to achieve your objectives without going to war."
"We will need to allow all regional countries, without non-regional states' intervention, to resolve all disputable issues calmly through negotiations."
"I gracefully just stepped aside, bowed out, no anger, no animosity."
"The greatest victories won that requires no battle."
"The only war that can end in peace is the one with virtue wins without force."
"Settlement of all international disputes by peaceful means."
"He'd rather throw a joke than a punch."
"Clear skies, no sign of the dragon, even on the hellish landscape that spread as far to the horizon, it felt like the land made peace with itself."
"It's like a really non-violent solution or approach."
"We're equals now in this peace we fought for."