
Animal Appreciation Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"They're creatures that I honestly think we don't fucking deserve."
"People who think dogs are the kindest creatures are completely correct."
"Solve the debate from cats and dogs, uh, turns out they're both really, really cool animals."
"I like animals and pets, and I think they're great."
"But most of the time they're downright amazing."
"Some people love zoos as it's a chance to see animals they'd never be able to see otherwise."
"Look at us, I love pandas, me too. This is cute about them, I'm just obsessed but that is not functional, nope."
"I love the zoo, I want to take you to the zoo and we can look at the giraffes together."
"People love cats, like that's like a new thing."
"Animals are the best, aren't they? Even some that could typically harm us are not always out to get us." - Narrator
"They're all absolutely amazing. You guys know, I used to be terrified of these guys, but now I think that they're absolutely incredible."
"One of the most special animals I have for me here at the Reptarium personally."
"If they are not entertained enough by simply by the presence of the animals then they're in the wrong bloody Zoo."
"There is something divine about dogs, it's the sense of love and purity they have."
"Helen is a fan favorite for sure. She's such a beautiful animal."
"They have penguins, the greatest animal of all time."
"Dogs are amazing, I mean for animals in general."
"I love these animals. I think they're incredible."
"This is one spectacular animal." - Brian Barr Trek
"I think dogs are better than people. I'm not exaggerating, I think dogs are the purest form of loving love ever."
"Ducklings are one of society's most beloved baby animals."
"That's not a dog, that's a member of the family!" - "That unconditional love goes hard."
"Opossums are so cute they're so ugly but they're so cute."
"Literally dogs are the best, and this is true even in the Pikmin world."
"Dogs are so important, amazing creatures that I know how you can get attached to one."
"Oh my gosh, you are so awesome, this llama looks so majestic, what should we name it?"
"Everybody loves a chinchilla. Finding out you love chinchillas just makes you a decent human being."
"It's cool, look at this guy, really cool turtle."
"By omitting the extinction event, a documentary may remain timeless enabling us to concentrate on the beauty of these animals' existence."
"It's wonderful when it's over because you are surrounded by the cutest baby animals on this planet Earth."
"Spectacular little angel fish, I love them."
"They are amazing, fantastic animals."
"You know, otters are the cutest, most precious animals."
"Life without otter would be extremely boring."
"There is a festival in Nepal that dedicates an entire day to thank dogs for their friendship and loyalty."
"I think I enjoyed that as much as I enjoyed the seals."
"Monkeys are cool. I think they're cute."
"Animals are just a great part of everyday life and there's something to be cherished."
"I just love the little owls; they're so adorable."
"I think animals are one of the most wonderful things in the world."
"Animals are awesome, I love these guys, they look like Muppets, amazing."
"You really won't regret it, they're phenomenal animals."
"Our lives would be unimaginable without the miraculous animals with whom we share our world."
"Great animals... they always exceed your expectations."
"Dude, white head on him, he is awesome."
"These are beautiful, beautiful animals."
"You do get some absolutely amazing views of the animals here at Longleat, don't you?"
"I love dogs. They're just such great creatures."
"I've never met anyone who doesn't like cats."
"Look at that gold speckling right on top, such a beautiful animal."
"That's a beautiful animal, beautiful and underappreciated."
"People don't realize how wonderful their animals are, nor do they make friends with them as they should."
"Who doesn't love an armadillo, little rolling tanks."
"Look at the cows, I love them, this game is so lovely."
"I appreciate what this gecko is doing, and he's a legend."
"She is an absolutely wonderful animal."
"They're incredibly sweet, kind, intelligent animals."
"I like tigers, tigers are very cute."
"Look at that cute cow right there, dang she's so cute dude."
"We are so lucky, so fortunate to experience all these animals."
"What a wonderfully beautiful animal he is."
"They are really beautiful animals."
"It's a perfect animal just to watch and just enjoy."
"It's a really nice Definitely if you like animals and stuff, a lot of native Florida animals and stuff are there."
"I love their eyes too, they have these big round eyes."
"I'm a big fan of Hippo Cove and I love the little baby hippos."