
Brand Awareness Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"You want people to talk about your brand when you're not in the room."
"Have you ever looked at the Starbucks logo and wondered who or what that mythological creature was on it?"
"Instagram today is a fantastic network for brands to build brand awareness and to showcase their products or services."
"Social media marketing is essential for creating brand awareness."
"If Tyson Foods were to go out of business, there's a lot of Brands you probably have in your refrigerator, your freezer, your pantry that you don't realize are part of them."
"It's really important to just be informed on like what's going on with people and brands and things like that so we can make the most ethical decisions that we can with our money or our views."
"Brand does matter absolutely... look at the brand because you need to understand is that brand a brand that's recognized worldwide."
"Nintendo themselves are still very much aware of StarTropics."
"One of the biggest mistakes in all of marketing is running brand awareness marketing campaigns and expecting direct response results."
"Thank you guys for continuing to bring awareness of Razer stores and everything else."
"Brand awareness is really about being aware of your target customer, understanding and clarifying your brand story, and ensuring alignment across the marketing mix."
"You're not losing sales. You're reaching more people, raising awareness."
"Controversy equals attention and attention equals brand recognition."
"People want to hear your opinion as well if you want to get your brand awareness out there."
"Why would I give a million? Because I know this, if I could get enough attention with that million, right? The right people will get attention on my brand, my products, my services."
"Marketing is very important, it's hundreds of thousands of dollars a year that we spend at Gotham dream cars just to make ourselves aware to everybody that they know we're out here."
"Yo, comedy is huge when it comes to brand awareness."
"Have you heard about Doughbrik's prior to this?"
"I'm trying to get the word out about my brand."
"Props to this company for making an unforgettable ad that was probably talked about for months on end, though!"
"Every once in a while, what about 'Are you there, Satan? It's me, Margaret'? She's a Satan worshipper, yes, dude. Flip the script."
"If we knew everything about every person behind every brand, we wouldn't support anyone."
"That was always a dream to have a chain of stores so I thought this will be so fabulous because people will know about our store and it will create an awareness of the - brand," said Kris Jenner.
"If you're in Europe, you probably know that Hoover is actually made by Candy already."
"There is no shortage of reminders in this car that you do not have a regular Mercedes-Benz."
"You don't have to legally go to pages... don't even worry about the Rooster Teeth part of it."
"We wanted more people to know Persona as a series."
"Coca-Cola has also reported that its name is the second most understood term in the world, just behind 'OK.'"
"Social media marketing allows us to really improve our brand by pushing out appropriate content to the right audience."
"Video advertising refers to the use of videos to promote a product, a service, or a brand."
"Social media marketing provides great brand awareness. With the help of interactions with people on social media, brands are able to build up their reputation as businesses."
"Studies have shown that 7 to 12 touch points with a brand are required before anyone swipes their card."
"It was intended to be shocking, it was, it was sometimes people want to be shocked with their nose, but it was so out there and it was so just like, oh my God, I can't believe you did this, that it, it was great marketing and Buzz for the brand."
"Constantly show up, brand awareness."
"If BMW's goal is to get everyone talking, then job well done."
"If that's one of the most effective, in my opinion the most effective way to build brand awareness in a population, is to have people that they trust use the product or service, recommend the product or service."
"...a simple search ad on Google when people search your brand name or anything related to your brand name you'll appear at top."
"It really helps in increasing brand awareness."
"I love to make you guys aware of the Walnut Creek Foods brand. I just stand behind their products."
"It increases public awareness and public interest...people take a much bigger interest in how his business is run."
"Our biggest goal here is to help you guys understand the BBS name and if you're interested in their wheels and some things that kind of make them special and different."
"Nobody's gonna buy from you if they don't know who you are."
"Polling is a marketing tactic to bring brand awareness, fan engagement, and decision making for Mattel."
"I've done extensive research on them and I do have a lot more appreciation for the brand."
"In the awareness stage, help potential customers discover your brand with the help of these different marketing channels."
"These watches are beautiful and they've definitely opened my eyes to this brand."
"One of the best ways to benefit from organic marketing is brainstorming different strategies that will help you build brand awareness and brand engagement."
"Brand awareness campaigns aren't often used because they don't often deliver great results over the short run, but they can be very, very effective over the long run."
"Having a good website impacts the overall awareness around your brand."
"Facebook ads are a worthwhile investment, especially if you're testing out campaigns or want to build some brand awareness."
"Content marketing involves the creation and sharing of online content to generate audience interest in a brand's products or services."
"I really wanted to let you guys know about this brand because I feel like this is a pretty underrated brand."
"For quick results, by making a relevant ad copy and by targeting the right keywords, we can increase availability, brand awareness, and traffic."
"Content creation has finally paid off, and I like that brands are waking up to what influencers can do."
"I hope your troglodytes enjoyed getting to learn about the Orville by Gibson brand."
"Run giveaways to draw attention and generate brand awareness and engagement."
"Millions and millions of less than 16 year olds now know all about Gucci."
"It's so high-class looking and not a lot of people know about the Genesis brand yet, I feel."
"Bringing awareness to people who don't necessarily need a name badge and want to get still great style, luxury, and also performance at the end of the day."
"The only way you will ever do that is to build a top of mind personal brand."
"The top of the funnel is where the primary objective is to build awareness."
"TACoS stands for Total Advertising Cost of Sale, which differs from the standard ACoS metric as it considers how your advertising spend affects brand awareness and the organic sales that result from that brand growth."
"We can build brand awareness and ad recalls."
"We did 1.4 million gross. It's great brand awareness; people see your product, sales go up."
"Pre-launch really does generate that excitement and builds that brand awareness for you."
"If you're starting your business and you don't have a sales funnel, your goal should be to get people to get to know who you are."
"YouTube's in-feed video ads can be a great way for advertisers to build brand awareness."
"Ads is how to get your brand in front of millions and millions of people."
"I speak from my heart, and there's always this possibility that I will skip one or more brands."
"They make themselves more accessible to a person wanting to inquire about their pieces and really learn about their brand."
"Build awareness and create those one-to-one relationships."
"The best way to get known is to do a lot of promotional events, a freebie here and there with your name out there, and using it to market."
"Do you guys know what Gorilla Glue is? Like, Gorilla Glue makes tape."
"Brand names provide information about quality to consumers."
"Creating, scheduling, analyzing, and managing content across multiple and various social media platforms to drive brand awareness, traffic, leads, and customers."
"The marketing objectives will focus on maximizing brand awareness, encouraging customers to trial the products, and getting some feedback on new products."
"We're building brand awareness and recognition, showcasing where products can be bought."
"We'll run a video-based brand awareness promotional campaign throughout the 30 weeks."
"You're going to build brand awareness and expand your reach to a new audience."
"You're either going to get conversions at the price you want, or you're getting free brand awareness across a number of different sites across the GDN."
"So hopefully the tips today will help you get the most of this campaign type and start seeing either conversions for the price that you set or free brand awareness."
"So businesses are always talking about having top-of-mind awareness in the mind of the consumer."
"Build brand awareness amongst target customers."
"Decathlon, who knew? They are much bigger than I actually thought they were."
"I love Vivian Westwood, it's a brand that I feel like not a lot of people know."
"I'm so aware of my brand and my name; my clients, my athletes, they trust me with their eyes closed."
"Don't drown yourself in designer logos; so next time you go to grab that Gucci belt, don't grab your Fendi bag that has the Fendi logo all over it."
"Almost every single brand that you can buy at Ulta or Sephora is owned by a major parent company."