
Common Misconceptions Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"The biggest mistakes we make is that we confuse inexperience with being unqualified."
"More people die of heart attacks with normal cholesterol."
"Life is super long and people try to convince you that it's short."
"Speed does not kill, it's acceleration that kills."
"Starting a business is hard and most people don't understand that."
"If you dig straight down, you will not die. That is myth busted."
"Relationships are easy bro, I'd be like this, no they're not."
"Vegetable oils are healthy, omega-6 is healthy... people are so confused."
"I understand that you feel like Monday's the first day of the week. I understand that when you google it, both answers come up."
"It's crazy. It's not [__] up. The key to being good at golf, which is like you think like, 'Oh, someone's a scratch golfer, they're just birdying everything.' It's like, no, they're just not bogeying anything."
"People just aren't thinking about you that much."
"There is no evidence whatsoever that people who crack their knuckles are more prone to develop arthritis."
"In science, I don't want to hear your truth, I want to hear the truth because as we so often find, people's common sense ideas or what they think is true is so often untrue."
"There are some things that are politically political even though we're not used to thinking of them as political."
"Being famous is not a known cure for depression."
"Shaving, waxing, plucking, or anything of the sorts does not make your hair grow back faster or thicker."
"Lightning doesn't strike twice. It does absolutely all the time."
"Q-tips, most of us know by now weren't exactly made for cleaning your ears as much as we only used them for that."
"The reason gaming PCs don't need so much RAM, you're mostly loading in your graphics card dummy."
"DID is much more common than people realize."
"It's not because people are not smart enough to take the NCLEX or that they don't know the knowledge. It's because people struggle with answering NCLEX style questions."
"People always think they're doing it wrong or doing something wrong and that's just not the case."
"Whoever didn't know this might be shocked, you might have been brushing your hair wrong this entire time."
"They think you're stupid, they think I'm stupid, they think we're all stupid."
"People associate complexity with effectiveness, but the All Blacks aren't doing stupid in the gym."
"Most people kind of view a car as like this magical box that gets them from one spot to another and they don't understand the basics of how a vehicle functions."
"The idea that having unions makes a company weaker is just not true. It's not true. It is not true."
"People act like, 'Oh, it's some crazy theory.' This is normal human behavior."
"Much of what we think we know about our history is wrong."
"The door close button in an elevator doesn't actually do anything."
"Bigger is not always better actually usually it's not."
"The problem isn't with marriage, it's with our ignorance and misunderstanding of it."
"Cracking your knuckles can be bad for your joints."
"Napoleon was definitely average height for the time."
"You think these things don't exist, and then you will be terrified to understand that common knowledge is not common at all."
"Fiber is excellent for health, despite some misconceptions."
"Most people are wrong about everything all the time."
"People always assume that it's one thing that kills you."
"The consensus view on any one position is not always right; it's the vast majority of the time wrong."
"Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God helps those who help themselves."
"There are so many things out there in the world that are widely believed to be true but are misleading, inaccurate, or outright false."
"I knew it was him and I wanted to go up because I'm like, oh, he's gonna think I'm good."
"Rice is food, rice is not for electronics repair, rice is not for liquid damage."
"Miscarriages are fairly common before like the three-week mark or three-month mark. Usually, you wait till three months. She didn't."
"Weight loss is really so simple but we make it so complicated."
"That's the other thing people get scared of... Does this mean I'm crazy? No, it just means that you are mindful."
"Definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different results."
"The things you were told to do with money is why you don't have money."
"Both sands are natural; in fact, what people don't understand is pool sand and play sand are both quartz, made from quartz rocks, both silica based."
"People say bread's not salty, but if you look at the salt content of bread, it's some of the most salty."
"Even something as what you would think is as simple as the history of money is generally misunderstood."
"I don't really think that just because something is common, that means that something is right."
"Contrary to popular belief, Bitcoin transactions are not anonymous."
"It always blows my mind how many people don't realize that a flower ends up producing a fruit."
"People don't really believe in themselves like you think they do."
"Tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers are really all fruits."
"Cow tipping is fake. You don't go cow tipping because cows don't sleep standing up."