
Animal Love Quotes

There are 264 quotes

"A dog's love is infinite, sincere, unconditional, and eternal."
"I love animals, treated him with respect and care."
"I absolutely adore animals, my own puppy, Casper is the sweetest, little love of my life. And I can't imagine for a minute, mistreating him, let alone standing by and saying nothing when others would."
"I'm a dog lover because I think they're the most kindest people on this planet."
"I love animals so much and I really don't think that it is okay to be testing cosmetics on them."
"Definitely would love chickens, a pig... yeah, I love pigs. I literally would be so happy with just a pig rolling around in the garden."
"When I love an animal, I don't see them as a renewable resource."
"Love your family, love your love for animals."
"I love these animals so much. There's Lola, Senor Guapo. I mean, how cool is that, just hanging out with your lizard, man?"
"I still love animals, people not so much. I hate people. People stab you in the back, and animals won't."
"Cats are superior pets and animals in general."
"I love my dogs. We started the dog channel. It's a passion thing for us."
"Your bird does love you so much, but to them, you are the love of their life."
"I love animals especially dogs, yeah not cats."
"You just you can never have too many sloths."
"This movie I think is really so it's required viewing for people that love animals."
"Everyone and I mean everybody loves to glamorize puppies."
"She even took time off her busy schedule on set of the movie Monster Ville to cuddle with a puppy."
"Josh grew up with a huge heart for the outdoors... he loved animals and the outdoors..."
"The heart of it is they just love their animals."
"Many people adore domestic cats, and some monkeys, as it turned out, adore tigers."
"I'd accidentally run in front of a car to save my French Bulldog."
"Hug your pets, they're furry souls and they need our hugs too."
"They have their capability to experience abundance, but I also sense that this person loves animals and they direct their life towards animals and also the environment in nature."
"This corgi's got to be the cutest dog I've ever seen."
"I remember when I was a little girl I told my grandmother that I wanted to be a vegetarian because I just love animals so much."
"Who doesn't love an otter? It's basically a big wet puppy."
"Both meat eaters and vegans love animals, just in different ways."
"I just have so much love for dogs, man. That's the last thing I want to do."
"He's such a good boy with all these little hearts and peace signs, I love him."
"You are a person who loves cats and kittens, and that means we need your help."
"These animals are just so majestic, I love them."
"Dogs are such a part of my soul, and I love them so much."
"Freddie loved his cats so much he would often call home while he was on tour and demand talked to them over the phone."
"Giraffes, some of my favorite animals... honestly, they're gorgeous."
"People love dogs and they're willing to go to the end of the earth to find the right breed for their lifestyle, family, or other factors."
"This is Sophie's super happy dog story of the week. This dog is so precious and deserves the world."
"I love all the animals... it just opens your perspective."
"Pets are a bottomless well of love and affection, and you can never run out of the amount of love they're willing to give to you."
"That's a classic sign that your Doberman loves you."
"Calling a baby penguin to mind, Piplup is an easy choice for any bird lover."
"She simply adored animals and had several dogs."
"She had love for animals, she also had two dogs herself that she really cared for."
"I think I love animals enough that I would want this."
"I am a horse owner, I have a horse, this is my best friend that I'm gonna have for life."
"People are simps for animals. True, true. People get invested on TikTok."
"There's something about the love of an animal, the loyalty, the forgiveness."
"I love animals so much. That's the one thing I think about, you know? If I can find a job that's working with animals..."
"Oh my God, that's beautiful. But we have a wall of cows. We just love to have Cecil left here with the rest of the gang."
"She loves the outdoors, she loves animals, very active, sweet bet you."
"Everyone loves puppies. Jake loves puppies too."
"we love animals we love them we wish everyone loved them as much as we do"
"I just gotta say one thing: I love turtles."
"All our dogs want from us is to be happy and carefree."
"I've just always been obsessed with animals."
"I love all the world's creatures."
"Dogs are literally the best animal on the planet, I'm not trolling. Like, dogs have gotta be like, like dogs are better than humans easily."
"Unless you have an animal, you don't really understand that it's literally like their children."
"Even though my dog is blind, he still loves to watch the birds outside the window sometimes."
"My animals are my pride and joy, and I love them more than anything."
"I'm so fortunate to have these animals that I love so much and do something that I really love every single day."
"I could give love to the dogs, and I could receive it, and that's what I was missing for so long."
"I really love animals and owning a micro pig for myself was my longtime dream."
"I love the dog here, I love the dog outright."
"She loved animals, especially dogs, growing up with a shih tzu named Snuggles and a poodle named Charlie."
"She loved animals, especially her pug Phyllis."
"I have such an incredible love for these animals."
"He loves animals and is kind and gentle with every bug, bird, and pet that he comes across."
"For your fur babies, everything for pets."
"Dogs are perfect, dogs are perfect."
"We love our animals and they give us happiness and they give us joy."
"You can be an animal lover and you can earn a lot of money."
"I love a reptile. I have tortoises; this will live near my tortoises very happily and be super cute together."
"I just love animals, I love them so much."
"I do what I do because I just love animals so much."
"His love for Animals knows no bounds."
"I think I like animals a lot more than I like people; they're fluffy and they're loving and they give you unconditional love."
"I am a dog lover, and an animal person. And boxers are my breed, they have my heart."
"I love bears; I wish we could have bears like dogs."
"I love animals, big animals, small animals."
"Cats over dogs, I don't know, they're pretty close for me. I love them both."
"One in five pet owners love their pets more than their children."
"She loves pets, and she's really becoming kind of a fan favorite to be honest with you."
"Love starts with a wet nose and ends with a wagging tail."
"Mother Nature has no favorites; I love each and every animal equally."
"I just want to be surrounded by dogs for the rest of my life."
"This is my favorite: Just a girl who loves dogs."
"I love animals and I have a lot of rescue cats in my life. I appreciate any animals very much and would do anything to protect them."
"I love petting dogs I mean on the street, I love petting cats."
"I have elephants everywhere because I love them so much."
"You guys know how much I love animals, like anything. I'm a sucker for dogs."
"This darling package and card is from Eva, and her all her little goats, oh my goodness, how cute."
"I love my horses to just be a horse, be able to go out in the fields even though they are so muddy."
"I really like animals, so I spend a lot of time at the zoo or the aquarium."
"Kevin's heart was always happiest when he was with the animals."
"One animal makes life better, three makes it incredible, and 17 is the way to go."
"If you love cats, this is the place for you."
"I've always had a terrific passion for animals."
"I don't eat pigs because I love them."
"For the Love of Animals and love Outdoors, love of horses, dogs, in nature, that's why you do it."
"I'm a huge fan of animals in general."
"My life goal is to pet all the dogs, and uh you get a great opportunity to do it when you're doing field claims."
"I love animals, that's the first and foremost the best part of it."
"She loves animals, like loves animals."
"She loves animals, she adores her rabbits."
"...I love cats like I love all animals like I'm a huge animal person."
"Amy has made peace with the lifestyle change and has even learned to appreciate it, especially considering her deep love of animals."
"They too love their dogs and love their animals and love their pets and think it's hideous to subject them to completely gratuitous but intense suffering."
"Her relationships and acceptance from Jack and her adoptive parents turned her into a passionate horse rider and animal lover."
"As animal lovers, it's easy to understand why people let their pets sleep with them in bed at night."
"I got more bones for your dog, people keep sending me bones for her."
"It's very important that we do love all of our animals; we do know each and every single one of them."
"You love dogs," Jared smiled, giddy at the success of their plan.
"She's known to be an intelligent, kind, and sensitive person who had an innate love for animals."
"Love your pups and your animals. Love them while they're here, rescue if you can, and just get another dog so we can help make their life better."
"Bailey then realises that a dog's purpose is to have fun and keep loving its humans."
"I love animals, I have Persian cats."
"Love this animal. Can you guys believe that Tiki turns 9 years old? Nine, isn't that incredible?"
"It never gets old, I just love the way these animals are."
"Anyone that knows us will know that we love our donkeys."
"I love my chickens. I love just hanging out with them and spending time with them."
"Love the planet, feed your animal obsession, and rattle on."
"He was this cute little bald faced horse with floppy ears and they loved him."
"For those of you who don't know the love of an animal, I hope that seeing some of this maybe opens up your heart to the idea of what animals can do for humans."
"I could not resist when I saw it, so I picked up Pig hand towels - are these not the cutest little things you have ever seen?"
"If you're new to my channel, I'm obsessed with pigs. I have been my whole life. I love them."
"We always wanted goats, but I'm surprised at how much we all have fallen in love with them."
"I love dogs, as everybody knows who watches this channel."
"I love you, I love to pet you even if you never laid another egg, I'll keep you."
"I encourage you to love your animal, your animals, or whatever animal you have, with all your heart."
"They live for such a long time and they're very personable, so I love sulcata tortoises."
"Brilliant, I love dogs. Doesn't everyone?"
"I love dogs. I would like 50 dogs."
"I love dogs so freaking much, there is not one dog I don't love."
"Animals were the only ones who knew how to really love with devotion."
"This is my dream. This has always been my dream animal, and I finally get to kind of have one in a way."
"Everybody loves their freaking pets."
"I'm so excited to have this conversation as an animal lover, as a dog lover."
"I'm a big animal lover, I love dogs."
"This dog loves the beach more than anything else in the world."
"I'm kind of weird in one way, you know, I sort of love animals more than people, if that makes any sense."
"Here's to Bijou and all the beloved pets around the world."
"I love pet stores. I love seeing other animals. I love looking at the guinea pigs and the birds. Like, I just love animals."
"I just love animals, treat them kindly and we'll become friends, I'm sure."
"Johnny loved animals, he loved people."
"Greetings to Kiki and Midna, who love cats."
"The people and the animals are just like my family, my children; you never leave that behind."
"People loved Bear and stopped to pet him."
"My birds love me and I love them."
"I'm absolutely crazy about animals."
"What's my favorite? I don't have a favorite, I love all the animals almost equally."
"I love all kitty cats, doggies, and animals."
"Puppies are cuddly, puppies are cute, they're never nasty or mean. I'd give a home to all the lost puppies if ever one day I were queen."
"You see it in their eyes and soul though, can't you? They've got love, man."
"Join our pack, it's a husky thing."
"I don't care how much they cost, I love these goats."
"I love animals and I thought goats might be a fun thing to have."
"I think it's going to be really good and I tell you I love that animal."
"Denise also loved animals and that love actually led to her becoming a certified veterinarian technician."
"If you guys love dogs, please consider subscribing. I'm a huge dog lover."
"Any of you pet animal lover, you understand; if you're not, you're probably like, this girl's so crazy, but this is really special."
"If you love cats, you will love 'The Cats of Malta'."
"I am the biggest dog lover, like I can't even express my love for dogs."
"I love animals and I have a lot of rescue cats in my life."
"They give a hundred and ten percent unconditional love. They'll kill for you, they'll die for you, and just, you know, I'd do anything for my animals."
"I really love animals, and I love that the joy they bring to our lives."
"I love Connie Corsos, I love Dogo Argentinos, and I love Boerboels."
"I consider myself a lover of all animals."
"The great British public loves animals; they can relate to that."
"I love animals, and animals love me."
"We don't eat our animals; they're our babies. We will love them forever."
"He understood the assignment and he loves me so much."
"I own an animal, not a false one but the real thing, a squirrel. I love that squirrel."
"Because of her love and kindness for the tiniest creatures, Maria adores her pet."
"I love bears so much; it's not even funny."
"He's got a heart of gold and loves the animals so much."
"I love animals, I've loved animals since I was a kid."
"She reminds me so much of myself... she loves animals and I think she has the best heart but she's funny."
"I love these little guys, and they have already taken to being like best friends with one another."
"I could sit here and make a three-hour presentation on why I love dogs."
"It's just really rewarding; I love animals."
"Pigs are like my favorite animal in the universe, I love them."
"I fell in love with so many cats, so many cats."
"Here at Simply Scary, we are true animal lovers... all of them are so close to us that they are practically part of the family."
"It's going to be an amazing day even if I'm tired, because I'm excited to see all my animals."
"Oh my god, she is such an adorable animal."
"My favorite animal is a penguin, so you might see these a lot around in my room."
"I love all of my animals and it really is nice to be back here and to be reacquainted with them once again."
"He's the first animal that ever gave me stitches, but I'd still love him to death."
"Cats deserve love and treats too."
"I've loved animals so much... they were some my best friends growing up."
"I thought I'd found another calling because I just loved being with animals."
"I'm always ready for another dog, I love dogs."
"I just fell in love with Tingana from day one."
"Using my platform for good, I love animals and I wanna do that."
"I'm Coyote Peterson and I love animals."
"All I want for Christmas is a bucket full of puppies."
"Every single one of my animal friends that keep animals, breed animals, work with animals, actually fell in love with animals going to somewhere seeing them."
"I love animals, dude. I love cute animals."
"People who love animals are generally good people."