
Media Ethics Quotes

There are 212 quotes

"When there is no clear line between commercial and content, everything becomes a commercial."
"Shine a light on misleading video editing tricks that people use."
"I'll never invite someone on my show and then treat them like an enemy to be dominated. You can watch cable news if you want that."
"The real issue is does social media have the right to suppress true stories?"
"The media were more focused on protecting Joe Biden's electoral chances than reporting the news to you. It is simply that easy."
"He lies so often on his show that I'm genuinely wondering why we can't have a law against professional news anchors purposefully misleading the American people."
"The trust of your audience is absolutely everything."
"Innocent until proven guilty, and that should be in the media as well."
"We really have to be able to discern who gets a voice and what they're able to say."
"I felt it was a bit irresponsible actually, as a photojournalist, to just show this end result."
"If you don't like the song, don't ask me if you can use it on TV and then slag it."
"The point is the statements that were extrapolated from the reporting and stated as fact. That's the point."
"It is so grossly irresponsible to me for Blair to not only shame a creator who was smaller than her but to then put very strategic words in her mouth that she never said."
"She didn't have to be a whistleblower...continue to cash Rupert Murdoch's check."
"One of the greatest, most non-partisan solutions to mass shootings... just don't use the offender's face or the offender's name."
"I find this interesting... Netflix removes Chappelle's show from service upon request from Dave Chappelle, who blasts Viacom CBS for not paying him."
"Propaganda can be good and honest if it presents information accurately and fairly."
"Journalism isn't about giving voice to the voiceless, it's about objectively covering facts." - Ben Shapiro
"It's not about being first, it's about being accurate."
"Super nice ones often agree not to publish bad reviews on the usual websites but instead quarantine them on a smaller blog that Rotten Tomatoes never sees. I think it's a very cool thing to do."
"While Harris did at least acknowledge the partnership at the very end of his video, I think we need to resist this kind of deal becoming a norm."
"I think it is possible to both be transparent about your role in a story and rigorous about reporting on it."
"Naughty Dog's game director is teaming up with god of War's director to call out a journalist; accusations of paid reviews are being spread around."
"Should he be allowed to have a platform on YouTube where we are speaking right now? Absolutely not."
"What Martin Bashir did to Diana was wicked. What he did to Michael Jackson was wicked. Had Martin Bashir not been involved in the lives of Diana and Michael Jackson, who knows, they might both still be alive."
"Media institutions including CNN for example don't usually outright lie."
"We need to stop showing these pictures because it's just too horrifying, it's just too terrible all the way around."
"Imagine the outcry if the Department of Justice had done something like this to the New York Times or to CNN."
"I think the real issue is they say don't platform, don't you legitimize it."
"They knowingly publish classified information illegally leaked to them."
"He is purposely leaving that out of the clip to manipulate you."
"Project Veritas caught him on camera talking about how he is a socialist and how he buries particular stories in order to achieve particular purposes basically admitting the truth about how the media business works."
"When journalists start arguing against reporting the facts because it goes against their political narrative, yeah, we're in a dystopia."
"Adversarial journalism is important, accountability is important."
"He was something of a proud throwback to what the craft of journalism ought to be."
"I believe there is a line in which we do ban content and that censorship is not inherently evil."
"Good people don't post fake news online... think about that."
"Y'all need to cut the cameras when [__] are getting shot. Imagine you're a child watching the news and then suddenly you just see that."
"The media are not supposed to have a personal stake in the outcome of the ballgame."
"If all of those people that write all that stuff do they ever think that there's actually a person at the other end?"
"I think if a television network knowingly spreads and endorses baseless accusations against somebody which they know or should know is basically untrue, I think they should absolutely be liable for libel or defamation."
"When we take an individual's raw and heartbreaking story and we use it without nuance to push a point, it falls flat."
"The newscast, are they supposed to manipulate public information? Is their job to protect Americans from dangerous thoughts?"
"The fall of cable TV news: Chris Cuomo fired for colluding with his brother, a major conflict of interest."
"Journalism is much more than gossip when it is good, life-saving in certain instances, and campaigning at its best."
"It's so important for news organizations to clean up their act, right, understand that, hey, maybe we need to revisit our training in journalistic ethics."
"A free press is a pillar, maybe the pillar of free society. How can you have an establishment and press working together to keep ordinary people ignorant and bewildered and claim that it's anything like a free country?"
"So what could the New York Times or Saturday Night Live have done? Well, outside of some very basic research and being open and honest with their audiences."
"This is a time to help people and provide accurate information with accurate headlines."
"Should we actually be supporting this genre and should we be enabling it?"
"Informational arson, as a journalist, I can't do anything but applaud."
"Hannah's graphic death sparked an industry-shaking moral debate about depictions of mental health in television."
"Is it too much to ask that we treat a somber issue somberly? That we don't turn a serious and sensitive trial into content for our feeds?"
"Using people's pain and emotional suffering as entertainment is so upsetting."
"Stating that the video is deceptive... presents the statement as fact, not opinion."
"Respect the role of the press, but it's not unlimited. They cannot place lives at risk with impunity."
"Of all the mainstream media journalists I've encountered, Taylor is one of the only, if only, who I've actually said, like, 'Hey, this thing is not true' or 'This thing is actually like this.' And she's been really great about it."
"Polarizing comments are the death of journalistic integrity, unfortunately."
"Is it responsible for the media to accept funding from the weapons industry?"
"If they knew they were lies, yes." - Rupert Murdoch
"Censorship is a very dangerous thing and absolutely impossible to police... Let everybody participate, good and bad."
"This is a horrific collaborative lie and it should result in editors stepping down, reporters being fired across the board, public accountability, lengthy apologies on page one, and we've seen none of that."
"Anyone who presumes to try to attack or manipulate the press for his own purposes should be made to realize his mistake."
"Pure honest journalism that's restoring traditional values and it reports the news with no spin, no hidden agendas, and no false narratives."
"Do you think media organizations should declare upfront publicly their relationships with corporate entities?"
"I think the CEO or head of the time of programming at CBS at a certain point during the right before Trump won gave up the cards and said look, Donald Trump winning is good for ratings."
"He's a liar, Scott, you're being polite... He is deliberately mishonest in everything he reports."
"No reasonable person would have thought that." - Fox politics editor Chris Stirewalt
"The fact that, despite this evidence, Fox continues to publish these allegations against Dominion suggests that Fox knew the allegations were probably false."
"They knew they were putting lies out there consistently."
"The fact that Dr. Phil used his platform to exploit two non-binary guests... is disgusting and so is he."
"How dare entertainment companies nowadays sexualize cartoons made for kids."
"I think the best thing they can do is apply their expertise, their judgment, and their compassion to report that news fairly, accurately, and with the right context."
"This feels very insensitive and disrespectful even dystopian in a way especially when the energy feels really upbeat for how serious the topics are."
"I think there is a way you can cover this content while still being respectful."
"Our business is to tell it like it is without fear or favor."
"I think there's room for talk about what a free press is versus a defendant's rights and I think those conversations are bigger than just this case."
"No trial should be treated like a concert or a meet and greet."
"It's always you always have to have balanced information. You gotta present both sides of the argument and let the viewers decide."
"Journalists are supposed to uncover... the truth... that's what I thought it was."
"These alleged photos that the white supremacist Louisville Police Department allegedly leaked..."
"There's been so many times where I did a young glitch interview he talked about everything like four years ago about his uh sexual assault case the lawyer calls me we can't put this out boom we didn't put it out."
"It would be more courageous for BET to say we're not running any music that promotes death, degradation, drugs, stripper culture."
"Any family that places their children on air for profit and allows producers to make their children cry for content... it's inappropriate."
"People want better porn and people want ethical porn."
"Our goal is to create a race to the top in the media environment, rather than a race to the bottom."
"We are not journalism for journalists. We're journalism for people, and that is a really big difference."
"If there is a certain bit of news reporting that's true but would be offensive to our audience, we don't report it, we side with the audience."
"MS o Shannon was wrongfully dismissed and her articles were wrongfully terminated."
"If we could push this debate out and have a proper debate internationally nationally and internationally about journalism and why it's dying and why ridiculous stunts like this don't put it in a good light then that would be great."
"Do you think it's the media's role to publish a diverse set of opinions?"
"I was always about doing it straight up, being real with the viewers, getting as many facts as possible on the air, being aggressive, and telling the truth."
"A show about actually helping people, not a show that was about exploiting people."
"Put it out there, figure out if it's true. That's your job as a journalist."
"For the purposes of this video I don't really want to discuss the morality of spoiling versus not spoiling and it's not just because I can potentially be accused of it but it's because it's entirely irrelevant to the marketing aspect."
"It's important that the media maintain 'independence' from the government."
"It's harmful to your viewer. It doesn't really seem all that harmful to you."
"The issue is not that all censorship is bad. The issue is that this kind of censorship is really, really bad."
"When you know for a fact that something is a lie and you publish it anyway just because you don't like a guy."
"Eliminate propaganda to influence people's minds."
"When you lie on the behalf of the establishment, there's never a price to pay."
"Everyone in news should say, 'Look, if you don't cover this honestly and tell people what's actually happening in the trial, then we're never going to call you Fox News anymore.'"
"Such misrepresentations are not only unfair they are potentially illegal and fraudulent potentially keyword"
"It's hard to prove someone in the media knew something was false."
"Tonight, we are retracting the story. We don't know whether the information is accurate, but the fact is we do know it wasn't ready for broadcast and for that, I apologize."
"People will stoop low for views and attention, man. They're willing to sell their own grandma for views and attention."
"NPR remains dedicated to holding powerful people accountable by asking them direct questions with the goal of presenting them fairly and in context with fact checking and Analysis."
"Reward her for that just like a reward Gayle King eleven million dollars for exploiting the black man and making him cover for white sexual deviancy some talk black to me."
"These bloggers, they're bloodthirsty. They see something and they want to ruin lives."
"I believe that it's because people are hungry for accurate, honest reporting that doesn't spin the facts."
"I don't believe in pretending to be objective at the cost of transparency."
"Intentionally squashing stories to preserve your relationship with rich and powerful people is not Free Press."
"I feel like almost nobody's talking about the specifics of what's going on here."
"We've got to be more careful with sponsors, and the viewers have to be diligent about their own decisions."
"The lesson out of all this shouldn't be let's talk about the precise degree to which you can call somebody a Nazi or white supremacist or whatever the lesson from this needs to be vey platformed a horrible person."
"Canada needs more fair and balanced journalism."
"We owe it to our black staff, black talent, black production partners, and viewers to demand change and accountability."
"If you really want to get past racial barriers be fair in coverage be honest."
"So we're just like, 'We're not gonna do either of those things, let's just stay out of that world altogether and make content that you know, is mostly wholesome.'"
"I definitely think a feminine woman is more likely to get their dream man."
"It's not the biggest deal in the world... but it is when it's a part of a story about the enhanced ethical standards of the legacy media over content creators."
"Violence against female characters should never be presented as sexy."
"All the media has to do is start behaving honestly."
"Washington Post's suspension of Dave Weigel for a joke while ignoring serious transgressions is a major event in media."
"I would never interview someone on YouTube if it's potentially a witness or a person of interest."
"On them the U.S. media should report on them regardless of what the source is. What the only thing that matters is, are they true? Can they be confirmed and are they newsworthy? Are they relevant to the public?"
"It should always be a choice that viewers are making to support us in that matter."
"There's a line between reporting news and manufacturing it."
"There is also something called responsible reporting."
"NYPD is openly harassing a media professional and attorney simply because I outperformed the mayor in an interview." - Activist
"Misinformation in reporting has far-reaching consequences."
"So when media is driven mainly by profit, it becomes compromised." - Rufai
"Instead of sharing real public safety information about real public safety issues, the overwhelming majority of media outlets instead chose to take the low road."
"There's a lot to talk about and I think it's really, really important that we set the standard that this livestream isn't going to be a bash Jacqueline video."
"We need to put a put a halt on what we do promote like there has to be a line and say where this person went to fall take it down don't pump it don't promote it."
"Everybody deserves a private life, but I hate that they did this to Tucker Carlson."
"The BBC is always operating in this kind of gray area, being a government broadcaster or a state broadcaster and a genuinely independent media organization."
"What we're not going to do is bring innocent women into this."
"Stop picking on this lady, please stop picking on this just because you're offended and you needed a click and a mention."
"You can say whatever you want about these players on my show, yeah, but don't attack them. They're kids around, you know? Don't attack them."
"Strive for accuracy, impartiality, fairness, and independence."
"Profiting off Dahmer, his father was doing it, and you know Joseph Zilber tried to stop people from doing it."
"You made the people believe they were going to hear an explosive interview, but they didn't get that. You lied to them."
"There are a lot of anchors who... knowingly telling lies on their behalf. It's very, very common." - Tucker Carlson
"If it's truly so dangerous that everyone within fears for their lives, why do these news outlets feel the need to be dishonest?"
"One of the mistakes we make in journalism is we don't ask."
"It's just so gross to see text messages from a father to his son who is struggling with addiction gets splashed out for all the world to see."
"Going after a creator's sponsors is a terrible thing. It's an incredibly low blow and tends to snowball into ad pocalypse."
"Good journalism is often adversarial journalism." - Unnamed speaker
"We're fighting for the survival of our profession. Here's the simple truth: we're up against a system where those in charge of multi-billion dollar media conglomerates are rewarded for exploiting workers."
"Bellingcat was somewhat discredited both by spreading this information itself and by being willing to produce reports for anyone willing to pay"
"Dedicated to trying to find out the truth, that's pretty new."
"New rule: The Super Bowl must stop pretending it doesn't take advocacy ads."
"The argument we are making is one of hygiene, basic hygiene in the media, in the mainstream media."
"There's really no way in my opinion for kids to consent to being in a family Vlog Channel."
"You don't give that type of person a platform."
"I hope moving forward we can do better and focus on making room for those with responsible voices and positive platforms."
"Forget trying to infiltrate these newsrooms like we did in the 1970s right now they're actively on the payroll of mainstream media."
"Nightcrawler is a great example of how journalism should be done."
"Let's mourn the victims but not glorify the killer with the attention of having his name widely known."
"You can't knowingly report on things that are false and promote those things."
"Media needs to hold accountable those of all parties without regard to party."
"Journalistic Integrity is that what we do around here?"
"It's exactly why people don't trust journalists and the media anymore it's these kinds of sleazy tactics and Hatchet jobs that people are just tired of"
"This is literally what George Galloway thinks in George Galloway's words, and we're a media organization. If somebody says something of real interest to our audience and the wider public, we're going to publicize that. That's what we do. That's the name of the game."
"To twist his words to get the sound bite that you want, to take him out of context and to completely lose his trust is awful."
"Let's not irresponsibly use our platform. Let's see what's going on before we report on that."
"I just like the documentaries that bring the iPad and they show you something that they interviewed somebody and they give you a chance to respond to that."
"Media freedom does not include the right to spread malicious propaganda and disinformation."
"The entire point of journalism is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."
"Extremely irresponsible journalism will earn you a lot of money as well as a few enemies."
"I believe that as a person in the media, I have a duty to my audience to be honest about why I'm interviewing somebody."
"If the BBC is using public money, it needs to be holier than holy."
"It's time to really start examining how they treat the victims and the survivors that give them the content that makes them money in the first place."
"For 40 years, car manufacturers have been inviting journalists to go and drive cars, putting them up in nice hotels, flying them at the front of the plane, giving them foie gras, and then saying, 'Make up your own mind about the car'."
"Humanity is a very important part of it; you're expected to be aware of the consequences of what you publish and what you broadcast."
"It's highly unusual for a reputable news organization like the Times to publish an article speculating on a person's sexuality."