
Scientific Curiosity Quotes

There are 217 quotes

"The role of a scientist, in part, in the 21st century is to direct this sense of wonder that people have into a direction of the rigors of science."
"When I looked into a microscope for the first time, I saw an amoeba moving around and a Paramecium darting about. In my little child mind, I thought, 'Oh my gosh, they're not like pinballs bouncing around; they have intentions. They're like little people.'"
"Quantum mechanics is important in intelligence; consciousness is weird and strange, but they're not weird and strange in the same way."
"However improbable the origin of life might be... it has to have happened at least once because here we are, thinking about it."
"If you reduce the resistance in a wire, more electricity flows. He wondered, is there a resistance in the brain?"
"I love my job... I get to come in and ask questions about the evolution of biodiversity on the planet, and that is so exciting."
"This simple curiosity I came across while hiking turned out to be one of the most important questions ever asked in the history of science."
"If you landed on Mars and were looking for life, you wouldn't just look for cats and dogs and little green men. You would keep your eyeballs peeled for anything super weird and surprising. You would try to expand your mind to be open to crazy new things that you might discover."
"The real evidence is fascinating, puzzling, and challenging on its own terms. You don't need to concoct mysteries to make it interesting."
"The existence of living terrasaurus remains uncertain, igniting curiosity and debate, reminding us of the mysteries that persist in the natural world."
"Science is a learning experience and we should have this childhood curiosity in us as scientists."
"Why not allow for the possibility that this object may be a voyager from an exoplanet?"
"The quest for the Higgs: Driven by the pure desire to understand nature."
"Perhaps the auroras of another world will one day help lead us to our first meaningful contact with other conscious beings in the universe."
"One thing that's common is the idea that... that the Earth is much older and much more to the story."
"All this time, we've been looking out into space for signs that we are not alone in the Universe. Maybe we should have been looking at our own planet all along."
"A new pole reversal is long overdue, and its potential impacts raise intriguing questions."
"Are we alone in the universe? That answer may just lie in the plumes of a distant tiny moon."
"How did nature think that this would work? But it does, it's amazing."
"Could you imagine Albert Einstein sitting there and saying, 'You know, we looked at the universe, it's complicated, so we just decided we're gonna leave it'?"
"Is it possible that there is aerosol transmission? Well, yes, it certainly is."
"Would you consider experimenting with DMT? Oh, this is a good question."
"The first sign of a loser is an excuse. Champions take full responsibility, good or bad, for their outcome."
"The Book of Enoch unfurls astronomical and meteorological phenomena that defy conventional wisdom, leaving us with a tapestry of enigma that transcends both ancient scriptures and modern scientific knowledge."
"Props to Hoyle, no one ever said Hoyle was afraid of pursuing fringe ideas."
"The furin site of SARS-CoV-2 has odd features that no human would design."
"Our brains have shrunk, which is an extremely curious and fascinating example of modern, recent evolution."
"Life off Earth, there's definitely a lot of weird and interesting stuff."
"Dude, I know scientists haven't cracked time travel yet, but I think I just did."
"Well we don't yeah we know how to make electrons electricity but we don't really know where it comes from or what really okay so this whole thing."
"The reality is we know very little about Mars... but the drive to get there has the ability to inspire generations once again."
"UFO research has the potential to heal a long divide."
"Cryptozoology means the study of unknown animals, you know, just like an unknown ape that hasn't been found yet or some class of fish that hasn't been found."
"I just think it's cool that science is like digging deep into the mysteries of our relationship to disease."
"The synapse of those two things touching... how cool is that?"
"Is there more to existence than just us humans? Questions like these have bugged experts and scientists for years."
"Hidden from us... humankind's obsession with seeing things that are normally too small to see."
"Everything links back to the Sun and now vegapunk brought in the idea of how this very Sun can fuel everything imaginable."
"Charles Fort is an American writer and researcher... documenting scientific anomalies..."
"Dee may have started imagining how the universe actually functioned."
"The stuff that people were interested in were stuff about how did the universe begin, what is time, how can we make sense of space."
"As a scientist, you also have to keep an inquiring mind and realize that species that you don't know much about can be hard to detect."
"People still wonder about this idea over 20 years after its formulation."
"Space, the final frontier... planets, stars... hurricanes within weather systems... space hurricanes. Welcome to office hours."
"Because what may lie underneath that solid ice surface is perhaps the most fascinating thing about Europa."
"What we have here is an eight-foot weather balloon."
"I finally worked out why you were all asking me if we are restarting the LHC on April 8th."
"The TYC signal was 300 sigmas above background. So what was that thing? One popular suggestion is that it was a Benford beacon..."
"This isn't a worm, this isn't a pig. It's a fungus, a thread fungus."
"Looking for life in the universe always pushes the frontiers of knowledge."
"I think it's a really interesting result because it kind of defies expectations."
"Humanity has long been looking to the Stars yet we have not answered the question of whether there is life beyond Earth."
"The better answer that I should give is we're trying to do this just because we want to understand the fundamental nature of reality."
"Radioactivity, it's amazing, it's the cure-all."
"Humans are fascinated with this... the origin of the universe is a time before which there were no yesterdays."
"This one is interesting, it's an unidentified sound that's existed at least since the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory began recording underwater."
"What do you think they hope to accomplish by mixing wolf genomes with literal polar bear genomes?"
"I feel so much better now... We were just seeing if we could get it to leap into human beings."
"The London Hammer is a classic example of a seemingly out-of-place artifact discovered in London, Texas, USA, in 1936."
"The off-center dome within the crater has sparked curiosity and speculation regarding its origins and composition."
"Wouldn't it be staggering if we found signs of life on Mars?"
"Fast radio bursts: one of the most mysterious phenomena in astronomy."
"NASA searches for the unknown in air and space. It's in our DNA."
"I wonder what would be more interesting, bioengineering or genetic manipulation?"
"Reality is weird, the more we discover at the largest and smallest scales, the more scientists have been forced to ask the same question: what the [ __ ]?"
"Many of us are convinced that aliens exist but apart from saying so we're not doing much to find out." - Narrator
"This is technically a very unusual and very peculiar black hole and we can't really explain why it has these unusual effects."
"It's the ultimate in discovery and exploration. We have no idea what the surface of Pluto looks like, so we could see craters, we could see geysers, we could see patches of frost."
"Nature seems to be playing a mysterious game, leaving us with questions and enticing us to uncover the secrets it holds."
"Electrically charged rock found in the Congo? Vibranium. It's real."
"What is the truth about black holes and how big can they get?"
"Stephen William Hawking inspires us by his joyous life, by his courage, his stubbornness, and his challenging questions for scientists of today and of the future."
"Are we studying black holes, dark matter? Like, what's going on?"
"If the UFOs are real any scientist with an IQ over mud is going to go how the hell are these things operating?"
"The need to understand how the universe works is fundamental to human nature."
"The large hadron collider in geneva is restarting next week. A lot of people think weird stuff is going on."
"UFOs or UAP are in fact a real thing... and definitely something worth our reflection and our understanding."
"Dream telepathy is not a new one over the years many famous scientists have tried to understand this mysterious phenomenon."
"It would be dumb to assume that we're the only life in the universe."
"Biologists tend to think, 'Well, get out a microscope, see if you see bugs running around.' What does the ecosystem eat? Where is the food coming from? Where is the waste going to?"
"Perhaps humans are linked in some kind of neural way that we don't necessarily understand."
"This wisdom is not just for the Sikhs it's not just for the Punjabis this wisdom is for the world."
"There are many things in the universe that we do not understand but it asks us to investigate."
"The U.S. Sailing Stones is a bizarre phenomenon which continues to have no known explanation from the scientific community."
"The original scientist had to be someone who was just simply curious."
"Wow Signal: An intriguing and unexplained radio signal detected by the Big Ear radio telescope in 1977, sparking curiosity about its origin."
"The only pleasure of being a scientist is that nature produces all these wonderful complications from such marvelous simple devices."
"Our bodies are made of nearly 90 percent water... our thoughts and feelings can be recorded by water... hydrogen has the memory."
"I was always the kid that got stuck out in the hallway because I was asking questions that the teacher couldn't answer."
"Telescopes today are pretty advanced but it's incredible what people 6,000 years ago were capable of making with only rocks."
"Slime molds are true evolutionary head scratchers."
"But the Thai video is real, and it does suggest that some people can take massive jolts of electricity, possibly because of their skin."
"Pluto deserved better. Are the cores of other planets similar to our core on Earth?"
"Alien civilizations have long fascinated scientists as well as the general public."
"Anomalies are things that typically show something that may warrant investigation."
"Could this be a trick of the light, a creature unknown to science, or just a clever optical illusion?"
"Scientists have revived a zombie virus that spent 4500 years Frozen in permafrost...why would you do that?"
"Even when phenomena can't be explained, there are plenty of incredible theories to form an explanation from."
"Why wouldn't it potentially to be that these few sightings we've seen or several hundred actually under C be the tip of the iceberg of something more?"
"The leaf slug eats so much algae their body absorbs a part of the plant cells, chloroplasts that let these little guys actually photosynthesize."
"I'm confident there's still a lot to be found."
"There's been people that have said as soon as you die they can test your weight and you lose two ounces."
"What happens if you let the Earth evolve for 100 million years? It should be an interesting result."
"The outer solar system presents a growing mystery."
"Whether or not we ever find life-forms on Mars, we can still marvel at the beauty of our neighboring planet."
"What this immediately piqued my interest and got me thinking is it possible for a perfect cube to exist in nature?"
"Mermaids in Zimbabwe: 'A mermaid attacked divers working in a reservoir back in February of 2012, causing fear and halting work until new crews were brought in.'"
"I've been saving this color trick until now because, well, I think it might be the best one."
"There really is quite a lot going on out there in space, even if we haven't encountered any real aliens yet."
"The press needs to ask one question and no others until this is answered: How did that polybasic furan cleavage site prra get into COVID-19?"
"It is deeply, deeply concerning to me. If you don't look, you can't find. And if you're not asking a question, you don't know what you're looking at."
"It's incredible to me that although much of the universe around us cannot be directly seen, it’s possible to explore it."
"What weird and wonderful stuff has surfaced that has had even the most level-headed science-brained people getting their knickers in a twist."
"Dreaming about the things we have never seen, finally ready to be observed in great detail."
"From insane life-changing meteorites to stones with alien inscriptions, we have yet to decipher."
"Candida: it's got a really bad rep, why it's actually kind of cool."
"What if these blue balls all around them are maybe plasma balls?"
"Magnets feel like the Future past like like back in the day people going like we don't figure everything out they're like we figured out magnets I still don't even know if we know exactly how they work I think we just know that they work."
"The pursuit of hollow Earth theory during this period was filled with intriguing characters and Adventures leaving a lasting impact on the scientific community's curiosity about the mysteries of our planet."
"That is actually so freaking cool the electricity is actually following along the path of the fire but it only like breaks out at the end."
"The idea of multiple realities and other dimensions has fascinated scientists and philosophers for centuries."
"We want one alien species with one kind of craft right so that we can figure it out."
"Space is full of mysteries... just add it to the list of cool things we'll keep exploring."
"You know if you think about it, I'm probably the highest-paid player per second in NBA history."
"How aliens can look like we actually find answers in the backyard."
"The mysterious manganese balls of the Atlantic Ocean... aliens, anyone?"
"Outer space mystery: scientists searching for answers amidst speculation about alien origins."
"Every desert has its secrets, but few have drawn more attention or stumped the scientific community quite like that of the Namib Desert in southern Africa."
"Just how massively huge animals can get is sometimes hard to believe."
"These are the oldest technologies scientists still can't explain."
"So it's actually a free hole because there's no electron there, that's kind of strange."
"What motivated Einstein to come up with all this in the first place is... the laws of physics should be the same no matter what reference frame you're in."
"Johnson's more youthful appearance at the age of 78 is not entirely a consequence of his cryosleep hours."
"Will we one day be able to move faster than the speed of light? I hope so, because that would be cool."
"To be a good scientist is not to say that the answer, 'No.' To be a good scientist is to be able to say confidently, 'Oh I don't know.' There's a mystery here."
"He had a fascination for the mechanisms of living things."
"An animal so unusual that when reports of its anatomy first emerged around 200 years ago, many were convinced it was a hoax."
"So can you even imagine how many fossils must still be out there waiting to be discovered? There is so much still for us to discover about ourselves, about our evolutionary history and about our world."
"It is suspected that we as matter are connected to antimatter."
"Did climate change cause these gigantic holes?"
"There's more going on than we fully understand and appreciate."
"It's mind-boggling to think that we know more about the surface of Mars and the moon than about the ocean floor on our own Planet."
"So there's exo moons there's so much we don't know and we're just starting to explore."
"Dennis wants plague samples to do some science I guess."
"The Quran literally tells you to go and investigate the universe."
"We managed to see the phenomena already the first day or the first night."
"One of the most exciting things in science are things that we don't understand."
"If we understand the true nature of inertia, we should be able to manipulate it."
"So if we could detect neutrinos from the sun, we could learn about the processes that fuel it. We could peek inside the core of our sun."
"Leonardo needed to know answers to some of the big questions, which the ancient alien question has as well--the question of flight."
"And without a transparent atmosphere, scientific curiosity would not have awakened."
"Possibly the greatest Allure this Axiom held for Einstein was that it promised to overturn the absolute space and time of Newtonian physics."
"...what a gift you know if we could find a material that just levitates by itself."
"The concept of alternate dimensions beyond our familiar three-dimensional universe has long tantalized scientists and lay people alike."
"...despite its emptiness, the Bootes Void offers valuable insights into the large-scale structure of the cosmos and the processes that shaped it, inviting further exploration into the mysteries of the universe."
"Venus: an analog of Earth gone horribly wrong, yet still incredibly fascinating."
"As speculative as these theories are, they serve as a critical reminder of the vastness of the unknown and the potential limits of human understanding, urging us always to look deeper and question more fundamentally."
"For those that really are just hardcore skeptics or even if there happens to be scientists on this show, please please please never stop being curious as to what's out there."
"I recommended it to someone recently it's a book about the uh double slit experiment have you heard about this not it's called I think it's like through through two doors at once."
"My father was an outstanding person with many scientific interests."
"To be a scientist, you gotta be curious even when it's scary."
"Curiosity about life living organisms plants humans and other animals was to underlie almost everything Aristotle ever achieved."
"Knowing the shape of the universe is more than just an intellectual curiosity."
"I've always been into like weird scientific stuff, not like weird but... when I was like 12 years old... what I wanted for Christmas was a liquid nitrogen Dewar flask."
"Just as interesting, if not more than symmetries themselves, is what happens when a symmetry is broken."
"I was fascinated by the action of light."
"Scientists cannot help themselves; they just can't help their curiosity."
"Are chickens related to dinosaurs?"
"We've got samples from a lot of places around the solar system... but the thing we don't have, the thing we really want, is a sample from Mars."
"Are birds really dinosaurs? Everybody is saying that birds aren't extinct; they're feeding in our bird feeders even as we speak. Is that really true?"
"We're going to get to understand the mysteries of the universe and more than that."
"I presume that one day we will understand the origin of life."
"There are wonders to discover and hypotheses to test."
"Scientists really enjoy this process because it gives them glimpses into how the Universe really works."
"Throughout history, legions of scientists have been desperate to answer this one burning question."
"Mew is set to carry the DNA of every Pokemon ever created and will be created."
"No one can be sure what sort of energy Weldon's machine was picking up, but it certainly resembles a human."
"The Hessdalen lights... no one can really explain why and how they form."
"What's important here is that both scientists and everyday people have reported that this could happen."
"Da Vinci's love for studying the anatomy of living things also likely began here."
"If you do some very basic science on these areas that NASA neglects, it really makes you wonder."
"The more scientifically curious people are, the more likely they are to think that global warming is real."
"There's got to be a ton of scientific interest in this, right?"
"There's no mushroom that can help us live forever, but there is some really cool research suggesting that hey, maybe this is something that's worth looking into."
"The potential for 55 Cancri e to host an atmosphere rich in carbon compounds not only intrigues scientists but also stirs the imagination about what other kinds of worlds could exist in the vast expanses of our galaxy."
"They capture the imagination and they push us as scientists to revise our theories."
"Physics has taught me till today is really the passion for asking big questions, the passion for seeking North Stars."
"All these guys are just like really scientists; they are trying to explain why things are the way they are with the limited knowledge that they had."
"I hope to see you back here soon in the lab for my next experiment."
"Once I realized that we found an object from a technological origin that was produced elsewhere, I would not seek approval from anyone else; I don't need likes on Twitter, I just want to know what it is."
"This is not just another anomaly; it's a mystery begging to be solved."
"I consider myself a scientist looking at the wonders of biology... and trying to figure out how we can actually improve health."
"Memory of water... countless thousands of people have talked about water being the medium for memory."
"Scientists look at the world through similar eyes of a child; they want to understand the world."
"The mysterious thing is not that there is vacuum energy; the really mysterious thing is that there's so little of it."
"The more we learn about giraffes, the more questions we have."
"This phenomenon was first discovered by Albert A. Michelson... and it baffled Fourier."
"People have taken a keen interest in medical science."