
Genre Blend Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"So Mount and Blade is an odd mix of real-time action combat with RPG character building and strategy kingdom management, all inside a very open and deep sandbox… and it's great."
"A really fun clash of themes between the serious action genre aspects of Dragon Ball and the gag manga elements of Dr. Slump."
"Phantasy Star IV has a unique blend of fantasy and sci-fi elements."
"Think of War Z as a mix of several genres combined in one game."
"Nothing beats futuristic cyberpunk mixed with horror."
"Death Note shows how much it's influenced by traditional detective stories while being different from them."
"I didn't realize how much I wanted a movie where Henry Rollins fights inbred cannibals."
"That story is absolutely insane and the fact that they made it a comedy horror out of it, I'm interested."
"Princess Tutu manages to hit the perfect sweet spot between classic magical girl anime and darker subversions."
"Comedy is ingrained in horror, comedy provides some comfort and relief."
"It's like if Kingdom Hearts got rid of all the Disney characters and formed a boyband RPG."
"It's still a great shooter with a good combination of horror and action."
"It's the perfect mix of horror and thriller."
"I'm honestly a sucker for horror comedy blends."
"Devil Survivor is often considered to be the best of both worlds."
"This game is like a mix of Total War meets Mount & Blade."
"These games are incredibly unique. It's not just a first-person, post-apocalyptic survival shooter."
"It's an expert blend of horror and action with a clever science fiction twist."
"I'm already liking it, it's got a lot of the comedy in the romcom, which I personally do not mind."
"An Irish romantic horror comedy? Sign me up."
"Terminator 2: Judgment Day - a perfect mix of practical and computer effects."
"It's like a really interesting mix of like you feel like you're watching a thriller and yet it is funny."
"It's got action, adventure, horror, vampires, and super hot dudes."
"Parasite Eve is its own thing, a mix of survival horror and RPG, capturing NYC while telling the stories of real characters during an extraordinary crisis. A classic that stands up with FF7 and Chrono Trigger."
"It's almost like a thriller with some humor in it."
"Power World isn't just a creature collector game, it's a survival craft game."
"A wild at times unexpected through a ride that initially almost plays like an anti teen drinking PSA before the thriller and horror aspects take dominance."
"It's got romance, humor, action-adventure, and horror elements."
"When its cheese factor drizzles into the horror it doesn't weaken the frights it just strengthens the experience."
"It's a good balance of real life, real kind of political intrigue, and the medieval days with that kind of setting, but just enough magic."
"This one's kind of like The Fugitive but with a science fiction slant."
"Poppy is like very pop metal... just go listen to Poppy, she's good."
"It's sci-fi, it's horror-esque in a little way, a small way, but it's got elements of horror and it's super fantasy."
"It's like Dark Souls but then it's like, I don't know, kind of survival-y."
"This mix of tower defense and first person shooter is a really interesting mix. I highly recommend you check it out."
"It's kind of like a sci-fi version of a slasher film if that makes sense."
"Spooky horror panels mixed with spicy scenes? This manga's got it all."
"It's the perfect mix between being sciency, historical, fantastical, and a romance."
"What would happen if you tried to turn Dungeon Keeper into a classic Berlin Rog like?"
"The Punisher political thriller I never knew that I wanted... you want to see these guys destroyed by the end of it." - The Punisher
"It truly is a great blend of genres that were around at the time and even still around to this day."
"A really nice blend of jazz and rock with great solos and chord changes."
"I'm so excited... it's a spooky romcom."
"It's kind of the perfect mix of Western and noir with a really hardcore Frank brutality."
"It's a good kind of like monster adventure comedy type of thing, right?"
"This book is a great combination between dark fantasy and some mystery."
"It's action horror crossed with epidemic film."
"Take genre, add monster, equals my favorite movie of all time."
"It's half film noir and half Saturday morning cartoon."
"If they had sold this to me as 'This is Buffy and Angel mixed with Harry Potter,' I probably would have hit my TBR list much earlier than it actually did."
"It was a Western but it was in space, and there were horses and there were guns and there were cool people on a spaceship."
"The melding of Dark Academia and Fantasy could be something I absolutely adore."
"I promise you, you'll never see such a weird blend of mystical medieval storytelling combined with almost sci-fi-like creations."
"It's kind of like The Matrix and The Truman Show meets Legally Blonde."
"It's like the perfect mix of romance, comedy, action, and slice of life."
"It works as both a supernatural horror film as well as just a great kind of teen piece."
"Heavy Metal is based on the magazine of the same name and just like the film, the magazine offered a cocktail of science fiction, action, violence, and erotica."
"It's an action comedy where the action doesn't take itself too seriously, and the comedy doesn't drown out everything else."
"It's kind of a superhero satire, uh, but there is some drama and romance."
"It's a perfect blend of drama and comedy."
"Putting a little bit of that superhero-like element into a horror movie is just an absolute blast."
"This series has just got the perfect blend of sci-fi western aesthetic, comedy, drama, and one of the most incredible and eclectic soundtracks you’ll ever hear."
"It's equally a family drama and a mystery."
"This movie's a perfect mixture of romance and thriller and drama."
"The suspense was suspenseful, and the comedy was funny."
"The more I've been watching Thriller Bark, the more I've been enjoying it. It is so fun, it is just literally campy anime horror comedy."
"It's like a mixture of Yakuza and Phoenix Wright; it's really cool so far."
"It's horror meets rock and roll is really what it is."
"It's really great then we have historical romance with a mystery."
"Sometimes Star Wars feels the strongest when it just captures the feeling of the Old West."