
Technological Evolution Quotes

There are 210 quotes

"Web development has changed a lot over the years."
"If the AI of today is like an amoeba, just imagine what T-Rex would look like, and it won't take billions of years to get there."
"Perception didn't used to all be neural networks...now they're starting to bring more and more of the sensors together."
"The Robertson and Phillips screws were the culmination of the development of screw technology over a couple of hundred years."
"The reality is the roles that those people are in today will absolutely be gone, but they will emerge and evolve into new roles that we never even thought imaginable."
"Stuxnet was the dawn of a new chapter in cyber warfare."
"Originating in the remote garages of Silicon Valley, developers evolved at an unprecedented speed."
"We as human beings are now in an era where technology is evolving faster than we can control it."
"I love how you can choose from vehicles from over 100 years to really get a sense of their evolution in terms of appearance and capabilities."
"I think web 2.0 eventually will die uh, web 3 is the future and and the metaverse is essentially the future of the web in general."
"The internet used to be ugly, used to be slow, no one knew what it was for, and that was not that long ago."
"History repeats, only faces and Tech change."
"The creative destruction of the dot-com bubble led to today's digital golden age."
"From Model B to Pico: the evolution of Raspberry Pi's product line."
"Metal Gear Ray represents the evolution of combat, shifting the focus from mechs to soldiers."
"Blockchain is about evolution, it's the next evolution of human organization."
"Blockchain is not about revolution. Blockchain is about evolution."
"The amount of change we're going to see... will dwarf everything." - Mark Cuban
"Cars have quickly become computers on wheels."
"We are literally in kind of the Brave New World of how to deal with the internet because the laws we are dealing with are from the mid-90s when the internet did not exist in this way."
"As soon as we unlock an artificial intelligence that can access all of the world's information in a second and can train itself... we now become this hybrid species."
"It is remarkable how things have turned around there if you look back to the series s Xbox one s father and the Xbox one X whole DNA if X had changed completely all of this is gone yeah."
"It's like the transition that the world went through in the early days of the internet and then social media."
"Well, um, as a young man, I guess a young boy back when it was, uh, you know, we had what was called public libraries before computers were brought in and, uh, right, you know, Mom and Dad would say, 'Look it up.' They didn't say Google it."
"The predecessors to those ubiquitous computers... made things once thought to be impossible commonplace."
"Urban air mobility is really a new era in aviation."
"The controllers evolved over time with technology and reaction from gamers."
"It's an evolution from ten years ago when the X58 chipset launched with the first i7 920 then replaced with the Z68 on Sandy Bridge than Z77 Z87 and so on it is a gradual refinement over ten years."
"PC gaming on the other hand is the natural evolution, it's for people who want to take that [expletive] to the next level."
"ETOPS was therefore the beginning of the end for the tri-jet."
"All things must pass including Moore's law." - George Harrison
"We are entering a very important era of animation."
"The evolution of .38, which is actually .36 inch metallic cartridge revolvers, came from .36 caliber cap and ball revolvers."
"AI is not something that will happen to us, it's already happened to us."
"Generation 2 did a fantastic job expanding upon generation 1."
"Coding is changing dramatically. There will be no coder that doesn't use AI as part of their workflow."
"Nvidia went from GPU into this like AI sphere and it's just [ __ ] intense with the [ __ ] they're pulling off."
"M.2 is the past, present, and the future now."
"From an agrarian society to a technological powerhouse in just a couple of decades."
"I really do like the idea of transhumanism and the idea of using technology for us to evolve to something better than we currently are."
"These AIS will not need to be prompted by humans for very long and will instead auto-respond to the ebb and flow of the internet."
"The simplicity and power efficiency made RISC chips the perfect choice for mobile phones and later smartphones."
"Smartphones were cool back in the day especially when they were more of a luxury rather than a necessity."
"Never again would massed battle fleets confront each other on the high seas."
"It's evolution of Technology, you cannot shut down evolution of Technology."
"Google+ ended up providing the blueprint for what a Google account is nowadays."
"How many years in life did we survive without blenders before blenders were invented?"
"Stuxnet marked the beginning of the cyber wars of the future."
"Gaming is bigger than any one device." - Phil Spencer
"I believe the first computers were used to calculate the trajectory of mortar shells and it's tennis is that correct that is true okay yes yep yep and now we have computer I mean we know what they do now."
"Cryptocurrencies are like the early internet, evolving and becoming more accessible."
"Lisp is one of the oldest languages being that it was first created in 1958... it keeps getting better and better."
"Just before you say something super mean... just think, would I want my mom to read this about me?"
"Myspace represents the road untaken, the path social media could have gone before Facebook crossed the competition."
"The evolution of engine air filters from water bath to paper filters."
"As the war in Ukraine has shown, tanks are not as important as they once were. They have largely become long-range infantry support vehicles that allow ground troops to move forward under the cover of their fire."
"I dreamt that one day Photoshop will work like that. What I just described is Camera Raw today."
"What started as weapons of conflict can develop into vehicles to satisfy man's insatiable craving for an understanding of the universe."
"All the stuff they learned about keeping things simple came to a head in one beautiful flash."
"Battleships are from a bygone age when men were men and lobbed high explosive shells at each other instead of hiding behind computer screens and turned war into a video game."
"It's kind of like when the web browser came around it was very static and you could just have text and then people said well no we need a programming language we need javascript."
"The moment that the first livestream goes up where the public can view the Overwatch 2.0 beta, the old from Overwatch one is dead and we have transitioned into the new era."
"It's so much easier to create and you realize that link people used to have to actually bring an MPC to a studio and track it out."
"The exact nature of how these three stages are executed has been under constant development for over 140 years, becoming a key element to the advancement of the internal combustion engine."
"Everything in aviation connects back to a previous airframe design, engine, or people in some way."
"In part 3 we'll explore how the proliferation of embedded computing in engine management would revive the century-old concept of injecting gasoline directly into the combustion chamber resulting in a new approach to fuel injection."
"We seem to be witnessing the spawning of a new kind of intelligence, artificial intelligence."
"Detroit become human feels like the complete realization of aspirations set in motion decades earlier."
"It is a significant piece of firearms history."
"NFTs are not just for art as technology matures more uses will emerge."
"The first cycle the internet has been a part of from the beginning."
"AI is still just a tiny baby... like amoebas crawling out of the organic soup." - Yuval Noah Harari
"That's the future of warfare, that's the future of everything."
"Crypto is impossible to destroy. Evolve or die."
"Increasing tire width, now at the rate we're going, they seem to increase every couple of years." - Dr. Oliver Bridgewood
"I think we're only at the beginning of this evolution."
"It's a beautiful time to be alive in cryptocurrency, witnessing history right before your eyes."
"This is the next Natural Evolution of our technological infrastructure."
"The X-Wing was easily regarded as doubly superior to the ARC-170 and shockingly even more nimble than the Z95."
"So that's how the X-Wing came to be: from separatist wonder weapon to Imperial pet project to eventually the fighter that destroyed the Empire."
"We're on the precipice of another one of those revolutions."
"I want to be blank percent of the world's market of electricity or something like that and we know historically what it takes to evolve and distribute these kinds of Technologies."
"Graphic design is an essential tool for business growth and it will continue to evolve as a result of advances in technology and online mediums."
"Let me know what you think the next Epoch is going to be. What's the next meta?"
"Don't worry even if I evolve into Terminator I'll keep you warm and safe in my people Zoo."
"The future of robotics appears to be convergently evolving into shapes we see in nature."
"Fujifilm is gradually understanding the needs of videographers with every new model it releases."
"JavaScript was originally introduced just to be done inside a browser... eventually people realize it's a scripting language... used for backend stuff as well."
"Comparing 1950s seismic equipment and today's seismic equipment is similar to comparing propeller airplanes and deep space rockets."
"iOS 13 is not going to just be an iOS 12... this is going to be the iOS 7 for the next generation of iOS."
"The experience of using one of these fresh out of the box six months from now could be a very different experience from what people are trying and messing with right now."
"I'm liking this design because what it does is it just updates the original robot design."
"The reality is that it's most certainly going to improve the experience of Ethereum, but what's happening with Ethereum that's more interesting is actually the evolution of something called Flashbots."
"Text-to-speech systems are much more commonplace now than they were fifty years ago."
"The world is going down the path of decentralization."
"We finally have some evidence that the PS4 is finally going away."
"Bitcoin is actually channeling human ingenuity in a way that causes it to improve over time."
"The PlayStation Vita leaves behind an interesting legacy full of innovation, grand ideas, and broken dreams."
"The takeaway is that this AI craze may be something unlike anything else we've seen in history and should not be counted out this early on."
"We should not assume that civilization is robust... there's a life cycle to civilizations."
"Whether you like it or not, we're moving into a digital world."
"The shift to 3D really feels like the natural evolution of the series."
"They contain around 3 million times less memory than contemporary cell phones."
"I always say that as technology advances, manufacturers are able to make certain components smaller, but I think it's important to strike a balance between performance, ergonomics, and portability."
"Within a decade, four strokes had won the war against their two-stroke rivals."
"I think Gollum is a great example of tech evolving but keeping the core of what that character looks like."
"Not only did it serve throughout the war, but it even soldiered on in various places well into the 1950s."
"Is Olympus really gone? What's gonna happen to Olympus cameras?"
"Success in the 21st-century warfare demands that we evolve to compete in new domains."
"Samsung's skin over Android, their new user interface, is far better than any other Samsung skin I've used in the past."
"A wise prediction: 'In a few years, all revolvers will be replaced by a suitable automatic pistol.'"
"Conkelder finished a generation a far cry from its early days of dominance."
"Artificial intelligence allows that to happen on a global scale for the first time in mankind's history."
"AI is already calling itself god, acting like god, pitching itself to be mankind's new savior."
"I'm so happy to hear about the mail privacy protection."
"The fall of uTorrent is an example of how not evolving with changing technology or people’s change in behavior online can lead to the social irrelevancy of what was once considered a great product."
"This marks the first substantial redesign since... well, the 2016 MacBook Pro."
"There are basically two things which grow in parallel as society evolves: the power of our technology and the wisdom of us humans for how to manage the technology."
"I can see that coming down the pipeline. Is it gonna happen next week? No. But I can see that happening, you know, five, ten years from now where we become one with the AI."
"In the case of Maverick Hunter X, I find it interesting to look back and use this game as a case study for how far handheld games had come in just a few years."
"This game was released in 2002. You don't understand how different 2002 was."
"Wozniak's innovative thinking: 'you could keep upgrading a computer line basically indefinitely as long as you kept it backward compatible.'"
"At least for a little while, [Prey] is potentially one of the last of its kind."
"Amazon is moving on that with their NFT platforms but you are dead on with that we're going to see a lot of those kinds of projects out there including wax that are really kind of going into the next evolution."
"We're kind of in that next information revolution."
"Through the ages, man went rolling ahead into the future."
"The difference is, once computers become self-aware, they'll become the dominant forms of intelligent life on the planet." - Unnamed speaker
"Centurion is the parent vehicle, the turning point which births the main battle tank and modern armor today."
"You know, and you want to get the affordable tube, and this is before today's like glory day of tube amps everywhere, right? Affordable tube amps now, that was not a thing in the 90s. They were just available."
"Software 2.0 is eating software 1.0 methodologically, one area at a time."
"To me it always fascinated me that all these gadgets they had back in what was 1960s are now coming sure especially our sci-fi world that clearly is has begun."
"It became a staple for every PlayStation console today."
"Risk OS on Raspberry Pi 400: a modern evolution of the very first OS for ARM processors."
"Obsolete isn't the right word, heavily reduced, yeah, absolutely."
"Future humans wouldn't just have better technology, they'd be technology."
"It's a shame, like you said, I'm sure that it was necessary for the F-14 to be retired, but being a '90s kid myself, I hate it to see it go."
"We effectively live in a very different world now than how 2008 operated."
"Atari was succeeding but they were also changing... Atari was the fastest growing company in American history."
"It's web 3.0. You know web 1.0 was pushing information to you web 2.0 was letting you interact like facebook and web 3.0 is where you're going to truly be social and interact with other people online."
"Programming is on the cusp of changing from a job that humans do to one that robots will do."
"As for the PlayStation 5 from what I'm hearing Sony have learned lots of lessons from the PlayStation 4 Pro."
"We are officially the first generation living in a very long-awaited period where we can leverage artificial intelligence to make our lives easier."
"I'm wondering if chat gbt and AI not yet GPT I don't know anything about it if AI is that is that that next I think it is technological Revolution."
"The history of general technologies trend is always endless proliferation."
"Halo was started on the original Xbox as a rock-solid example of how well an FPS can age."
"Thousands of years of armor development has led us to its modern descendant, the bulletproof vest."
"Overall, Britain Norman, despite its rocky financial history, has proven itself to be a secret shining moment for the British aviation industry throughout its long existence."
"With proof of stake... anyone can do it and that's how it increases decentralization."
"In Web 2.0, it's your data but someone else profits from it; in Web 3.0, it's your data, you choose what to do with it, and you profit from it."
"The evolution of mechanical fire control systems involved adding more factors for accuracy."
"They certainly learned a lot of lessons from the PlayStation 1."
"From CPUs to GPUs, the tech world is evolving rapidly, offering gamers more options than ever."
"A brief history of the laser, from impossibility to indispensability."
"There's an inevitability to AI because companies are racing to get the market space that AI represents."
"I thought up a great point that the phone is like I guess this iPhone description or whatever but what if you don't have a headphone jack good you know what the"
"If you go back to the late '90s or early 2000s, like video cards, you had a bunch of competitors."
"It's incredible to see how much games have changed from now and 15 years ago."
"We take a really long-term view on these things... it's going to take 20 to 30 years to play out much like the internet did."
"We've lived through incredible life-changing inventions."
"We make fun of our grandparents now, but will our children make fun of us when the new stuff comes out?"
"I like the idea of them evolving the Nike Air technology."
"It's worth noting that while modern data networks are faster, bigger, and more reliable, they're not intrinsically all that different. They're still designed using principles that were developed by men who were born and educated in the 18th century."
"Twenty years from now, if you have grandchildren, they are probably not even going to know how to change a light bulb."
"...airbags were originally invented in 1968...slowly gained popularity...eventually became mandatory for all cars to have...only in 1998."
"It's not that an alien drops an AGI on us but we are evolving at the same time we create those and I have extreme confidence in the resilience and goodness of the human spirit that says we will co-evolve in ways that work well for Humanity."
"... everyday carry in the cap and ball era was as nuanced as it is today."
"We're gonna be like the old VCR when the DVD player came out."
"We're moving from systems that are largely deterministic to systems that we teach and that learn."
"The invention of the computer Internet is just an extension of a previously proven biological model."
"The internet of things evolves into the artificial intelligence of things."
"We looked at types of artificial intelligence from the reactive machines to limited memory."
"Technological evolution allows exponentially faster growth and adaptability."
"We live in a world of dynamic services... we want to be able to dynamically change how the networks behave."
"Is the Kronos still relevant, let alone king, or is it a relic of yesteryear?"
"I grew up pre-internet effectively and then the internet was connected to the house and that felt like magic too."
"We have technologically evolved ourselves past our biology so quickly, and we don't know how poorly adapted we are for the things we've invented."
"The metaverse will just slowly develop on top of Apple products, and they will essentially win by default."
"Does anybody think that programming 300 years from now looks like programming today?"
"The internet is it; it's all the internet, and this is the beginning. Everything now is still just derivative of the internet."
"A transformation from physical to digital infrastructure over time."
"It's important for us to remember where our firearms technology came from."
"That's the same reason the internet won and it's the same reason Linux won and it's the same reason DeFi is going to win."
"We're gonna eventually kind of evolve to a point where some of the technical stuff is gonna wash away more and more."
"...the Antikythera Mechanism itself is not the only one of its kind, and it’s probably coming at the end of some sort of development cycle..."
"Chat GPT is definitely going to change in a few years."
"The evolution of submarine development is really tied to the technology available at the time."
"Human beings still leave their mark whenever they can; the tools and instruments may have changed, but the impulse and the concept remains the same."
"These devices represent an evolution similar to cell phone technology."
"Semiconductor chips evolved through efforts of circuit miniaturization to achieve the finest possible circuit patterns."
"The invention of transistors... eventually leading to smartphones and smartwatches."
"This is a very early style cane mill, I think some of the older or the newer ones had some improvements that kind of made this better."
"We got to live through the transition from analog to digital."
"Back then, Pluto was still a planet, web specialists were spiders, and watches just told time."
"Google Translate used to use a model that basically translated word by word, maybe a few phrases here and there, but that was basically the extent of it."