
Hair Loss Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"Hair loss always needs to be taken seriously."
"Basically, yes is the answer. If you have to have the chemotherapy that cures the cancer, in general you lose your hair."
"To a young person, this can take a huge toll. Hair is hugely important to girls, to women—it's a symbol of femininity, it's a symbol of feminine power."
"Losing your hair sucks. Keeping your hair without leaving your couch? Yeah, it can be done."
"Finasteride: one of the most effective things out there."
"Finasteride for women: efficacy positive overall."
"Don't freak out about hair loss. First of all, the average person loses anywhere from 50 to 200 hairs off their head every single day of their life."
"So if you're noticing that you're losing your hair, that's one problem that's not going to fix itself, do something about it."
"Advancements in science have meant that there's now treatments that can combat the symptoms of hair loss and help you keep the hair that you have."
"The two main goals for treating hair loss would be to prevent further hair loss and possibly even restore some of what has already been lost."
"Low-level laser therapy has been shown to be beneficial for hair loss."
"Hair transplant is another option for hair loss, a surgical procedure involving the extraction of multiple follicular units."
"My hair is also thinned out at the back and my hair just never recovered," - Laina
"Hair loss can be devastating for people. It can really affect your psychological state of mind. It really is important to a lot of people."
"Time is hair... act quickly on your hair loss... see someone as soon as possible."
"Seeing an expert is one of the first steps... is the most important step to getting this fixed right."
"Finasteride will stop it and minoxidil will grow it, and that's why using them in combination is what you need for a hair loss plan."
"Hair loss can be super scary, super frustrating, and can be especially demoralizing if you have seen every specialist done all your blood work and still don't know what to do."
"Spironolactone interferes with that signaling and can result in slowing down the hair loss process and hair regrowth."
"Oral contraceptive pills containing estrogen seem to be helpful in female pattern hair loss."
"Hair loss stops with keeps. For a special offer...go to keeps.com."
"Keeps can help prevent those precious hairs from falling off your head."
"I come from a long line of thick-headed mop tops and I did not think thinning hair was going to be one of my issues."
"Prevention is key. If you're ready to take action and prevent hair loss, visit keeps.com."
"Take action now and keep your hair today with keeps."
"Keeps offers the best solution for keeping as much of your hair as possible."
"What is the male pattern baldness like in your family, Banff man? Everybody, nobody was bald. I think my mom's grandfather was bald, but everybody else has hair."
"Better people than me have done the studies and they show that keeps is 90% effective at turning the tide of war against baldness."
"Now with Keeps, a licensed doctor will review your online information and recommend the right hair loss treatment plan for you."
"Most people will tell you once you're gone like you're gone like there's no recovering you know once you have a slick bald zone you're..."
"Hair loss is multifactorial, not just about DHT hormone. It's about inflammation, stress hormones, toxins, and more."
"Caffeine shows promise for reducing shedding with telogen effluvium."
"The hair loss... results in their hairline remaining intact."
"It's no secret that hair loss sucks."
"Brian's hair loss progression and presentation suggest that he's probably facing androgenic alopecia, also known as pattern hair loss."
"Androgenetic alopecia or pattern hair loss is experienced by 40 to 50 percent of women throughout their lifetime."
"Anything with hair loss, patience is key."
"When you lose hair particularly from the front of your hairline, you get very insecure about your scalp showing through."
"Hair loss is just a symptom, right, and what I needed to do was address the root causes."
"Keeps has helped nearly a million men keep their hair."
"Losing my hair was hard for me, and some of the comments were so mean."
"A shift in your hormone levels could also trigger hair loss."
"Keeps has helped nearly a million guys keep their hair."
"This one is nice because I find it to be the most versatile in addressing all types of hair loss."
"There's really nothing more that you can do [for male pattern loss] and that should mitigate if you've done all of those things and you're still losing hair, then there is a contributing factor that is either nutritional or inflammatory that additionally needs to be addressed."
"So if you're a guy that has some anxiety about hair loss, there's no better time than now to start keeps."
"You realize you're not alone; there are a ton of us out there with thinning hair for whatever reason, and wearing wigs and Toppers can give you back your confidence and make you feel great."
"Finasteride works wonders for most men, stopping hair loss for 80 to 90 percent and leading to a 10 percent increase in hair count."
"If you're losing hair that makes you feel uncomfortable every day... then you're likely experiencing some sort of hair loss."
"Traction hair loss from certain hairstyles."
"Hair loss check, we're working on it. The problem is with hair loss or hair thinning is it's slow to see any noticeable results, it requires constant consistent addressing and you just have to wait and see."
"Hair loss is definitely one of them. So just try to practice stress management techniques like meditation, prayer, journaling, yoga, walking, going to the gym, or just making more time for anything that makes you absolutely happy."
"Remember, there is no one size fits all. Everybody is different. If you can follow these simple natural steps following our circadian rhythm, most likely the hair loss will be prevented."
"...another mineral deficiency that can cause hair loss is low iron now low iron can be caused by a few things it can be caused by heavy blood loss whether it be through your menstrual cycle or you are an accident and you have a lot of blood loss."
"You can't even fathom like Jeannie said, what that was for her to actually sit down and have all of her hair come out and be singled out when she goes back to school."
"Prevention is the key. You can't grow hair on a billiard ball, so start now."
"There is some scientific research to suggest that by applying red light therapy to the scalp can not only reduce hair loss but can also increase new hair growth."
"For most men with androgenic alopecia, interactions between genes and DHT are primary factors. Targeting DHT generally leads to the highest response rates, biggest hair gains, and longest-lasting regrowth."
"We have spent months building an interactive guide that does all this work for you. It provides the strongest scientific arguments and counterarguments for factors related to hair loss and hair growth."
"You're thinking about hair loss prevention, you immediately start thinking about money. Well, let me calm your nerves, Keeps offers generic versions of the only two FDA-approved hair loss prevention products on the market."
"Confidence is huge when it comes to hair loss and thin hair whether you are a man or a woman I don't care whatever you identify as this is huge and it's why our beauty industry is making so much money off of hair products."
"At the end of the day, this is what we're talking about: undermining the situation and undermining your hair loss so that you can be on a solid foundation for growth."
"Getting started with keeps is super super easy."
"Keeps offers versions of the only two FDA-approved hair loss products out there."
"I'm here, Jason. Here, so anyway, so I made the point because nobody likes losing their hair, right?"
"It's been shown by many studies that two or more treatment modalities are best if you suffer from pattern hair loss."
"This is a groundbreaking treatment for hair loss."
"The key to hair loss prevention is getting started before it happens."
"There's a natural life cycle to our hair, but due to some lifestyle stressors, diet, stress, using the wrong products for our skin type or our scalp type could potentially lead to acute hair loss."
"We want our patients itching and burning and pain to stop, but fundamentally we want their hair loss to stop as well."
"Post-pregnancy hair loss... incredibly frustrating."
"I did not want to come out of pregnancy having persistent thinning hair."
"Both primary and secondary scarring alopecias lead to permanent hair loss."
"COVID can cause hair loss, part of that stress inflammatory cascade that leads to hair loss several months after the infection."
"Stress is a major factor in hair loss. Major acute stress triggers can cause hair loss."
"Some of them might also be taking testosterone. We need to embrace this in the interest of a patient so that we can empower our patients who often seek our advice, empower them with information and knowledge about hair loss and TRT, hormone replacement therapy."
"introducing keeps keeps is an online subscription service that offers affordable doctor recommended treatments to combat the symptoms of hair loss and improve hair growth"
"most customers notice results in as little as six months hair loss stops with keeps"
"Hair transplants, are surgical treatments for androgenic alopecia, also known as male and female pattern hair loss."
"Stress is a major component of hair loss."
"Seek out the help of a professional to understand what might be causing your hair loss and what options are available to improve it."
"I actually do have hair loss I just know how to style my hair."
"I know it's just hair and hair grows, I really feel like I need to emphasize that because there are people that do lose their hair and don't have hair."
"There's more and more research suggesting that vitamin D is very important in inflammation decreasing inflammation so the supplements do they really help with hair loss and the answer is yes."
"Stress is just immeasurable and huge now, and in fact, I think is playing a big role in some of the increases in hair loss that we're seeing in the last year and a half to two years."
"Overwhelming, just having someone tell you that you're losing your hair."
"The most widely accepted theory of hair loss is inflammation in the body."
"It's devastating when you perceive you've got hair loss."
"The similarity is astonishing... highest tension areas go bald first."
"When you start to lose your hair you got three options you can do the Rogaine the hair plugs right system uh [__] all of that piece."
"You don't want to lose your hair. And you know, I mean the reality is, if you lose your hair, it's over for a lot of you. Not Joe, he's done well. But most of you are not going to be him. Most of you need your hair or you're in trouble."
"If you're just, like, breaking out a little bit or maybe hair's thinning a little bit, the Testilize at three pills twice a day is enough."
"Replacing those levels can help you regrow your hair."
"Keeps treatments start at just ten dollars a month, they're low-cost because Keeps offers generic versions of the only two FDA approved medications that prevent hair loss."
"Can someone with androgenic alopecia regrow hair with finasteride and minoxidil and use microneedling to maintain their gains after stopping minoxidil and finasteride? Theoretically yes."
"It's very common to lose hair, especially in women if they're losing weight quickly, and it doesn't mean that."
"I noticed yesterday when I detangled my hair in the shower, the amount of hair that I was shedding was like 10 times what it used to be."
"Postpartum hair loss is around the corner. It doesn't happen right away. It tricks you."
"Real hair is just like, you lose more hair in the shower when you wash your hair than I have on my entire head."
"Everybody should use five percent minoxidil. It's the same thing, don't waste your money on something that says it's better because it's different."
"One study showed significant hair regrowth in patients with androgenic alopecia."
"I could just see straight through to my head and I had lost so much in the back and I lost so much in the middle."
"If I had had Keeps in 1995, I'd have kept a lot more of the hair that I've lost ever since then, you know?"
"If you're experiencing excessive shedding, I would go ahead and recommend fenugreek."
"How to not be the bald guy for life, how to catch your hair loss early, how to do something about it, and how to grow your hair back."
"I think we try to take the stigma away from hair loss."
"If you're losing hair, what is the cause of that hair loss? That's why getting in and seeing someone and finding out if you've you know what is the cause of your hair loss is crucial."
"By listening to other people's stories, you know, people who are dealing with their hair loss now, they can realize other people are going through the same thing."
"Think about all the positives that will come from not having to worry about your damn hair falling out."
"Innovative hair loss products are designed to tackle the root causes of hair loss and promote natural regrowth."
"Who the [heck] uses spray for their bald spots? A lot of people."
"About 75% of women taking spironolactone reported either an improvement in their hair loss or at the very least their hair loss did not continue to worsen."
"Why does no one talk enough about the fact of how much hair you lose postpartum?"
"Hair loss is not merely a cosmetic issue; it has profound effects on your overall health and well-being."
"Remember, please like, comment, subscribe, hit the notification bell below because that makes sure that people who are suffering from hair loss that don't know about this stuff, they don't know how awesome it can be, can actually find this channel and get information."
"Caffeine blocks DHT, the hormone responsible for male pattern balding, in both men and women."
"If you suffer from hair loss, male pattern balding, then you can apply this oil directly to your scalp and leave it in."
"It's okay if you have a lot of hair loss during the shower, remember it's perfectly normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day."
"With the power of finasteride, almost everybody can save their hair."
"Postpartum hair loss is quite normal but it can be very scary."
"Becoming bald as one grows older isn't normal, not an abnormal condition."
"When it comes to hair loss, time is of the essence."
"I've been going through the hair loss journey... it's definitely affected my self-esteem to some point, my confidence."
"Losing your hair isn't always a bad thing; there's a lot of positives to it."
"DHT triggers hair loss in men and women who are genetically susceptible to androgenic alopecia."
"Topical anti-androgens have been promoted as a more efficacious treatment for male pattern hair loss."
"They really do treat male pattern hair loss at the root cause, which is the androgen receptor."
"We are extremely blessed to be living in an era where solving hair loss is as simple as just taking a pill and forgetting about it."
"With today's advancements in science, we can now have proving treatments that can combat the symptoms of hair loss."
"You're gonna get some hair in your hand, that's just how your human head works, you lose hair but it's completely normal."
"Stress is one of the number one killers of long, thick, and healthy hair."
"The most strategic way to stop hair loss long term is by stopping DHT."
"The ideal solution to treating hair loss is to prevent it from happening in the first place."
"Topical finasteride has remained a subject of interest for me and is a subject of curiosity for many of those who are either looking to begin their fight against hair loss or are currently fighting it."
"These large studies showed improvement with finasteride over placebo in hair counts, patient self-assessments, investigator assessments, and blinded assessments of photographs by panels of expert dermatologists."
"Fighting hair loss is a long-term battle after all; it's a marathon, not a sprint."
"Oral minoxidil has never been FDA approved for hair loss, but people who use it have still nevertheless reported pretty remarkable hair growth."
"Tretinoin is helpful not just because it helps make Minoxidil more effective; it also is possible that Tretinoin may have its own benefits as a hair loss treatment."
"If you're on either one of them, you can rest assured you're doing the best possible thing you can do to stop hair loss."
"The real important observation about these individuals that Dr. Imperato made though was that none of these men with a genetic five air deficiency ever went bald."
"It's a ninja subject which interests me, hair loss."
"It's been shown to completely halt balding in men that take it for up to five years at ninety percent of the men."
"The best thing to prevent hair loss is doing something while you still got hair."
"My biggest regret and I think the biggest regret of most people who have been fighting hair loss for a long time is that they did not start the fight sooner."
"I am extremely grateful that I've become more empathetic and caring towards people that have lost their hair."
"Two out of three men by the time they're 35 will experience some form of hair loss."
"If you are experiencing that, I really, really recommend that you talk to a specialist about it and try to get to the root of why you're losing your hair."
"Although there's early evidence that suggests taking zinc together with biotin might be helpful for hair loss, most studies suggest that zinc is not effective for this condition."