
Product Longevity Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Right to repair and repairability are things that I am very happy to be sold to me."
"They don't want you fixing something and getting another two years of life out of it; they want you to go back to the store and buy a new one."
"The Centennial Light, an incandescent light bulb that has been burning nearly continuously since 1901, surely proves that light bulbs never truly 'need' to burn out."
"It's time to say no to subscriptions and yes to a razor that'll last you a lifetime."
"Products made years ago... still making money now."
"You should not have to buy something and wonder gosh I don't know when's it going to stop working forever."
"It's the idea that when you buy something, you own it. The idea that when what you own breaks, you shouldn't simply have to replace everything on it to make it work again."
"Overall, I have found that through my nearly 10 years of ownership of Red Wing boots that they are worth it."
"The switch that you have in your hand right now is definitely getting Nintendo support into next year."
"It's extremely durable and waterproof... I actually had an earlier version of this device, I think I've had it for about 12 years now."
"The 1080 TI continues to impress and earn its GOAT title all 7 years later."
"I think this is a machine that would be great for casual users and last them a very long time."
"So, we'll still be seeing the little flash drive devices on the shelves, but the question is, for how long?"
"This stuff lasts forever if you take reasonably good care of it."
"The iPhone 5s was a good solid phone for the time and crazily enough is still usable today."
"Later is never going to get stale. It's not, not if you've got product market fit which we do."
"Their latest version...lasts anywhere from 18 to 24 months."
"The Bosch Icon looked nearly as good as new after a full year of outdoor weather and UV exposure."
"Stainless steel frets... years down the line, you've got a guitar with frets that feel just as nice as they did when you first got it."
"If you buy a Xiaomi phone, don't worry about after a year; it's not gonna start acting up, it's gonna run perfectly fine."
"As long as you take care of it, you shouldn't have to worry about corrosion at all."
"This will last you longer than you can imagine."
"You could have this for 20 years and still be just as good 20 years down the line."
"AMD has a better track record of their stuff aging better."
"I feel like this is going to be a forever product."
"I do think it's going to have more staying power."
"This as far as durability goes it's probably gonna last forever."
"The Graco DuoDiner... longevity and versatility... broken up basically into six stages."
"These phones are timeless pieces where they only increase in value."
"They haven't exactly aged particularly well but they haven't aged badly."
"Civilization remains unchanged for decades yet continues to sell fantastically."
"There is something to be said for products that have just kind of stuck around... They have this chance to even become cult favorites."
"The utter flexibility, repairability, and the simple fact that this could be, theoretically, the last gaming laptop I'd ever need to buy. That's pretty freaking cool."
"Pre-war donuts... are still fresh with quotation marks around the word fresh and a trademark symbol next to it so yeah take that for what you will."
"It does indeed last a very long time on the skin so big big fan that is a huge win hourglass bless up."
"A tool like this is going to last you a lifetime."
"Surprising! Oh wow, a staple since the 19th century."
"You’re gonna have many years of fun and service with the SpiralFix."
"This simply means that you probably just have to buy this juicer once and you’ll never have to worry about buying another juicer again."
"Fairphone wants their customers to have one of their phones for seven years."
"I don't want to see one more product die in your graveyard of used products."
"The idea that you buy it and keep it for a long time is this lesser done idea now of not built-in obsolescence."
"If it doesn't last all day what's the point no no this lasts until the next day it is incredible."
"The S21 is going to last for much longer than the S10."
"One of my favorite things as a consumer is buying into a product that can kind of support your growth for years at a time."
"This stuff has been around for 20 or 25 years."
"Beyblades have always been customizable and I feel like that's one of the key aspects of its longevity."
"This is one of those rare handhelds where I feel like if I bought this one here and didn't know anything else about any other handhelds I would be satisfied for years to come."
"The current generation has been around for a few years now and I think it's design has aged well."
"You could buy the chassis and the engine knowing that it's gonna last you for many years."
"The Ruger single six: it's going to last forever."
"Is the iPhone 7 plus still worth it in 2020? I will say 100% yes."
"We're more interested in providing something that lasts years rather than months."
"Good enough for me coming up on 4 years old and I think it's still going pretty strong."
"We should all be trying harder to make our electronics last longer."
"It's always easy to be wowed the first time you switch on a new TV, but it's when you're still impressed days, weeks, or months later that you realize it was the right choice."
"These things have quite a long shelf life on the market so this should be a case study for every other dual cab manufacturer in how to do it."
"The product should also be timeless and not go obsolete."
"Say no to subscription, say yes to a razor that will last you a lifetime."
"They've mentioned that it's a pretty solid machine... I've been using the Delta since 2021 the original Delta and it still performs well till this day."
"I love the idea of not having to buy a whole new laptop next time you want an upgrade in performance or some small component breaks."
"...maintaining its products longevity and their value over their expected lifetime as well as increasing its customers access to Safe high quality repair options while also protecting their safety security and privacy."
"The good news is, is that I don't have to do that. Ninety-two percent of their useful life after 16 to 18 months of usage, you know, probably means that I can easily get another 18 months two years out of that before even thinking about sending them off to be replaced again."
"Say hello to never needing another pen again."
"Evergreen designs get about three to five times as many sales as usual."
"It lasts such a long time for such a good price."
"If you can use something for 10 years and realize you love that sound, that's what you should buy."
"Which is what will oxidize the product and make it go bad."
"It's really interesting to see how this cream survived all these years."
"I think it's still a very worthwhile kit despite its age."
"It seems like a speaker that will last and last and last."
"We want you to buy something, never trade it, and never lose the limitless potential."
"It's been around for a little while but it's still, according to what people say, one of Hornby's better diesels."
"The fact that they've barely had to tweak this for almost 20 years tells you everything you need to know."
"I want you to land on products that are going to work for you for the long haul."
"The i-210 kind of had a cult following; it kind of blew up and got stronger as it was out there longer in the market."
"Chanel is known for quality, so the fact that I've had these for years and years just goes to show what you can expect with the Chanel makeup brushes."
"These are sold as a live plant like this with the roots on it; it helps to keep them fresher longer."
"Zacklift is a company that's been around for 40 plus years, they've always made these hydraulic under reaches."
"Prolong the efficacy of the products that we do have."
"I'm a big supporter of right to repair."
"The M1 air is the king of laptops and still is till this day, especially if you get yourself a refurbished model."
"This has got a life expectancy of 70 years, so with the Krickstein installation, this should outlast a lot of us watching this video."
"The bulbs are also rated for 20,000 hours, so that's going to be about 25 years of life."
"Choose a product that's going to be around 30 years from now."
"You're going to be so proud of it that you're going to keep it for years and years to come."
"You're going to get something like 3,000 hours out of these tubes which is really cool."
"Sometimes the very very best products are the ones that have been around forever."
"Quality products have lived the test of times."
"I feel like you are making an investment and honestly, the fact that it's lasted me 10 years, I am blown away by it."
"It stays very strong throughout the cure."
"I highly recommend this one if you're trying to layer your body care products or you want to get your body care to last longer."
"I've had Ray-Bans for a while now; I realize they're going to last a long time."
"They're going to store them the best way possible so they have the longest shelf life for selling their products."
"Anytime you purchase a vacuum with a bag, it's always just gonna last longer."
"This defender has been all since 1997, and there's been very few changes with it because it's really effective, energy efficient, and it works."
"I want you guys to keep in mind that if you spend a lot of money on your products, it's really important normally that they also last you a long time."
"Shaper tape comes with two rolls in the box, you can always pick more up in the store, but those two rolls are going to see you through quite a while."
"They have kind of longevity in mind."
"I understand now why people spend money on something like this because the quality just down to like the stitching."
"This headset's been out forever, guys, and it is still that good."
"This is sublimation, this shirt has been washed... at least 100 times, and you can see here that this transfer is going nowhere."
"They're really wanting this product to last you for decades if they're gonna give you the option to replace the battery."
"But the fact that this reel, as well as the 209, are still in production is really saying something about the operation of the reel."
"Products that change people's lives... they're products that last."
"The pyrite is what I consider to be an evergreen model."
"Blush fades really fast, so I like to put on a decent amount."
"By layering your products, they're gonna last a lot longer."
"Love that they're best buy like they've got a long time to live in the fridge, which is awesome."
"I'm still using this years later; that says it all."
"If you use the two steps together, it will really lengthen the wear time."