
Change Potential Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"I am an optimist at heart and so I have hope that we can once alarmed enough make changes that will really move the needle."
"Everything can change, even someone with a heart of stone."
"You're very powerful... You can change things with the snap of a finger."
"Their choices really do matter and that things change significantly based on what we do and how we interact with the world."
"This moment is different. Real change can happen."
"If we stay open, if we stay awake, I believe it's possible to change the world."
"A curse may not be lifted but a pattern can be changed."
"We could improve the state of the earth quite quickly... it wouldn't take decades and decades."
"Don't let anything discourage you, things can literally change at any moment."
"Change is only possible if and when you allow it to be, but it is always possible."
"The most powerful force we carry within us is the power of choice to change course at any time."
"Your life is in your hands. You can take full responsibility for where you are right now and you can decide to change it."
"Everybody has the ability to change and I think by your person they have a lot of things that they need thing that's gone and there's a lot of things that you need to work on."
"This could be the loggerheads that actually produces change."
"Are we just going to accept that this is it? I think you have enough people, it doesn't take everyone on board to change things."
"The window of opportunity is still open. The ability to chart a new course is still possible."
"You've got to say it, haven't you? Because people can change."
"We can alter our destiny, it's not written in stone."
"It's a matter of seconds before things can change."
"So next time you hear someone say, 'You know, it's just not possible to create change.' I'd like you to say, 'Actually, it is.'"
"If he really can start everything from the beginning, then he can change everything."
"Should bad history mean that a person can never change?"
"Can we change that course? There's only one way to find out, and it will take all of us."
"Now is the time where we can actually change the course of the future."
"You have the ability to create your reality, you have the ability to change things that you want to change."
"Hope is about the possibility of change and the fact that things can be different."
"It's actually possible that I can change this."
"Every passing minute is another chance to turn things around."
"Everybody can change. Everyone's capable of being a better version of themselves."
"Those are the schools in those extreme challenging circumstances they would change this is something that is totally within your grasp."
"Sensitivity to the butterfly effect makes dynamic systems open to radical and transformative change."
"I do think people can change and should be given the opportunity to do better."
"April is an intriguing month...a powerful month...April supports a lot of change...some real surprises along the way."
"Everything is changing and can be changed, even the timelines and the information can be changed."
"Believe in yourself. Believe in the power of change."
"We're capable of radical overhaul and change in a short period of time."
"We're not risk-averse people. People can change, people can turn their life around."
"Nothing is set in stone. You have freewill to change your future."
"You can break anything, you can change anything."
"People can change, especially over four years."
"If it can change one little thing, then it can change everything."
"There's always hope for change in everyone, even the worst people."
"Things don't have to be only the way that they currently are but they can be a different way as well even though that's risky and requires ambition."
"Can an individual who has no particular power or money or official position, can they change history? And the answer is yes."
"The largest army in the world of people who could change things."
"Everything can change in a moment. Your prayers are being heard and they will have effect."
"This is an outsider's perspective, but there is always potential for someone to change, even if they don't regret what they did to you."
"A person can change if they truly desire it."
"People do change, people do learn from their mistakes."
"We have this glorious inbuilt capacity for change."
"Can we in any way control this? Can we change that?... And the answer is obviously we can."
"I might be just very naive, but I do believe that change is possible; otherwise, we wouldn't be climate activists."
"Change is possible, regardless of if it's an entity or a human."
"If you take a biological view of human behavior and human thinking, that then means that we can do something about that biology."
"Anything can change in a matter of time."
"We can change all that. It's up to you."