
Inactivity Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Inactivity is not a solution; you need to become active in pushing this agenda of equality."
"Doing nothing is never a good idea because some people just sit around and do nothing for years waiting for something to magically happen."
"You are the creator of your world, and you're choosing to not create anything."
"They're acting like the presidency is functioning. That's what's crazy about it."
"A man's prayer life is dead when your discernment is dead."
"Sometimes doing nothing is not necessarily a bad thing."
"He loses his life with every hour he sits on the sidelines."
"The only people that should be doing a mannequin challenge are dead."
"Yeah, it just seemed like he wasn't doing anything."
"Only person whoever makes a mistake is the one who doesn't do anything."
"I'm really excited about the Republicans getting into power and then sitting on their hands and doing absolutely nothing."
"Look at this shift in approval versus disapproval for Kamala Harris and keep in mind this is with her doing nothing."
"I'm as active as a mountain goat, a dead one."
"I'm not gonna get nothing done. This is exactly what I was afraid of."
"Inactivity kills careers and it kills your Prime."
"You almost get depressed when you don't have anything to do." - Stephanie Harlow
"Dink Doink built a token that will reward you for sitting on your doing nothing."
"Just standing and avoiding nothingness, not interacting in any way."
"The worst thing you can do is to just sit there because when you do that your body is naturally going to start thinking about like its cravings or your hunger level."
"Sleep is divided into multiple stages but it's a state of inaction. No surprise there."
"If you don't make silver lemonade when you have the opportunity to, you're just gonna end up doing nothing for your entire life."
"Well we're in quarantine I'm doing nothing we're doing nothing we're all collectively doing nothing for four months guys."
"Actually, you need to just be really still and not doing much in particular at this time."
"I don't think the problem is that evil exists. I think the problem is that good men do nothing."
"Nobody else to do it nobody doing anything Caswell."
"Nothing bothers a woman more than to see her man with nothing to do."
"Spurs aren't doing anything. They're closed for business."
"Activity feeds off inactivity; the dialectic of inactivity transforms it into a threshold, a zone of indeterminacy that enables us to create something that was not there before."
"Taking a leisurely stroll is a luxury, ceremonious inactivity."
"This freedom from purpose and usefulness is the essential core of inactivity."
"We are losing a sense for the kind of inactivity that is not an incapability, not a refusal, not just the absence of activity, but a capacity in itself."
"The safest program is the one that does nothing."
"Inactive faith is not producing any results."
"Abeyance: a state of temporary disuse or suspension, not active currently."
"We just can't sit here and do nothing."
"Those people that criticize the most are usually the people that aren't really doing anything."
"Well, this thing sat in the parking lot for a long time doing nothing."
"That was just sitting there doing nothing apart from costing you money."
"Nothing gets done, the creation has stopped."
"Nothing's worse for you than inactivity."
"People hate Dragon because Dragon ain't doing anything bro, that's the problem."
"The failed Gila monster is creating no signs whatsoever, totally inactive, cool."
"Doing nothing is as much a choice as doing something."
"Yeah, from like around '97 to '2002, yeah, I didn't do anything."
"The risk of inactivity is much greater than the risk of activity."
"He basically did nothing for about a month and tried to figure out what was next. He also now has been indicted for war crimes and could not go to the meeting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa in South Africa a few days ago. He had to send a video in."
"I don't do anything. I think there's some abuse going on here."
"Physical inactivity is a diseased state."
"They're basically just sitting there."
"The biggest shame is that many of them don't really do anything at all."
"I mean I can't stress enough how little I'm doing right now because you do not."
"We've literally not done anything to it."
"If we didn't do anything at all, they'd open up even more, especially when we get cold weather."
"Most of the compounds are totally inactive in this assay."
"No joke aside yeah it's been um a very non-action day whatsoever."
"...the American Wrestling Association would go inactive in December of 1990."
"It was called birth number six and unlike the rest of peria fuel's underwater oil transport pipelines this one had not been active since 2018."
"I say this all the time but I'm not doing anything."
"Life is so complicated for a man who does nothing."
"Doing nothing is a choice, so you can choose to do it or not to."
"Most of the diseases that kill us today track back to the fact that we're just not that physically active anymore."
"Without unity, there's a lot of people just sitting around doing very little and no clear sense of direction."
"They would be viewed as just an inactive witness and they are free to resume their activity anytime they wish."
"It's genuinely been so long since we've done anything."
"The greatest risk is conferred by not exercising at all."
"A person who never makes any mistake is a person that does nothing."
"It's my lazy day, just wanna ease away, ain't gonna do a thing for the rest of the day."
"When did we reach the point where our kids stopped asking, 'Hey, what are we doing today?' because they know, most likely, nothing."
"Without any exercise, people may gain weight and become less healthy."
"I fear German power less than I'm beginning to fear its inactivity."
"What happens to someone sitting in a chair 15 hours a day? Not much better."
"What the monoliths do is simply stand and do nothing."
"Many people are much closer to doing nothing than they perhaps realize."
"An antagonist... has good affinity for the receptor but little or no intrinsic effect on that cell."
"Physical inactivity roughly doubles the probability of developing cardiovascular disease."
"What's she doing? Nothing, just sitting in the kitchen rocking and staring at the wall."
"I'm just gonna sit down and do nothing basically."
"I'm on vacation all week, so yeah, I was supposed to be filming videos all week, but yesterday I did absolutely nothing."
"He doesn't move around much nowadays, just sits on his porch, a cane across his lap, and massages the stump with his hand."
"A couch potato is someone who sits on their couch a lot and watches a lot of television."
"In the witness consciousness, which illumines all activities, there is no change, there is no activity."
"Consciousness could best be experienced or discovered through the total suspension of all function."
"The only person that doesn't do anything wrong is the person that does nothing."
"Remember the time I didn't do anything? The only time you remember time is when you take action."
"Once we find an inactive triple along a path, the entire path is inactive."
"I survived a global health crisis staying at home and doing nothing."
"Hello lazy bones, for 9 hours he's just been lying there doing nothing."
"The ship, judging by the view screen, was still dead in the water, slowly tumbling on all three axes through the depths of space."
"Sometimes doing nothing is one of the best things you can do."
"It's so relatable for those who might have had COVID and really couldn't do much of anything during this time."
"Sexual inactivity has increased amongst US adults, predominantly younger men between 2000 and 2018."
"The bigger risk is of not being active."
"Sitting quietly is estimated to be one metabolic equivalent."
"Doing nothing leads to a passionate new beginning."
"Quarantine life is we can't always be doing something."
"This is an interesting clash because neither player has played too much chess since January."
"Periods of inactivity the longer they go on the bigger impacts they can have."