
Website Performance Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"20% of users will abandon a site if it takes more than three seconds to load."
"After three seconds, 53% of users will abandon a site."
"As it relates to how well and how quickly the content on your site loads."
"This actually compresses all your images and makes sure that your images are very small so your site loads faster."
"But there are some caveats for this for sure so let's go ahead and we'll load our website here really good better score."
"It's also gonna make the page load way way way faster some of my most successful posts ever."
"Images are crucial. Simply by going through your images and compressing them and fixing them, you can drastically speed up the speed of your website."
"By updating your PHP, you can improve the performance of your website."
"No one wants to wait 15 seconds for a page to load because they're just going to leave and go to a different site."
"It's going to make your campaigns so much more effective and it provides a great way to get cheaper conversions because your website's working a lot harder."
"The quicker a page loads, the more engaged the user is going to be."
"If your website is slow, then you're probably going to lose business."
"Google analytics is the best way to track your performance, see your traffic, and the behavior of that traffic on your website."
"No one likes a slow website. Always optimize all the images and everything on your website to make sure your website is loading fast for all your visitors at all times."
"The longer that you can keep a visitor on your site, the larger chance you have of snagging a sale."
"The faster your visitors can get through your site, the more interested in your site they are going to be."
"You want your website to be fast... you don't want to kill all that hard work by having massive images that just take hours to download on a mobile device."
"Sometimes the site will actually go up over time."
"For every second delay in page load, can result in a 7% decline in conversion rate."
"The benefit of a static site generator, one of the biggest ones, is speed."
"We're going to make sure your website is blazing fast."
"It's really, really good and we've implemented on our personal or our company website."
"Our time to first byte is now microscopic, we're at fifteen point eight milliseconds."
"If your website is loading faster then Google's gonna take that as a positive ranking signal to rank your website higher as well."
"Page speed does matter for your users and it does matter for your conversions."
"When you can move the next tier really is based on your website's total traffic."
"Speed's incredibly important to me; if you go to my sites, they load under a second."
"After optimizations, we got a fully loaded time of 435 milliseconds, which is lightning fast."
"Keep an eye on this, because conversion rates drop by more than 4% with each additional second it takes for your site to load."
"Smush is an image optimization plugin that will reduce the file size of your image so your website loads more quickly."
"One of the key factors to making sure that you get visitors and keep visitors is the speed at which your site loads and operates."
"Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is basically your load time."
"A really unique optimization strategy that will actually change how your website loads for your visitors."
"Make sure this is set to true because it literally speeds up your site ten times faster."
"A CDN or Content Delivery Network is the last piece of the puzzle when it comes to optimizing your WordPress website."
"They enabled PageSpeed and they immediately got 40% and 20% Page Load Time improvement."
"So performance is really important. And Google's done a lot of studies that show that when you increase the performance of your site you receive more traffic."
"If you're a new business or you're trying to make it out there in a very competitive market, you don't want to be launching a website where someone goes to it and it is slow to load."
"Their theme is super fast; I've tested their theme before, I have got always 95 plus score both on desktop and mobile device."
"I choose not to rely on add-ons; I want to keep my websites fast and clean."
"A faster website will appear higher in the search results than a slower website."
"We've got a page score of 99 percent and a yslow of 89 percent and we've got a load time of less than a second."
"Page load speed has become really, really important."
"We just automated a lot of our workflow, we improved the performance of our website or webpage."
"Having a really fast website, especially a static site, is really nice to have."
"Smush actually optimizes images that we upload to our WordPress website and compresses them on upload so that way our pages can load faster."
"Speed of your website is one of the most important aspects because if someone visits your website and it takes five or six seconds to load, it's going to be a bad experience."
"A faster website will mean a greater user experience for your customers and visitors."
"Make your website fast, make your websites reliable."
"We've built an amazing site that is super quick on mobile."
"53% of users bounce from mobile sites that take more than three seconds to load."
"A fast site is not only good for user experience but it can increase your conversion rates and improve your search engine ranking."