
Insignificance Quotes

There are 1063 quotes

"They don't need us today. Anytime Daniel's at the table, I feel like we're just not needed at all. He really does drive the conversation."
"Gothic, on the other hand, wastes no time showing you just how insignificant you are, and then spends its opening hours repeatedly reminding you of this."
"History teaches us that all of these people, they will not even be a footnote in tomorrow's books of history."
"There's a liberating feeling thinking that we are just insignificant little tiny blips in time."
"Many swirling galaxies... It's hard not to feel cosmically insignificant, but at the same time, so many of the physical laws of our universe are perfectly set in tune in such a way that life, and then intelligent life, could be possible."
"The numbers that describe the time horizons of our universe are incomprehensible, yet they may well be relatively insignificant in the grand scheme of things."
"Nothing seems so important once you've wrapped your mind around your sheer cosmic insignificance."
"You could do anything. You weren't important enough to be hacked, but you could have been."
"All the things I thought were important are rubbish, they're vain, they mean absolutely nothing."
"Mistaken copyright claims are a drop in the bucket."
"You get to notice the raw power that the volcano has and how insignificant you are in comparison to that power."
"But later on, as he realizes this infinity stone is literally one of an infinite amount of these rocks, that precious hum fades away."
"Improper benefit investigations should cease to exist... there's virtually no significance to these charges, they are minor league at best."
"In the grand scheme of things, YouTube drama doesn't mean anything."
"You have no place in this story. You come from nothing. You're nothing."
"Why would you care what a nobody that doesn't know thinks about your experience?"
"Ultimately in the grand scheme of things, nothing we do really matters."
"We humans, we would be ants or mosquitoes to them."
"Think of the children... But it's fucking video games, bro. It doesn't matter. It's not important if sports games die."
"Popularity in high school doesn't mean anything in life. Just ask Isaac."
"That's what Biden is seeking to undo, and that's a big part of this."
"We are insignificant moments in the cosmic sphere, and the universe existed long before us and will exist long after us."
"You are just a Reddit mod, right? It doesn't like nobody really cares, you know? It's not a big deal."
"It's just an entertainment show. It doesn't matter what these girls say."
"Indeed, a big part of including wide and tall shots is in designing a world that is governed by a higher power, a constant reminder of our insignificance and lack of control."
"Goodbye Peach, you never forget that it doesn't really matter."
"So if you're worried about what do people think of me, they're thinking nothing of you, 'cause they don't notice you, and if they do, they forget you."
"We are minuscule matter in a world of cosmic dust."
"After all, there's nothing inherently unusual about our location to begin with."
"Sound and thunder don't often signify very much."
"We're ants to their [ __ ] human, we're so simple and basic and boring. I just don't think they give a [ __ ]."
"Nothing that happens to you matters in the real world."
"Humanity's existence isn't that important and just a blip on the timeline of the universe."
"I have never felt so small, so invisible, so insignificant until that relationship."
"And all of a sudden you're entirely everything he earned that palace those shoes that the car that the limo that probably took wherever it is or his private helicopter pad means absolutely nothing at that moment."
"Earth is just a tiny speck in the whole galaxy."
"We're like a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam."
"Your future self is laughing at what seems so big now—it'll be insignificant."
"All our efforts and achievements are quite insignificant when viewed from the perspective of the wider universe."
"You realize how small you are in the universe... nothing else matters."
"I just think we don't realize we're [__] we're just like a speck of dust in the grand scheme of this universe."
"We're just like a speck of dust in the grand scheme of this universe, we're on one planet among billions of planets in a small space."
"Sticky, okay so there's like there's not much there but there's more than originally it seemed to peter out at lucky me range upgrade is meaningless especially."
"Losers don't matter in the history books. He's a fucking footnote, not even that. He's a sticky note who's fallen out of the book and getting trampled on by dogs."
"We are focusing so much time, effort, and money on something that is so insignificant it's not even funny."
"The most dramatic elicitor of feelings of smallest and insignificance... you can celebrate the fact that my molecules are up there and that we all came from stars."
"He will always be nothing but a pesky speck of dust."
"You are a tiny organism on a rock floating through space."
"I think none of this matters. If you look at the universe and how huge it is, like, I feel so insignificant. My life doesn't matter, my past, my future, my present, nothing matters."
"The law, our political class, and system matter nothing. Culture is everything."
"The things you worry about didn't matter at all."
"Mickey had no weight right nobody like literally there were two people in front of us."
"Who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars?"
"It's kind of like looking up into the sky at night and looking at all the stars and just realizing how small you actually are."
"We are so insignificant, but for all we know, we may be the universe's only chance."
"We're just a little speck, meaningless speck, in the giant natural ecosystem. We don't matter at all."
"The embarrassing moments that may haunt you that you remember so vividly and keep you up at night, no one else has given a single thought to again."
"If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains but have not love, I am nothing."
"Everyone is born the same way and bloodlines don't really matter."
"We are just little specks in a great big beautiful world after all."
"Anything which, as it were, puts us into perspective in some way, there's a nice feeling small."
"We're all on one little itty bitty rock in the universe, we don't matter."
"We're not doomed. In the great grand scheme of things, we're just tiny specs that will one day be forgotten."
"Fame is nothing. It is just a clear broth; it doesn't add much flavor."
"Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind."
"No one cares, literally no one cares."
"Where are the so-called kings of the world?"
"Before them, even the mightiest of kings was powerless."
"Everyone wants the truth, this truth, that truth, and what does it actually matter? We're all gonna die here, it doesn't change a damn thing."
"All we are is dust in the wind, dude."
"Take a moment tonight to look up at the stars and realize how tiny we are on this planet."
"Imagine you die right now, imagine you're dead, and reflect back on your life, and it just shows you all the times you've just been caring about the wrong things."
"You're not that important, no one cares. Take it in, you're not that important, you are not the center of the universe."
"You are a side character in literally everyone else's story."
"It doesn't matter, which is very scary to most people."
"We're little things on a little thing."
"The Earth is a grain of sand on the beach, there is now level zero."
"It's insignificant next to the power of the force."
"Approach God with a sense of eternity... look back upon your life... it will be a small thing, some memory, mostly forgotten."
"Nothing is permanent in this world; you are no one, you are zero, nothing, zero."
"...against the backdrop of eternity, it's just a flash in the pan."
"These puny movements... were an empty sound for the guy."
"The ocean... it's huge and never-ending. Look both ways and you see nothing but bluish-green water and swirling walls of sediment, a reminder of how incredibly small and inconsequential you are."
"No biggie is a way to say no big deal, meaning that it's not that important."
"You're just a drop in the bucket. Your life comes and goes."
"I love the feeling of feeling insignificant and tiny and realizing that the world just keeps on going, you know what I mean?"
"The Rock can sniff around, look around. I'm irrelevant in the grand scheme."
"I don't even remember like in passing like you so unimportant that I don't even remember walking past the [ __ ] or anything."
"But you know what? At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter."
"The most powerful battleship in history proved to be the most conspicuous nonfactor in the fight."
"In the big picture of all, this is just a blip in my story."
"If I died today, the world will continue."
"Size defeats us," the man in Black said, "for the fish, the lake in which he lives is the universe."
"Some things are just not that big of a deal."
"The earth is just a speck of dust floating in the universe."
"The earth is nothing in God's sight."
"None of that matters to this energy."
"It was like hitting a fly with a BB gun."
"Drake's hair clips don't mean anything except for their hair clips."
"...it seemed such a small thing so bright and still faintly marked with transverse stripes and slightly flattened from the perfect round 40 million miles the way it was."
"Nobody will remember that this transfer ever happened."
"Look both ways and you see nothing but bluish-green water and swirling walls of sediment, a reminder of how incredibly small and inconsequential you are."
"In the grand scheme of the universe, our lives begin and end in the blink of an eye."
"It made you feel about that big, about as big as a gnat in a whole universe."
"It's not a big deal at all. It's really not a big deal."
"Nobody gives a [__] when you're dead."
"...not too big a deal at the end..."
"He is nothing in the face of the marker and the Necromorphs. The hive mind, like all of his human plans and machinations, they're just meaningless in the face of it."
"It's not even worth getting upset over."
"Recognizing that I am this infinitely small speck of sand that is a part of this infinitely large mosaic."
"It's the Paradox that you are, I'm hesitant to say unimportant, but like it's your story isn't the point."
"Life is just so much more than this and none of this will matter in like five years from now."
"College admissions is not the end-all be-all. In fact, by this time next year, you will probably not even remember what schools you applied to."
"The sum total damage that all of my wrongness has done though amounts to bupkis and nothing I do here really matters in the grand scheme of things. It's just not that I'm important."
"Earth's whole existence was just confirmed to be nothing more than an egg in the larger scheme of things."
"Humans, when are you gonna learn that size doesn't matter? Just because something's important doesn't mean it's not very, very small. The size of a marble. Or a jewel."
"Forget this. Forget me. Forget all of this unless you want to remember that this doesn't matter because that's the only thing to take from this. The only real lesson is that none of this [__] matters. Not a goddamn thing."
"He knows that man isn't worth worrying about."
"I felt like a tiny Speck in all of this."
"The boot's void provides another humbling reminder of the vastness and spareness of the cosmos."
"But not too much, it's not too special at all."
"I think people are in such an unhappy place that these kind of conversations get people riled up and at the end of the day, it really don't matter, man."
"Realizing that it didn't matter as much as I thought it did."
"I just really made me recognize and put things into perspective, like, none of this matters."
"There's something wonderful about sort of saying well, you know, maybe my point of view isn't all that important."
"We reveled, made all of our misgivings into something ephemeral, then endlessly unimportant."
"You're just another person in God's story."
"These things that people cast on us it just Whispers In The Wind right like if we think that our whole meaning is is so infinites the idea that someone else can influence our trajectory when they themselves will disappear and become irrelevant seems so silly to me."
"The rainforest is beautiful. The impenetrable green of the swallows made me realize just how small, how insignificant we all are."
"Age is just a number; it is not consequential."
"Seeing our suffering in the guise of the whole Cosmos can make it seem not quite so Earth shatteringly special."
"And I walked out of his office and I said to myself, this doesn't really matter."
"Nothing stings worse than having a fond memory of someone than realizing that it meant nothing to them."
"I realized that I was part of a beautiful and unbelievably big process and that my identity struggles and joy is were all tiny specks in the grand scheme of things."
"There are things out there that see us less than cockroaches."
"When you look at the night sky, you realize how small we are."
"I'm gonna stick it in why did you bother?"
"It's always fun to stare the ineffable in the face and grapple with our own cosmically minuscule scale if even just for a moment."
"Ultimately, this will not matter."
"Fame doesn't really matter. It actually doesn't matter at all."
"Everything we've ever experienced, every joy, every disappointment, every love, every broken heart...is confined to this rotating Globe floating in the vastness of space."
"Hi, you're on a rock floating in space. Pretty cool, huh? Some of it's water, actually most of it's water."
"It's a terror that comes from a place of the unknown and feeling your insignificance within the universe."
"What made me stop stressing? I don't know, nothing matters."
"Abbot Reeves is the ruler of nothing."
"She's like a little gnat, like you just wanna flick."
"I don't think it would really change much of anything."
"You just get an idea of how small you really are."
"I can't wait for the day where he's relegated to an old dusty book in the bottom of a bookcase, irrelevant, no longer read."
"Because we're gonna die one day and this is just one little it's just a blip."
"Look at all those people out there who don't know I exist and will never give a flying fudge about me. It's pretty magical."
"How small we feel with our petty ambitions and strivings in the presence of the great elemental forces of nature."
"Always break things down to their basics to truly understand and often to see their insignificance in the broader scheme of life."
"Jurassic World exists to remind us how very small we are. You can't put a price on that."
"You are under the impression that you matter."
"No one cares. At the end of the day, it's just drama. It feeds and it's clickbait for people."
"It is amazing to think of the mind of God, the complexity and beauty and vastness of the universe, and how we feel so small in it and God is looking down saying you are absolutely huge next to this."
"I still didn't do that effing shirt until the whites were done and no one even cared because it doesn't matter, bees."
"Our only chance is to keep perfectly still. Our insignificance perhaps may save us."
"Nothing because I'm big and you're small."
"It just doesn't matter. It's never been less real in the MCU."
"He was inconsequential to the mission."
"But Rama Tut is a footnote in our story, barely even a prologue. You don't even know our true name."
"That makes all the following spoilers seem not so important, doesn't it?"
"When you realize your own insignificance through the grandiosity of Allah's creation, it tempers the fame thing. You start to get kind of like a middle-ground approach."
"It's just an errant wish, some wisp of memory, not too important really, some laughing ghosts that cross a man's mind."
"Nobody gives a fck about you. That's the truth. Nobody's even noticed you're gone, man."
"I don't understand how this is a big issue. It's a tiny tattoo."
"In the grand scheme of things, our lives are fleeting, like ripples on the surface of a vast ocean."
"All nations before him are as nothing. Your problem is way below that. Your problem is nothing."
"The entire universe could blink out of existence, and the true fundamental nature of the universe, the true reality, wouldn't even notice."
"It's a month, dude. It's a month. In the grand scheme of things, that's just a [ __ ] blip in time."
"The aesthetic of the structures makes you feel like such an insignificant piece of [ __ ]."
"Sometimes it feels like you're screaming into the void, you know?"
"Even if you're 20 minutes going, explaining what Baton Rouge is, the thing is though, 'S' is so small. I don't think it matters, bro."
"I just recognize through the word that I'm nothing."
"I don't think you're gonna interfere with much."
"I suddenly saw the infinite distance between the Ant and the Rock."
"There are bigger problems than a small fry hero Hunter."
"There's no ego here guys, nobody cares about your rut time, your ruck weight, or how many miles you go. Nobody cares."
"It turns out that it almost doesn't matter."
"Our little lives are no more than the flutter of a moth's sng to them."
"They're just all everybody on this program and everybody on this roster is just cutting their head for the sake of doing it because it means nothing."
"Humans, and everything we've created, are a blip in the universe."
"It's like everything else today, nothing matters today."
"Any of these little marks that you see like that just don't matter one tiny bit."
"The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot."
"This is all material stuff that doesn't matter."
"The bottom line is it doesn't really matter which one you choose."
"There is no special place in the cosmos."
"The fate of the fleshlings means nothing."
"But when you are arrogant and you don't take precedence, you'll feel like you're insignificant."
"Whenever I feel small or lonely, I'd look up at the stars. Wouldn't that make you not feel more small and lonely?"
"The little things that you're freaking out over don't really matter."
"There's something about the ocean and you you it puts things in perspective at how small you are to this world."
"Does that little bit of clarity in your preview window matter anyway? To me, it certainly doesn't."
"My personal concerns and the global discomforts feel small in the face of that kind of timelessness lying down in the dirt with the Valley of the Kings within view is a very soothing perspective."
"Distinct made absolutely positively no difference here."
"The knowledge that death is not so far away has the effect of making Earthly Affairs seem unimportant and human beings more and more ignoble."
"Nothing matters very much; most things don't matter at all."