
Plant Care Quotes

There are 1037 quotes

"You should love your plants more; don't turn your back on mother nature."
"It's not only about avoiding the frost, they positively need warmth."
"The critical time is the first two weeks between sewing and germinating and then the first little period of growth."
"It's cool to watch a plant grow, and it's kind of cool to be like, 'This isn't going in the fridge and going bad; it's going to be on the top of my fridge growing a little bit.'"
"I can barely keep my pet cactus alive; what makes you think I can keep a child alive?"
"I need to be happy with them. I spend a lot of time looking after these plants. If a plant doesn't make me happy, then well..."
"It's just amazing. I think I love this again, a planted jungle."
"I mean, don't feed the plant, feed the soil."
"Orchids are extremely hard to take care of and she likely will kill this very quickly."
"I mean it all looks like it's dead and I'm still not entirely convinced it's actually gonna grow."
"Always plan your trip in advance if you intend to buy houseplants. Even mild temperatures of 45 degrees Fahrenheit to 50 degrees Fahrenheit can wilt away delicate plants within the hour."
"As always, be sure to feed your plants, water your plants, and remember you can always change your mind."
"Give a plant what it wants and it will love you to death."
"Market trend on these is absolutely going up... it's a hardy plant."
"You should be enjoying your garden and you should be enjoying plants the way looking the way you want them to look."
"Dividing your plants not only increases the amount that you have in your garden but it also helps rejuvenate your plants."
"Plant your tomato deep to bury as much stem as you can."
"I'm shocked honestly that those really wrinkly ones pulled through but yeah super super cool."
"It's so pretty so soft just like such a lush like yeah just fluffy feathery plant highly recommend that one honestly."
"It is hard to say goodbye to a plant that's just like this Lush and full."
"Less green for sure, but just one plant per cell so they'll be a lot happier."
"No dig really helps. It really helps soil health, plant health."
"This is gonna help it blossom a little bit better."
"Now that you have these guys in your propagation station, what you want to do is actually place them in an area that gets a lot of bright indirect light."
"Your time is more valuable, I think, trying to keep your other plants in a way better state than trying to resuscitate that one."
"The scares are slow and ultimately more effective."
"Not fertilize your plants... if they aren't showing active signs of new growth then I am going to not fertilize even a single time during the winter months."
"Tea with plants and self-care through plant care."
"Moving it from the shadowy corner was all it needed."
"If you notice they're starting to decline that means that they're probably not getting enough light and probably getting over watered."
"Plants might be the coping mechanism that I've used to deter myself from thinking that I'm lonely, like I definitely am lonely, but I don't feel lonely because I have all these green things that depend on me for their existence."
"Plants are going to acclimate to your space. They will change, they will get spots, they will drop leaves, and eventually, it'll find its own form. Don't worry so much about it."
"It's a really nice anchor piece, super solid plant, it's easy to maintain."
"Your plants gonna tell you whether or not it's working, you'll know by the health and that's really it."
"Reliability is good if you're a traveler. Think about plants that are going to need less water and depending on where you put them, maybe a little bit less light."
"Fertilizing plants is like house plant care 3.0 not because it's challenging to do but because it's easy to forget to do or sometimes we actually don't know where to start."
"By removing the brown leaves, you're taking away an environment for pests and fungus to develop."
"It's all about balance when it comes to indoor plants—think about what you can manage."
"With a little bit of attention, neglected plants can bounce back beautifully."
"Roots will find their way throughout the soil mixture, no need to chop them up."
"Sometimes it's the imperfections that make plants unique and beautiful."
"This one's really, really nice for that. I've sworn by this plant since I first got it."
"It hasn't grown through all this neglect, but it hasn't died either, and I think that's pretty good."
"A grower does what they're told. A master grower does what the plants are telling them to do."
"I feel like fake plants are nice because then I don't have to care about it."
"Aloe vera: easy to grow, easy to care for, and beneficial for super health."
"Plants will consume hardness minerals over time... keep feathering it to stay in a zone that you want."
"Vining philodendrons are often the easiest to care for and some of the lowest maintenance."
"To achieve fuller bushier growth in philodendrons often pruning back or propagating the top section of the plant is a good way to do this."
"You can buy rarer varieties of basil once. And then once you're done buying them, you just propagate them ad infinitum, right?"
"Be informed, have informed consent about what they're getting into."
"You really want to keep your plants fed, that's probably the number one thing."
"Plants, if you take care of them, they can live as long as you like, potentially forever."
"Just a couple of people caring about a plant can save it from extinction."
"I feel like I'm the Frog getting boil to death by all these plants in the house."
"Root rot can be achieved in quite a few ways."
"Orchids cannot tolerate high temperatures of the leaf."
"Over-fertilizing can burn the entire root system."
"Rather than have one aerial root come down from your tree, you can have multiple ones."
"But in any case, you want to repot these trees at a little bit later stage essentially when the new leaves start to emerge from the casings or from the buds essentially."
"Orchids naturally and instinctively will produce roots when they need to based on their pattern of growth."
"Temperature: the warmer, the better for root production."
"Humidity: promoting a more humid environment at the base can help with root production."
"It's more about understanding what plants you have and how to begin propagating them... if you cut and make new life that's pretty cool stuff."
"Here are some things you can do to prevent root rot: maintain the pH of your water, avoid overfeeding, and don't reuse infected soil."
"Neem oil is a true miracle oil in the garden."
"The more you harvest from them the more they will put up more blossoms so you're going to get more flowers and for beauty as well as to put into your herbal medicine cabinet."
"Mold's going to ruin your entire garden way faster than if you're not paying attention to keeping your VPD perfect."
"Just relax and you're going to be able to start to read what the plant needs."
"I love monstera plants so much I think that they were so easy to take care of and they just add such a beautiful tropical but minimal vibe to the home."
"Fiddle buts look so sophisticated now, it's unbelievable."
"Living plants for me, it's like a much safer gift."
"Plants are sick, they're kind of just sitting there aren't they?"
"Herbs have to be picked at the right time. The pores of the plant will open up in the mornings, and then in the evening, as the sun is going down, it goes down at the sun as well."
"I want to see people selling healthy, well-grown plants. That should be the standard."
"This is my antherium crystalline and it is huge. I don't know if you can tell how big that is, but it's huge."
"Understand what the plant wants and when to give it to it."
"I get more excited about my plants shooting than I do anything else."
"Propagating houseplants is one of the most rewarding, fun, best parts about keeping houseplants."
"Just keep in mind that these are my preferred methods for propagating these kinds of houseplants."
"The way I like to propagate Pothos is by cutting off one of the more leggy vines."
"Monstera is probably the plant I propagate the most."
"I try to snip the rhododendrons if you can see there's some little some little leaf nodes or buds on there at the very base I try to snip it right below one of those."
"Plants really count on us to help them live their lives."
"So as soon as I started to see the new growth within one to two weeks within February, I started to lightly fertilize my plants."
"If you're willing to change the amount of stress that your plants undergo, suddenly they can do things where you live that you never thought was possible."
"Hope you can see that there is some green in there."
"Plants do not do well with me. I've never been good at gardening. I've even managed to kill plastic plants."
"I think it's fun to sit and research a type of plants, find out what's rare, find out what isn't—just find all these weird and wonderful things I haven't seen before."
"Planting in a diamond pattern is the best way to get the most light and air to all of your plants."
"Great way to check if your plant has enough moisture is just to dig back the soil about an inch."
"Over watering can happen regardless of the size of the plant or the pot."
"Wind burn is a real thing; if you're constantly blowing air onto the plant, it can stunt growth."
"Plant health is just off the scale, exactly what you'd expect."
"Growing lovely things is just a huge source of joy for me."
"I try and tend to them like little babies, give them everything they need."
"Literally, there's no such thing as too many plants."
"Just by pruning, we're gonna be stimulating the growth."
"Okra is one of those plants... It thrives on neglect."
"My best results to date, both in yield quality with verified test results, the best runs I've ever had to date have been with the three one four formula, which is exactly Jax three two one according to the directions."
"Make sure that your bagged soil isn't waterlogged, as waterlogged soil lacks oxygen, which can hurt your plant's roots."
"The stronger the plant is in veg, the stronger the plant's gonna be in flower. They go hand-in-hand. If you've got limp, loose, light stems, you're gonna have loose, light, limp flowers."
"You put a one dollar plant in a ten dollar hole and it's more about the hole sometimes than it is about the specimen itself."
"Low light does not mean no light, low plants need light to live."
"One week of inconsistency can be detrimental to your plant. Even though that one week was rough on your plant, chances are it's going to come back and be just fine with a little bit of TLC."
"Perseverance, like my pop plants in the studio, still thriving after many, many, many weeks of neglect."
"It's basically zero maintenance and it still gives that really realistic biophilic quality to it."
"Every tree just wants to grow big and leafy, and you're like, 'Nope, snap back in your pot!'"
"Are you a plant owner? I have two really good tricks that you might have in your kitchen that will really benefit the health of your plants."
"Bottom line: light is very, very important for orchids. The best source of light is natural light."
"If you think you're gonna remember a name of a plant and you don't tag it just know that you probably won't remember the name of the plant."
"One of the things I always say, if you don't know the horticulture of a plant and you just know the art portion, you're going to have a lot of very pretty dead plants."
"This is my white princess philodendron and this is one that I am so proud of."
"I do love my fiddle-leaf figs and seeing them doing well just brings me joy."
"You're all probably here for the plants but you're also gonna get my emotional journey."
"That was a very big project but totally worth it, please grow, it's been so long."
"Sometimes it takes a long time to focus on things, plus my lens looks perma dirty all the time."
"Those 20 plants are perfect if you have a lot of light streaming into your space."
"Don't be afraid to chop, you know? Sometimes your plant will come out bushier."
"Giving yourself realistic goals with plants is the first thing that you should do."
"It's pulling moisture out and wilting just a little bit."
"Even if your plant collection is small like it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how many plants you have you can appreciate them every single day."
"If I have 16 tops on one plant and they all have about five to seven nodes, that's a perfect canopy to start flower with."
"All these plants get nice morning light and it seems to like it."
"It's absolutely beautiful, it's so easy care."
"They're crazy fast growers and they are absolutely beautiful."
"Clean your leaves and if you can do that every week, you don't ever have to really worry about pests."
"It's not your fault if your plants get diseases or pests. They've been around for millions of years."
"I don't just want my plants to survive, I want my plants to thrive."
"It's really really important and that is one of the things that I've learned over time is wow you know my philodendrons do so much better when I give them enough light and their leaves get huge."
"Long-time viewers of the channel will know just how much of a thing I've got for bottom watering."
"It's often said that there are two certainties in life: death and taxes. Well, whoever coined that phrase clearly didn't have plants because the third certainty in life is fungus gnats."
"Pot your plants up into clear plastic Orchid pots so that you can see the root ball of your plant anytime you want."
"Propagation is a really great way to grow more plants."
"Keeping leaves clean really helps them to produce energy."
"Most of these flowering plants need a lot of light, some can take direct light and others just a lot of bright indirect light."
"Keep your Hoya slightly rootbound; it actually kind of likes being root bound."
"My hibiscuses love me, I'm just gonna hang all my hibiscuses love me."
"Once you get this plant established, you are going to love it."
"It's the perfect hack for that person who thinks of their plants as their babies."
"The key to growing a large bushy basil plant like this is top pruning it."
"This plant has survived everything. It's a super plant that doesn't need your attention at all."
"If you want it smaller, put it somewhere colder during the night."
"The only other time you may want to consider pruning your tomato plants is if they come down with a lot of diseased leaves."
"Your plants might not necessarily be dead."
"If a bug bites into my plant, he drowns because there's so much water there."
"Lavender as a whole is an amazing plant; they're one of the most low maintenance, more productive flowers that I have."
"They're just gonna do well no matter what I do to them, so long as you give them the right light requirements."
"I don't recommend non-draining containers for beginners because you really have to know how to read plants."
"I took some hostas let's get some Evening Sun so I think the variegated type hostas are the ones that don't handle the sun very well."
"...this is my Monstera Albo, I got this for my friend. One of my first plant friends, his name's Michael. It started from just one leaf, and after about a year, it looks like this."
"This plant is probably I would always recommend it's like one of the easier plants to have in the home that's great."
"Tomatoes are tender souls. As a warm season crop they prefer to not tolerate chilly weather and they certainly can't be doing with frosts."
"Overwatering plants, especially indoors, is the single biggest cause for failure."
"As they start to get really long say about five feet long it's a good idea to go out there and prune off the growing tip at the end of the squash...this will increase the amount of fruit you're going to be getting."
"I feel like real plants aren't a good idea for me cuz there's no way I will keep them alive."
"It's a hassle-free solution to bring some Greenery into your space."
"You don't want the soft supple growth that can kind of bend over real easy, you want the growth further down the stem that is going to be a little bit more firm."
"This is a huge time saver, it helps save plants."
"Best practice is to not do it because that's going to give you a stronger and healthier P plant in your four it is worth it I promise you if you do Harvest them you weaken the plant significantly."
"It's got to be one of my easiest hanging plants that isn't a Hoya to grow."
"Typically, spider plants, when they start bouncing back and they start putting out new growth, they can be quite quick to revive themselves."
"I need lots of supplementary light around the house to make sure that my plants not only live but that they Thrive and grow throughout those long months."
"This is my kitchen, we have some plants back there because I like oxygen."
"I love my prayer plant so much. It's been alive and thriving since the pandemic started."
"The only thing that got fertilizer more than once were the dahlias."
"...each module is how to choose a plant for highlight medium light and low lights because I feel like every home is different."
"Plant care is actually quite easy. The number one tip that I have for brand new plant parents is don't over water your plant. I think that's the number one killer for most indoor plants and new plant parents."
"You want to make sure that your plants get about five to seven hours of sun."
"If you want to be a low maintenance plant mama, get pothos."
"I can see this person singing to their plants or playing music for them."
"You want to use a loose light soil that has perlite and different fillers in it that are going to create air pockets around your root so that they have room to breathe and grow."
"The best thing you can do is take that plant out of your garden, put it in a garbage bag, and throw it away. Don't compost it."
"Hardening off is exposing seedlings to cooler temperatures, more air movement, and more direct sunlight."
"Mulberries can definitely be grown in a shady spot and thrive and produce really well."
"Look at my monstera. She's thriving."
"If you've got new foliage coming out, even if these look really terrible because in my house right now my own tree, the leaves are about half brown, that's okay as long as you got new growth like this coming out, you're fine."
"Part of the challenge when repotting your plant is knowing when to say good enough."
"...airflow is super super important for plant health."
"It does not want to dry out and it really does need bright light, right light, lots of water."
"If you want a pretty plant in a tank that really will put up with anything you've got, this is the ultimate."
"That will keep your plants fed and healthy and growing."
"This plant has a couple different sets of leaves and we're going to look at the last set which is the basil leaves or what forms the basal rosette that you would normally see during the late winter."
"Snake plants can not only cope insanely well in low-light conditions but they're also probably one of the easiest plants in the world to look after."
"Chinese money plant... really easy to care for... perfect if you're just starting out or if you're looking for something really, really hardy."
"Calatheas are known for being slightly temperamental plants... but once you get the hang of what they like and don't like, they're actually pretty easy plants."
"Cast iron plants... ridiculously easy to care for and can grow to be huge... so they're great for adding a lovely jungly vibe to your house."
"Monstera deliciosa... super easy to care for and really adaptable to lots of different conditions."
"Pothos plants... ridiculously fast growing... really easy to keep up high out of reach from pets and small hands."
"Peperomia... capable of surviving in lower light conditions... really beautiful, safe plants to have around the house."
"ZZ plant... often referred to as unkillable... adaptable to so many different things... great starter plants."
"Syngonium... really adaptable to slightly lower light conditions... toxic, so it's a really good idea to keep them out of reach."
"Euphorbia aquarensis... proved to me just how adaptable she really is... gorgeous, super low maintenance, and really adaptable."
"You just learn something new about a plant every single year, and that keeps it fun."
"Plants in containers need to be fertilized more often than those in the ground."
"Pepper plants are heavy feeders so when you pick them clean they are going to need a big boost of npk in order to get them to flower and grow more and fruit more."
"Make sure it has lots of water first so it can get a good start growing."
"For every dozen plants that look great in the greenhouse, there's a dead one in a trash can somewhere."
"Taking care properly taking care of many plants is very time consuming, it can be overwhelming, often we lose plants simply because we do not have enough time to examine them, provide regular cleaning, trimming, analyze why our plants are not thriving, treat health issues, etc."
"If you're looking to get your first plant, you're probably worried and afraid you might kill it because you have never had to take care of plants before."