
Marketing Effectiveness Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Word of mouth is the best form of advertising."
"At the end of the day, this isn't just about selling nail polish on the billboard, but the ability for people to go around the city, spot Ben, and then tweet it to me."
"Word of mouth is much more powerful than traditional advertising."
"The quicker you understand that and the quicker you get into your content bag, the better off you'll be."
"Influencer marketing: proven to be more successful."
"A 540% increase in sales over just three years is a clear sign of how effective a dedicated influencer-led marketing campaign can be."
"I really think this is something that's pointed out in the comments sometimes you honestly sell games better than the developers do at times."
"This is a presentation done right. Sony's marketing team and the people that understand their brand have done a fantastic job."
"If you don't use email marketing, your business is losing money."
"Live streams get people to buy things more often, up to 10 times more than other methods like normal online ads."
"When it comes to marketing services, it's pretty much all about the end state and the benefits and the outcomes and the results someone will experience."
"The Blair Witch Project's convincing marketing campaign."
"It's an alluring brand image, easy to recognize, memorable. It encompasses the brand perfectly."
"Creating a call to action that isn't super pushy is very powerful."
"Real effective marketing does not look like marketing."
"Anytime a consumer is looking at a piece of content that feels like it's tailor-made for them, they will follow, they will spend more, they will support more, they will evangelize more."
"The power of a really clear brand story is that people instantly understand what it is."
"Word of mouth is still the most powerful marketing tool."
"Social is just incredible for getting your content out there."
"What other people can say about your product and services is infinitely more powerful than what you can say about what you do."
"At the end of the day, the product doesn't even matter if you send the right messenger."
"Paint a picture for your customers with compelling bullet points that solve their problems and speak to their needs."
"Conversion is assumed when you bring value to the audience."
"You'll find that it will convert better when it's valuable."
"The only group that gendered marketing works on is men because we all have caveman brains."
"It's like got milk; they are the original influencers."
"Keep testing new creatives regularly to find new winning creatives and avoid ad fatigue."
"Stories perform significantly better than feeds in getting lower costs per click and more followers."
"Is kanom Tokyo an act of genius branding? Yes."
"Using personalization in your marketing... makes them more receptive and reduces the perception of information overload."
"The chocolate bar palette was adorable, smelled good, and looked cute in a thumbnail."
"The issue isn't whether that call to action is visible. The issue is whether or not that call to action is visible when somebody needs it, when somebody is ready to take that action."
"Word of mouth generates more than twice the sales of paid advertising in categories as diverse as skin care and mobile phones."
"Uh, not much." Laughs "Pretty good at marketing but if you look at the results we grew 43% in the carrier space in the US last ye-well this last quarter. I think that's double their numbers."
"It's all about how you market it so if your marketing is on point your website really doesn't matter"
"There's a difference between having a great product and being able to sell that product."
"Fans are the best salesman of your work. When it's good, they're a marketing team that can match word of mouth." - Matt Deckard
"Aquaman appealed to both sexes, and that's an important thing."
"It's a very common marketing tactic these days to make sure that you're always front and center."
"Even with zero call to action people have still been clicking them."
"If somebody gets this in the mail they're way more likely to open it."
"Consumer research showed that our 'Feed your family for Less with British pork' campaign increased purchase intent for pork by 3% and reached over 20 million adults."
"You're creating awareness for the client - you're literally just helping the parent company make more money."
"We need to make them all the best presentation and get it out where people can see it."
"The best marketing is somebody likes your stuff and tells somebody else." - Dave Ramsey
"This presentation definitely got me excited about the potential impossibilities of this game."
"It was a Hall age level announcement in six minutes."
"An email will convert four times more than any social media post."
"You guys hate it but bro I can't lie man this is some great ass marketing."
"Very small interventions can have huge effects which means as marketers we can't always predict what will work."
"But it's important to note that the Oscars have marketed themselves in such a way that they make themselves matter."
"The job of a trailer is to take your excitement level no matter how high or how low it is and bump it up a couple notches."
"That video Marvel put out about celebrating the movies is probably my favorite marketing I've seen from Marvel."
"We want people's heads to turn and say I want to fly with them."
"The Holy Grail of marketing is creating something that people speak about, that becomes the marketing for you."
"At the end of the day, these are all commercials. This was a fantastic commercial for Game Pass, and that's exactly what it was."
"If a trailer can take you from not being interested in a movie to being really excited for the movie, that's what you gotta do."
"Their marketing so far has been pretty on point compared to other blockchain companies."
"Results sell products in ads and help you scale."
"Ownership is so important. You have to own your own work so that when you are going to do promotions, it's going to be more effective."
"I love a good gimmick like they made it look like a pumpkin so I was sold."
"The best form of advertising is recommendation."
"The power of marketing, promotion, influence - she influences a lot of people."
"It's a cute baby I'm sure it'll sell baby food."
"Word of mouth is way more powerful than a YouTube channel."
"I wanted more, but that's exactly what a teaser's supposed to do."
"This is one of the best marketing for a developer tool I've ever seen."
"A hundred million plus people are thinking about twisted tea... You can't buy that kind of brain infusion branding."
"I want to see the sport. You put these big events on, you get the information out there, you ride that wave and make it as big as possible."
"It's a brilliant marketing campaign and I love to see that."
"It really comes down to the trust of your store—your price is too high, your product description isn't impulsive enough, your store isn't trustworthy overall."
"The game isn't won in the ads manager; it's won by camping out in the mind of your dream customer."
"They just sell themselves... they just sell."
"So much stuff in this world comes down to word-of-mouth."
"Respawn knows how to hype you up, even when the game's already out."
"The best ads are the ones that don't even look like ads."
"Webinars are still one of, if not the most powerful ways to sell things online."
"When you start defining customer profiles, things get a lot more easier in your marketing."
"The average spend per conversion is your customer acquisition cost."
"They dress it up like this, this dude rocking two hay bales. Um, you know, they just do a good job at making it look appealing, right? Like you look at this guy, you go, 'Ah, that could totally be me!'"
"You destroy value if you have a great thing presented in the right way you create multiples of the same value."
"Funny advertising beats boring advertising every single time."
"A decent picture will sell anything if it's nice and well lit, if it's got a really nice clear background."
"Your hook rate is going to determine how good you are at getting people's attention."
"It was now 1970, and this effort proved to be very effective."
"Email marketing is so incredibly effective."
"When you find this sweet spot, suddenly your marketing starts working better, your NPS gets higher, and your retention goes up."
"Email marketing is a very good way to generate a high return on investment."
"Click-through rate is the percentage of people who view and ultimately click a link or a button."
"PPC by far is the most tried-and-true, perfectly within terms of service compliant, absolute rock-solid method to getting here."
"It's not just about collecting data, it's being able to use that data as well."
"Things that appeal to everyone actually appeal to no one."
"The best look-alike audience to create is always one based off of previous customers."
"A good marketing campaign is self-evident. Are you excited about the show? Are you aware of it? That's what a marketing campaign does."
"The images are what makes the difference."
"These promotions, when done right, can be extremely beneficial."