
Corporate Success Quotes

There are 281 quotes

"Fast forward to mid 2020, and they became Europe’s most valuable video game company, having surpassed even industry heavyweight Ubisoft."
"An executive coach is a certified professional trained to enhance your leadership abilities, improve your decision-making, and guide you through the often convoluted corridors of corporate and entrepreneurial success."
"How did a small family-run business turn into one of the bestselling gaming companies of all time?"
"We are about to take Cooper Motors from the very bottom to the top of the constructors championship, and I couldn't be more excited."
"A classic underdog story. It always warms my heart to see a multi-billion dollar corporation win at the end of the day."
"Nintendo, especially right now, is extremely successful. The Switch is printing them money."
"Do you want him to go to child jail too like what?"
"Congrats team Blue, that's a really big accomplishment."
"There's never been a successful growth company that wasn't a technology company."
"It's a beautiful display, and I thought it's probably one of the best bands I've ever seen from any company."
"Apple became the fastest growing company in history."
"Data is the core of Facebook. It's the one thing that led them to becoming a trillion-dollar company."
"A simple proposition: you built these iconic companies, you deserve to benefit when these companies thrive."
"Taco Bell was the Crown Jewel of the Yum Brand's portfolio."
"It's Google. It's amazing company, alphabet's an amazing company, extremely profitable, arguably the best balance sheet of any public company in the entire world."
"The company has experienced exponential growth over the last two years."
"The Hobbit movies are fun, entertaining, and creative."
"Trek have been named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential companies in the world."
"Where are the most talented people interested in working, that company is going to win."
"I think Tesla will be the most valuable company in the world."
"Disney are dominating the golden era of entertainment... they're dominating the box office charts."
"Nintendo did something that made them a lot of money."
"There's just so much to learn from Amazon, and this little company in Seattle had become a trillion-dollar empire."
"Well let's talk about that because by 2012 Mr. Zuckerberg none of those companies that I just identified existed. Boom! He's got you Zuckerberg."
"A carbon neutral future is at the core of our success."
"The hybrid market is led by Toyota whose stock is up over 90% in the last year."
"Disney Plus is Disney and Disney doesn't lose at anything at this point."
"I couldn't be more proud of our teams and of what we've been able to create."
"Tesla just made five billion dollars in cash."
"The playstation brand has become one of the most recognizable in all of gaming."
"A lot of the PC success in gaming over recent years can be traced back to Valve."
"Apple is just such a phenomenal company, and to see it up only now 0.5% and really falling, it's just shocking after such an earnings crush."
"Thanks to Toy Story, when Steve Jobs took Pixar public, it became the biggest initial public offering in 1995, even bigger than Netscape."
"Lisa Sue took the helm, and for the first time in a long time, AMD had a focused, very good leader at the helm of that ship."
"Now one of the most loved companies I've ever owned."
"All the things they've been doing, they've won titles such as the best AI company."
"The value of this company is insane, and I'm honestly proud to be able to work with this company's products."
"Great companies are made by people who make great sacrifices, period, full stop."
"Bioware's legacy is one of triumph and consistency for nearly two decades."
"The story of Bioware is one of triumph and consistency for nearly two decades."
"Major, major victory and it's just not stopping for Ripple XRP folks, even Wall Street Journal picking it up here."
"We're grateful and humble that our independent success allows us to invest in our talented people and headquarters this year and are delighted to welcome Trace Harris and Pamela Kaufman to the board of directors." - Pete Parsons, CEO of Bungie
"Palantir became the government's go-to company."
"Thank Abbott Labs for the incredible work they've done."
"Companies that are flourishing are animated by this purpose motive."
"Earnings per share have literally been explosive over the past couple of years, and I believe there's a very long runway of growth with this company."
"The success of PlayStation is aligned with the success of the industry."
"Nvidia has smashed their earnings... extraordinary."
"Starbucks grind pays off as it's named the most valuable restaurant brand for the fifth consecutive year."
"AMD's massive success is difficult to ignore."
"They're already a multi-million dollar company."
"Congratulations to Xbox, you guys absolutely needed a big day, and I think you got it."
"I'm really excited about our customer success."
"AMD is beating Intel on all the metrics that matter."
"This is a very big success for the Starship team and SpaceX."
"This is excellent excellent progress from SpaceX."
"Capitec Bank is one of South Africa's largest retail banks."
"Tesla is a juggernaut at the moment, it's won the hearts and minds of investors."
"Valve has proven to be an innovative powerhouse."
"Tesla has literally already changed the world and will continue to do so."
"It is unquestionable that without Fils-Aime and his marketing genius and approachable personality, Nintendo would not be the powerhouse that they are today."
"41 to 45 growth in '21... The numbers are all extraordinary and unbelievably strong."
"Every single part of their business is increasing and the biggest core parts of their business are increasing rapidly."
"I truly believe we're going to move to see a lot of companies do $100 million a year."
"Successful companies have successful workers in successful communities."
"But today was a good day for us." - Phil Spencer
"Solving these issues are extremely important for Tesla's prosperity."
"Apple is probably one of the largest of all time."
"There's no stopping this company anytime soon."
"Four kids was so successful that the company itself was even listed on the New York Stock Exchange."
"I think one of the strong aspects of the way our compensation for our represented employees is designed is not only do are we putting a 20 increase on the table we have profit sharing so when the company does well everyone does well."
"Xiaomi: dominating the market, eight straight quarters."
"Tesla's winning there as well; the Model 3 and the Model Y success in China has been a driving factor."
"Amazon becomes the most valuable company in the world."
"Beat on top line, beat on bottom line, things are trending in the right direction."
"We don't have to see another company fail in order for us to succeed right just it's not part of the math of running the business."
"Nintendo doing pretty well this past fiscal year with a profit of 4.4 billion dollars."
"That's a perfect example of a great company that was over 100 billion dollar mark cap."
"This is a company that became one of the biggest and most recognizable names of the 8-bits micro era."
"By 1964, Honda became the world's largest manufacturer of motorcycles."
"AMD CEO Dr. Lisa Su has led that charge and to reward her efforts she has now also been granted the role of chair of the board of AMD."
"The real miracle is what Tesla's done from a business level."
"Bob Iger helped build Disney into one of the most successful and admired media and entertainment companies."
"Tesla, despite economic headwinds and global turmoil, continues to absolutely slay it."
"The smartest money in the world is betting on Tesla."
"Tesla will continue to dominate... and they have won the decade."
"Delta almost doubled up cash and cash equivalents year-over-year, that's huge."
"AMC has become the clear undisputed leader in our industry."
"But because they were willing to make those hard decisions, they're at a new high point today."
"Coca-Cola has been a public business ever since the early 80s and for the past four decades it's proven its ability to not only survive but also continue to grow in a changing market."
"AMD notched another record quarter with revenue coming in at $1.79 billion, a 40% increase year-over-year."
"Patagonia managed to grow during the 2008 financial crisis, reach $1 billion in sales, and become a muse for high-end designers."
"Apple Revenue across the board 90.15 versus the estimate of 88.64."
"I would be so happy if I were an Apple investor."
"It's a huge credit to Jeff Bezos and his team that they got out in front and with AWS did the best cloud product today."
"Tesla's a fantastic company that is enabling more miles driven autonomously."
"Tim Cook took Apple when Steve Jobs died from a hundred billion dollar company to nearly a three trillion dollar company. That's 30xing a hundred billion dollar company."
"Absolutely fantastic operations on there today."
"That's great news for Lordstown Motors... Being rewarded by the market right now."
"AMC is just one of the most awesome kick-ass companies."
"Microsoft: the poster child for perfect fundamentals."
"Companies like Apple and Amazon shattering records."
"Ford's market cap topped 100 billion dollars for the first time ever."
"Tesla just made record profits and sold more cars than ever before, and it's all absolutely amazing."
"Starbucks is one of the best dividend-paying companies in the market, bar none."
"Apple demolishes their earning expectations once again."
"Tesla single-handedly has become the most popular and most valuable car company in the world lately the stock price has been on a tear and everyone's just a little confused as to why that is except no one's more confused than Elon Musk himself."
"Welcome to the race Nikon you have made it back you put the tourniquet on you've done a good thing you took a big risk by putting it in my hands and I do think that it absolutely paid off."
"Apple has demonstrated the ability to roll out new and innovative products year after year without fail."
"Nintendo became one of the most adored companies in the world."
"Tesla's financial position has never been stronger as they've paid down debt and built up a massive war chest of cash."
"Chipotle is a company that I think will be a long-term winner."
"I hope hope you enjoy it... It's pretty cool to see somebody out there that we buy your companies we like your products and you're on top of the mountain."
"Tesla is the only company that is already able to check all of the boxes."
"This is the first time in Tesla's history that they've had back-to-back profitable years."
"What company out there has grown their dividend every year consecutively for longer than any other company?"
"It's incredible to look back on the past two decades and see everything that Stratus has achieved."
"I think it is very possible this company, best-case scenario, does 400 million dollars of net income in 2022."
"Q3 was our best quarter in history... record production deliveries, record revenue, record net income."
"We've succeeded because of him... running this company."
"In one and a half days, AMC Theaters was able to wipe out all of their losses from 2020. That's huge."
"After a long year of chaos, price cuts, and other drama, Tesla has achieved its best sales quarter ever."
"Owners and investors can breathe a little easier atop the throne as the unquestionable leader of the EV industry."
"I don't even know how to wrap my head around how successful Prime has been."
"It's fantastic! It's just another moment in time for us to continue our path and leadership in the hybrid cloud and AI company."
"Positive free cash flow, EBITDA, and net income for every single company."
"That shows great retention. Those guys have been with Tesla for so dang long."
"Why would you not want Elon at Tesla? Look at his track record."
"Tesla is the best and likely most profitable AI company to exist."
"Tesla has just reported record profits, blowing expectations out of the water."
"Google smashed earnings folks, this was huge."
"World of Warcraft was so big... Nvidia really started to gain a heap of their market share."
"Tesla may have created more employee millionaires than any company in history."
"Apple's current computer lineup is not just Apple’s best ever, but perhaps one of the best lineups ever from any company."
"We focus on making the best products, and Tesla has gotten to where it's gotten with no advertising at all."
"I think it could be the best earnings ever for Tesla."
"Tesla hit record production and delivery numbers again this quarter."
"Great companies that are growing have huge markets and opportunities ahead of them."
"As long as you own one of those top few companies, you're gonna do amazing."
"Open Door, the most profitable of the iBuyers, up 20%. Congratulations Open Door, you win."
"Tesla has gone from not making any money to making a ton of money."
"Shin combined its use of marketing rapid production rates cheap textiles and low prices to not only become one of the biggest clothing companies in the world if not the biggest rather one of the most profitable companies on Earth."
"Our power wasn't achieved through shortcuts. Everything that we are now was earned, never given."
"Honestly, probably Tesla has done incredibly well for themselves... I don't really see that coming to an end but only time will tell."
"This shot is on track to be their most profitable product ever."
"Palantir has everything going for it to continue to scale its business and create additional shareholder value."
"Tesla CFO Zach Kirkhorn has been at the heart of everything that's been good for Tesla."
"Nexon had its best Q1 in the company's history."
"We performed beyond all expectations over the past year."
"The risk of Tesla's success went from like 10 to 90 in the past year."
"Microsoft's earnings report was above and beyond anybody's real wildest expectations; their report was so phenomenally good it almost sounds fake, but it's not."
"It needs to be said how well oiled a machine Insomniac is these days."
"So, it's a pretty big win for Tesla no matter which way you look at it."
"The management in between the lines analysis says they're maybe even crushing it harder than we can even comprehend."
"Tesla today is far and away the world's most valuable car company."
"Massive win for Sony. This is going to be really big for them."
"This is one of the biggest wins for Sony and for Mary Parent thus far."
"One company has tamed their beast and that, my friends, is Firefly."
"Nobody in the world has been able to match what these great companies have been able to do."
"Bob Iger has perfectly positioned the Walt Disney Company to every success."
"Bionicle became one of Lego's most popular franchises, accounting for roughly a quarter of Lego's turnover after the late '90s financial crisis."
"You have been the most important part of the success of Xbox."
"Disney has proven they have what it takes to make it in any medium."
"Imagine when they start dropping these Marvel shows and imagine when they have a new show of this caliber coming every two months."
"Apple beat out everybody else for customer support."
"That's where they're putting it. From the fiscal year of 2019 to now... Xbox Game Pass subscribers is part of the top pillars of all of Microsoft..."
"This is a company I think just has everything going for it."
"It's arguably the most successful single thing Amazon has ever created."
"Tesla delivered blowout record quarter earnings."
"No matter which team wins today, Coca-Cola is already guaranteed victory."
"Tesla more than doubled their gross profit from $566 million to $1.234 billion."
"The success of this company has allowed us to fund these efforts at a massive level. We're able to do things that were not possible for other folks to do."
"Tesla has won the fill in the blank... Tesla's done everything they can to do good in the world."
"Tesla's business model is actually proven, it's actually working."
"Stocks near all-time highs, so I would think that Jay Pal is running victory laps right now."
"AEW had the best month of March in the history of their company."
"Nobody does it like Sony. There are some third parties obviously like Rockstar and CD Projekt Red but I don't know man like Sony's first party studios just kick ass honestly."
"The hardware here is amazing. I've got the bumpers on it, but Microsoft really knocked it out of the park in terms of just how this thing feels."
"This is absolutely epic awesome quarter for Tesla cannot wait to hear all these tidbits on the conference call."
"Telus is absolutely killing it right now and will continue to do so in the future."
"Disney's making everybody happy quite frankly."
"The company is also going well because Hickory changed her attitude."
"The success of the Xbox 360 was monumental for Microsoft, fueled largely off the failures of others."
"I'm expecting a record profit and not only that but I'm expecting Tesla to handily crush the estimates that Wall Street is putting out right now."
"As the decade progressed, the company reached a $10 billion valuation, and it looked like Theranos was on top of the world."
"It's a legit management team and they're going to continue to thrive."
"CN Rail over the last 10 years has returned 3,123 percent versus the S&P 500's 172 percent. CNR has almost doubled the gains of the S&P 500 over the last ten years."
"Shangar La Frontier is the Utopia company's crown jewel."
"When companies are doing well, they can afford to spread the wealth around."
"A remarkable number of Mormons are the CEOs or CFOs of some of America's most well-known corporations."
"Strategic guidance means thinking about the long-term success of the company."
"That's how you built a great company. If everybody thinks the same and they happen to be right, then maybe you build a great company."
"Amazon is off to an incredible start this year."
"God's been very good to us, and we have been a very blessed company and a very blessed family."
"Our children are getting married and we're becoming relatives; both of you are our company's top creators, I'm proud of that."
"Companies that treat their workers better do better."
"I've worked hard to get where I'm at now in the company; I've made a pretty good image for myself here, so I can do things my own way at times."
"I am ascending to the top of the corporate ladder."
"At the core of our company's success is innovation."
"They had a huge IPO and raised big money; they've got, I think, 13 billion cash on hand."