
Emotional Extremes Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"The highs are higher and the lows are lower in pro gaming."
"It's about the personal relationships of these people and the love that they have or the hate that they have towards each other."
"It really is about the personal relationships of these people and the love that they have or the hate that they have towards each other."
"Your highest highs and your lowest lows that you are more likely to remember and recall accurately."
"But what ultimately shattered Behemoth was Mankind’s oldest weapon, its first, and its last, pure unrestrained hate."
"Either you wanna kill somebody you’re so angry, or you’re depressed because there wasn't one solution in the whole thing."
"You made me go to the extent that I never even saw myself possibly going."
"They go from 'oh aren't those nice flowers' to 'if the lord takes me now it'll be the happiest day' in a split second."
"Love can seemingly turn and devolve into strong hate."
"But what if he just pushed her to the point where she couldn't take it anymore?"
"It definitely strengthens your character... I've felt the worst of the worst and I've felt the best of the best"
"Knowing you're on the tippity top of the mountain but you're only halfway there is either infuriating or it's absolute pure bliss."
"Every possibility is 100% dopaminergically giving him a dopaminergic kick, and so it's complete positive emotion catastrophe on the manic side."
"The highs and lows of this year are absolutely insane."
"This is where people either feel really good or they feel deadly alone."
"You need to go to hell with this person in order to experience heaven."
"For many, Christmas is about tradition, connecting with family, observing faith, the joy of gifting. For others, Christmas equals terror."
"Intense interpersonal relationships: Love you, hate you."
"I've definitely had very very very low lows."
"Young love can be thrilling, sweet, and innocent, but sometimes it turns all-encompassing, heartbreaking, and even obsessive."
"It's like a rollercoaster... the hardest time of your life and the best time all at once."
"The highs are incredibly high and the lows are incredibly low."
"Things that have potential for terror usually have an equal amount of potential for bliss."
"Solitude, inner self, extreme highs, extreme lows."
"The dismantling of the ego is involved in going from peak overconfidence to the valley of despair."
"Relationships have those extremes. You can absolutely, madly love the same person you want to kill."
"Intense mood swings, rage... destructive rage."
"A few people hate you more than the person who used to love you."
"But what happens when someone can’t accept the death of their beloved animal companion? When the unconditional love of their pet is suddenly missing from their life, how far will a person go to recapture that feeling?"
"Show us the 5%: your high highs and your low lows."
"Pain and pleasure have become indistinguishable to you, and in that case, may the mighty one have mercy on your soul."
"I'm looking for extremes of emotion and experience."
"Love is temporary, hatred is forever though. That's the beautiful thing about the universe."
"Cosmic horror may go so far beyond scary that it loops back around and becomes almost blissful."
"It feels almost like a psychotic type of love."
"Death brings out the worst in people, but it also brings out the best."
"Sometimes intense love for them like your brothers and arms and sometimes just intense hatred like the man in the black pajamas."
"They'll go from I love you to treating you like they hate you."
"It's the everything or nothing that drives me crazy."
"I couldn't have put it better. When you're protecting something you love, you would do things that you never thought you would do."
"He crossed that fine line between love and hate."
"They are so addicted to you that you can act as crazy as you want and they'll still keep coming back for more."
"I either have all the emotions or none of the emotions I I can't there's no middle for me."
"The jury reached the correct verdict, self-defense is not illegal."
"The excitement and absolute terror when something answers back."
"It could be the most exciting or the most terrifying day of your life."
"I give you nothing but love and hate. A lot of hate."
"In survival, I've experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows."
"Life is a lot different when you learn that you have extreme feelings that other people don't feel."
"I just don't give a fuck anymore. It's the best and the worst."
"High highs and low lows... it's very difficult for them to have and stay in a place of more stability and consistency."
"Without those moments where you are sobbing your heart out, you're not going to have those moments where you are so happy you could explode."
"Lonely is the defining element in the writing life. You go into extreme emotional states. Well, you sometimes find yourself in extreme, very extreme emotional states, and you're alone."
"Every single day is the most stressful day of your life and the most exhilarating. You have the highest highs, the lowest lows."
"I've never experienced this type of hate before but also I've never experienced this type of love."
"The nature of falconry is that you're going to have the highest of highs and the lowest of lows."
"It's a Love-Hate relationship, bro. It's the highest of highs and lows to lows."
"Shedding tears or extremely happy."
"It's been the highest of highs and the lowest of close, and it brought us to today."
"Pat Riley once said about coaching, you have two emotions: total elation or abject misery."