
Digital Experience Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"After three seconds, 53% of users will abandon a site."
"In 2020, Fortnite again took this one step further with their Travis Scott concert... 27.7 million people from all over the world attended this concert, making it technically the largest concert to have ever been attended by a factor of nearly 10."
"The majesty of the ocean can be appreciated in a small part by the things we see online."
"I think it's a game, but it also feels like a platform in a way."
"It's kind of like you're plugged into a matrix-like thing, and it's a digital world."
"In terms of visuals, feels like we're really inside its mini virtual world."
"The internet is so amazing if you tailor it to how you would like to see the world."
"The decentralized nature of Quicks allows users to customize their digital experience."
"I think it will serve to a certain degree, but I don't think it will completely replace that experience of being in a concert hall."
"Social media as a whole can be a mind fracturing experience."
"NordVPN is helping to give internet users all the tricks and tools of a proper 21st-century online experience."
"You're in charge of your social media experience, period."
"User experience is not a buzzword, it's about good design."
"Lessons learned in pixels can't replace the beauty of real-life moments."
"The cinematic experience of me getting online."
"I think people don't realize how important speed is when it comes to experience right and it's... I don't think it's so much getting something now and you know people aren't patient."
"Just mute all and then you'll have 10 times the better time."
"There's no cap on concurrent users, so we can provide each user with an individual sense of presence."
"The whole thing from the information density to the animation between cards is just really, really top-notch."
"Now that you've been on the other side of the screen."
"It's the feeling of exploring history, albeit not so ancient history. It's the fun of exploring abandoned places but in the digital form."
"UX designers put themselves in the shoes of users to create intuitive and enjoyable digital experiences."
"How well we execute those digital experiences will dictate how well we perform in the market and how happy our customers are."
"Adobe is the number one digital experience platform, the Undisputed leader in delivering one-on-one personalization at scale."
"If the alternative was analog, I think a lot of people are going to feel that this is a better experience."
"We've gotten very good at delivering virtual or digital experiences that are functionally correct but emotionally devoid."
"We're also as part of this going to be opening up our store to give you even more options to use whatever experiences you want."
"With the Bifrost 2, I never once thought that there was too much digitally music going on. Quite frankly, it was awesome."
"More and more of human experience will be within digitally constructed worlds."
"Video games are made up of digital experiences... but these systems are made up of mechanics that play with our sense of challenge and achievement."
"I much prefer the internet on that they have now."
"The internet used to be a place where you could fully have entire experiences without spending a penny on it."
"Having an emotional experience through a screen is the best thing possible."
"I wanted something that gave me the film-like experience but in digital."
"An important aspect of this experience is that it be inclusive and be personal to every user that's visiting that site."
"It's the best digital note-taking writing experience I think that's out there."
"It's been honestly a fascinating experience to have hosted this digitally."
"At Fastly, we help developers make fast, secure, and reliable digital experiences happen."
"The digital experience is really worth the money, in my opinion."
"Being able to have these types of digital experiences that are always on, highly available, and extremely performant."
"Imagine going online is just... wow, fantastic."
"They are the best digital experience that is going to be available, hands down."
"The more we know about how to create great digital experiences, the better we can succeed and help our customers succeed on this mobile planet."
"SAP Build Work Zone is the part within SAP Build that helps improve productivity by seamless digital experience."
"Material design is a system for creating bold, beautiful, and consistent digital experiences."
"Four Corners, the music festival, is a digital experience across a 4-day event that harmonizes the pulse-pounding beats of EDM, the raw energy of hip-hop, the timeless vibes of rock and roll, and the heartfelt soul of country."
"Our readers are now spending significantly more time with us per visit on the new site."
"Your online experience stays smooth and interruption-free."