
Writing Style Quotes

There are 283 quotes

"If you can refine a voice that is that interesting, you can make info dumps a selling point."
"My style is very simple and joy, my book say, and also it feels like I'm having a conversation with you."
"Do not be afraid of informal language thoughtfully and artfully sprinkled through a manuscript."
"Do not force yourself to write the way everyone else wants you to write."
"It's almost like magic. The way I wrote the lines really, really short makes it feel like they're trying to speak over the noise."
"It's by no means bad or lazy, he's writing perfectly fine, it's just very digestible while also weaving in very interesting sci-fi concepts."
"Fonda Lee just has a way of making emotion hit different."
"I think her writing matches the genre beautifully and wonderfully and so perfect."
"The writing is just exceptional. It has a sort of literary fiction element to it but still having some of the most imaginative fantasy too."
"Take this video as permission to be a little garish, a little gorgeous with your prose if that's what it calls for."
"This series is excellent for so many different reasons. For one, the writing style is excellent. It creates the dark ambiance that you would want in this story."
"There's something specifically about this type of writing that is pissing people off."
"I love his writing, he's more mysterious though definitely more deep."
"The writing in this one is very simple, almost poetic, it's very emotional, and it's very angsty."
"I love the way Emily Henry writes it literally makes me just emotional."
"Guardians and Thor could not feel more different in terms of writing and direction."
"Adios is a quiet beautifully written game that is more about the space between words than the words themselves."
"In writing, don't use adjectives which merely tell us how you want us to feel about the things you are describing. I mean, instead of telling us the thing is terrible, describe it so that we'll be terrified."
"She is so talented I want to recommend her books to you just on the writing style alone."
"Make the language playful, have fun with it. Let the reader have fun reading it."
"The writing in Artix games is pulp fantasy combined with the sarcasm and wit of English humor."
"The main thing I see praised in this story is the writing style."
"Her writing reminds me of my favorite mystery author, you don't want to stop reading."
"This author writes very easy to read and enjoyable."
"I really am enjoying the way this writer communicates things."
"But then we get some weird shit like either your kid is writing this or you are trying way too hard."
"This classic just honestly lives up to all the hype, Oscar Wilde just went places that I've never seen anyone else really go to before with their writing."
"Mark Twain has a similar effect, and we connect him with a smarmy, witty, affectionately curmudgeonly type of writing."
"The writing style is absolutely gorgeous and this is one of those books where it describes people reading books and it makes you jealous that they're reading a book that doesn't exist because it makes it sound so good."
"Bloated writing isn't the only reason for why this is."
"Every line oozes with his personality like every line comes straight from his head from his perspective."
"Describing puts more trust in the reader because you're allowing them to infer based on your descriptions."
"I love Sylvia Morano Garcia's writing so much."
"Written in a really unique and innovative and creative way."
"This niche game is so special to me because of its unique writing style."
"It's so good... you will appreciate it for just the writing alone."
"His writing is really very good you know it's really hard to do that to be quite simple and readable but at the same time build that tension and I think he's obviously a master of the short story for that reason."
"He's funny, he's clever... I love reading his footnotes."
"The way that he's able to lay these chapters out with subtle but firm bridges between them is just freaky fan that it works."
"A classic style in which language is a window on the world."
"Simple writing puts more weight on the words."
"Humor is spice, it makes your content more enjoyable to watch."
"Don't write like you're writing, write like you're talking."
"The writing is really really gorgeous, stunning, brutal, heartfelt, and shattering."
"If life could write, it would write like Tolstoy."
"Excessive angst for the sake of angst is good actually."
"It's a really lovely example of writing of its kind."
"Verbs carry all the energy of your writing, all the passion. They slow things down or speed things up."
"The writing style is incredibly lush and beautifully done."
"Ian McQueen is possibly my favorite modern writer, I think he is able to capture like present moment, like tiny tiny moments so well, and just real experience, his stories are engaging even though they're not like high fluted."
"Nicholas Sparks couldn't have written it better"
"One of the main strengths with the writing, other than the wordplay and kind of the conversations and all of that, was the description."
"The characters remarkably well drawn and supported and written with great spirit as well as vigor."
"There is something so special about the way that she describes love..."
"I love your writing style because you optimize for the quick read on the internet."
"I absolutely fallen in love with Juliet Marillier's writing style, her characters, her settings, just the centering of nature and all of her stories is truly immaculate."
"The writing style and just the structure of it has been so engaging so far."
"I personally love that sort of writing style and structure, and this was great."
"These scenarios are more effective than any other series due to the Toriyama style of writing that style lends itself to poising what-if questions as in there's just so much law and so much facts and stories and it's."
"Something is purple prose when it becomes convoluted, lacking clarity, cliche, and melodramatic."
"Knowing your audience means you can write for them add elements you'll know they'll enjoy know what level to take the writing in terms of tone complexity."
"Reid's writing is both light and accessible as well as being sharp and incisive and satiric."
"His strong, eloquent writing style lent itself quite nicely to the children’s fable."
"Brandon Sanderson is so funny, he writes some of the most hilarious scenes."
"Weave is served best with a dash of eloquence."
"The writing style is very beautiful... it's really strong in how it builds up this world and how it depicts a really vibrant setting."
"Verifol writes with an absolutely beautiful and interesting unique strange narrative voice."
"the Vivid and almost punctuationless style is truly a thing to behold"
"Good style is style that will please the ear of a reader."
"The Cadence and colloquial autobiographical confessional style immediately creates a kind of warm intimacy."
"Gabby really tried to put the lit in literature in this book."
"The writing is exquisite with it short chapters that reads like a short poem."
"I actually really enjoyed how this book was written."
"By sticking to the formula, Asimov establishes a comfortable rhythm that allows the reader to bound across the vast time span of his novels without fear of getting lost."
"John Scalzi has a very easy going kind of matter-of-fact writing style that always makes for a quick and enjoyable read."
"Writing is just like that. I write, I'm kind of the classic example of, I say something and I write it pretty closely the way the way I say it."
"It was so beautifully written. I love the imagery here."
"Despite all of his wealth and position, Isaiah was very much like these social justice prophets."
"Not only did he speak truth to power, he did so with a very beautiful and complex and majestic style of writing."
"I love Carlos R zon's writing style. I love how atmospheric it is. It's very dark and Moody and sexy and witty and sarcastic and it's great."
"what is it about Hannah Grace she knows how to write her guys okay"
"I love Maggie Stiefvater's writing style, it's so atmospheric."
"No using quills to write your assignments, whenever any of you do, you always write them in old-timey British English and that's even more incomprehensible than your usual English."
"Not only the story itself is brilliant, but just the way that it's written, it is incredible."
"There were people, my inspiration is Baldwin, and I think he wrote in that sort of direct way too."
"If Plato's prose was silver, Aristotle's was a flowing river of gold."
"I'm really thoroughly enjoying the writing style of this, it is so fast-paced, you just sit and kind of binge it."
"His writing was very surprising. People were writing very conventional prose, and suddenly here's this writer with these very long sentences, long breaths, even making up words."
"Erin Morgenstern just knows how to write and she knows how to write specifically for me."
"It is so snarky. I am obsessed with whoever wrote this."
"...the style of the writing and the voice of the writing come out in my Discovery writing."
"It hits you just like the way it is written was like Poetic to me."
"Tahereh Mafi's writing style is just so different to anything I've ever read."
"The pleasure of Melville's writing derives in large part from passages like these."
"...the egotism of the writer and the wit of the writer and the fact that things weren't pushed down all the time it wasn't always about people in narrow circumstances that was wonderful to me..."
"Denny O'Neill found a way to strip away the superfluous and get to the core of a character."
"Leslie Thompkins is a great example of what I'm talking about when I say Denny O'Neil wrote grounded characters."
"I love the writing, Laini Taylor's writing style is just so lyrical."
"NK Jemisin's writing invites you into the story from the very first line."
"...the writing style in this is really easy for me to read. It flows and that massively helps me to love a book."
"My principle with paragraph spacing is whenever there's a new idea, I put a new paragraph in, whenever there's a bit of a transition, I put a new paragraph in, and whenever there's some sentence that is really important for my reader to read, I put a new paragraph in."
"...his books wouldn't be bestsellers if he was writing cold and abstract fiction."
"I primarily wrote mystery and detective stories before switching to this genre, so the idea of less than obvious plot elements is firmly rooted in my writing."
"...I was just really connecting to her writing style so I'm really really excited to read everything from Eve babbitts..."
"Pinchon's writing style is fully formed even in his early works."
"A distinctive writing style and literary influences."
"Almost Victorian or early 20th century in its leisurely pacing."
"His writing style was designed to be the same as the historical chronicles of the time."
"There's just something about the writing that's just so easy to read and enjoyable."
"So many writers write small, shallow things in a complicated, difficult style. I think what I want to do is to write serious, complicated, difficult things in a very easy style that is fluid and comfortable to read."
"Ve Schwab's writing, I feel like it's at its best in this book."
"We need to write in a way that reflects the reality that our readers are jumping around when they read."
"The writing is very effective. It's creepy but kind of wondrous at the same time."
"The writing style just really won me over."
"Honestly, I am absolutely loving the writing style of this book."
"There's nothing wrong with his writing style, there's nothing wrong with the story at all."
"Anyone who reads Samuelson's textbook comes away feeling familiar with the author. The congeniality and the wit shine through its pages. The writing style is casual yet very precise."
"The chapters were really short and tight and it's almost like the chapters were kind of written for someone who gets their information from the internet and I mean that in a good way."
"I love how this book is written. I love the introduction of kind of a folklore vibe."
"So use bullet points or short paragraphs to break up the content and make it easier to read."
"I love the writing style. Stephanie Garber's writing style is phenomenal."
"We're revolutionaries and that's how we write."
"I just love the way that this author writes her romances."
"I said that it reads a lot like a diary if you know what I mean, like that kind of like 14 year old Journal kind of thing."
"One thing I noticed that is seeping in is some subtle differences between what I like and what the editor likes in writing style."
"The theme of camaraderie and the way Pierce Brown writes is something that I really like to read."
"Your character's personality influences the way they describe scenes and situations."
"There's no right or wrong writing style, it's about finding what works for you."
"It's hard to tell whether it's intentional for the reader to insert themselves into Toby, or if it's done because the author is incapable of writing a legitimate internal conflict caused by the death of a family member."
"It's obviously somewhat unusual for the sort of things that I have mostly written."
"I couldn't get past page 80, I think, because it was just... I don't want to say horribly written, but it was kind of horribly written. Or maybe the writing style just didn't appeal to me."
"Ray Bradbury also has the benefit of just infusing his love for life and literature into everything he writes."
"The writing was really nice, like, made me realize I missed it."
"I also love the humor in the book."
"Stephen Erickson's writing style is absolutely fabulous. It is unlike the majority of fantasy that I read."
"This was so good and this is another kind of slower pace thriller. It's not like super super twisty. Some of the twists might be a little predictable. I just absolutely love Jennifer Hillier's writing."
"It's just stream of consciousness."
"I think beautiful writing when it's done well takes the least amount of words possible and puts the most punch it can in."
"The writing style itself and the characters was enough for me to love this book so much."
"There's a lot of quiet humor to D.E. Stevenson's writing."
"I love how sharp and clear his writing is."
"His writing style is absolutely unique, I enjoy even the first two chapters will blow your mind."
"Whenever possible, we always prefer to have things in an active voice."
"It's funny though because it fixes the popular criticism of the writing in the original Twilight book, that Bella is unnecessarily verbose, that she doesn't talk like a real human being."
"Ken writes concise books that people are able to read quickly."
"I love the way he turns these phrases. I love the way he uses active verbs."
"There's something special, something extra peculiar about Dick's pseudo-fictional autobiographical style."
"It's not really any author's fault; this is just the way they wrote back then."
"He has a really nice rhythm and flow to the stuff that makes it that readable."
"The readability and humor and observations of her writing."
"Robin Hobb is a gorgeous writer, she clearly takes the time to meticulously craft her sentences to stand out above her peers."
"The writing style and just the quality of this book is just top-notch."
"The 12 Caesars was so fun to read, the writing style is amazing."
"It's honestly scary, honestly beautifully written."
"Everything that Locati writes is aimed towards any well that made me think that kind of writing, that kind of horror."
"I love Simon Jimenez's writing so much, and I just feel like this book is going to absolutely blow me away."
"This book is also relatively short, it's only about 350 pages long, and due to Murakami's prose and ease of writing style, those 350 pages fly by like a breeze."
"I write stuff that has humor and drama all mixed up."
"The writing is something that I really like; V.E. Schwab writes like a fairy tale."
"The first two chapters alone are incredibly fast, witty, brilliant."
"The style of the passage as a whole can best be characterized as witty and analytical."
"My Hero Academia has a distinct writing style compared to most anime."
"Everyone has their own unique writer quirks; there's going to be different things that we can learn from everyone's writing."
"I love the conversational style of writing... I just write as though I'm having a conversation."
"It's more written in a way that's understandable versus the language and lingo of the beatniks of the 1960s."
"She writes gothic fiction exactly as I want gothic fiction to be."
"I'm really enjoying this book; I really like the way it's written."
"Michael Miller, man, he just has a really solid pace, and he doesn't let up on the gas; you're just full throttle the whole time."
"It has stellar prose with so much personality in almost every line."
"I did like the writing style; it was reminiscent of Hazelwood, very quirky."
"It's literary fiction but she writes so kind of excessively and with this kind of beautifully almost simplistic style that it's just extremely inclusive."
"It's very organic and very there's a kind of simplicity and an immediacy to her writing which I think makes it extremely accessible."
"It relies way more on the atmosphere and the writing style to be scary and thrilling."
"I love Talia Hibbert's writing and it shines in this book."
"I am the biggest fan of Laura Wood because she has this way of writing that reminds me so much of 'I Capture the Castle' by Dodie Smith."
"The writing style is very distinct, like N.K. Jemisin has a very clear voice."
"I absolutely adore Silvia Moreno-Garcia's writing."
"This author's writing style is super accessible, really easy to just fly through the book."
"When writing flows, it presents minimal resistance to its readers."
"I haven't been this enamored with the style of writing in a book since the Paul Bearers Club or Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone."
"It's a beautifully written book, so beautiful."
"I just absolutely adore the way that she writes the banter between the characters."
"Drake's writing style is very witty, it's very clever, it's very catchy."
"I really like the writing style of it; I feel like it was easy to read and understand what was going on."
"How something is written entices us just as much as what's being said."
"I feel like she writes really easy-going, fast-paced books, and I really really love that when it comes to reading."
"I love the writing style. It's so unique, and it flows so well, and it's so visual."
"Use an entertaining style. You want the reader to visualize what you are trying to communicate and to feel something in his or her heart."
"I love Sylvia Moreno Garcia's writing; it's just so good."
"My writing is almost delusionally optimistic."
"There's just something about her writing which is absolutely delicious to my mind."
"Shorter, more direct sentences and language make for a faster and better read."
"I don't think I write tragedies, I actually think my stories are very hopeful and full of jokes."
"I like the simple approach to writing here where it feels like it's very clear the emotions that he has."
"Hemingway writes simply, but it is what is not being said that is all the subtext beneath what is happening."
"I loved the writing in this book I loved the way that it talked about violence."
"Most of your sentences should be active... it just gives more clarity."
"This book is so incredible, the writing style, the setting, just the exploration of queer identity is just impeccable."
"She's brilliant but also just the way she writes in general, like her prose is very good."
"It's Tahereh Mafi, so you know that her writing just has this special little glitter to it."