
Player Autonomy Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Railroading is when the DM says no, you have to go through Moria. I don't care if going over the mountains is a good idea, it's not what I want you to do."
"Never put the players in a situation where you're taking their agency away from them."
"There's a type of emergent storytelling, which can unfold when a player is left at their own devices."
"Let people play Torghast the never-ending infinite tower forever if they want."
"Let us play the game. That's more important to me."
"The game has this way to not hold your hand but still guide you in a method that makes you feel like all your successes are in fact your own."
"It's up to the players to decide where they're going to go and what they're going to do and who they're going to play with they self organize."
"Mass Effect 2 mined the personal depths of its characters to incredible success, bringing the sort of introspective character focused storytelling we expect from prestige TV series but that gives the player autonomy in a way no show or movie could."
"It's your game, and you should do what's fun for you. But don't let anyone convince you that a table full of people who are excited to tell an in-depth story together is some sort of social media fabrication."
"Resident Evil games are supposed to be about figuring out your next objective for yourself, not just straight-up tells you where you need to go and what you need to do at all times."
"If you don't give the players some of what they want, they will figure out a way to get it for themselves."
"Why shouldn't players have to make that choice for themselves?"
"Let us play our game how we want to play our game."
"Stop caring about how players play your game, we'll play it how we like it and that's fine."
"Diablo 4 is committed to the principle of player choice."
"Part of the problem of our outgoings are the players' decisions."
"Players are trying to take control of their careers."
"Accessibility in gaming gives me ownership of my experience and empowers me to play how I want to play."
"Let your players play. If your player has spent all this time and effort invested into a really unique cool ability, give them the opportunity to use it."
"I love games that don't straight up tell you like by the way like hey there's you know this thing that you gotta pay attention to you know instead you can it's kind of leaves you up to the game leaves you on your own to figure things out."
"The deck feels like it can do almost anything and your decisions really matter."
"It's mainly the player who decides when they have beaten the game in their own vision."
"The sheer fact that the game just let me do it."
"I think it puts the power back in the players' hands." - Michael Dowell, Michigan State football player
"I am a firm believer in this idea in games that the players should never be out of control of their character."
"The Gambit system: giving players control without constant input."
"I can go and I can join the Crimson Fleet and I can do this whole questline that's really cool and really dope and kind of and I can make my own Outpost and do whatever the I want in the way that I want."
"The main thing to take away here is the idea of player freedom and giving the player agency to do whatever they want to do."
"This game allows us, like I said, to be without a dungeon master, and I'm really excited to see all these packs."
"If I start playing a game and it really isn't my thing, I should definitely have the ability."
"I'm just glad that the Lakers are letting him do what he wants to do."
"I really did not expect that from a game from the time, but it felt like I had so much freedom."
"Opposite of railroaded campaigns: Letting the players take the initiative."
"Manhunt proved you could do all that without scolding your audience for playing the game that you sold them." - Reviewer
"Shared replays will finally let you play the game your way."
"Gamers have always been drawn to how much player choice a game offers and the amount of options that our favorite franchises give us."
"It actually increases the skill gap because the game doesn't have to do as much of the work for you."
"Bring back master loot for guilds and let people trade whatever they want. It's very simple with no bullshit."
"If everyone plays the game the exact same way and there's very little in terms of player choice or variance, why am I gonna explore?"
"They're trying to babysit you through all this [ __ ] and you shouldn't."
"Long live Taiwan, long live freedom, and long live democracy."
"Super Metroid almost never forces you to backtrack."
"Giving players control over how they help themselves by letting them determine when or if they want to queue as flex is nice."
"You dictate the pace of the game and you dictate the order of events."
"LeBron is one of the only players that came into the basketball game and they just threw him a ball and say yo the team is yours do what you want to do."
"Never tell the player what to do. You're telling the player what to do."
"Play Your Way largely focuses on gameplay options in the game, however it can also apply to the moral choices you’ll be presented with during the course of the game."
"Halo Infinite is a game that always does its best to say yes to you and the choices you want to make, no matter what that choice is."
"I'm glad that developers didn't feel that they needed to hold your hand for the first 10 levels of the game."
"We want people to be able to go and discover the loot for themselves." - Chad Robertson
"Avoid DMPCs to maintain player agency. Keep important NPCs influential but not central to the story."
"I'm really glad that we have a game like Elden Ring that allows you to choose and really kind of be in control of your own destiny."
"Video games in 2016 are all about giving players freedom."
"I'm not saying this is what all players should do, this is what my players did do. I don't think of solutions, that's my player's job."
"Freedom is the word that every aspect of Elden Ring's design connects back to."
"Seven starters is the best, most fair... each player gets to decide as much as possible for themselves."
"One nice thing about it is... you don't have to feel like blizzard is telling you what you have to do."
"The game releases your hand and lets you out into the wild."
"Instead of saying that LeBron James started super teams in the NBA you can say he started the trend where top players in the NBA think for themselves."
"Player agency is really important."
"As a coach, I love it when players do their own strategies. It shows that the players truly care and are taking ownership of the team."
"You don't have to take every quest as it comes just because you're playing a game that dishes out quests."
"Rugby is a player's game, and once you get on the field, the coach has no way of communicating; it's up to the players to lead."
"Now the players can kind of control where they want to go, where they want to play, where they want to end their careers, which has changed the face of the NBA."