
Life's Work Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"It's going to be my life's work. It's one of the most ambitious projects that I have ever touched."
"They don't want that to be the center of this show, but for Ebony like she said, this is my life's work. This is what I do and this is who I am."
"If I could just play a small part in counteracting the hate echo chambers, the disinfo echo chambers, and I could tilt my microphone to those voices, that is my life's work."
"Doing your life's work is about creating something true, beautiful, invigorating, or original in the world at a core human level."
"Life's work, it's kind of like an enormous slap in the face."
"Keep laboring... to the last day of our life."
"This one was definitely one of the show stoppers..."
"You have one career, one journey of work, one life's work. So, how do I make the most of that one journey?"
"The bank part is our only chance to achieve immortality."
"If this is your life's work, you work on it every day."
"Finding solutions to tough problems is my life's passion."
"If you start to move through to that afternoon of life, it's where all the good stuff that you will do really happens."
"I would say it was his life's work, but in truth, it was his life."
"If the Lord gives me another 40 years, I would have no qualms with sitting down and looking at the fruit of what we've done at African Christian University and having that as my life's work."
"Retiring is a big deal because she's worked her whole life towards this."
"It was his life's work, but it looked like fate was forcing his hand ahead of schedule."
"It's so clear to me that it made a difference and it was my life's work."
"Healing surpassed trauma, created to be your life's work."
"If I'm not able to have like confidence in the thing that I've dedicated my entire life to then what the [ __ ] can I have that in you know."
"...the calm settle over her at the bottom of it was a Bedrock of certainty that this was the work that she had been prepared to do her entire life."
"As he came to the English as he came to the end of his life, he had fulfilled his life's ambition."
"It's pretty powerful when you're around people that have devoted their entire lives to a pursuit of something."
"It is the culmination of a lifetime spent contemplating stained glass and its issues and how to make a how to make windows that really have life, energy, and substance to them."
"At the end of the day, it's a gift, man. There's nothing more fulfilling."
"I couldn't think of anything more interesting or important to devote my life to."
"My father's mission was so important to him it was almost beyond money."
"You've got a lot to do from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:20. One has enough to keep you busy."
"I look back on the work that we did on the two locomotives frankly I wouldn't trade it for any other thing that I've ever done in my entire life."
"You just dedicate your whole life to something, you know, it's your whole childhood."
"Dedicating your whole life to this craft."
"I dedicate my entire life to this."
"When it's your life's work, you don't leave it that way."
"She made it her life's work to ensure that he wouldn't, and he didn't."
"He did a great job, he was dedicated his whole life to this."
"For better or worse, I've spent a third of my life working on this."
"We must make teaching the dominant passion of our lives."
"If you're going to really give it a go, it has to be your life's work in a real way."
"It's something I have dedicated my whole life to and I'm always glad to share it with others."
"It wasn't like, 'Oh yeah, you just kind of figured out how to get forward,' it was like, 'Man, I've been working for this basically my whole life.'"
"Social justice is the root of the calling for my work, my entire life."
"You work all your life for that moment to get a chance like it."
"Insist on yourself; never imitate. Your own gift you can present every moment with the cumulative force of a whole life's cultivation."
"That is somebody's whole life... everything they do in their life is geared towards making that thing work."
"A man's purpose, mission, and life's work should be the center of his focus."
"This is a mission for me, it's my life's work."
"I've seen it as my life's work to preserve the memory and to remember."
"I want to spend my life doing this for you."
"I am right here beside you, always at work in your life."
"It's been my life... I've done it pretty much my entire life."
"Success is dying empty, saying I have done everything that I was sent here to do."
"It would cover every angle and every possible thing that the most complete reflection of the body of work that in an extraordinary life."
"This is years in the making, this is my entire existence on this planet in the making."
"Best part of it for me is working on the something incredibly hard, making this my life work."
"Everything I have done all my life has led to this moment."
"Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun."
"You are on the Hermetic path, and you're heading towards your life's work."
"I'm really passionate about cooking; I love it, it's my life."
"I don't really mind if this lasts me the rest of my days; I'll die doing this."
"You can't die; you've got too much work to do."
"I honestly think my real work here on the earth is to inspire others."
"To make the work that really can lift human spirit, that's the purpose of my life."
"Imagine that all your life you've been working toward one goal."
"Eventually, you have to commit to something... this is it, this is what I would like to spend my life on."
"This is what happens when you dedicate your life to something."
"Everything I've done in my entire life seems to wrap up into this project."
"My spiritual welfare is the most important thing; it's the project of my life."
"To your happiness, and to my life's work. They are one and the same, I promise you that."
"Whatever your life job is, do it well. Do it so well that the living, dead, and unborn could not do it better."
"This is your big dream, your greatest love, your life's work, your life's passion."
"We're moving on from this phase of our journey, we're going to really begin our life's work."