
Keys Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Heming carried these three keys for the rest of his life as a reminder of the heroic deed that freed him from the grasp of the sinking ship."
"As soon as you stop looking for your keys, like, there are my keys."
"There are two kinds of people: those who put their car keys in the exact same spot every single time they get home and those who lose them the moment they walk through the door."
"I love finding these old keys."
"I've been obsessed with keys and their symbolism which means like hope, luck, new beginnings, going into a new realm, and transformation."
"Dave and I, we're both kind of mental about leaving the RV keys inside the rig when we're not inside the RV."
"Public Key Infrastructure uses two cryptographic keys: public and private."
"For a frustration-free way to add a new key to your ring, grab a staple remover and wedge its teeth between the coils."
"It's been so many times where she called the cops because we took her keys."
"Man, it's a guy that if you buy some keys for your car, he'll give you one."
"Talent, trust, tools, training, time. Those are the keys to building a successful team."
"The keys are used to open doors so it appears that Jesus was conferring upon Peter the ability to open the door of the New Testament Church."
"The short answer is yes, every key has a different characteristic from every other key."
"Very wise precaution," said [__] cheerfully, accepting the key.
"If you know your major key, now, rather than selecting from all 12 notes, you're just selecting from a subset, like the seven. So you've instantly given yourself an extra helping hand in choosing what note to add or what note to go to."
"That's the key to true happiness. That's the key to true success."
"Zero to 60 and 3.5, baby, you got the keys."
"...your entry door key your deadbolt key and your baggage door key your outside shower key they're all one key."
"The Rhino Key: the ultimate fix for the perennial hassle of bulky jumbled keychains."
"Elven gates are activated using a key, which can be a physical token but might also be a password, piece of music, spell, or even a stellar conjunction."
"One thing with these older typewriters is people take off the keys and sell the keys."
"The treasure that you've been praying for comes in key form."
"...and then the same would go for finding the chords to any other keys so for example the key of G major we would have the notes g a b c d e f sharp and then we can number those and add our major minor formula to those as well."
"...so obviously at some point in time they had lost the keys and whoever sold them the keys sold them a key without remote start."
"The kit also comes with two Universal IQ...keys that can be generated to many different applications."
"Health, wealth, and time are three keys to a successful retirement."
"So now we understand the same shape can be used for both minor and major keys."
"I have five different keys that can stack and open that door."
"The keys of the temple were kept in a rock slab within the temple."
"You should tie your key around your wrist a lot of people ask how I did this."
"The keys to a great marriage... respect, communicate, and laugh together."
"To know which sharps are in each key is easy."
"The circle of fifths basically shows how all keys, how all major scales are connected."
"The circle of fifths gives us this kind of bird's eye view of all keys in music and every chord within them."
"Foreign keys establish relationships between tables in a relational database."
"He threw the key to the valet, said, 'You can't do any worse. Have fun.'"
"I had the key to the city, but I can tell you something, I went to the bank, didn't unlock the bank, that's a different key, yeah, you only get the key to the Parks and Recreation, you don't get the key to the Federal Reserve."
"In Japan, they got laser-cut keys, that's not square, that's laser-cut."
"If you're in the key of G, A, C, anything you want, the 1, 4, 5 chords in that key are going to be major, the 2, 3, and 6 chords in that key are going to be minor."
"On the Judgment Day, Peter's saying, 'Lord, who delegated these keys to me? I'm returning them to their rightful owner now that we're all back with you again in the kingdom."
"We got the keys in September every single day since that day there has been an ongoing argument in this household."
"I really prefer keys the way we do them now."
"Keys to the crib, them [__] cheese and it's real. It ain't cheese if it's less than a meal."
"You're going to have the key to your future spouse's heart."
"Why did it stop? Was it because my key was in the pocket?"
"You want those keys, you're gonna have to give us something."
"When you find each one of those keys, somewhere along the line, you found the key to salvation."
"We're fishing for keys, Daddy. My daddy dropped the car keys down the drain."
"The shapes and patterns are exactly the same for all 12 keys."
"Any major and minor scale will either have all sharps, all flats, or none."
"But B flat is a way easier key to think about and work within, so that's why we wouldn't use A-sharp major as a key signature or a scale."
"The key of G-sharp minor, it doesn't have any double sharps or double flats in it. It's a cool key that we can work within."
"Worship songs today often have multiple Keys sounds layered one atop the other."
"We need these for when we map over something; we want to have a unique key."
"In a couple of days, we are going to be getting the keys to our house."
"You can't walk here and see all these hanging keys without imagining what these keys opened, where they're from, and all that history."
"Dad, we found them! We found your keys!"
"We have found the keys to your power, natural power, we want to give them to you."
"You need to map out these shapes in all 12 keys. Seriously, you do."
"Before we unlock the future, we must find the keys to the past."
"The skeleton key is the master key that unlocks all doors."
"I will give you the keys of the Kingdom."
"Keys, keys, keys falling down from heaven."
"The keys to the kingdom... almost certainly based on the identical metaphor in Isaiah 22:22."
"The image of keys connotes ruling authority."
"The jingle of keys lifted your spirits."
"A sleek and innovative solution for organizing and carrying keys."
"You can change the value, but you can't change the key."
"The master key should use the even or odd even key bidding pattern."
"Keys are identifiers that help React to determine which items have changed, are added, or are removed."
"You're not done until the keys are in hand."
"These are the three keys that unlock the ultimate treasure."
"Every key has a relative major and a relative minor, so every key has a cousin."
"We're literally just about to go and pick up my keys."
"The Orthanc is locked, keys to Minas Tirith, Isengard as an enclave, and Rohan is now founded."
"Every major key has a relative minor key, and every minor key is a relative major key."
"Bloom is there looking for keys, and he's gonna find them."
"The Catholic Church possesses the keys to the kingdom of heaven."
"People always hide their keys underneath those plants, that's true."
"Keys equal time, and time equals treasure."
"Keys... they have meaning, they have lots of meaning."
"They had left 10 keys on the table nearby, but only five were needed to access one of the levers."
"Good practice to give them a key to your elements when you're iterating over an array."
"Transpose allows you to play in different keys."
"What do keys do? Keys open. What do keys do? Keys close. What do keys do? They liberate. What do keys do? They imprison."
"Prayer is a key, fasting is a key, praise is a key, faith is a key, worship is a key, giving is a key, tithing is a key."
"You can think about a map as, rather than just being a list of values, a mapping from some key to some other value."
"All keys are equal, it's just that amazing."
"Keys are used to lock things up and keys are used to open things up."
"These are the keys to positive change and that is be meticulously organized."
"You have the keys necessary to open doors in your life."
"Good manners are really one of the keys to the universe."
"You hold the keys necessary to be very successful this week."