
Archaeological Discovery Quotes

There are 295 quotes

"Researchers from Warsaw initially believed a male priest occupied this tomb; however, their discovery shocked them as they uncovered a woman within the coffin, more astonishing was her seven-month pregnancy at the time of mummification."
"The discovery of Nolan's cross on Oak Island is undoubtedly one of the most intriguing findings in the island's history."
"Once inside, they break a protective seal that guards the tomb of King Tutankhamun. Carter lifts up a lamp, and they look through and see that Tutankhamun is buried with this fantastic array of more than 5,000 objects."
"Tutankhamun's tomb was almost intact when it was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter, and it became the subject of the famous legend of the Tutankhamun curse."
"This discovery is significant because it's the first evidence that the ancient Egyptians created cheese."
"The culture treasures and knowledge of ancient Egypt are almost unrivaled, and to this day, there's still a lot to discover about them."
"What about discovering a whole city buried underground famed egyptologist zahi hawas announced the discovery of the Lost Golden City."
"It's amazing to me that you can see where the middle part of the stone section of the ship has just collapsed down now to almost ground level."
"Archaeologists were shocked to discover hundreds of mysterious golden orbs hidden beneath the Temple of the Feathered Serpent in the ancient Aztec city of Teotihuacan in Mexico."
"They were overjoyed by their find and could not believe that they had unearthed an archaeological treasure."
"It's possible that a discovery has been found that may rival that of the Dead Sea Scrolls." - Katrina Jordan
"In the heart of the Judean desert, only one hour southeast of Jerusalem, a remarkable discovery was made."
"The discovery of an untouched burial chamber is a real sensation in the world of archaeology."
"New mini human discovered: the remains of a now extinct and previously unknown human species found on the Philippine island of Luzon."
"The Scan Pyramids Mission presented their next muon scan discovery of the big void in the prestigious scientific journal Nature."
"Archaeologists recently identified an ancient structure hidden in plain sight at the Maya city-state of Tikal."
"She'd lain undisturbed for generations, almost perfectly preserved by the river mud."
"The story of how the Colossal Stone heads became recognized as a key to understanding the Olmec civilization is a fascinating tale of curiosity, exploration, and eventual enlightenment."
"Here's what they found beneath the lake: the archaeologists uncovered the remains of a major settlement buried under the water."
"In Egypt, three Roman-era shipwrecks have been discovered off the coast of the city of Alexandria."
"Speaking of Pompeii, experts excavating an old building in the Italian city of Verona have discovered what they described as a miniature Pompeii."
"The urns found in a crypt beneath the Sun Temple were believed to have been used to manufacture rubber balls for the game."
"The remains of a man and a woman were found in the House of the Craftsman in Pompeii in 1914."
"35 million year old turtle fossil discovered in the ruins of a church."
"Hidden centuries-old artwork discovered at the Moren Cathedral."
"Mysterious network of medieval tunnels discovered beneath a 12th century abbey."
"The lost golden city of Luxor: the largest ancient Egyptian city ever uncovered."
"Teenager discovers lost Mayan city using Google Maps, unlocking secrets of ancient civilizations."
"Previously unknown human species discovered in Israel, challenging our understanding of ancient humans."
"The Grolier Codex, the oldest Mesoamerican manuscript, was found in a Mexican cave by looters."
"It was during this time a Bedouin Shepherd was tending his flock near the Dead Sea and stumbled upon what some archaeologists are calling the most important discovery in archaeological history."
"Seen as one of the most important archaeological discoveries in the region in decades."
"For Clapp, this could mean only one thing: that the lost city of Iram had finally been found."
"The discovery shows that the people who lived there were devoted to maintaining a traditional religious lifestyle and staying pure," explained IAA archaeologist Dr. Abdelgani Ibrahim and Dr. Walid Atrash.
"This mask likely dates back to the end of the fourth century BC," said archaeologist Khan Iren, conveying the remarkable nature of the discovery.
"If this is any indicator of what lies below the streets… Amoni-Ram might be the key to pushing humanity into the future."
"The biblical texts that they found in this cave... did not really expect the scrolls to be so close to the text that we are presently using today."
"Archaeologists accidentally discovered 85 well-preserved ancient human footprints on a Moroccan beach dating back 990,000 years."
"The discovery of a mutilated masterpiece was almost overlooked due to its state of disrepair."
"Archaeologists proceeded to unearth what appeared to be a 12th-century burial site with a total of eight graves inside."
"Most archaeologists dream of finding something that will change our notions about human history."
"It's so well carved and intricately detailed that archaeologists initially thought it wasn't a real skull."
"The mystery here is that because of this newly discovered shard, it's pretty clear Jerubal was a real person."
"Jesus's name was inscribed on an ossuary found in the tomb."
"The lost golden city is located near Luxor and it was around during the reigns of some of the most famous Egyptian kings ever."
"The ruins of an ancient Coptic church were just found in Egypt along with a Roman fort."
"The Bosnian pyramids are one of the biggest scientific discoveries ever."
"Read your gospels, they will tell you that if you follow the spirit instead of the flesh, the world will not be as kind to you."
"The House of the Apostles: the remains of a house found underneath a church, believed to be the home of Peter and Andrew."
"This could mean that Roman Pap Castle was a much bigger and more important place than had been previously thought."
"I'm staggered we may actually have something Bronze Age in our sights."
"World's oldest intact shipwreck discovered in the Black Sea."
"We came here looking for an Iron Age capital, and in one tiny area of our site, we found a Terrace of round houses."
"It has revealed that the Giza Plateau does indeed extend this far not only that but it demonstrates the sheer unimaginable cubic size of this area of stone."
"The presence of charred food remains in the fireplaces of Shoe Baker is a game-changing discovery that has provided us the chance to characterize 14-thousand-year-old food practices."
"The remnants of furnaces in the baths are a sign of an elaborate heating system which, according to archaeologists, is the first such discovery among the remains of the ancient city of Philadelphia."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls are some of the most long-lasting and incredible finds of the 21st century."
"We may indeed be on the precipice of one of the most important discoveries of our Modern Age."
"An eight-year project has discovered a secret tunnel beneath the third largest pyramid within the area autono which archaeologists suspect will lead to a royal tomb discovered in 2003."
"It's not just a smoking gun, it's an arsenal of smoking guns anchored by this extraordinary discovery."
"They found hunter-gatherer tools... Then right next to it, boom Agriculture comes out of nowhere."
"Discovering their settlement is so important."
"Archaeologists discovered the 4,200-year-old tomb of a previously unknown Egyptian queen found near the pyramid of King Teti. Only 30 percent of Sakhara's contents have been excavated, while most of the sprawling site remains buried."
"This massive necropolis was discovered in 1996 by the world-famous Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass."
"An 8-year-old girl found a 1,500-year-old sword in a lake in Sweden during a drought."
"A 3,400-year-old palace resurfaced from the Mosul Dam reservoir in Iraq, offering insights into the little-known Mitanni Empire."
"Secret city has been found hiding below the Amazon jungle."
"Archaeologists uncovered what has been dubbed a secret City hiding within the Amazon jungle."
"They found evidence that shows sophisticated civilizations lived there well over a hundred thousand years ago."
"For the first time in history, archaeologists in Israel have found the exact place where Emperor Titus and his Legions breached the walls of Jerusalem."
"Busy farmers near Xi'an in China got more than they bargained for while digging wells in 1974."
"The tablet's discovery is major not only for its historical value but because it potentially opens up possibilities for further excavations."
"The recently discovered 57-ton bath offers new insight into Jewish life in Roman-ruled Palestine during the Second Temple period."
"It's the combination of sloth tracks and children's prints that are so intriguing in this case, showing that not much has changed in human behavior in thousands of years."
"The discovery made in 2018 uncovered over 60,000 Mayan ruins."
"An ancient pyramid was discovered in Greece sparking a shocking debate."
"The ancient Temple dedicated to Zeus Cassius: Uncovering layers of historical importance."
"Excavations at Tokat Castle reveal a maze of dungeons and tunnels believed to have housed Vlad the Impaler."
"The new Nascal lines: Four new geoglyphs identified by AI technology... 2,000 years old, etched into the surface of the Southern desert in Peru."
"Already today we've got these six or so post holes... this has turned out to be the best Anglo-Saxon settlement site we've ever had."
"An Anglo-Saxon settlement: we may have a rare Anglo-Saxon hall here."
"The big void is a mystery, but it's there, 40 meters long and according to Morishima, it looks to have a roughly four-meter square profile."
"This was a real civilization right in the middle of the Sahara."
"It's evidence that Nadol had influence that stretched across the waves."
"An amazingly well-preserved 18,000-year-old puppy found in Siberia."
"Japanese officials reported the discovery of nearly 200 artifacts inside a religious statue standing etches 30 inches tall."
"A lost ancient civilization discovered buried under Antarctic ice."
"Recently in the depths of brunikel cave in Southwest France, scientists discovered a series of rock formations that altered what we know about Neanderthals."
"The baby horse, which was uncovered from the melting permafrost in Siberia, was found with its hooves, tail, and skin still perfectly intact, along with the tiny hairs in its nostrils!"
"Dreams of buried treasure come true: Mike's discovery astounds experts."
"Renowned Egyptologist Zahi Hawas believes he has located the tomb of Nefertiti."
"Perhaps one of the more exciting discoveries and mysteries in the modern age has been what lies beneath Stonehenge."
"This artifact was found 150 feet below the surface of the Aegean Sea in a shipwreck, and it is the oldest kind of computer ever recorded."
"Cleopatra's Palace: Rediscovered after being lost to history."
"This energy really is about grounding into your own energy responsibly."
"The first skeleton of a young child among the ruins of Pompeii."
"The Bible is authenticated through the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which mirror its content."
"This is a real breakthrough. The impressive headdress shows that the mummy must have held a high position in his society."
"So this is a real status marker that we've got on our mummy. It really flags him up as an important individual within his own community."
"The entire city had a form of traffic control that had escaped hard detection for that whole time - the first map of the traffic system of Pompeii that anyone had ever seen."
"Lost Golden City: the biggest sensations since the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb."
"The discovery of a ceremonial banquet hall offered a glimpse into the Moche culture."
"SCP-3141 was discovered at a foundation archaeological dig site near bakuno Jammu and Kashmir Republic of India."
"The city will provide us a unique look into the lives of the ancient Egyptians at the empire's heyday."
"We found this body... over 5000 years old... we found all the tools he was carrying with him... they realized it was over 5000 years old."
"The presence of these isotopes in the archaeological record raises questions about the technological capabilities of ancient civilizations."
"Here it is, a huge section of the Royal flagship still under the mud."
"Thanks to the discovery of Gobekli Tepe the idea that the Sphinx is older than we thought is starting to be thought about more often."
"This ancient Hebrew inscription is really one of the most important pieces of evidence we have for the rise of Judah as a kingdom."
"Archaeologist gabino Lopez arenas investigated skulls jaws and other bones that were found as remnants of offerings inside the temple."
"A leather shoe was recently found in a German bog that's not the most interesting headline but it gets better when you learned that the shoe was lost in that bog for 2 000 years."
"You all know about this one, of course. The Terracotta Army is one of the most incredible and famous discoveries in history."
"The recent discovery revealed that the freshwater pool utilized by visitors to Jerusalem was larger than initially thought."
"This is where a groundbreaking discovery was made, a discovery which may shed new light on our mysterious prehistoric past."
"The arrow in the bag is big news, not just because it could explain how Otzi died, but because it suggests the possibility of murder."
"The discovery of this site has very radically shifted the way that we think."
"Absolutely what we've got here is around 700 individual items all found together."
"The oldest evidence of beer brewing in Germany comes from northern Bavaria where a three thousand year old burial croc was discovered in 1935."
"The map of the stars has been located, a big deal, the oldest known map, a remarkable breakthrough."
"The mysterious remains of an ancient domesticated dog found in an Italian cave are believed to be Europe's earliest pet dog, possibly twenty thousand years old."
"Deep underground in a dark mysterious cave, he came across Egyptian statues and other relics from A Lost Civilization."
"This drone made a chilling Discovery after spotting this on the side of a mountain... some sort of rock art, a carving of someone or maybe a god."
"Batteries existed 2200 years ago, a clay jar found near Baghdad, Iraq, believed to be the oldest electric battery."
"Huge Native American drawings dating back over 1,000 years found in a large unnamed cave in Alabama."
"Experts now believe that Gobekli Tepe, the world's oldest known temple, was the handiwork of hunter-gatherers."
"The discoveries corroborate ancient writings bridging the gap between myth and reality."
"After heavy rainfall, archaeologists discover an over 2,000-year-old statue of a bronze bull peeking out of the earth."
"Creepy neolithic masks over the years archaeologists have uncovered 16 neolithic stone masks dating back roughly 9 000 years."
"We are blessed to literally see in front of us here the discovery that affirm the truth of the Bible coming to light before our eyes."
"Every now and then, though, an ancient wonder from a bygone era is suddenly rediscovered."
"Archaeologists in Egypt uncovered an ancient site in a Nile Delta province containing 110 burial tombs, some of which contained human remains."
"One of the largest and most important finds in recent years would have to be 20 sealed ancient Egyptian coffins near the city of Luxor."
"Hidden within the icy embrace of Sangrup's Guardat mountain peak, archaeologists stumbled upon a treasure trove of artifacts that had been buried for 1,700 years."
"So, if you think about this Bible quote I gave at the beginning, 'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.'"
"The unearthing of a Biblical secret on Mount Kilimanjaro represents a remarkable achievement in the field of archaeology."
"This is the first time in my career as an archaeologist that I have discovered gold, and it is tremendously exciting!"
"The discovery reflects the city’s 'lively and open cultural climate.'"
"Archaeologists may feel as though they struck gold in the holy city of Israel, discovering a 3,200-year-old fortress." - Natasha Sweet
"Lady Dai's tomb remained untouched for nearly 2,000 years until 1968 when workers discovered the grave 40 feet underground."
"Archaeologists have been left excited following the discovery of ancient rock carvings in the western state of Maharashtra, India, believed to be tens of thousands of years old."
"In a 2,300-year-old tomb in China, archaeologists have found parts of a board game."
"The royal tomb of Pharaoh Susannas the First was discovered rather accidentally in northern Egypt in 1939."
"For several years, archaeologists in Denmark have been investigating a series of palisade finds from the Stone Age."
"This is possibly the largest Bronze Age cemetery ever found in Scotland."
"We've finally confirmed the position of the horde almost a mile from where everyone previously thought it was discovered."
"This could be one of the most remarkable prehistoric sites in Scotland."
"Number 5: Mummified Babies Found in Tutankhamun's Tomb - The discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb remains one of the grandest archaeological finds in human history."
"Unlocking their secrets promises to elucidate the patchwork evolution of humans in deep time."
"Egypt's history is being continually uncovered. Over 800 Graves have been found in September 2018 at a little-known archaeological site."
"SPCs are a fantastic way of exchanging players for packs. It's that simple."
"After three and a half thousand years, the story of the 18th dynasty is re-emerging from the sand."
"The recent discovery of three giant Rams heads near the Temple of Karnak and Luxor showed researchers just how adept the Ancients really were."
"Finding them has been the archaeological equivalent of finding a needle in a five hundred thousand year old haystack."
"But at Kaleen, we seem to be finding far more than mere hutmans outside the fortress walls."
"The tiny structures found in the Ural Mountains appear to be the byproducts of an ancient civilization that developed nanotechnology 300,000 years ago."
"Having already found evidence that early humans used mammoth bones to make tools, archaeologists hope that the find will lay to rest the mystery of why these behemoths became extinct."
"Archaeologists have unveiled the fascinating discovery of real-life castles in the sand in the Sahara Desert, shedding light on an ancient civilization."
"Pregnant mummy: It's the first time researchers have come across a mummy in which the fetus was still present."
"The remains of an ancient city lost for almost 3000 years is nothing to be sniffed at, and this city was golden..."
"Pyramid town at Giza: uncovering the lives of ancient officials."
"This archaeological site is rewriting our entire understanding of human history."
"Hidden deep underground in Malta, there is an astonishing secret that will take your breath away."
"In mid-June 2021 a history-making ancient Roman discovery was made in northern Portugal."
"Scientists with the Scan Pyramids project reported the discovery of two previously unknown voids in the Great Pyramid."
"The discovery of a substantial terrace on the north of the headland points to Tintagel being a high-status settlement during the Dark Ages."
"In three days, we've caught a glimpse of 600 years of an ordinary Iron Age farming family living through extraordinary times."
"This lost city is discovered as predicted, modern technology will ultimately bring an end to this worldwide suppression of what should be free-flowing information."
"So this thing potentially potentially could be an estimated 13,000 years old minimum."
"We don't often get such detailed glimpses into the lives of prehistoric people especially in the Paleolithic. It's incredible!"
"The Antikythera mechanism: an archaeologist was looking over artifacts recovered from the wreckage of a 2,000-year-old ship off the Greek island of Antikythera."
"Yonaguni is most well known for its bizarre underwater monument which also defies all explanation. But hidden away in the nearby jungle, explorers discovered a giant stone head."
"Nothing quite like this has ever been discovered in the Roman Empire."
"So rare a find that none of our archaeologists have ever experienced it in the ground before."
"We did create a solid link between the lost piece of the Bonnie Claire puzzle and what was probably a mysterious unidentified ruin."
"This was the moment you dream about as an archaeologist."
"The discovery of the Cactus Hill site in Virginia, with projectile points resembling Solutrean, challenges the Clovis-first narrative."
"Forget isolated tribes and the city of El Dorado, the pyramid at Monte Grande is proof of an ancient civilization building pyramids around the same time as the Egyptians."
"New chamber discovered in iconic Egyptian pyramid, a lost chamber dating back 4,500 years."
"The submerged city of the Caesars, lost for over 17 centuries beneath the turquoise seas of Italy's West Coast, has been rediscovered, shedding light on ancient Roman luxury and excess."
"Rock art: Archaeologists were left stunned and even in tears when they discovered this breathtaking ancient art in the depths of the Amazon rainforest."
"Archaeologists made a 14,400-year-old Discovery in Jordan that tragically rewrites human history."
"This has got to be some of the most spectacular geophysics we've ever had on Time Team."
"Ancient petroglyphs that are of the oldest ever discovered."
"We're pretty sure there's a hospital under here somewhere so the diggers get straight to work and after several hours the first structure emerges but it's clearly not many evil."
"It seems Mick was right at the outset and the ships were built on the beaches."
"Archaeologists believe they've discovered the world's oldest known representational artwork."
"Gold was a common material to be used in burials of important figures, but this tomb contained another precious metal that rarely featured in ancient Egypt: silver."
"What is it you found Jackie? Well what we've got here is the first sign of in situ remains ie exactly where they were placed to start with."
"The discovery of the oldest and largest monumental structure ever found in the Maya region."
"Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered 27 unopened coffins at the ancient necropolis of Saqqara."
"It's a major monument that we didn't know about before. It's completely undiscovered. It's fantastic."
"This sea Fort does date to the time of the picks but incredibly it's 200 years older than anyone expected."
"When a three-meter-wide stone ball was found in Bosnia's Visoko Valley, much was made of it. Initial claims focused on the potential man-made origins of the object."
"This was actually the most important archaeological finding in China of the last 100 years."
"Finding multiple burials from the Paleolithic period is already rare, but the fact that there was enough high-quality DNA still available to analyze was like winning the lottery."
"The strangest archaeological site was Gobekli Tepe."
"Making discoveries that could rewrite ancient history."
"This is the most fantastic archaeology coming up."
"The Lost City of Ubar had been discovered buried beneath shifting Sands in an area known as Oman."
"Some discoveries are so bizarre, mysterious, and unique."