
Drug Trafficking Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Congratulations to Guardsman Randy: 35 years after a 6-month undercover operation, a group of sweet grannies and grandpas were discovered to be trafficking illegal drugs."
"Fentanyl, originating in China and shipped north of the border by the Mexican drug cartels, is responsible for many of these deaths."
"The cartels exploit them by asking them to carry Fentanyl and other narcotics across the border when they're walking into the United States."
"I never had to weigh out anything, all I had to do was take the product, transport it, and give it to my dealer."
"Blanco's criminal Empire produced an incredible $80 million every month."
"Angie San Clemente oversaw one of the greatest drug syndicates, earning her the moniker drug queenpin."
"Inside the crack house, the dealers are caught totally off guard. Suddenly they're in handcuffs and out of business."
"The fentanyl pills are coming across the Mexican border for the most part they're manufactured in Mexico and then they'll smuggle them across the border so this is a recent seizure."
"I've enjoyed flying jet planes with drug dealers."
"On one occasion, on one airline, six suitcases with this drug was smuggled into Orlando. They didn't so much as throw a pair of underwear in the suitcase to act like they were hiding the drugs."
"The crisis at the southern border is a humanitarian crisis, it's also a drug crisis, it's a fentanyl crisis."
"There ought to be a special place in hell for fentanyl dealers."
"Don't let anyone ever tell you that drug trafficking is harmless."
"The FBI strategy paid off. Threatened with significant jail time, one of the biggest drug suppliers to the crew decided to become an informant."
"The wall is having a tremendous impact on drugs coming into our country."
"The connection between Fred Tokars and drug traffickers had led to his wife's murder."
"Most narcotics entering the U.S. are driven hidden in vehicles."
"Juice was essentially being used as a drug mule."
"We're gonna be driving that baby out of here, we're going to jack those inbred hillbillies trailer, it's got about $600,000 worth of meth inside of there, man."
"You can't make $67 billion by bringing it in a book bag, right?"
"It was time to put some charges on some subjects to get some cooperators and to execute the search warrants to get the guns to get the drugs that'll confirm the conversations that you have."
"If you're gonna have drugs pouring across the border, if you're gonna have human traffickers pouring across the border..."
"At the height of his authority, Miguel Trevino Morales made millions of dollars by shipping tons of cocaine to the United States."
"We will stop the flow of deadly drugs and horrible human trafficking."
"If someone is a mule and has bags of cocaine in their stomach and then punches them in the stomach and breaks one of them, that would be, I guess, that type of example."
"The story of the cartel sending drugs to America is as old as time."
"It's amazing the lengths that smugglers will go to for a payday, even going so far as to have surgical procedures to hide the drugs inside their body."
"My name is David McMillan. I've smuggled over $17 million worth of heroin internationally. And this is how crime works."
"Money became a big factor in the 80s and the bgds got heavier into pushing weight."
"The route the heroin takes into the US is simply astonishing."
"The cartels are becoming filthy rich, and countries are benefiting themselves from drug money."
"Now he's taken on the case of a grandmother from Berry Ontario Susanna Thayer who he believes was duped into bringing a kilo of cocaine into Hong Kong."
"When the Delorean's friend James Timothy Hoffman called and suggested that they sell a whopping $24 million worth of cocaine, Delorean was all in."
"When those UAVs are coming into America, setting down, dropping fentanyl, being stuffed full of cash, and flying back to the Mexican cartel, it's totally unacceptable."
"We need severe penalties for the individuals who traffic in Fentanyl."
"There's two ways fentanyl is getting into the U.S."
"Drug trafficking symbiotically linked to the police prevented the state from being a guarantor of the rule of law."
"The deeply entrenched relationship between drug traffickers and the political system."
"The cocaine from this plane would have fallen over the city of Los Angeles like snow."
"British drug kingpin Philip Baron was among a small group of very rich men who headed a massively profitable International drug trafficking ring."
"It's wrong that we set up a system that encourages and then allows and then promotes and perpetuates this process that enriches drug cartels and does so at the expense of child sex trafficking and it must end."
"the Pizza Connection moved 1.7 billion dollars of heroin"
"Escobar founded the notorious Medellín Cartel and in the 70s and 80s he moved tons of cocaine into the United States."
"The days of focusing exclusively on a single drug trafficking organization or national Mafia in the hope of dismantling the cocaine trade are long gone."
"The agony became too unbearable to endure any longer, which pushed her to admit that she was carrying 2.2 pounds of cocaine in her breasts and seek help."
"El Chapo's Empire was constructed on the pillars of drug trafficking, a sinister trade that fueled addiction and left a trail of wreckage in its wake."
"The Mexican cartels are the biggest suppliers of illegal drugs into the United States."
"Drug running does become an avenue. It becomes an opportunity in a world that seems to be full of dead ends and cul-de-sacs and very limited other opportunities."
"It was time to go after the Godfathers who were flooding the country with drugs, trafficking guns, settling scores, and laundering money for their international operations."
"If you didn't know they were cocaine dealers, you might think they were just another happy family."
"The vast majority of the fentanyl that's killing Americans is coming from Mexico."
"Drug-smuggling is not a victimless crime."
"From his position as the underboss and the powerful Bonanno family to the head of a lucrative heroin trafficking ring, Carmine Galante was determined to make his way to the top."
"The same cartels that are shooting up Mexico with American guns are also poisoning American streets."